program music

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program music

program music Instrumental music of the 19th and 20th cent. that endeavors to arouse mental pictures or ideas in the thoughts of the listener—to tell a story, depict a scene, or impel a mood. Moussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition, intended by the composer as program music, might be contrasted with a symphony of Brahms, which is considered as absolute music. It is so called because it relies on a “program” (an expanatory text or narrative) to explain its extra-musical associations. Examples are the symphonic poems of Liszt, and Sorceror's Apprentice by Dukas.
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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Program Music


a type of instrumental music; musical works that communicate and expound upon a verbal, often poetic idea (the program). The program may be expressed in the work’s title, which may indicate, for example, a phenomenon in real life (Morning from Grieg’s incidental music to Ibsen’s Peer Gynt); the title may also be drawn from a literary work that inspired the composer (R. Strauss’ Macbeth, a symphonic poem based on Shakespeare’s play). More detailed programs are usually based on literary works (Rimsky-Korsakov’s symphonic suite Antar, based on Senkovskii’s tale of the same name); less frequently, they have no connection to a literary prototype (Berlioz’ Symphonie fantastique). The program describes something that cannot be embodied in music and therefore is not communicated by the music itself. In this way it differs from any analysis or description of the music. Thus, only the composer can impart the program to the composition. In program music, wide use is made of musical imagery, the imitation of natural sounds, and the musical expression of nonmusical ideas.

The simplest kind of program music has a pictorial theme, for example, nature, folk festivities, or battles. In program music with a plot, the development of musical images to some degree corresponds to the outline of the plot, which is usually borrowed from literature. Sometimes only a musical characterization of the principal characters, the overall plot development, and the initial and final interactions of the forces at work are given (program with a summarized plot); sometimes an entire sequence of events is represented (program with a sequential plot).

The methods of development used in program music allow a plot to be expressed without violation of musical principles. Such methods include the use of variations and the associated principle of monothematic music, as advanced by Liszt; the use of the leitmotiv as a descriptive device, which Berlioz was one of the first to introduce; and the use, in a one-movement work, of elements of both the sonata form and the cyclic form, a characteristic feature of the symphonic poem created by Liszt.

The programmatic genre represented a great achievement in music; it stimulated the search for new means of expression and helped widen the range of images in musical compositions. Program music enjoys the same prestige as absolute music and is developing closely with it.

Program music dates from antiquity—it was known in classical Greece. Examples from the 18th century include the harpsichord miniatures of F. Couperin and J. P. Rameau and the Capriccio on the Departure of a Beloved Brother by J. S. Bach. Beethoven composed a number of programmatic works, including the Symphony No. 6 (”Pastoral”), the Coriolan Overture, and the overture to Egmont. The flowering of program music in the 19th century was associated with the romantic movement in music, which strove to renew music by uniting it with poetry. The program music of the romantic composers includes Berlioz’ Symphonie fantastique and Harold in Italy and Liszt’s A Faust Symphony, A Symphony to Dante’s “Divina Commedia,” and the symphonic poems Les Préludes and Tasso, Lament and Triumph.

Russian composers also made an important contribution to program music. Famous works include the symphonic poem Night on Bald Mountain and the piano suite Pictures at an Exhibition by Mussorgsky, the symphonic suite Antar by Rimsky-Korsakov, and the symphony Manfred, the fantasy overture Romeo and Juliet, and the fantasy for orchestra Francesca da Rimini by Tchaikovsky. Program music was also composed by Glazunov, Liadov, Scriabin, and Rachmaninoff. The national traditions in program music were continued and developed by the Soviet composers Miaskovskii and Shostakovich.


Tchaikovsky, P. I. O programmnoi muzyke: Izbr. otryvki iz pisem i statei. Moscow, 1952.
Stasov, V. V. “Iskusstvo XIX veka.” Izbr. soch., vol. 3. Moscow, 1952.
Liszt, F. Izbr. stat’i. Moscow, 1959. Pages 271–349.
Khokhlov, Iu. O muzykal’noi programmnosti. Moscow, 1963.
Klauwell, O. Geschichte der Programmusik. Leipzig, 1910.
Sychra, A. “Die Einheit von absoluter musik und Programmusik.” Beiträge zur Musikwissenschaft [vol.] 1, 1959.
Niecks, F. Programme Music in the Last Four Centuries. New York, 1969.


The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Program music in its proper sense, according to Roger Scruton, is narrative or descriptive rather than merely imitative or evocative, deriving "its movement and its logic from the subject it attempts to describe"; nonetheless, the term is commonly used more broadly to include any instrumental work that imitates, evokes, or expresses something extramusical by musical means (The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2d ed.
1:36 a.m.: River Road West, erratic driver; male pulled over to program music into his smart phone.
The concept of musical ekphrasis has--and probably will continue to have--a hard time disentangling itself from the idea of program music and the analytical discourse that grew around it.
In adjoining sections, program music is presented as comprising "symphonic poem" and "tone painting," while musical ekphrasis is related, respectively, to "music on works of literature" and "music on works of art." Anyone conversant with the analytical discourse generated by program music would have difficulty sorting Out the specific premises of each category.
Down on The Farm Program Music and Stories with Deb Hudgins, sponsored by Beginning Bridges of Northbridge and Uxbridge, 10:30-11 a.m.
Due to the scarcity of books and studies devoted to program music, any new endeavor deserves to be saluted warmly.
Slightly diverging in content from the title, Chion's book covers only some program music outside the symphonic poem, and we are promised that the programmatic symphony will be discussed in another volume.
Patrick's Day Program Music and Stories with Deb Hudgins, sponsored by Beginning Bridges of Northbridge and Uxbridge, 10:30-11 a.m.

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