Elementary Education Grade Levels & Age | Study.com
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Elementary Education Grade Levels & Age

Instructor Matthew Scotney

Matthew is a dedicated writer, with years of writing and editing experience. He graduated from the University of Central Florida in 2021 with a Bachelor's in Anthropology and a minor in Sociology. And he has worked as a substitute teacher during the 2021-2022 school year.

Understand the elementary school ages and grade levels in the U.S. Explore the goals of primary schooling and requirements for teaching in elementary education. Updated: 03/25/2023

Elementary school, sometimes also called primary school or grade school, is one of the first levels of education that young students go through in public education in the United States. Elementary students start at age five in kindergarten and usually finish elementary at age 11 in fifth grade. The core goal of elementary schools is to provide young children with the fundamental basics of several subjects (math, social studies, science, and reading) and aid them in social development when among their peers of the same age.

In the United States public education system, primary education specifically refers to the first few years of school for young children, mainly grades first to third. Some students attend preschool at a young age, usually between three to five years old.

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For every grade level, there is a set goal for each subject. For example, for kindergarten math, it could be total familiarity with numbers 1 to 20. For students finishing elementary school, they are expected to have already been introduced to math concepts such as calculating the area of geometric shapes, improper fractions, and completing equations with fractions. For science, students leaving elementary school should be familiar with the various systems within the human body and understand the basics of biology and chemistry. And when pertaining to reading and writing, they should be able to conduct research papers and work on writing assignments with outlines and drafts.

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For any person considering a career as an elementary school teacher, one of the core requirements will be a bachelor's degree in elementary education. In addition to this, many people wishing to work as a teacher take part in internships where they shadow teachers and learn how to be effective in the classroom. The most crucial requirement is a license from the state one is seeking employment. Every state has its own respective standards for licensure, so one must be attentive to the requirements listed by each specific state.

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Elementary education is the first big step for many children in the United States and their first introduction to formal education. Whether it be through public schools or private schools, these first few years are crucial for a child's development. Primary education, which mainly refers to kindergarten to third grade (ages four to nine), is the point where children need to understand the basics of core subjects and begin socializing with other young students.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What do primary and secondary school mean?

Primary school refers to elementary education between the ages of five and 11. Secondary school encompasses middle school, vocational school, and high school, ages 12 to 18.

Is elementary the same as primary school?

Primary school is almost synonymous with elementary school. Primary education sometimes refers specifically to grades kindergarten to third, as those are the first years of a child's education.

What is the study of elementary education?

The study of elementary education revolves around how to best teach young children, with a specific focus on development and learning. Becoming an elementary teacher requires a 4-year degree in order to learn how to best teach young children.

What grade levels are elementary school?

The grade levels for elementary school are kindergarten (ages four to six) to fifth grade (ages 10 to 11). Some elementary schools end at sixth grade, however (ages 11 to 12).

What are primary school ages?

The primary school ages start at ages four to six in kindergarten. And they end at around third grade, which is either age eight or nine.

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