Prijevod 'prevodilac' – Rječnik engleski-Hrvatski | Glosbe

Prijevod "prevodilac" u engleski

translator, compiler, interpreter su najbolji prijevodi "prevodilac" u engleski. Primjer prevedene rečenice: Kako si uopće uspio da budeš prevodilac, Buck? ↔ How'd you ever get to be a translator, Buck?

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    Kako si uopće uspio da budeš prevodilac, Buck?

    How'd you ever get to be a translator, Buck?

  • compiler

  • interpreter


    Kad sam završila, tražio je da ostanem kao prevodilac i treći asistent.

    When I finished, he asked me to stay on with him as interpreter and third assistant.

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Fraze slične "prevodilac" s prijevodima na engleski


Prijevodi "prevodilac" u engleski u kontekstu, prijevodna memorija

U to je vrijeme svaki prevodilac radio kod kuće te nam je zbog zabrane bilo teško međusobno komunicirati.
At the time, each translator worked at home, and because of the ban, it was difficult for us to communicate with each other.
On komentira na sastancima, u Teokratskoj školi propovijedanja iznosi žive govore — premda mu je za to potreban prevodilac — a nedavno je čak postao nekršteni objavitelj.
He comments at meetings, gives lively student talks in the Theocratic Ministry School —even though he delivers them through an interpreter— and has recently become an unbaptized publisher.
Zašto si ti prevodilac?
Why are you a translator?
Bit ću prevodilac.
I'll be the translator.
U objavi primljenoj tijekom sastanka Gospodin je Josepha Smitha imenovao vođom Crkve: »Vidjelac, prevodilac i prorok, apostol Isusa Krista, starješina crkve voljom Boga Oca i milošću Gospodina tvojega Isusa Krista« (NiS 21:1).
In a revelation received during the meeting, the Lord designated Joseph Smith as the leader of the Church: “a seer, a translator, a prophet, an apostle of Jesus Christ, an elder of the church through the will of God the Father, and the grace of your Lord Jesus Christ” (D&C 21:1).
Budući da sam govorio i engleski i grčki, godine 1990. bio sam pozvan da se vratim u Grčku, na novo gradilište, kako bih služio kao prevodilac građevinskom timu sastavljenom od braće iz drugih zemalja.
As I could speak both English and Greek, I was invited to return to work on the new building site in 1990 as interpreter for the family of international servants working there.
Jehovini svjedoci ustanovili su da se trud uistinu isplati, i to iz razloga koji je naveo William Tyndale, čuveni prevodilac Biblije iz 16. stoljeća.
Jehovah’s Witnesses have discovered that the effort truly is worthwhile for a reason identified by William Tyndale, a renowned Bible translator of the 16th century.
Goodspeed, prevodilac grčkog “Novog zavjeta” u Bibliji An American Translation, u pismu od 8. prosinca 1950. napisao je sljedeće: “Zanima me vaše misionarsko djelo svjetskih razmjera i vrlo mi se sviđa slobodan, otvoren i živopisan prijevod.
Goodspeed, translator of the Greek “New Testament” in An American Translation, wrote in a letter dated December 8, 1950: “I am interested in the mission work of your people, and its world wide scope, and much pleased with the free, frank and vigorous translation.
Prije su izučavatelji pretpostavljali da su razlike u Septuaginti slučajne greške ili čak nešto što je prevodilac namjerno dodao.
Previously, scholars thought that the Septuagint’s differences might be the result of mistakes or even deliberate inventions by the translator.
Tako se Jeronim, prevodilac latinske Biblije Vulgate, pohvalno izrazio o teologu Origenu iz trećeg stoljeća.
Jerome, translator of the Latin Vulgate Bible, thus praised the third-century theologian Origen.
Primjerice, Njemački prevodilac Biblije Jörg Zink ovo prevodi: “Bio sam ispunjen svetim duhom — bilo je to u nedjelju.”
For example, the German Bible translator Jörg Zink renders it: “I was filled with holy spirit —it was on Sunday.”
To nije važno; prevodilac to ne bi ni znao.
“It doesn’t matter; an interpreter wouldn’t know it.
Razgovaraj jedino s čovjekom koji ti se predstavi kao prevodilac.
Speak only to the man who identifies himself as interpreter.
Radio je kao vodič i prevodilac za ekološku turističku kompaniju.
He worked as a guide and translator for an ecotourist company.
Prevodilac te Biblije bio je Ulfila, poznat i po svom gotskom imenu Wulfila.
The translator of this Bible was Ulfilas, otherwise known by his Gothic name Wulfila.
Kako si uopće uspio da budeš prevodilac, Buck?
How'd you ever get to be a translator, Buck?
20 Međutim, treba zapaziti, da i uz najbolje namjere, bez ispravnog razumijevanja Božje Riječi, prevodilac Biblije mora ponekad pogriješiti.
20 But let it be noted that even with the best intentions, without a correct understanding of God’s Word, a Bible translator is bound to err at times.
Jesi li ti moj prevodilac?
Are you my translator?
Među njima se nalazio Greyson Kapininga, koji je prije zabrane služio u podružnici kao prevodilac.
Among them was Greyson Kapininga, who had served in the branch as a translator before the ban.
Ustvari, kad je 1947. Hayden Covington, iz svjetske centrale, posjetio braću i održao govor baš u toj dvorani, brat Pohl služio je kao prevodilac.
In fact, in 1947, when Hayden Covington from the world headquarters visited and spoke to the brothers in this very hall, Brother Pohl served as his interpreter.
Bit ću tvoj skromni prevodilac.
I'll be your humble translator.
Megumi je bila prevodilac
Megumi was a translator
Da li je prevodilac sa vama?
Is the interpreter with you?
Siguran sam da Komandantu Ričardu nije potreban prevodilac, gospođice Davis.
I'm sure Commander Richards doesn't need an interpreter, Miss Davis.
Sada nam ne treba prevodilac.
No need for a translator now.