prevodilac in English - Serbian-English Dictionary | Glosbe

Translation of "prevodilac" into English

translator, interpreter, compiler are the top translations of "prevodilac" into English. Sample translated sentence: Radim kao slobodni prevodilac. ↔ I work as a freelancer translator.

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Serbian-English dictionary

  • translator


    A person who translates written text from one language to another. [..]

    Radim kao slobodni prevodilac.

    I work as a freelancer translator.

  • interpreter


    Civilni prevodilac tvrdi da je prisustvovao mučenju zarobljenika.

    A civilian interpreter claims he witnessed atrocities against prisoners.

  • compiler

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Serbian-English dictionary

  • translator


    someone who translates [..]

    Ја сам само преводилац.

    I am only the translator.

  • interpreter


    Ја сам само преводилац, и не причам добро приче.

    I'm not much more than an interpreter and not very good at telling stories.


Translations of "prevodilac" into English in sentences, translation memory

Osećaj je nije prevario, i taj prevodilac nas je sve spasao.
Her gut was right, and that translator saved all our asses.
Ona i njen rumunski prevodilac oslobođeni su # juna
She and her Iraqi translator were finally released on # une
U to vreme, svaki prevodilac je radio kod kuće, i zbog zabrane, bilo nam je teško da komuniciramo jedni s drugima.
At the time, each translator worked at home, and because of the ban, it was difficult for us to communicate with each other.
Svakoj od devojaka koje su govorile španski dodeljen je prevodilac.
The Spanish-speaking girls had each been supplied with an interpreter.
Srce me je bolelo dok sam gledao kako moja žena jedva nalazi reči iako se kao prevodilac ranije vešto služila rečima.
I felt cut to the heart when my dear wife, who was a skillful translator, struggled to find her words.
Da li si ti njen prevodilac?
Are you her translator?
U sredini je engleski prevod koji je uradio profesionalni prevodilac, koga plaćamo 20 centi po reči.
The middle is an English translation that was done by somebody who was a professional English translator who we paid 20 cents a word for this translation.
Prevodilac se počešao po glavi i rekao da na jeziku nama ne može da se seti reči za „savršen“.
The translator scratched his head and said that he could not recall the Nama word for “perfect.”
Đina filozof, koja je nekako dosegla prosvetljenje radeći kao prevodilac u Tokiju.
Philosophical Gina, who had somehow achieved enlightenment while she was working as a translator in Tokyo.
Biću prevodilac
I' il be the translator
Moj prevodilac mi je ispričao njihove priče.
My interpreter told me their stories.
Olivetan — „skromni, neznatni prevodilac“ francuske Biblije
Olivétan —“The Humble Little Translator” of the French Bible
Ja sam Kim, Vaš prevodilac
I' m Kim, your interpreter
Lorejni je služila u Betelu na Fidžiju kao prevodilac za fidžijski, i ranije je sarađivala sa Dženi.
Loraini and Jenny worked together at Bethel in Fiji, and Loraini too served as a translator, with the Fijian language.
Za vas danas imam priču o tom putovanju, ali i ideju da nauka može biti jednako moćan prevodilac koliko i izumitelj.
And I have for you today the story of that journey, but also the notion that science can be as powerful as a translator as it can be for invention.
Jedan prevodilac s juga Rusije je rekao: „Fantastično je što su prevodioci premešteni u područje gde ljudi govore taj jezik.
A translator in southern Russia said: “Having the office located in a place where people speak the language is paradise for the translators.
Mislim da nam prevodilac više nije potreban.
If there's any translating to be done, they'll have to do it themselves.
Vaš prevodilac?
Is she your translator?
Nisi mu prevodilac, Moreta
Don' t need you to translate for me, Moretta
Kada završite engleski jezik u Srbiji, obično se zaposlite u školi kao učitelj ili prevodilac u jednoj od brojnih međunarodnih organizacija
If you are an English language graduate in Serbia, you usually end up working as a school teacher or as an interpreter in one of many international organisations
Za vreme rata, Karter je unajmljen u Kairu kao prevodilac i vratio se crtanju.
During the war, Carter was attached to British Intelligence in Cairo as a translator, and he returned to painting.
„Ponekad mi se čini da mi treba prevodilac da bih razumela svoj rođeni jezik.“
“Sometimes I feel like I need a translator to understand my own language.”
To je skladište našeg iskustva, i stalni prevodilac svake naše emocije, misli i sećanja.
It is the reservoir of our experience, and the continual translator of our every emotion, thought and memory.
Ovde prevodilac maršala Nevskog, ruskog vazduhoplovnog komandanta.
This is the translator for Marshal Nevsky, Soviet Air Defense Command.