Mary Balogh | 35 Time New York Times Bestselling Author

37 Time New York Times Bestselling Author

Publication Dates

Gentle Conquest—September 5, 2023
Remember Me—paperback, November 29, 2023
Always Remember—hardcover, January 16, 2024
Always Remember, paperback, June 25, 2024

News and Offers

About Mary

I grew up in post-war Wales as Mary Jenkins. It was in many ways an idyllic childhood even though Swansea, my home town, had been heavily bombed during the war, rationing was still on, and material possessions were few.


Guest Book

  • One of my very favourite authors. You even give good advice that makes perfect sense. I actually believe your books are better because you rely on your own judgement. There is also the natural storyteller factor mixed in with the solid research. Whatever you are doing, please continue!

    Mary McBride Ontario Canada
  • I have enjoyed all the books I have read especially the survivors' club series and look forward to the new Wescott book.

    Marti Woodward Elk Grove United States
  • I love reading and listening to your books, waiting on next book in Westcott family and love to heard if Elizabeth and Collin had any children . Please keep writing also about the Bedwyn family. Thank you

  • I’m so looking forward to your next books coming out this year! I’ve been rereading some of your books because as you said I’ve been looking for comfort during this pandemic. Also being ill and having to go to the hospital is difficult because I have to go alone without visitors bringing comfort. So of course I’ve reread Slightly Dangerous! My fav book. It makes me laugh and cry and sometimes at the same time! Hope you and your family stay safe.

    Beth Aronson Collegeville, PA USA
  • Your writing style is very pleasing, and you tell a story well. I was able to try my first book, which falls later in that particular series -- and still follow and enjoy it. The dialogue and attention to historical details are wonderful and suits the characters and the time periods. I used to work in a museum as an editorial assistant, so I notice the accuracy and believability, of your details. You are a wonderful writer.

    Julia Sultana Voss East Lansing, Michigan USA
  • I enjoy your books. They are like mini-vacations. But — If “The Arrangement” has another printing, you must change the instrument that Vincent learns to play. It’s not possible for him to learn to play the harp while he is blind. Harpists know what notes they are playing because some of the strings are color coded. The colors are the only way to tell where your fingers are. You can play the piano, the trumpet, the drums, or the violin in the dark, but you can’t play the harp. As long as he is blind, Vincent needs to play another instrument   AUTHOR NOTE: There are and have been some notable blind harpists. John Parry was a famous one in the 18th century and William Williams in the 19th.

    Diane Gaary Ardmore USA
  • I just finished Someone to Remember and loved it. Finally a heroine closer to my age and therefore closer to reality and believable? For me at leastNever having ever married like Matilda, I am the only 'child' left to 'look' after my mother as my siblings live in another country. The story is a reminder that older people are not 'dead' to emotions of love and yearning and that it is heartening to remember that love can come (or return) to the oldest of us! Stories of lovers reunited after decades of separation (like the war stories) have always made me teary. Thank you for the depth of insights of both characters in the book.

    Ming Chong ON Canada
  • Mary dear, I have said this to you before but after re-reading the first two books of your Westcott series I am more in love with you as an author. The prose that springs from your fingertips is exquisite. You have very few peers, if any. Austin? Maybe. Heyer? No. You never cease to push all of my emotional buttons - and that’s a difficult admission for a gentleman. Never stop. Please. Never stop. R

    Roger Chandler Surprise,AZ US
  • Just finished “Remember Love” and I LOVED IT! I had to put it down at 2 a.m., but picked it up later and finished. It brought forth such much emotion at what Devlin was going through. Love your writing!

    Susan Wright California USA
  • I love the look of your new blog. The only change I might like to see is darker print, like on this page, the text is gray, a bit hard on old eyes. But I love the simplicity. I hate blogs that are loaded with content and graphics on one page. I work off an older iPad, and lots of graphics takes longer to load, more prone to crashing, and I can get lost. It's nice to see the older Signet regencies coming back out. I don't have to stress over the ebook thing as I still have all of yours, and a few other favorite regency authors. But for others, just discovering that unique Regency world, it's a godsend I'm sure. Many thanks for decades of great reading.

    Kristin Lundgren Boise/ID USA
  • I love your books. I just finished re-reading the Simply Series which reminded me how much I love the Bedwyns so now I will now probably revisit them. I just wanted to take a minute to say how much joy your books bring into my life. Thank you.

    Linda Jackson Chicago USA
  • I always search for great historical fiction books through my library and this "new" resurgence of this style has made a long wait list. Funny that reading is a new hobby, lol... I stumbled upon your Westcott series and realized a treasure trove of series to be explored. I am enjoying my time as a flower on the wall of all of these stories and look forward to many more stories! Thank you!

    Michelle Mack Irvine, CA United States
  • I enjoyed the HORSEMEN trilogy. Was wondering if you ever thought to write a epilogue for Sophie and Nat and also Ede and Lavinia. I enjoyed their stories. If you ever had more chapters that were edited out to their story would be great to read.

  • I do believe I have everyone of your books. I'm still searching for those that are out of print. Most of them are in my kindle. Many I read over and over the characters have become friends.

    Dianne Williams FL United States
  • I just discovered this web page and realized how many books I’ve missed. Our library doesn’t buy them any more, apparently. I’m going to go to the bookstore and see if they carry them. In the meantime, I’ve just ordered one on Amazon. I love Regency romances when they are well done, and yours are the best.

    Marilyn Maxner Monterey, California USA
  • Mary Balogh’s books are my all time favourite Regency stories. These are the only books I want to re-read or listen to the audio version, and I eagerly look forward to each new publication.

    Kaye Rosnick Brisbane Australia
  • 7 new books coming out this year!!!!! Here Amazon just take my wallet

    Teresa Lyons St Peters USA
  • Mary, I am Marcie in Charlotte, NC. After being diagnosed with a begnine brain tumor I had 30 sessions of radiation to stop it growing. One of the consequences was I couldn't read for two years...when I used to read 3-4 books at a time. After diligently doing puzzles and building new brain pathways I was able to read again. In September of last year I was able to read hard copy. Having every book Mary has written I started with the heroes...Jocelyn, Wulfric, Edmund Waite,Hugo... not the heroines. I surprised myself. I still have an issue with staying engaged and Mary's books save me every time. I think I've read "A Matter of Class' a dozen times. I've lost count of reading "My Precious Rogue"...the anthologies really make my heart smile. I am aware that I am enjoying a miracle and at 81 I'm happy to do so. Many blessings to Mary Balogh and her continued genius. I hesitated to share this with you but you are such a blessing to my well being I'm taking a chance. Hugs to you and yours. Marcie...

    Marcia Solomon NC United States
  • I’m a great fan of your books and gave read all of them at one time or another. I especially love the Survivors. They are my favorite and I read them often. I also live the Bedwyns and your new series is wonderful. I have all of them and hope you keep writing about this family. They all have a lot to say!!!

    Barbara Bland Horn Lake, Mississippi US
  • I just finished "Someone to Trust" (Westcott Novel), my first book I've ever read of yours, but certainly not my last! I like that your characters and story were developed w/o including any graphic sexual content. The little bit towards the end was not untoward and tastefully and discreetly written. What a refreshing change from 98% of the romance novels I will sometimes pick out to read. I have now become a fan, and will have to start getting your other stories, especially in this series. Having missed the first 4 novels of this series, it was a bit confusing to get the family tree and events sorted out. But I plan to get the other 4 so I can get up to speed! Thank you so much, and a blessed, prosperous, and Happy New Year in 2019.

    Madeline Robertson Vermont USA
  • Mary, I had to wait a while for the latest Westcott book, "Someone to Romance", but it finally arrived a few days ago, and, of course, I have finished it already. I loved it, as I have with all the series, and I mistakenly thought it was the last. I thought to myself, "What about Harry?". Then, joy of joys, I found the extract from "Someone to Cherish" at the end so I can hardly wait for it to be published. I love all your books and have most of them, I think. I re-read them every so often, and especially love "Slightly Dangerous", the lovely story of Wulfric and Christine. Will have to chase up the two I have missed earlier in the year. Thank you so much for your beautiful writing.

    Diana Howell Brisbane, Queensland Australia
  • I enjoy reading new and rereading your older books. Fabulous people inhabit all your books. I laugh and cry with them.

    Lydia Main Niantic, CT U. S. A.
  • Hi Mary, I love your books with passion, the Bedwyns enchanted me, every character made me want the books even more. Wulf is undoubtedly my favorite and Alleyne so cheerful, without doubt the Freyja book is one of my favorite books. I started collecting your books and I like everyone

    Thallyssa Castro Maranhão Brasil
  • Every year I re-read the last Bedwyn book about Christine and Wulfric. It is the best!!! Thank you for some excellent entertainment!

    Lesley Klabunde Cloudcroft NM Usa
  • I am loving your books. They always have some of everything, heartfelt, funny, sad, sexy... I love them all. Favourite so far, Westcott series, marginally. I think I love the Avery character so much. I have never devoured so many books in such a short time. My mum and sister are now both devout followers.... please do continue. Total enjoyment for me. Best wishes to you. Loraine

    Loraine Barge Cambridgeshire United Kingdom
  • I can't wait to start reading your books! I purchased my first one, A Very Special Christmas on Amazon Prime while searching for a Christmas Regency romance novel. Now that I have looked at your website, I look forward to reading many more. I got interested in Regency romance fiction late in life after not being a big fan of some of the modern novels. I love Jane Austen and recently was discussion leader for Persuasion at my book group. I also love Georgette Heyer. Have a wonderful Christmas!

    Carol Reilly Ocean Township/New Jersey United States of America
  • Dear Mary, With many of my favorite authors, I can easily describe what it is I enjoy in their books, whether it's excellent humor or interesting historical details or exciting plot twists. What makes your books special for me is that I cannot put my finger on anything specific—I only know that I remember them long after reading and feel compelled to revisit many of your stories, neither of which I can say for most books I read. Irresistible is (again, for reasons I can't quite describe) probably my favorite historical romance, and it's the only one I've ever reread; there are so many good books out there, I rarely feel justified in repeat reads! I have thoroughly enjoyed all your major series, and I look forward to dipping into more of your back catalog of stand-alones over time. That you continue to create new and compelling stories is a pleasure and an inspiration ... and a bit of a distraction! I'm currently slogging through my first attempt at a romance, and Someone to Honor is calling my name, so I suppose I should stop commenting here and get some work done so I can get back to reading.

    Kristin Young Athol, MA United States
  • Dear Mary, I have never read an author who had such deep insight into human nature. I have read just about every one of your books. When I start one of the books nothing else gets done. I just finished Remember Love, and when I saw the start of the family tree on the front pages, I was so excited. I knew this meant the beginning of a new series. Remember Love is wonderful. I become totally transported into that world. You are an author that I trust, who will always take care of her readers' heart.

    Kathy Bates Danbury, Ct United States
  • You are my favorite regency romance author, and I often read and then re-read your books several times. The Survivors Club is my favorite series, but the Westcott series is quickly moving up in my estimation. I can't wait to read all the books in the finished series. I must admit, however, that Slightly Dangerous from the Bedwin series is my favorite book. I have a favor to ask, though. In your Westcott series, could you please give Aunt Matilda a husband in a subplot in one of the books. I've read all the books in the series so far twice now, and she's one of my favorite peripheral characters. I just feel for someone who has given up her life for her mother, and she has a romantic streak in her that I think should be rewarded with her own little love story. If you've already decided to do this, thank you. If not, please give it some consideration. Thanks very much.

    Melinda Sherbs Pataskala, Ohio U.S.A.
  • I re -read all your Christmas books for Christmas but the book I have loved the most was "Silent Melody" having a deaf son and a deaf step daughter who both played in the school band for a time. It was a wonderful book, thank you so much.

    Sue C Grant North Carolina, USA
  • Please, Mary, pull back from desecrating your wonderful writing by giving in to the trend for porn. You do not need it to sell your books, in fact, quite the reverse. Quite a few of us have decided we do not wish to spend our money on books which we must skim through to get to the good parts and past the ugly. A little sexual tension is good and enjoyable but to describe the sex act in gross detail over and over again makes us go to other authors who let us use our imaginations to fill in those details. Please, please, don't let us down.

    Janet Wallis Terra Alta, West Virginia US of A
  • I have read almost all of your books, and, obviously, love your writing. Wulfric Bedwyn is my favorite hero...followed by Claudia and her Marquis! Thank you for hours of pleasure.

    Olga Nodarse Lakeland, Florida US
  • Hello! I stumbled into your book Someone to Hold last summer and read it in one day. The day after that, I borrowed the rest of the Westcott books at the library and devoured them. From then on, it was unavoidable that I would read every book you've written. I have fallen in love over and over again with your heroes and I have cried more than I wish to admit. A notable example would be when the Wilby grandparents died in Remember me. I have even started a book club with my French teacher where we read exclusively your books and those of Lisa Kleypas. In fact, though it may be a bit pathetic, you have created a bond between Miss Josie (the French teacher) and myself that I don't have with some of my best friends. It says a lot about an author when she can make a middle aged lady with far too many pet cats and an overly bookish 15 year old cry together over the love story between Lauren and Kit from a Summer to Remember. Anyways, I want to thank you for all the wonderful hours I've spent ruining my eyesight over your novels.

    Luna Kramer-Jamet Montreal, Québec Canada
  • Ms. Balogh: Your book, A MATTER OF CLASS was my 1st experience with Mary Balogh, and I was hooked. Thirty-eight plus books later, I await, none too patiently, for your next book to become available. My absolute favorite(to this point)is SLIGHTLY DANGEROUS. I enjoyed reading your Blog on how these two particular characters were created to suit. I love the way you integrate English words that are unfamiliar to me, and I have to resource my huge old English dictionary to fully learn the meaning of the word. My own love story was a miracle--when we met, I was 21 he was 43 and married--during our initial 4 hour conversation we fell in love. When he left, the air was literally taken from me,I followed, we flew into each others arms and kissed. It was fireworks, but he was married...I went on with my life, he with his. I dated, became engaged, became disengaged, 3 years later was engaged again, disengaged again and at age 32 had resigned myself to a life of being single without love or husband. Thirteen years after we met and had that kiss, he found me. He was divorced, she had left him for someone else. We became engaged & married within months, enjoyed a loving life together for 36 years. He was a veteran of WWII. He died 5 years ago at age 92. Our love and marriage was a miracle. MFW was the love of my life and I his. Many of your written passages of love and life bring tears to my eyes, as the words are what I know and feel, but you put them into words on paper. I thank you, Mary Belogh. I am grateful you were born. ljwall

    Linda J Wall Woodland WA USA
  • I am so excited to see the books you have coming out this year Mary! I am one of those people who greatly prefer a paper book to an ebook, but I understand the physical and financial limitations of publishing. Luckily, thanks to my diligence (and luck!) when I first discovered your books, I was able to find a number of your old Signet Regencies in the used book stores, but my copies have been read and re-read so many times that they are falling apart. What a luxury to have the opportunity to purchase e-copies! The Wescott series is wonderful and I can't wait for the next installment. Thank you very much for the many hours of reading pleasure you have given us all.

    Lisa Schultz San Jose, CA USA
  • Love your books been reading yours since you started in the 80's. Your new book remember me i think is one of your best. Looking forward to new series. I agree with you there are too many good books out there to try to read something you don't like.All the best to you and keep writing! love dorothy

    Dorothy Dunn MI United States
  • A friend gave me a bunch of "romance" books to take back to the library. I had never read a book of that genre and read one of them that fell out of the bag. It was not very good, but as you said this type of book could have great or better quality. I asked my librarian if there were a better quality author of this type of books. She took me to the regular fiction shelves and showed me your books. ( Not in the "Romance" stacks. ) And that was the beginning... I love your novels!! Especially the series. Am looking forward to "Someone to Trust" and catching up with some of your earlier books that I missed. Thank you for the many hours of quality enjoyment.

    Jackie Flieg Maryland USA
  • Dear Mary, I feel like I know you, or rather, I know the characters in your various book series. They provide refuge, solace, escape, comfort and is wonderful for my mental health. Seasons greetings and wishing you and your loved ones all the joy and happiness during this holiday season and please dont stop writing! Best regards

    W A California USA
  • I'm so glad your older books are being re-released! I read the new release of "Heartless" this weekend and absolutely adored it. What an amazing book! I ordered and am very excited to read about Ashley and Emily in "Silent Melody," and have ordered some of the other older series, having read (and reread) all the Westcotts, Survivors, Bedwyns, Simply Quartet etc ("Simply Love" still remains I think my favorite book you've ever written). Thank you for all the joy you bring to our lives through your books, dear Ms. Balogh!

    Julianne Weis Washington DC USA
  • I love your books I just finished book 9 in the Westcott Novels. Loved each book am on the waiting list at the Jordan Valley district library now for book 10, you bring in your reader to accompany the person in the story ! To me you have me engaged from the 1st page and I can't wait to see what next. Thank you for giving of yourself to these books the take us around the world for the time we pick your book up until we put it only return year after year to reread Debbie Peck East Jordan, Mi

    Debra Peck MI United States
  • I love your books. You are definitely my favourite writer of Regency romances. I have reread your Survivors' Club and Westcott series more than once. A minor character in the Westcott series that I would like to know more about is Edwin Goddard, Avery's secretary. Are there any plans to tell more of his story? He seems to be able to do anything asked of him and Avery (and family) depend on him, but other than that we don't know anything about him.

    Karen Kimmerly Richmond Hill Ontario Canada
  • Adore your books! I discovered your books a couple of years ago in my early twenties and they have all become favourites since. Slightly Married was my first read and got me hooked on the rest. I love nothing more than saving up and buying your paperbacks to add to my collection. Your books are just so comforting to read. Thank you for creating brilliant stories and characters l love!!!

    Tamara A. NSW Australia
  • I would to see books on the lives you touched in the Westcot series. There are Ivan, Peter, Winnifred Cunningham, Adrian Sawyer, Katie Bennington, Josephine Archer,Betrand Lamar, Maria Wiley, and all of the extended Westcotss. We need to hear their stories. It'd be wonderful to have Winnifred Cunningham capture Ivan's interest.

    Grace Unruh Arizona USA
  • Hi Mary, I just finished Someone to Honor and now I am waiting until November when Matilda's book comes out. I had to jump back on Amazon to learn that Gil's dad has a past with her. Perhaps she is not the bore that I thought. I was actually going to skip her book, but I have just pre-ordered it...I am so excited. Don't stop. We need to hear about Harry and Jessica too.

    Dayl Salamanca CA United States
  • Hello, I just wanted to comment on the Westcott Series. I just love the whole series. I hope all the family members get a book of their own including Matilda Westcott. Keep up the good work and I look forward to reading all of your book in the coming years.

  • I have read all your novels to date as I have been a fan of yours since the 1980 s. I love all the series My favourite is Slightly Dangerous with Wulfric,Someone To Love with Avery and Anna, and now Remember Love with Devlin and Gwyneth. Thank you for many happy hours of pleasure. May God bless you and your family.

    Lenore Lortie Malabar, Arima Trinidad and Tobago West Indies.
  • I love your books and always look forward to the next one. I use to get your email newsletter which I enjoyed and love the update on the next book coming out. However, I’m very disappointed that for the last couple of years, for some reason, I no longer get your email newsletter. I would really like to. Yes, I know I can go to your site, which I do, buy, it was so much nicer to get it by email to let me know it was out and about the upcoming books. Can’t wait for your next books

    Susan S Benton, LA USA
  • I absolutely LOVE your sense of humor and the way you weave it into character dialogue. Listening to your books is a wonderful delight and always a lovely place to escape for a bit. Thank you so much for creating such interesting and surprising story lines and characters. Your writing is a real gift to us readers!

    Stephanie Alley Oregon United States
  • Mary, I have spent many happy hours reading and re-reading your books. Your themes of love and family have comforted me through some difficult times in my life and so many of your characters have captured my imagination. I was delighted to read that you are planning future books on the Wescott family. You are, by far, my very favorite author of romances and I am a huge fan.

    Gloria Sellers Morris, IL United States
  • Oh, my pardon. I have just found the Pronunciation Guide in "Longing." Thank you very much for providing it.

    Jo Madden CA United States
  • Please please release the Bedwyn saga on ebooks/ kindle. I am distraught and having read the Westacott series with its occasional reference to the Bedwyns I find it frustrating. Thank you for such a lovely way to escape life for a few hours a day.

    Rosie Dixon Sheffield United Kingdom
  • You have been a favorite of mine since I discovered you!! In my initial journeys and also the revisiting of them, your books never fail to entertain me. I just finished Slightly Sinful and cannot wait to read Slightly Dangerous, the last of the Bedwyn Family Series. Even though it is early a.m. I just could not wait to express my appreciation for this book. The "Ladies" and the Sargent are downright LOVEABLE. It boggles my mind how you are able to construct such wonderful books. I can only say "Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Keep those great books coming XXXOOOXXX

    Ann Haas PA United States
  • I just finished “Someone Perfect” and I loved every word! It definitely is reminiscent of Georgette Heyer’s writings. I simply could not stop reading and when I reached the conclusion, I was a little sad to say goodbye to the characters within. I’m already choosing my next Mary Balogh story… Thank you for transporting me to another era!

    Cathy Staton Dayton, Ohio USA
  • I am about to finish rereading Silent Melody and have had my original view confirmed that this is the most poignant, tear-jerking story that Mary has written. Her ability to engineer a happy ending was stretched to the limit, but she succeeded. Being a deaf mute in the 18th century must have been frightening, especially if this was from birth. Despite her handicap Emma manages to become the most wonderful heroine that I have encountered. Many, many thanks Mary.

    Brian Brian Veillard St. Sampson Guernsey, UK
  • Thank you for the JOY!

    Pattra Monroe Astoria, Oregon USA
  • Hi Mary, I am a great fan of your books especially the survivors club and your Christmas stories. One thing really bothers me is that you keep using the phrase " head over ears in love" . The phrase is" head over heels in love " . I thought it was because you were not British but have just found out you are Welsh!! I have just finished Only Enchanting. And it is in there a lot . Please keep writing as I love your books. Chrissy Turrell

    Christina Turrell Kent United Kingdom
  • I remember reading a book about a governess who took the wrong coach waiting at an inn. She ended up marrying a dying man and later married his ?cousin?. I can’t recall the title. Do you remember it? You are my favorite author and I have over 60 of your books in my personal library. I hope you are able to write many more!   AUTHOR NOTE: That remembered book is THE RELUCTANT WIDOW by Georgette Heyer.

    Barbara Clemens Buford,GA USA
  • Just listened to "Indiscreet" again, and every time I do I find myself yearning for Horatia Eckhart's story. It seems like her story could be every bit as compelling as Catherine's. We didn't get all 4 horsemen, can we please have Horatia?

    Elaine Seaberg OR United States
  • I have enjoyed each stand alone book and each series. My favorite book of all of your series is "the next one". I love the way your words flow as you develop your story line. Thank you for perfecting this excellent craft of story telling .

    Patricia V. Nelson Emporia, KS U.S.A.
  • (Private) Greetings Ms Balogh, sorry for the late message but wanted to give Thanks for sharing your wonderful writing talent with your readers. Your books have brought me so much joy, comfort, and such a wonderful escape from the horrible reality, where the characters are decent, upstanding, fun, with great values and ethics and awesome sense of humor. So many qualities we can use more in this world. I have been busy so haven't got time to pursue my fave activity of reading Mary Balogh's books. Very thankful for your fantastic writing and sharing it. Wishing you long life, good health and looking forward to more releases, new and old! , from you. Big Thank You

    Wendy A California CA
  • ❤ I just love to read your books.

    Pamela Parsons Tampa, FL America
  • Oh my! You have always been one author whose books I want to read! REMEMBER ME of your new series, RAVENSWOOD, brought all kinds of real emotions forward, but I have walked away strangely satisfied and am looking forward to ALWAYS REMEMBER, Ben’s story. Thank you for keeping anticipation in my life(79) through your books! You are indeed gifted in writing!

    Cass Roberson Baltimore Md.
  • Hi, I am a great fan, and have been collecting most of your novels as ebooks (kindle) For some odd reason I can't get the early Bedwyn novels as kindle, only as printed books or audiobooks. As I am deaf, audiobooks are too hard and print books seem now to be too awkward, expensive etc etc. All the best and please up the good work.

    Deb Green Queensland Australia
  • Ms. Balogh, you are a truly wonderful writer, but I have had a hard time reading your books due to the way you portray your heroes, as whoring, and promiscuous men. Even in today's world with it's flagrant lack of morals and values, I have a hard time thinking that many women would be okay dating men who thought it was acceptable to pay for sex. I find it even harder to believe that women in the Regency period would have felt the same. Perhaps I am naive or I'm just fortunate to have a husband and friends who value women as they are intended to be valued, for who they are and not as objects to be used or purchased for their pleasure. I've wanted to write to you about this for some time but hesitated, until now. Why now? Well, It seems you have changed or have taken a reprieve from your usual character portrayal with your Westcott series. I have loved this series, not only because of the wonderfully crafted stories but because of how you've portrayed the men, not as man whores, but as men to be desired and respected because their singular focus isn't about sex, but more about their lives and the people in them whom they care for and cherish. And lord forbid they should be celibate for any given period of time, as if they will die without sex, and yet you've done that, and remarkably well, I might add. I applaud you and thank you, for giving us a series of books that we can go back to over and over. And thank you for putting men in a much more wonderful light, and according to my frame a reference, a truer light. I hope that you will continue to write your men as you have in the Westcott series, for I truly do love the way you write and want to continue to enjoy more of your stories.

    Patricia Gross MO United States
  • Possible names for future books ( humbly submitted for your interest ) ....... Someone to Encourage ........ Someone to Admire ..... Someone to Desire ...... alternatively ........ A Lady to Admire ..... A Lady to Adore .... A Lady to Desire ...... A Fascinating Lady ( or else , Fascination ) ( or perhaps , Enchantment ) ! I love your books. I am working on buying every one. I could not bear not to own them all. Hopefully this will be found helpful. Desperate to read the next book !

    Alex Robb Brisbane Australia
  • Hi Mary, I just finished reading Someone To Trust . I was wondering if Araminita Scott, Lady Elizabeth Overfield ( Now Lady Hodges) best friend will get a book of her own. She and Lady Matilda Westcott deserve a novel of their own. They seem to be very strong women .........Keep up the good work...

  • HI Mary, I just loved reading (twice) The Unlikely Duchess. What a fun romp it was through England! Now my daughter is visiting me and will read it. Thank you for all the fun. Suzanne Morrison

    Suzanne Morrison Todos Santos, BCS Mexico
  • I absolutely loved 'Someone Perfect". It was "perfect". I have read most of your stories and this was one of your best. It was such a beautiful story about love and family. Ricky was especially endearing. Oh that we could all be as accepting. During this difficult time in all of our lives this heart warming story truly generates hope. Thank you and God Bless.

    Sharon Zimmer Bloomfield Hills Michigan USA
  • Dear Mrs. Balogh, PLEASE do not impose upon my battered 82-year-old spirits any more hook-nosed, amputated and/or disfigured heroes. I am not by any means imploring the impossibly drop-dead gorgeous men of many, perhaps most, romance novels -- just REQUESTING nothing so trying as Sydnam Butler, poor man. Allow me at least the fantasy of the ORDINARY, even moderate (is modest the term I am seeking here?) in appearance. (I resort to capital letters because your website does not provide italics -- not complaining, mind you, just explaining. CAPITAL LETTERS do seem, even to me, the writer, rather like shouting, and I have learned they do denote shouting to many folks -- although that's someone else's rule, which I do not accept. But then, I have never been one meekly to submit to arbitrary rules set outside myself -- as my beleaguered parents learned to their despair. sigh. (Ah, at last! My computer -- or perhaps your website -- allow me to use CAPITAL LETTERS for emphasis in some cases as well as permitting that use without the baggage many, even most, attach to them when written. Um. Well, that's my diatribe for now -- back to a second reading of SOMEONE TO TRUST and the simply marvelous soul-soothing pleasures of an utterly splendid book and author! By the way, I prefer British spellings as the ONLY correct version of the English language, but something in my computer settings isn't permitting that without an annoying red line beneath the British-spelled word. Oh well, perhaps computers HAVE come to rule the earth . . . .

    Dolores Monaco Pensacola Florida
  • I do enjoy your books - some of which I have read more than once. Is it my imagination or is there one where the man is visiting a house near some sand dunes or a moor and the woman is a governess. they meet at night outside after dinner. might be imagining it but not sure? thank you jo

    josephine Oliphant bristol UK
  • Having found you through the excellent writing in your series novels, I am now reading the ebook versions of your earlier stand-alone novels. In the front of these ebooks there is a piece written by you describing the re-issue of earlier stories in ebook versions and inviting readers to compare your earlier stories with your more recent writing. So I did. I love the fact that in all of your novels you teach a life lesson to a character that readers can absorb to modify their own lives. Your character's psychological situations are such that they can be related into the reader's own life. I am sad that they are shorter novels, but realize having to write two to three books a year must necessitate shorter stories. I am disappointed that the stand-alone stories end at a point of heightened emotions and cut off so abruptly. I had hoped for a dénouement and epilogue, to tie up the loose ends. Leaving at least two (so far as I have read)heroines pregnant and not following up the delivery and sex of the child, and if there were later siblings in the happy ever after left me feeling cut off from the story completely. Abandoned mid stride so to speak. Any chance for epilogues on the next re-issues? Thank you

    Heather Gunnyon Oshawa, ON Canada
  • Thank you so much for the many, many hours of reading pleasure your books have provided me. Please know that your stories teach love, hope, importance of family, and standing together - often in the face of terrible adversity, but also in times of infinite joy. May God bless you and yours. KB

    Karmen Brower Calabasas, CA USA
  • I love all your books. I read everyone I can get my hands on. Keep on writing so I can read more!

    Marla Butler Kilgore tx USA
  • I just got finished reading "Slightly Scandalous". I was unwell and it gave me 2 days of comfort. I have read Georgette Heyer also and I love that time period. It takes me away from this world of computers and awful news to go into a world of make believe for a few relax and dream. Thank you so much for writing your books. I will read some more.

    Betty M. Menifee, CA Riverside
  • Hi Mary. I first read about you in the Star Phoenix many years ago. Since you were also from Saskatchewan, I bought one of your books. I really enjoyed it. Since then I have read many over the years.

    Denise Quintin Saskatchewan Canada
  • Dear Mary, April 2003 I purchased your first book Slightly Married Aidan's story. I so captivated by his story, the very best story I have read in years. I purchased all six books in mass paperback. I have read this series at least 8 times because I enjoyed them so much. These books have had so much wear I decided today to purchase the whole series again new. I ordered new the last five books to replace my old set. The only new one I cannot find is Aidan's your first book. Can you please tell me where I can purchase a new Slightly Married book. Do you have a new one I can buy or a company I can buy it from. I would appreciate any help you could forward to me. I read a book a week and I have never read such a fantastic series and I am 79 years old. Sincerely PATTY   AUTHOR NOTE: This is both strange and frustrating. SLIGHTLY MARRIED has recently been republished with a new cover. So where are all these new books hiding?

    Patty Stinson Seminole, Florida USA
  • I am an avid reader of regency romances. I have read many many authors. You could say I'm voracious when it comes to romance. And you are by far the very best. I find myself rereading books that I read several years ago simply because they are just so wonderful.

    Gwen Shull Yuma Usa
  • Hi Mary, thank you for your beautiful books. I am in awe of how you create your characters, how carefully you describe their unique qualities, how they complement each other, how each character's independent story weaves them together to form their unique bond. I have lost count how many of your books I have read but I can tell you, every time I get into another story I am blown away at how delicately you have done it yet again. Thank you, thank you. Your books are a joy to read.

    Maria L Ontario Canada
  • Have read most of your books and by far you are my favourite author. Am now reading some of your earlier books and especially like the fact of not having to read gratuitous sex scenes in graphic detail which some authors seem to favour. After skipping all the sex scenes there remains very else to the book. Perhaps just being old-fashioned, but prefer to use my imagination and am more interested in the plot and characters. That is why I read and not watch TV - which I refuse to own. Just moved back to my birth province and am now able to get some of your earlier books from the library. Love the fact that you live in Saskatchewan and especially now that I live close by - strange but true.

    Fay Spence-Morrow Weyburn, SK Canada
  • Sorry to say I have as yet to read any of your books. Your posts started appearing on my page recently and I liked and shared rather a lot of them. It was only after your post today that I realized you were an author. I will definitely check out some of your books.

    Tina Townsend Kitchener, Ontario Canada
  • The day I stumbled across the Simply series was truly an auspicious one. I've enjoyed every story you've told. Your views on communication and what happiness really is are so in line with my own that I relish devouring your new works - and find much comfort in curling up with an old favourite, time and time again. Thank you. ?

    Catherine W Edmonton Canada
  • Your books are the only fiction that I have read for over a year. Except, right now, I'm rereading Jane Eyre. I was watching the Timothy Dalton version on YouTube and I had to compare it to the book (very close, some of the dialogue is directly from the book.) Meanwhile, I love your books. I think I have read most of them.

    Mary Ann Angros Pennsylvania United States
  • I loved the Survivor’s series and just devoured the Westcott series- to a point where I probably (errr definitely) neglected other responsibilities in favour of curling up with my dog, some tea and these books. Ever since finishing them, though, the story line that has stuck with me, and that I can’t let go of is the Gil Bennington / Charles Sawyer story line. I would love to read more about them and their relationship and if it develops. I loved your writing of Charles and his inner thoughts. I would love a novella of him building a relationship with Gil, and maybe Gil and Adrian becoming closer- much like Anna and her siblings did. Just a thought because I’m not ready to let these characters go! With thanks!

    Jessica M Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada
  • Help! Ms Balogh I am re-reading the Simply Series, starting of course with Lily's story. I remembered Gwendolyn and have just ordered her story...but I forgot about poor Syd until got to book 2!. I want to reread that one as well but I can't remember the title! Looks liking I'll be starting Survivor's Club all over as well. The Arrangement was a particularly touching one.   AUTHOR NOTE: Sydnam's story is SIMPLY LOVE, Karyn.

    Karyn Brown MD United States
  • Hi Mary, I am a Huge fan. I still have your books in hard and paperback and electronic. I just can’t seem to get rid of them. I loved all your series. My favorite is the Slightly, but who can really choose a favorite. I used to read books with my mom and we would discuss it after each other read them. So I keep my books as a remembrance of my mom and our joy of reading. I thank you for bringing joy to my life with your books

    Rhonda Jones Pa United States
  • Someone Perfect I felt could of been longer and just stops at marriage. Justin is amazing. I felt it's like hearing a I won the lottery....but what happened. Wonderful love story.

    Venita Johnson Santa Maria CA Usa
  • Dear Mary, Please, no need to post this, as it is just a personal note of thanks. It was two years ago, with, and under the urging of others, that I started reading Romance novels - and being a guy to boot, which I assure you was not something I had ever envisioned (O silly me). Now to preface this by forty-five years or so, this romance genre only came to my notice as I observed ladies reading them on buses, on park benches, and who knows were else. I don’t recall even my mother or grandmothers engaged in these types of books, either – would have notice that. Thus, as fast as the observations were made, and in all honesty, the genre was quickly forgotten. So, jumping forward again in time, and under said urging, I embarked into the world of reading in-depth from many authors, the world of Romance novels. What a surprise. What a learning experiences, which brings me to your books. It was the Survivor series that I had started reading of yours first – very unique, which brought me to your other series, which brought me to your individual books going back to your earlier roots, including novellas. Now I may have missed a book or two that was unavailable, however I think I’ve read near all of your work. This brings me to your writing style, your rich characters, plots, historical placements (love the Welsh aspect) and meaning – yes, meaning. From my perspective, you have been able to plumb the depths of what it means to be human – no matter the station; wealth, knowledge, poverty to abject poverty, hunger, war and trauma both physical and mental. The deps of love and hurt, and the unknown or discovery, or even rediscover of self. The depths of, to use modern psychological words, sociopathy to psychopathy – our evil and our inherent goodness juxtaposed, all wrapped up into the human constitution. You do it very well. This has been a very interesting process and you uniquely, thoughtfully and passionately, have grasped human nature as a writer. Yes, I had watering-pot moments. A quick shout-out to your most recent work Remembering Love, it was excellent. What stood out for me beyond possibly all your other books (albeit a hard measure), was in one way the straightforward simpleness of the story, with a deeper and profound focus on the question of truth and lies (the crux), and the pain and suffering that can ripple through so many lives under the umbrella of choices. This book seemed to hold particular insightful meaning so applicable to us all. Lastly, and this is something that will likely go with me unto my last breath, and possibly beyond, is getting to know and having memory of probably hundreds, if not a thousand of your characters that represent all of us in humanity in so many infinite ways. Mary, I think your gift is that you help people. With my highest regards,

    TJ B BC Canada
  • I discovered Mary’s books about 12 years ago when a friend who had just opened a second hand book shop told me to try Mary Balogh books. He didn’t have any but I checked in the kindle store and started buying them. I own every book available on kindle and have bought every print copy except those out of publication and not available anywhere, or so expensive I can’t afford them. They are wonderful wonderful stories. My favourite is the Bedwyn series. Especially Wulf and Christine’s story. I have re read it so many times!

    Felicity Wicks Wyee Australia
  • I love your books. I determine a good writer from a great writer by the way I can keep up with a story if I speed read the pages. If I consider an author a great writer, I cannot speed read without losing part of the story. I have never used speed reading on your books because I don't want to miss any of your descriptions. They paint such vivid word pictures that I don't want to leave anything out of my mind.

    Annette Chase Rogers, Arkansas USA
  • I have collected as many of your books as I can find. I am so grateful you are publishing older versions again. Believe me, I have read and reread so many of your books. I can't tell you how many times I've read Lady with a Black Umbrella and laughed at the idea of her taking on those huge men. Every series has been such a joy to read. When I first started collecting the series books, they were all out and I ordered the whole series. Now I wait on pins and needles for the next in the Westcott Series. Thank you for all your writing, it's wonderful.

    Jennifer Essary Essary Jennifer USA

  • Hello Mary, have enjoyed all your books on line especially the Westcott family. Is there any follow up to Bertram, Estelle’s twin? Looking forward to your new release Remember Me as well. Just love your style of writing.

    Fran Pritchard Tasmania Australia
  • I love all your books, I have reread over the years, but I am really enjoying the Westcotts and I am hanging out for Harry's story. Like all your other family books, the stories are great. Thanks for a good read and enjoyable escape into another time. Patricia Paradies

    Patricia Paradies Brisbane Queensland Australia.
  • Good afternoon Mary, I am an avid reader of your books .. I have purchased and read the Huxtable Series (couldn't put the books down; the plots were entralling); the Bedwyn Series with the strong characters, the Simply Quartet series and I am now reading the Survivors Club Series. In the Proposal I was touched by the relationship of Gwen and Hugo. In the Arrangement I was moved to tears with the loving relationship that grew between Sophie and Vincent. Vincent would be my favourite character. I am now reading The Escape which I believe was written after the Arrangement. I read all your series in order. Although I have not finished reading the Escape; it would seem that this storyline does not follow on from the Arrangement. In the opening pages of the Escape where the survivor's club has met for their yearly get-together Vincent is single; he hasn't met and married Sophie. Can you clarify this for me? In closing; thank you for the hours of enjoyment your wonderful and moving writing provides. Kind regards, Patricia Charlton   AITHOR NOTE:  As I remember it, Patricia, the two stories--Vincent's and Ben's--occur simultaneously over the same time period.    

    Patricia Charlton Sydney, NSW Australia
  • Dear Mary Balogh: thank you for your writing! I began reading romance novels a couple of years ago. I'm hooked. As a young person, I loved historical fiction and now, this. When I lost my library access because of covid, a library staff gave me a courtesy call (probably because I'm old?) She helped me install an ebook app. I have just finished eight"someone" books (in order) It was a piece of heaven and very good for my mental health. I'm waiting for"someone to cherish" to be purchased by the hamilton public library so I can follow Harry's adventure. You are my favourite author along with Kelly Bowen. I wish you peace, health, and happy writing. Thank you very much. Linda Moore

    linda moore ontario canada
  • Thank you for making it so easy to communicate with you via this guest book. I am in year three of reading your books, many of them for a second time, and I have loved every one of them. Having discovered you just before the beginning of the pandemic (The Survivors) was so very fortunate for me because your stories, characters, settings and history have been a blessing to me during these difficult, shut in years. I am 65 and I share all my books with an 82-year-old neighbor who is a shut in due to Covid and her own lessening mobility. She has read many of the books twice as well. Right at this moment I am reading Simply Magic and the relationship between Peter and Susanna (I'm only on page 60) is absolutely charming!! Oh, the dialogue!!!!!!! You are right up there in my top three authors of all time, alongside Maeve and Rosamunde!! And you know who I mean, LOL. Mary, thank you thank you thank you for giving me countless hours of pleasure, with so many more to come! Your books are a JOY to me!!! With my sincere appreciation, Michelle

    Michelle Tapsell Tennessee United States
  • I just finished reading Mary Balogh;s A Day for Love. I truly loved all three stories. My favorite story is the Golden Rose. It was great. I also read The Christmas Miracles which I really enjoyed as well. The Bond Street Carolers was my favorite, but all three were great reads. I should have waited until Christmas to read this book. All in all , Mary Balogh's books are all great! thank you Mary!!!

    Angela G Kirkendoll Kirkendoll Washington DC USA
  • please add my name to your mailing list for alerts about new books Also what exactly is your time period? 17th or 18th century??   AUTHOR NOTE: Early 19th century, Joan--Regency period. I do not have a mailing list.

    joan kriegstein MASS US
  • Mary, I am so thankful that you have written so many books with such passion and depths of emotion in them! I have either read or listened to most of the Bedwyn Saga book, the Westcott Series and the Simply Series. I plan on re-reading your books. The thoughts you have written about in your books through your characters are many thoughts that I have had lately. I do believe you are inspired as you write your various series, many of which connect to the others, as to the meaning of this life and how everything and everyone all connects to the same Source. Thank you again for sharing your wisdom and yourself with all of us! Nancy K Armstrong

    Nancy Armstrong Sedro Woolley, WA USA
  • My favorite book is Dancing with Clara.

    LC E Ga USA
  • My mom introduced me to Mary so many years ago. I adore her! The straightforward, intelligent characters make me so very happy! It’s like jumping into the deep end of a lovely pool of cool water on a hot summer night. Lovely reads! Thank you Mary! 🤗

    Fran Varella Topeka Ks
  • Love your books. Wish you'd write based on the next generation of the Bedwyns and Huxtables especially on the character traits of Wolfric Bedwyn and Constantine Huxtable. Slightly Dangerous was awesome!

    Tasha Coutto Mumbai India
  • Your books make me appreciate MYSELF (and no, I refuse to ascribe to a Law laid down by some Ubiquitous THEY that holds capital letters on the Internet to be SHOUTING. With no italics available, what else are we to use for EMPHASIS? Anyway, I am 82-years-old and live alone with two sweet cats, Cyrus and Zoe. I am happy to know from the postings on your website that your readership includes a hefty number and variety of individuals who love and devour historical novels of superior quality. I confess to having a passion for the English language and relish a huge range of top-quality writing. I, too, "cut my teeth" on Georgette Heyer novels, and am delighted that you "go one better" than Heyer by including tasteful sex. Taste and Class are the hallmarks of your creations, Ms. Balogh, and you make me happy for the extensive reading I have pursued since early childhood, especially since mine is not a cultured, educated heritage. Comments from your readers evince a wide range of educational and cultural backgrounds. As an avidly self-educated as well as formally educated individual (M.A. in Theatre -- and don't ever let anyone sell that subject short: theatre comprises the cultural riches of civilization all the way back to prehistoric cave paintings in southern France, as I'm sure you are aware.) Well, so much for self-congratulations! Back to bed and book! And your delightful characters and the intriguing situations in which you place them.

    Dolores Monaco Pensacola, Florida U.S.A.
  • I hardly can explain how much I love your books, Mary! The first book of historical romance that I ever readed it was One Night for Love. Since then I keep reading every book of yours and find so difficult to select one I love more. But, for speak truly I think my favorite will forever be Someone to Romance. Lady Jessica and Gabriel Thorne are so perfect. Their love is my confort history, when I ever need feeling better I come back to them. Of course that are a lot of other books of yours that hold a special place at my heart, such as Simply Perfect, At Last Comes Love and Only Beloved. Well, I could keep going, but in the end I just want to thank you for all this beautiful histories. I hope you will know that in Brazil there are many fans of you and your writing, me included.

    Hellen Bizerra São Paulo Brazil
  • I just finished, "Always Remember," and of course, loved it as much as all your books. I've read all the Westcotts and the Survivors twice. I loved Ben's story and am already waiting for the next book. I did wonder what happened to poor Bruce. I hope they gave him another job! Will Nick's story be next? I hope so, though I'm anxious to hear Stephanie's, too. I was so happy to see Bertram again! Thank you! Your stories are, by far of all romance, my favorites! Dianne

    Dianne McCorry NJ United States
  • Wonderful site! Thank you for telling us how to pronounce your last name. I always strive for correctness when it comes to names, as mine is frequently mispronounced (though. I'm not sure why). I'm now off to search YouTube for Welsh male choirs. :~)

    Jennifer Hynes Indianapolis, IN United States
  • Have every book of yours in my library!

    Earlee Young Coeur d Alene Idaho USA
  • My Mom loves Mary Balogh's books!

    Luisa Facundo Metro Manila Philippines
  • I love your books and have just finished Someone to Trust. I wish you would write a book or at least a novella about Matilda Westcott. Clearly she has a romantic soul and deserves a reward for her devotion to her mother.

    Linda Hinson Kennesaw GA United States
  • Hi, Mary, I love your books, they are perfect. I can not wait for all your books to be released in Brazil. Thank you. You're a perfect author.

    Victoria Souza Pernambuco Brasil
  • Mrs. Balogh: Will _"Always Remember", Ben's story, be published in Mass Market Paperback? I have the previous two books of the Ravenswood Family, as I have all your books--early Regencies and all the series. However, I collect them in Mass Market Paperback. Lately, when notification comes about your upcoming book, it is always in hardcover or kindle, and I anxiously wait to find out if we seniors will be able to get it in Mass Market version. Please let me know as soon as possible. I have just reread "Remember Love" and am just beginning "Remember Me". Can I assume that this series will continue with books for the rest of the siblings? Nicholas, Owen, Stephie? Sincerely, Marta Simonyi Your devoted reader Is it possible to reach you through regular E-mail? I have difficulty finding this page when I would like to contact you. AUTHOR REPLY: Yes, Marta, ALWAYS REMEMBER will be available as a paperback in November or December. I am sorry for the long wait--it is a matter beyond my control.

    marta simonyi Youngstown, Ohio 44515 USA
  • Thank you so much Mary for literally hours of reading pleasure over the years. You have been there as a constant for me as life has its ups and downs and I have as many hard copies, electronic copies and audio versions of your books as I can afford. As a fellow Brit and a historian I love how accurately you convey the tone and vernacular of the period, especially your portrayal of British reserve. Like many other readers I love the Bedwyns but rather than the popular choice of Wulf, I have a real soft spot for Aiden. As for heroines - 'Irresistible' is my comfort read of choice. We're off on our annual 'three-generation holiday' soon - to Wales - again. We'll be in Pembrokeshire this time and I'm taking my copy of Simply Love to read as I watch my little granddaughters cavort on the beach. Thank you again Mary for all the happy endings.

    Mags Cameron Oxfordshire England
  • I would be THRILLED to receive a signed copy of one of your books! Keep writing and keep making your fans sigh and smile.

    Paula Datz Missouri USA
  • I am an 87 year old retired teacher devoted Fan of brilliant author Mary Balogh for the past 20 years. I have all your books which I reread often, even though I was given a Kindle Reader 5 years ago and have almost 300 books and 150+ Audable including all that are available by Mary Balogh, (many not available e.g.the 5 star "Bedwyn" Series). The stories are all unique and beautifully written to keep you engrossed to the last page!

    Elaine Fisher Sydney, New South Wales Australia
  • Love all of your books. Have quite a stack I bought while visiting family in Denver. Trying to list them, so I don't repeat purchase ! I'm a retired librarian. And was born in Calgary, Alberta !

    Chrissy Bendlin Thermopolis, WY USA
  • I have a life worthy of a romance book. I am so in love with my husband. I just finished Slightly Married. I laughed and cried all the way through it and my husband looked at me with love each time he saw me. Thank you so much for giving all your readers a way to delve into the best that life can be. You are a marvelous writer. Thank you. Karen.

    Karen Whitehead Oregon USA
  • I just finished Someone to Remember. What a wonderful excellent segue and stand-alone story at the same time. I anticipate your next work!

    Robin Burgin Mansfield/TX USA
  • I absolutely love the Westcott Series. I am listening to them all in order for the third time. Thank you for the warm and comforting stories to read or listen to. Over and over again. Thanks, Rita Mauldin

    Rita Mauldin Kingston, GA United States
  • There are a number of posts naming a favourite (yes I'm English so the spelling is different!) character. I think that is because you do not write stock characters found in so many novels set in the Regency. So, may I put in a word for Wulfric Bedwyn, Duke of Bewcastle, as a candidate; surely one of the most repressed, socially awkward heroes ever. To create a character so unlikable on the surface and so endearing beneath without making him at all saccharin is quite an achievement.To read of him being dragged unwillingly to Mrs Derrick, while she is being dragged equally unwillingly to him kept me going through a knee operation and two subsequent wound infections. "Slightly Dangerous" has to be one of my best 'good reads'. What next for the Westcott books? Perhaps you can run a competition for the next Someone to...word, when you write the next in series after "Someone to Cherish"?

    Lynn Pollard Kenilworth, Warwickshire United Kingdom
  • Hello Mary! I broke both of my wrists in April--not good for a contemporary fine artist--but I muddled through. During my recovery, I found your Bedwyn series online. Absolutely loved it! I feel like I know them all. I just finished reading the first in your Wescott series. Fabulous! Thank you--your writings put a smile on my face and make me feel romantic. I am Italian/Hungarian--so I come by it through my DNA. And I was born and raised in Toronto--I feel another connection to you. Thank you for following your dream and giving people theirs. Such a wonderful escape in such oftentimes a very dark world. I'm a fan of happy endings! God speed. Thank you!

    Pamela Nielsen Salt Lake City, UT United States
  • Hi Mary, I am from Brasil and I love your books! Recently I read Someone to love and I'm in love with Anna e Avery! You are an amazing writer, thanks for your books.

    JACKELYNNE PAIVA Cuiabá/Mato Grosso Brasil
  • You are my favorite author. I enjoyed reading your bio on the new website. Thanks for the info on how to pronounce your name. I’ve been saying it wrong for years! Keep the new books coming!

    Kathi Wiles Tempe, AZ USA
  • I found the book Someone To Trust at the grocery store and now I love reading the Westcott books! I am 28 years old. I love historical fiction, romance and adventure. I am going to read all the Westcott novels! Thank you for writing books for us to read. I love Colin and Wren! And I love Westcott!

    Serena Steele Disney World, Orlando, Florida USA
  • Thank you so much for the gift of your stories. Since I stumbled across my first just over 2 years ago I've read more than 80 titles. Now that I've discovered your website I can see that there are still more for me to find. Yay.

    Peter Yardley Campbell River, BC Canada
  • Love love love the Bedwynns

    Daphne Amin Buda, TX USA
  • Dear Mary thank you so much for the Bedwyn series books which I have just finished thoroughly enjoying them all best wishes and love from Carole (country Victoria downunder)

    Carole Hurst-Cridge Creswick Australia
  • I love all your books especially the Westcott series. I have read "Someone to Love" numerous times. I was hoping that after Camille, and Abby found their true loves that it would be Harry's turn..nope I was wrong it was Aunt Matilda and then Jessica. Harry next, I thought? Not yet it's Estelle's turn. I really think Harry should have his "Happily Ever After "also now that he has returned from the war. (I realize that Bertrand is also waiting in the wings.) A loyal fan from Austin, Texas. Deborah   AUTHOR NOTE: Harry's story is told in SOMEONE TO CHERISH.

    Deborah Maurstad-ONeil TX United States
  • I love how so many of the stories tie together. Such a pleasant surprise to hear a character's name from one series tied into another. I have so enjoyed the buildup of these romances. I have found that what I like most are the marriages that occur on the front end of a story and then watching them fall in love on the back end as you did with Sophia and Vincent Darleigh. I love the depth of the characters. I would love a mini-series!

    Atiya Hopkins Atiya Hopkins
  • I just want to say that you are my favourite romance author by far, but I don’t seem to be able to just get your books to read. I have a hearing problem, so can’t comfortably listen to audio books. Using headphones turned up high just distorts the sound for me. Sure I can turn down headphones and just read, but for me that is a very expensive way to read books. Please is there a way to get your ebooks just to read, ebooks have made a huge difference to my life. If it is possible where can I purchase them? Regards Eileen Orpin.

    Eileen Orpin Noosa Heads Queensland Australia Australia
  • I love your characters. You make them seem like real flesh and blood people. Some writers paint pictures with there words, some make the setting or the time frame the most important. With you it is the characters. Thank You. I am very much a fan!

    Darlene Berglof Sumas, Wa USA
  • I love your stories. They get me in touch With my emotions. That is a good thing. You go so deep-- I thank you for that. I have only read a few but intend to read All your novels. Take care. Rick

    Richard Miller Des Moines, Ia. USAi
  • Ms. Balogh, I am in the middle of reading Someone to Trust, Book 5 of the Westcott series and I wanted to tell you just how much I've enjoyed reading all your books throughout the years. I periodically go back and read your books and series whenever I just want to read something that is really good and that I know I will enjoy. The Survivor's series remains my personal favorite but after, I downloaded Dancing with Clara because I didn't have it, I found that it is an absolutely wonderful story! So often authors don't write about people who have handicaps but this book was so well done that I was enthralled with the story. Freddie had a lesson to learn and Clara had the courage to do something she wanted to do, event though she knew what he planned. I loved her determination! You have given me so much pleasure that I want to thank you and let you know that I consider you a friend after the past 30 or so years that I've been reading your books. As I've gotten older I appreciate having a Kindle because, I have all of my favorite authors/friends with me along with a full collections of their books. Thank you, for your contributions to my reading pleasure. I look forward to your next book with great expectations of enjoyment. Thank you! - I love the picture of your grand-daughters!

    Charleen Bailey Richmond US
  • I have been a fan of your writing for over 30 years. Your words are a perfect source for creating vivid images in my head. I love a book where I can feel the emotions, hear the dialogue, know the inner thoughts of the characters, observe the surroundings, and, best of all, be part of the story. Thank you for sharing your stories with us because they entertain, surprise, often give insight to the relationships of our lives. Thank you for so many good books!

    Karen Gibson South Carolina United States of America
  • I have been a Mary Balogh fan since 2002, when I happened across A Summer to Remember. What a great time to discover your books, as that was the jumping off point for the truly wonderful Bedwyn and Simply series, and eventually even the Survivors' Club! I love the way you can create an entire community of characters who weave in and out of each other's books. And you are doing it again with the Westcott family. I can't wait for Elizabeth & Colin's story this fall. The set-up reminds me of my own love story with a younger man, to whom I've been happily married for 20+ years. 🙂 Many of your heroines have characteristics or circumstances that I can identify with; I think this is part of your gift of creating characters that ring true and to whom your readers can relate. Several of your books have become old friends that I revisit regularly. Thank you so much for your fabulous body of work and your ongoing dedication to your craft. And for somehow finding time to connect with us on Facebook, too!

    Kathy O. Illinois USA
  • Hi Mary, I can't wait to read your Westcott series and Ravenswood series!! I've heard so many good reviews. Keep writing! 🙂 Sarah 😍📚

    S P Buffalo, NY US
  • You are my favorite author. Please add me to your list of subscribers. Thanks

    Jeanna Massman Marana, AZ USA
  • Dear Mary I have just finished Someone to Love and as always found it a wonderful read. The characters were so engaging and I can hardly wait to read the next in the series. Have you decided whose story will be next and when do you anticipate it will be published? I found it really helpful to have the family tree at the start of the book to enable readers to work out all the familial connections. However I hope you do not mind me asking but is there not a typing error in relation to Marcel’s date of birth. In the family tree this is stated to be 1770 ans Viola’s date of birth is stated to be 1772. However as the late earl died in 1811 and Marcel was celebrating his 40th birthday around the time they became reacquainted this would have made it 1810 when they met. Also I seem to recall that Viola was slightly older than Marcel and as the action in Someone to Care takes place towards the end of 1813 should his date of birth not be shown as 1773 or 1774? I have gradually been trying to read those of your older books that have been reissued in e book format. However there still seem to be a significant number that have not yet been published in this format. I am of course very keen to read these and wonder if you are aware whether or not these are likely to be published. I have managed to procure copies of the Slightly and Simply series in paperback but some of the others are quite hard to source. Many thanks for all the pleasure you have brought me and all your other fans. Kate

    Kate Marshall Edinburgh UK
  • hey grandma i just want to say im prowd i have such a wonderful great grandma love you im prowd of you

    Mia Balogh Regina Canada
  • I have enjoyed reading your books for years. Most recently I am consumed with your Westcott series. When I read a book and wish I could have known the people in the book even though I know they aren’t real well thats when I know the author has done a great job. I LOVE the series and an so glad you chose to write it. All of the characters are genuinely nice people. And I loved the concept for the series. Thank you so much too for Matilda and Charles’s book. It was needed and you did a wonderful job. Thank you for making your books so enjoyable to read.

    Deb Dennis Loudonville Ohio USA
  • Hi Mary I love all your books especially some of your older ones. I have been trying to obtain copies of your Horsemen Trilogy. I was able to get Irresistable in paperback several years ago, from America, but neither of the others. I noticed they are available on Kindle but unfortunately not in Australia. Is there any chance they coulod become available at a later date? Thanks Anne

    Anne Oddie Hobatt, Tasmania Australia
  • I am not on a erageca historical fiction lover but your rich characters have one me over. Have you ever had the opportunity to have one of your books transferred to film because I have found them better than th Brigerton series by Quinn now on Netflicks and could easily see some of your family series so produced

    Diantha Zschoche Monroe WA Usa
  • Thank you so much for writing such beautiful books. I am reading A Secret Affair and it brought me to tears. And thankfully I have a basket of eight more of your books on my bedside table ready to read. Having already read one. I have read your books before and remembered how much I liked them. This one is especially dear to me. Gratefully yours.

    Ada Southerland Chapel Hill, NC USA
  • I have just finished reading, Always Remember. I loved it as I always do love your books, but perhaps a little more as Ben and Jennifer’s story was so very heartwarming. As I age I must say I struggle a bit with all the people and the relationships …lots to sort out but worth the effort. I do have one question for the author. Have you ever considered trying to put a map of the UK in your book with the place names located on it? I’m always trying to figure out where and how far apart peoples homes are. It is probably not easily done but still, just a thought. Please keep writing. Your books are always worth waiting for. Ps. My two favorite books in the world are Pride and Prejudice and Simply Dangerous. Love to you.   AUTHOR REPLY: In most of my books, Dawn, I identify the  county of England in which certain estates are situated. It is easy to find a map of British counties on-line.

    Dawn Deetz Ukiah Ca USA
  • Thank you! I've been reading your books almost from the beginning and I can't tell you how many hours of pleasure they've given me. In the last ten years or so I've been buying ebooks, and have been slowly replacing all the old Signets with them. Now, with the help of a pretty good text-to-speech app on my tablet, I' m listening to them as I exercise, and revisiting old favorites. The only title of yours I don't have (and have not read) is "Another Dream" and I really hope you will, at some point, release it as a stand-alone ebook. As I began writing this, I thought about mentioning my favorite among your books, but realized that it's probably the last one I read (or re-read). I'm really looking forward to "Someone to Cherish."

    Judith Glad OR United States
  • Mary, this can't be the last of the Westcott series; Bertrand needs a story! And you just introduced Maria; she'll need a story after she grows for a while longer! But I really want a happy story for Bertrand! Thanks, I'm enjoying Someone Perfect!

    k c Ohio USA
  • I have enjoyed your books so much that I have read The Survivors Club, The Slightly, and The Simply series at least twice so I guess that I should know the answer to this question, I just finished Slightly Dangerous, actually my favorite of that series, and Wulfric referred to Marianne Bonner. Have you told that story? If so, in which book? Thank you.

    Annie Nielsen Winterset, IA USA
  • I have loved Mary Balogh’s books from the first time I read “Slightly Married!” I always wait on tenterhooks for the next book she will write. I have read all her books. When I was in nursing school, I would listen to the audiobooks while studying. I’m enjoying the Wescotts but I hope I’ll meet the Bedwyns again one day. Thank you, Mary Balogh.

    Hope Kamuwanda Everett, WA USA
  • Dear Mary, I believe I have read all your books except the first. I have all the series more than once. What did not strike me the first time I read them, was the laugh out loud humour in them. When times are hard your books give me comfort. Thankyou very much. Wishing you all the best. Jenna Hayes

    Jenna Hayes Queensland Australia
  • Mary, I just finished re-reading the Surviors Club series, and I have started the Simply series again. I love ❤️ re-reading your books. I love visiting my friends again. I am excited about your new"Remember Series".My husband is fighting leukemia for the third time, So in order to remain with him I read,embroider,or craft. He is 86. The pleasure of reading 📚 helps keep my mind positive 😊. I'm excited for your next book in paperback. So I thank you for your writings. I thank God for your God-given talent.

    Judy Demers Texas USA
  • I wish I could express the joy I feel reading your stories/books. Not since Kathleen Woodwiss have I enjoyed locking myself away to read such wonderful, refreshing stories/books. Thank you for making my retirement years so much fun.

    Jo Anne Kelly Cornelia, Georgia USA
  • I have been enjoying your books for a long long time now. They all may have a compulsory happily ever after, but something we tend to forget is every character makes it in her/his unique way. Thank you for reminding

    Ekaterina S Primorskyi krai Russia
  • A pleasure to have a chance to tell you how much I love your books! I've been a huge fan of Georgette Heyer since I was a teenager but never found any author to compare. At last! I love the way your characters develop, the way they really listen to each other, the way they often think one thing and do another-- so psychologically real! There's such a beautiful moral center to the books. I think my very favorite is A Summer to Remember because the characters come SO far in development, each one and together. I also love the fact that every single one of your men and women are individuals. Even though there are repeated themes, I would never mistake the voice of one for someone else. Live long, write a lot more, please!!!

    Ann Cornell Berkeley CA USA

    AnitaJuliet Singh Punjab India
  • Just finished 'Someone Perfect' Great story as all the Westcott novels have been. PLease tell me her brother will get his happy ending. This series has been a joy to read.

    Billie Kasper Dentonk Tx USA
  • Dear Mary Balogh, thanks for your superb stories and writing skills. I love your books. I guess my favorites are "The Secret Pearl", "More than a mistress" and "The Arrangement". I am yet to find a book I do not enjoy. Best from Spain

    Marta Fernandez Madrid Spain
  • I love your book and the way so romantic and the mystery. Thanks for been such a great novelist.

    Evelyn Cortes Nevada USA
  • I just finished reading "Slightly Married". Again. I can say without fear of exaggerating that it was at least the 25th time. And it reduces me to tears every time. Thank you for such a lovely story. Your books (especially this one and "Only Enchanting") have given me so much pleasure.

    Sandra Tucker Virginia United States
  • Regency books are my Linus blanket. Recently I have started re-reading the ones I've kept over the years. I think it shows how good an author is if you can read her books one after the other. Right now I am reading and enjoying the 20 or so I have of yours. I'm missing some in each series - I suppose the ones I read as library books. Today I looked you up on line, hoping to find some new ones, and am pleasantly surprised to see there are many I've missed! I think it's time I thanked you for all the hours and days you've entertained me. I was a little annoyed in the nineties when Regencies started to add sex scenes as they seemed too far a separation from what Georgette Heyer had done and not appropriate to the era. And they can get really boring. I heard that authors have to add so many per book whether they wanted to or not. I commend you for doing it well. I'm a failed author. In the early nineties, I decided I could write one better than some on the market. I had written first draft of about 6 chapters before I spent a couple of weeks in London doing research and collecting books on the era. I spent money photocopying from microfilm. I came back to Canada and put it all on a shelf where it still stays. I thought I might be okay with dialogue but plot defeated me. I wish I had read your blog then. Maybe I would have kept trying. And maybe I should have given up on the historical events I wanted to include. Thank you again for the worlds you create for our pleasure. I know how difficult it can be.

    Marilyn Suddaby Coquitlam, BC Canada
  • Love your books, just wondering if there are any plans to get the older books (i.e. The Bedwyn Prequels) done in audiobook format? It would be wonderful for your loyal readers who listen instead of page turning!

    Heather Ward Florida USA
  • Mary: Thanks so much for wonderful novels. I have made a list of all of them and am trying to work my way through! I started in the middle with one of the Westcott series and finished those and am on the last of the Bedwyn saga and prequels. I can't wait to learn Wulfric's love story. You are such a brilliant writer and your characters are unforgettable. Thanks again for your fantastic storytelling, and all the best to you in your future writing. Phyllis Piano

    Phyllis Piano Thousand Oaks, California USA
  • The Epilogue of "Remember Me" was so touching. It was a three-hankie ending for me. Thank you!

    Laura Mitchell Oceanside, CA United States
  • Amei os Bedwyns e seus protagonistas! Todos são maravilhosos, com exceção do Conde de Rosthorn, Gervase Ashford, Dele não gostei. Achei-o um tanto sem sentimentos verdadeiros. Mas quem realmente me conquistou foi Wulfric Bedwyn !!!! que caráter e personalidade fantásticos. Eu quero um Wulf pra mim........

    Telma Dias São Paulo Brasil
  • My heart felt thanks for your stories. Because they are so detailed and richly described, I can hide from the pain of this last surgery as I become part of the story. You, Georgette Heyer, and Grace Burrowes provide escape and pleasure I so often need. Thank you, and Merry Christmas, Sandra

    Sandra McCandless Decatur, Al USA
  • I just love all your books Mary love the Slightly Dangerous book i have a lot of your books in h/b but no more room for then so going to Kindle

    Barbara Pearman Portsmouth UK
  • Your first book for me was set in the Welsh valleys and involved the Rebekah Riots. I have been a fan ever since. I particularly like your series with familiar family and friends popping up. Thank you for the hours of pleasure your audio books have given me during lockdown. I have binged on the Simply, Slightly and Survivors series.The West tots come next!

    Pat Billingham Aberdare Wales, U K
  • Why are there no Kindle or other e- versions to the Bedwyn Saga available? My home is so full of hardcopy books, that all my new reading has to be digital.   AUTHOR REPLY: Piatkus Books has the e-book rights to my books in Britain, Australia, and New Zealand. For years I (and numerous readers) have been trying to persuade them to e-publish my older books, like the Bedwyn and SIMPLY series. I can only suggest that readers keep writing to the publisher, asking that they be made available in e-book format.

    Lawrie Hodges Kent England
  • Dear Mary, just a note of gratitude. I am recently retired (late April) and faced surgery in early June 2019 for a small cancer on my tongue -- which meant cutting off a section of my tongue. All went well and the margins were clear -- meaning no further surgery or treatments except to keep a watchful eye over the next two years. My speech is clear and my tongue (aside from some altered sensation) is as good as new. Needless to say, there has been a major emphasis on self-care and de-stressing my life over the past three months. For me part of that has been to read various books of yours and to be grateful each time for your characters, their tribulations, but always a loving spirit that triumphs. Your stories have always and continue to bring me such comfort. I thank you again and again in the "ethers" as I read them. And shall continue to on into the future for as long as you write them. As far as I know, I have every one and pre-order as soon as they come available. Many thanks from a grateful reader. Big hugs through the "ethers", Kathleen LeBlanc

    Kathleen LeBlanc Victoria, BC Canada
  • Thank you Mary, for this glimpse into your life along with all of the book details. You've been my favourite author for many years and I have collected most of your print books, which has been no mean feat! Of course I also have the ebooks and the audiobooks. Your writing and Anne Flosnik seem like natural partners. for your audiobooks and are always a joy to hear whilst doing mindless things on the computer. Since I'm somewhat older than you my time is my own (at last!) so I read the print books in bed, and the ebooks go with me when I leave the house. Slightly Dangerous is my all time favourite book of any genre, so I keep going back to listen again a few times each year. Kind regards from Eunice

    Eunice Cracknell Perth, Western Australia Australia
  • I’ve just started reading Remember Me and I laughed with delight when Luc encounters Lady Rochester and Lady Morgan at a ball. Such a fantastic little detail for your fans! 🙂   AUTHOR NOTE: Yes, those Bedwyns just keep popping up!

    Katelyn Bruder Kingston Canada
  • Hi Mary,I've just read no 5 in your Wescott series,it was great,Is there going to be a sixth,I hope there is,cheers

    Sally Stuart Aviemore Scotland
  • I just finished Someone Perfect, Lady Estelle’s story. I hope we get her brother Bertrand’s story soon. It had been many years since I had read any of your books and am rediscovering how much I enjoy reading your stories. Thank you

    Alyssa Murdola San Antonio Texas United States
  • Having read and reread all your books which really helped during lockdown, I am just rereading Someone Perfect. Will Bertram have his happy ending, he has been in several books and I think now needs his own story (please)   AUTHOR NOTE: I hope to write Bertrand Lamarr's story as part of the new Ravenswood series.

    Gloria Jones London England
  • good morning Mary. I have just finished the wood nymph using the Hoopla format. I enjoyed it very much. Do any of your books touch on Helen again? I am reluctant to give her up at this time. I hope you are keeping well. I'm finding it difficult amidst the chaos of our world. your books help me no end. Thank you again Mary Balogh for you writing skills and sharing them with the world, especially here in hamilton on ca.

    linda moore ON Canada
  • Thank you for all of your wonderful books! I am on the last one! Ikes! What am I to do? I have read them all! From the Westcott series to the Ravenswood series, and the Bedwyn series, to my favorite series the Survivor's Series. Each has a special place in my heart! Your message is loud and clear in each book. Thank you. Please keep writing!

    Jaymi Hughes Wisconsin USA
  • I have loved all of your books that I have read. I'm hoping more of your stories will become audiobooks (PLEASE!!!) I also think if you turned one of your series into a tv show it would kick Bridgerton's butt 🙂

    Emily Peterson Spanish Fork, Utah USA
  • I have been reading your Survivor’ Club series. I have totally enjoyed every story. Great characters. I love the way you told everyone’s story, even Philippe who really didn’t want to marry Vincent. Thank you for the great stories.

    Karen Graber Brookings SD USA
  • The Westcott series is far and away my favorite in historical romance. Every character is perfection but I could be content for years following the lives of Avery and Anna, Alexander and Wren and Elizabeth and Colin. I’m sure it must be exhausting trying to find new story lines but I hope we have not seen the last of the wonderful Westcott family with Someone Perfect. It’s an especially fun read when they are all together. Thank you Ms Balogh… Thank you!

    Terry Rollins North Carolina USA
  • Thank you for revealing the titel of Ravenswood Book 4. After all the upheaval Clarissa had to suffer she definitely deserves a happy ending. Well worth waiting for ...

    Ingrid W Vienna Austria
  • I am so excited to have found you, your books, your history + more. My mom, Godelieve Vanaelst taught school in Kipling (about 1949 or 1950), before she married + settled near Montmartre, SK. She had lodging with a Balogh or Kovatch family (I think) -- or both. Mom spoke fondly about her friend Renee Balogh. And let's talk about WALES. I was there in 1973, and finally returned on 2019. How I love 💕 💕 your beautiful country. Now I will seek out your books, and read them with great interest. Thank you and kind regards, Paulette Lachambre PEI (and formerly fr SK)

    Paulette ALachambre Charlottetown Canada 🇨🇦
  • I just completed listening to Irresistible on audiobook. I fell asleep with a smile on my face. I've fallen in love with Nathaniel. It's ok - my fiance knows! 🙂 What a blessing to have discovered Mary and what a wonderful world of fantasy.

    Evra Taylor York Canada
  • I just discovered your incredible Westcott series after nearly a decade of devouring Regency romance novels and I am officially OBSESSED. I've read seven of your fabulous books this week alone and am willing myself to wait until the weekend to buy the next so that I can actually get some work done this week! I am thrilled to have discovered that you have an immense library and can't wait to make my way through it! Thank you for your *chefs kiss* storytelling!

    Koki Mendis RI United States
  • I am so delighted by the first book in your new series; I can't wait for the rest! The children in the family are so lovely and you can feel the love between them. Just what the doctor ordered. Thank you so much!

    Elaine Smith ON Canada
  • Hello Mary, I hope you are well. I recently mailed three of your books to my best friend Bonnie in Kelowna, The Proposal, Someone to Love and Someone to Hold. I purchased these books from various second hand stores and can you imagine the postage was more expensive than the books themselves? Absolutely! None the less, The Proposal was the first Mary Balogh book I read and it will remain my favourite. Over Christmas, I re-read several of your books and every time I do this, I find interesting items I missed the first time I read them. Some people would find this tedious but it is like chatting with you, Mary, as I feel your philosophy and wisdom in all the books I have had the pleasure to read. The Survivor Series inspired me to make new dreams after some of my original dreams were shattered, just as many of the survivors of the horrific Napoleonic wars made the best of their torn lives. The saying there is nothing new under the sun does apply to all your books, as you remind us of life's tragedy but in it's face the will to move on. Once again I applaud you for reminding all of us that our lives can change in the blink of an eye, but if we chose gratitude instead of bitterness, we will have hope. My sincere thanks to you for writing about real people in real situations not unlike our own lives today. Cheers! Gloria

    Gloria C Mundare, AB Canada
  • LOVED the secret mistress and the bonus endings! Just read the brothers for the first time and wish they were in it. Thank you !

    carrie wayne fayetteville ny usa
  • I have read all of your books that are out now. I am still looking for "The Incurable Matchmaker" - the new release isn't available at Amazon yet, even though it is the end of August. I can't wait until my pre-order of "Someone to Remember" comes. I love your characters and your stories.

    Karen McConathy Texas USA
  • You are one of the few authors I tell everyone I actually pay full price on Kindle! I lost my paperbacks in Hurricane Harvey and have now have all your books on Kindle. One thing, though; I seem to remember a Bedwyn Family Tree in my paperbacks that I cannot find in my Kindle books. I can find the Westcott tree online but not the Bedwyn. Would love to see family trees as an optional link on your webpage! Thank you for writing such great books!   AUTHOR NOTE:  As far as I recall, there never was a family tree for the Bedwyns, Lisa.

    Lisa Harper Houston, Texas USA
  • Thank you Mary for all the wonderful books you have written. I truly admire your writing, from the very first page to the very last page of each and every book you write, even though you have made me lose sleep many a night because I never want to put your books down. You have always remained on my top ten favorite authors list. Thank you..❤️

    Cindy Wojciaczyk Lady Lake, Florida USA
  • Just discovered you a few weeks ago with Someone Perfect. I have just read Someone to Cherish. I have fallen in love with you and your stories and writing style. I feel like I'm part of the Wescott family. I'm going to start with the first of the series and work my way through. Can't wait! I do have one question, if there is enough space: On Harry & Lydia's wedding morning, why did Lydia and her father and brothers walk to the church? Why not ride in her father's carriage? I felt sorry for her.

    Roze Croft Irving, Tx USA
  • I have nearly every one of your books from earliest to present day. I am working on the collection. I want you to know how much I admire and appreciate your work. Thanks for all you do.

    Annette N Annette TEXAS
  • J'aime votre écriture, chacun des livres que j'ai lu de vous m'ont transportée. La bibliothèque vient de s'en procurer un nouveau et en voyant votre nom j'ai su que se serait des moments de plaisir. Vos personnages sont intelligents, les histoires bien fisellées et les belles émotions au rendez-vous. Merci Madame Balogh! Des heures de plaisir!

    Josée Mondou Québec Canada
  • My sister and I are huge fans of your books. We live a thousand miles apart (she's in BC) and yet we individually found you and loved your writing. On one of our many long phone calls, we found out that we were both fans and now discuss and compare each book we read. Last year we took a "sister trip" to London and Bath and saw many of your settings. Now when we read we can visualize Hyde Park, and the Assembly Rooms etc. Thanks for the many hours of enjoyment you have given us!

    Andrea Nikkel Linden Manitoba
  • I found you Mary by way of Grace Burrowes. She said she was rewarding herself by reading “Slightly Dangerous.” I checked it out, read it and was hooked. Read the whole series and went on through the Survivors Club. I love your writing and would go on to share all my musing, but I don’t want to bore everyone to tears. Cordially, Sue

    Sue Feller Phoenix, AZ United States
  • I (and my husband) are avid readers of your books. We love all of your series. My husband just finished reading Simply Unforgettable for the second time, and can’t understand why Netflix isn’t serializing this book, and the rest of the Simply series. This book would be perfect for a film or a serialized TV series. Do you have any plans to film any of your books? AUTHOR REPLY: That is not in my power, Chava.

    Chava Bloom Israel Israel
  • Only Beloved and The Arrangement are my favorites from The Survivors Series. Thank you for the wonderful books.

    Editha Thompson 990 County Road 68 Killen, AL 35645 United States
  • Hi Mary! I started to read your books some time ago and I really enjoy the depth of the characters. The vulnerability of most of them turn out to be their strenght. I am from Argentina and Don't get the books in spanish, I mostly buy them on kindle and read them in english. I would love to see a chronological list of the books so I know for sure that I am not skipping anything. Sending you so much love and waiting, as always, your next book. Your last came out on november 30th, on my birthday, so lovely coincidence.

    Camila Cabrera Tucumán Argentina
  • Hello, I have now read numerous books that you have written so wonderfully. Your books are so much more than stories of two lovers. They're love stories of families and friends—and it is so special to be able to share in the lives of many generations. They seem very real. I especially like that you show the importance of loving oneself. You have a great understanding of human nature. The depth of your stories is great, showing the wonder of people and nature. There are many lessons packed into the entertainment. Bravo! My book about my friend who lost a leg to cancer, and others with differences, is now available. You were very kind to encourage me to add a paragraph about your character from Someone to Wed. If you would like a copy, please let me know. I'd be delighted to send one. Many thanks, Mary

    Mary S Worthington, Ohio us
  • Adora seus livros, principalmente a serie os Sobreviventes, o meu preferido é Uma Paixão e nada mais, muito embora gosto de todos os 7 sobreviventes. O que fez este ser muito importante pra mim, foi o trecho onde Vicent diz aos seus amigos o que ele queria que a Mãe e as Irmãs fizessem caso ele morresse. Desculpe o meu relato, mais perdi meu irmão amado em julho/20 faz 5 meses e ainda sinto muito a falta dele, antes de chegar neste capitulo 4 pagina 53 ouvi uma musica que me remeteu a Ele e pensei em Deus e perguntei a Deus como o meu irmão estaria agora e o que estaria pensando, foi quando comecei a ler o trecho de Vicent " Se eu tivesse morrido-disse Vicent,desejaria que minha mãe e minhas irmãs continuassem a viver e levasse uma vida feliz, lembrando-se de mim com sorrisos e alegria. Mas não que fizessem isso todos os dias. Não desejaria que ficassem obcecadas pela minha lembrança." Enfim essa foi a mensagem, gostaria de te agradecer Mary por ter sido o anjo mensageiro de Deus para me trazer a mensagem do meu irmão Junior, também acredito em vida depois da Morte, aqui é somente uma passagem. Te admiro muito com escritora e de agora em diante obrigada por ser meu anjo mensageiro, queria muito poder compartilhar isso com você e te agradecer, continue iluminando todas as pessoas com suas historias muita gratidão, sucessos e Deus te abençoe. Com amor Shirlei

    Shirlei Altran São José dos Campos/ São Paulo Brasil
  • I just finished REMEMBER LOVE. And it’s Christmas time. Thank you. ❤️

    Ada Southerland Chapel Hill, NC US
  • You are my favorite historical romance writer. I try to get my hand on all the books you have written. I just finished reading Someone to honor and I loved it! But I am dreading to read your next Westcott book because of the hero! Charles Sawyer Is not a hero in my eyes. What he did to Gil’s mother was unforgivable and it seems your other characters and willing to look past it! Whatever he does good does not Make up for what he did to Gil’s mom and he does not deserve forgiveness! I hope at least you do not let Gil forgive him because it would be disrespectful to his mom! There was no closer there. He could never make things right for her and only person who can forgive him is her and she is dead! He never suffered Much for his high handedness and he just expected Gil mom to bend to his wishes! He was a worst kind of scoundrel and Gils mom lost everything of value except for his son. It was her right to deny him his son! I hope his son does not give in just because of few kind words!

    Toral Shah Ga USA
  • i love the westcott series please keep them coming. p.s. when i click on "join the fan list" it takes me to my home page.

    pat riedel colstrip, MT United States
  • Hello Mary, I hope you are well and coping with the heat wave we are experiencing across Western Canada. I recently read your newest book, "Someone to Cherish", which features Harry Westcott and his soon to be spouse, Lydia Tavernor. What started as an innocent walk home turns into a lifetime commitment, again showing how fate plays a definite role in our lives. It was worth the wait to see what happened to Harry after losing his title due to the negligence of his father, further compounded by Harry's brush with death in the Battle of Waterloo. Harry's final acceptance of the changes in his life is an example for us all, to change his dreams and feel empathy for others, not an easy feat! This was an excellent read, same caliber of writing, I cried at Harry's wedding like many of his family members did as I feel I am part of this family if only from the outside. Well done Mary, it is another successful depiction of love in the Regency period! Cheers, Gloria

    Gloria Chmilar Mundare, Alberta Canada
  • Love all of your books.

    Elaine Cherry TX United States
  • Dear Mary, I discovered you in a second hand bookstore in Hawaii and have since read every one of your books I could get hold of. I reread your series over and over, they are like comfort food. I think I borrowed Someone to Love 3 times in one week- read, return, nope -not done, borrow, read,.... and it is on hold again. I too started my love of Regency romance with Georgette Heyer. I really like your life story and the fact that you have this international career from tiny Kipling SK. Both my husband and I grew up in Saskatchewan and still have lots of family there to visit. We then lived in Canmore for 38 years before retiring to BC on the Shuswap Lake. I would love to tell you to keep writing nonstop but you have more than earned your retirement so it is great that your earlier books are being re-released. I look forward to this year’s releases. Many thanks for all the wonderful stories and best wishes to you and your family for a safe and healthy year ahead. Marcy

    Marcy Rice BC Canada
  • Dear Mary, Finished your Bedwyn Series. I loved this family. They all have their own distinct personalities. Thank you.

    Janet Rice Glendora CA USA
  • I wish that The Ideal Wife was available for ebook purchase in Australia. Looks like a great read, any chance it will be in the future?

    Cj Drew Qld Australia
  • I’ve read all the Someone series…Wow absolutely loved it. The flow and depth of characters captured my heart and imagination. I’ve also finished the first two books of the Remember series. The second books ending sending tears flowing down my face. I’m devastated to learn that I have to wait until January 2024 for the 3rd book in the set. I hang on your every word Mary. Thank you!!?

    Lydia Najjar Adelaide Australia
  • Your new website is beautiful, qnd will be a real pleasure to visit often! I just want to tell you how much your books have meant to me over the years. I read them again and again and They never lose ther magic! Thank you for the extraordinary tales you weave--you are a master!!

    Donna Harsell Missoula, MT 59801 USA
  • I have read and reread all your books and always enjoy them. I just read your biography on your website and it helped me to understand why I am so drawn to you and your writing. I often get your posts on Facebook and must admit they are one of the few things that I share. I love your puns, your cartoons, and the beautiful pictures you share. Thank you for the enjoyment you have brought into my life. Rosemary

    Rosemary Stancampiano Volcano, HI USA
  • I just finished reading always remember and I loved it I can't wait for the next book in the series but I was confused about the way Bertrand was there will he be stephs future love interests and we will have to wait tell she's way older because he's still single at 25?

    Rachel Bovit NJ United States
  • Mary, I am a great fan and have read everyone of your books. I have just been rereading the Westcott series and noticed an error in the chart on the family tree. Viola is two years older than Marcel, as is pointed out in the story sevtimes. Shouldn’t their birth years be reversed? Yes. I did correct the birth years on subsequent editions of the family tree after I noticed that error, Veronica! Mary Balogh

    Veronica Traynor Montréal, Québec Canada
  • I am currently reading the last of the Someone books that are available at this time. ..TRUST, and have found one of my wishes granted. Wren & Alexander gifting a piece of the special glass for Christmas. I am hoping that the Wescotts get to tour the facilities in the books too. I am fascinated with the acceptance of women in business and the aristocracy during the Regency period. I found a fun parallel with Wulfric and Avery and their affectation with the half risen quizzing glasses...and the variety. Love your books. I have 2 bookshelves full and some on Kindle.

    Dayl Salamanca CA United States
  • This is a note from a Saskatchewan reader, written on Earth Day and a few days after the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral—‘our’ duke here in Canada and throughout the Commonwealth. I discovered your books through the small public library in the nearby village in late 2019. (Saskatchewan has a truly amazing interconnected library system.) The first things that crossed my path were Christmas themed. The author’s note in one said that you were Canadian; the next note included that you lived in Saskatchewan. Well! That information prompted an internet search which led to this lovely website and there it was stated that you had lived, married, taught and written in Kipling, Sask. I grew up in that general area, leaving for university in 1971 but remaining in the province. Given this geographic link, and the fact that you were a well known local author but unknown by me, I read more. My local library had Someone to Wed and Only Beloved in the local collection. After reading them, I was hooked. It was such a timely discovery to make as Covid descended. The library system and Indigo(on-line) have kept me ‘in Balogh’ for over a year now. Thank you for creating this amazing body of work. There are so many gems. By this point, I have been able to read the majority of your work. If one had to pick, your novels about people returning from war are probably the most gripping. That said, the Huxtable series, which is not war related, is not often mentioned in the notes left in your guest book and deserves light shone on it. Constantine Huxtable threads his way through the series as a complex and mysterious character and then, in A Secret Affair, we have the pleasure of being in his mind—and Hannah’s too. It is a masterpiece. I read (and reread) your books on paper. They are such interior works that it does not seem to me that they would translate well to film. The dual perspectives of the main characters are so interesting. There are recurring themes in your books that seem important to our time. Contact with nature is healing—your characters are ‘forest bathing’ on a regular basis. One can overcome incredible emotional pain and physical limitations and question social norms. Art and music are of great value. You can change life (all life) for the better in your sphere of influence. Animal companions can make a great difference. Love, including sexual love, is the great healer. And one final comment: I often have to stop reading because my eyes are closed and I am laughing too hard to see the text. Looking forward to Harry’s and Estelle’s stories.

    Joan Harrison Loon Lake, Saskatchewan Canada
  • So enjoy your books! Continue to look forward to your new ones!

    Mary DuMont Somerville USA
  • I have now read the first 5 books of The Westcott Series and am looking forward to number 6 & 7. Your stories are so lovely and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading them. I have a disability that prohibits me from traveling far, so whenever I can find a good read, I am very pleased. I retired in March of 2018. My mother passed in 2008, although, she taught me when I was a little girl to read and this is a gift that allows me to travel all over the world while never even leaving home. I love reading stories that take me to far away places and have allowed me many adventures without traveling. The Gift of Reading is the most special gift that my mother has left me and I am so grateful for this. I "Thank you" for writing such interesting stories that combine the lives of many through the ages. I look forward to reading many more of your stories. Happy Holidays to you and yours!!

    Susanne Pellicano West Sacramento, California United States of Ameican
  • I love your books. My dream is to have one with your signature in it. Keep them coming.

    Editha Thompson 990 County Road 68 Killen, AL 35645 United States
  • I have been a fan of yours since I retired 15 years ago when I had the good fortune to read a summer to remember well I was hooked I then read the bedwyn series simply series survivors and now the westcotts I have now 46 paperback books also the same on my kindle my only regret is that the bedwyn series has not been put in to ebooks thank you for all these beautiful stories at 75 years young I now look forward to your next release hoping it will be another series as I like to have the complete series before I read them as I am to impatient to wait till the next book in the series comes out then when I have them all I sit down and enjoy them one by one and know that I have something very special waiting to be read. so I would just like to thank you for all the enjoyment you have given me in my retirement since loosing my husband thanks mary

    isobel gilchrist dunfermline fife scotland
  • I am writing this on March 24, and I want to wish you a very happy birthday and many more! You have gifted the world, and me personally, with so many wonderful books. I believe I have read just about every one of them, and reread several of them many times over. It is a comfort and a joy to read your beautiful writing. Your characters have such depth, their struggles are so believable, and your own humanity shines through on every page. Thank you, Mary Balogh!

    Karen Loessi Karen Ashland, Oregon, USA
  • I just finished reading Remember Love and loved it. I was wondering if you were going to write about Philippa and Stephanie? It would be interesting to see what happens to Ben and his daughter, Joy.

    Martha Lee Umbach East Brunswick, New Jersey United States
  • Hello Mary B, I was looking through your book list and I can say there are some of your earlier work I did love to read. A Gift of Daisies and Gentle Conquest, if I got those right. They sound interesting, and I hope they come out on ebook. I know aot of people prefer paperback; but I have a hard time staying focused or concentrating on reading and so I love audios. The majority of your books I have are on audio. I hope maybe to get One night for Love, A Summer to Remember, and Once upon a Dream on audio. Keep up the great work. God bless you!

    Rachel Reddick OH United States
  • Dear Mary Balogh, Happy New Year..may it be Healthy, Happy, and Lucky for all of us. I have enjoyed reading your printed works for many many years and look forward to your newsletters letting us know a new book is on tap. I just finished "Someone Perfect" and enjoyed the chain of events in the story of Estelle and Justin the Earl and how they resolved their personal issues. I do hope that Bertrand, Estelle's twin brother, will have his story in a future Westcott book. I did see that there is a new series coming out this year "Ravenswood" and look forward to it. Thank you for giving me so many hours of pleasurable reading.

    Anita Goldbaum North Hills, CA USA
  • Hi! I wanted to thank you for starting to offer a few of your ebooks discounted. I love your writing and have every printed novel you have written. Now that my eyes are failing (damn age) I need to get all your books on my Kindle and love it when I can get one at a discount. If there are other places besides book bub where I can see ebook discounts I would love to know. Thanks so much. Can't wait for the next book! Tinamarie

    TINAMARIE FOWLER Utah United States
  • Hello Mary I have read all of your books and I have re-read them more than once.I would like a story about the blind daughter from the simply series and about David Jewel. What happen to the school after Eleanor married.I would love to see the Bedwyns with the Westscotts and so on and so forth. It is said that the Aristocracy was small so they all could have met doing the season.Your books are educational and exciting. I have impressed my family with all the knowledge about Queen Elizabeth and her family along with the rules that are still being followed today.

    Joeann Prioleau Hopkins United states
  • I needed to see the Ware family tree, I was getting confused with the Westcott’s! As most of my books are now kindle ebooks, the family trees do not appear clearly. I look forward to reading the new part of the Ware’s story in January. L xx

    Lisanne Valente Edinburgh Scotland
  • dear Mary Balogh I do so much enjoy you books there are several series that I have enjoyed and could hardly wait for the next book to come out I'm enjoying the Wescott family series right now and look forward to each new book. you make your story's come alive, I hope to enjoy reading you books for many more years to come. sincerely one of your fans

    laura maraman taylorsville USA
  • I love Mary’s books and have read nearly all of them throughout the years! Im now just making my way through the last few I haven’t read yet and rereading some of my favorites, buying many of them on Kindle. I’m so sorry to make this critique here but I’m not sure where else to submit it: on the Kindle version of many of Mary’s books, there are just so many typos; many sentences are without punctuation, etc. 🙁 I know Mary is a stickler for grammar so this is very surprising to me and also distracting from the excellent storytelling. Please update these digital books so they are as enjoyable to read as the print versions! ❤️

    JANELLE ZANDER Erie, Colorado United States
  • I am reading the last of Mary’s books in the SanFrancisco library… 47 of them. This one as. With most of them I bought years ago and passed on to local libraries for their book sales. I read these on my phone. Or on my Kindle. And Jo Beverly’s 45 or so as well. “What I did new during Covid.

    Deesha Davis SanFrancisco USA
  • Dear Mary I am writing in response to your request to let you know how I enjoyed the re-release of The Notorious Rake and A Counterfeit Betrothal. Loved them both. I have read most of your books. Although it is almost impossible to choose a favourite, I would have to say it is Slightly Dangerous. I laughed out loud on a regular basis as poor Bewcastle was finally felled by love for someone so allegedly unsuitable. LOL I know you are from Wales and thought you might enjoy this Good News story about the Maths Whisperer from Cardiff. Here's the link.

    Welsh Teacher Hailed as ‘Math Whisperer‘ After All His Students Got an A+ on Tricky Exam
    Keep writing, Girlfriend. Thank you for all the joy your books have brought into my life. Hugs Lydia Smith

    Lydia Smith Cobourg Ontario Canada
  • Here we are in Cape May, NJ locked down due to the Corona thing. Since most of the world is struggling to survive this "bug", I figured it might be a good idea to reread The Survivors Club stories. I am up to Ralph and thoroughly enjoying the second time around with these wonderful characters. Thanks

    Rebecca McCaughey Rebecca USA
  • HELLO, JUST finished reading REMEMBER LOVE......... GREAT NEW SERIES...... WHO in the Ware family will you write next.... Will it be Nick Ware, Phippia or Ben Ellis..... I hope you write a new love for Ben Ellis because I think he is a great character and he deserves and new love for himself and a new mom for his daughter Joy..... Will the new series be about the Ware kids Nick, Phippa, Owen and Stephaine...... ALSO, as for HarrY Wescott when will he get his book. He is the last of the Westcott and he still does not have a book of his own..... PLEASE GIVE HARRY HIS STORY....... KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK RM

  • 'The Horsemen' trilogy - what superb characters - no wonder they were called 'The Four Horsemen of the Acropolis'. In the third book, for one awful moment, I thought Sir Nathaniel wasn't going to marry Sophie - that would have been a tragedy, but in the style of M/s Balogh, all things work out well in the end but how we get to the end, is intriguing and all books by this splendid Author, are page turners. Once again, my sincere thanks for many wonderful hours with my head in one of your books.

    Christina Ponder Tea Gardens Australia
  • Not a new writer but I am always writing something new. Never published though.

    Tina Townsend Kitchener, Ontario Canada
  • I first came across your writing with the Westcott series and thoroughly enjoyed it. And I have to totally agree with the comments made about the Ravenwood series. I am listening to it now on Audible and am on Book 2 and am loving these stories too. I am hoping that this series continues on and is not stopping at book 3. There are so many loveable characters and I want to know their stories too - especially Stephanie. Or will the mom of the family find true/real love, a 2nd chance? Is there a place to go to find out about release dates? Anyway - thank you for sharing your wonderful talents with the rest of us. AUTHOR REPLY:  ALWAYS REMEMBER (Ben's story) will be out as a paperback before Christmas, Kari. REMEMBER WHEN, Clarissa's story, will be out as a hardcover in January. I must update my web site soon!

    Kari Cox Utah United States
  • I have so enjoyed the Westcott series. I feel like we need one more book to wrap up all the main characters. Anna was expecting her fifth child(maybe twins?) and Jessica was sick with her second child. You hinted that Harry and Lydia were expecting too. Do you plan to write one final book in the Westcott series so we know if Anna and Avery had another boy? Love the whole family and every one of the books! Thank you!

    Terry Rollins Clyde, NC USA
  • Just discovered your books Mary! What an antidote to Covid-19! I am from North Wales near Barmouth and immigrated to Canada 50 years ago. We are the same age, post war babies, brought up studying the classics and singing penillion. I look forward to enjoying every book you have written.

    Gwyneth Norton-Wilks B.C. (Victoria) Canada
  • I just finished Someone Perfect and lived the bond between the twins Estelle and Bertrand and wondered if you had twins in the family you based the relationship on? Looking forward to reading Bertrand’s story. Thank you for your books.

    Marie Greathouse Ohio USA
  • We met many years ago in Orange County, CA, when I was president of that county's RWA Chapter. We had a lovely chat about interior monologs in which I told you that I so admired how perfectly you wrote them--no too long, not too fussy, psychologically astute, etc. That in my books, I was always worried that I was either over- or underwriting them and you said you always worried about yours also. It was a memorable day, sometime back in the 1990's, and I thank you for it. I now re-read your entire oeuvre every few years. We are the same age, you and I, and I also now listen to the books while I do my daily nature walks. It is an entirely different experience and I am grateful for it. I thank you for your characters, the lessons they all need to learn, and your gift of creating lasting works of literature. Diane Pershing

    diane pershing CA United States
  • I have enjoyed reading the Westcott series immensely and will now look out for your two latest releases which I found on this web site. Georgette Heyer and Jane Austin are my inspiration and I have recently taken the plunge and written two romance novels set in Regency England. I am in the process of setting up a web page and blog and searched for authors who I enjoy. Your web site is clear, easy to use and inspiring. Thank you for being a role model.

    Lynne Wong South Australia Australia
  • Will Bertram Lamarr have his own book? I just finished rereading the Westcott series and would so enjoy a book about him. Thanks, Bernadette

    Bernadette Zajac Colorado Springs, CO USA
  • I started reading your Westcott series recently and couldn't put them down. I was hooked with the first one. I can't wait for the final one in the series to be finished and available for us to read. Since I want to read books from the beginning, I do the same with books in a series. So I am going back to the 19880s to pick up the first book you published. Thank you for sharing you gift. Kate Limbocker

    Kate Limbocker Anchor Point, AK US
  • Just picked up Someone to Trust, hope it's not the last book in the series 🙁 Which book is next to be released? LOVE your books!

    June Capasso Yardley, PA USA
  • I just discovered books by Mary at our public library. I recognized the name Balogh because as a child I spent most summers at my grandparents in Kipling. I never dreamt that this talented lady was from the town where my best childhood memories occurred. Such a special treat to discover this hidden gem in our own neck of the woods!

    Sheila Miller Saskatchewan Canada
  • I have been reading your books for many years, and I have just finished Remember Love. I come from a large family, and I am always fascinated by the way you portray the dynamics between the different family members. How they all relate to each other. How they know each other in a way that no one, outside the family, will ever be able to. Never more so than in the personage of Wulfric Bedwyn, the oldest and head of his family. He understood the wants and needs of his siblings, and he constantly sought to obtain what would bring them happiness. The oldest is often separated from the rest of his siblings by their role as substitute parent. Wulfric was not known by his family till he found love outside of it.

    Rebecca Bilbrey White House, Tn United States
  • Loved all your books, can anyone tell me if 'Someone to trust' is the last in the Westcott series

  • Thank you for your wonderful books! I own them all and reread and reread them. I got distracted from them for the first time in a long time by the books of Robert Macfarlane. Have you read his books? Mountains of the Mind, The Wild Places, The Old Ways, and Underland. I think you would like them. He is articulate, poetic, and meditative in describing his wanderings around Britain and Ireland. Mountains of the Mind describes the history of man's interest in and then compulsion to climb Everest. The others are more about Britain. I'm learning a whole new vocabulary! He has a good interview on YouTube. I enjoyed this one: Thank you, Mary, for creating so many wonderful characters and character studies! Anne Johnson

    Anne Johnson Fort Collins, Colorado United States
  • Hi Mary, I am currently re reading and enjoying new books I have missed on published dates. I have just finished the two Bedwyn prequel and want to re read the Bedwyn saga but I can’t find them on kindle. I must have read this series originally as physical books but since converting to kindle I now only read in digital format. Can you please tell me if the Bedwyn Saga has in fact been released in digital format? Thank you. Jenny PS I am getting a lot of renewed enjoyment reading the Westcott series at the moment.

    Jenny Wilby Scarborough England
  • You have quickly become my favorite romance writer. I look forward to reading all of your series. I read them and enjoy listening to them through Audible. However, I cannot seem to find the Bedwyn Prequels available in Audible, though. Will they be in the future?

    Jennifer Barnasevitch Beaver Meadows, PA USA
  • Dear Mary, I discovered your books after watching "The Bridgertons" on Netflix at Christmas. I had not read historical romance since I was 17, more than 40 years ago. Surely, the pandemic and lockdown situation in France have had a very depressing effect on me and I was in great need of some lovely love stories. So, I started with "The secret pearl", then went on with "The Huxtables" series (Constantin being my favorite ! )... and I just couldn't get enough of your books ; I kept on devouring the "Slightly" series and the "Simply Quartet" one. I am now half through Simply Perfect and I am trying to slow down my reading because I don't want it to end ; I am afraid of leaving all those characters that have become my friends. I have laughed and I have cried with them ; I was deeply touched by Sydnam and Anne's story, and of course, I fell in love with Wulfric. For sure, it would be great to have one of your series turned into a TV show one day ! Thank you so much for making my life brighter. Take care !

    Cathy Schindowsky Castets France
  • Love the new website! Keeping up with your prolific writing can be tough some times...I can’t always read as quickly as you can’t write. ?

    Michelle Long Hershey US
  • Dear Mary, Thanks for all the wonderful stories. I've tried to read or listen to all that I could get my hands on. Love the Wescotts and Simply series but are of your books are great. BTW my birthday is 3/24 too 😊 keep the stories coming please much appreciation and love! Charlotte

    CHARLOTTE OXLEY MI United States
  • SILENT MELODY reached into my guts, clutched them with both fists and would not let me go.

    Dolores Monaco Pensacola, Florida U.S.
  • I'm a huge fan and have read most of your books. I'm so pleased that Amazon has digitalized your older, out-of-print novels. I was one of those fans haunting every used bookstore for old copies, always carrying a list in my purse! I sent feedback to Amazon about this but thought you would enjoy a chuckle. I just finished reading "A Day for Love"- A collection of short stories. One story has been incorrectly titled "A Substitute Ghost" instead of "A Substitute Guest"! I laughed when I saw it as there's no ghost in the book! Hopefully Amazon will be able to fix it. I hope you enjoyed a laugh too.

    Lorna Boseley Vancouver, BC Canada
  • I have read, "The Best Gift" countless times. The story is wonderful and I never tire of it. Do you plan on writing about Jane finding out the identities of her birth parents?   I am so glad you enjoyed that novella, Jeanetta. I doubt I will write a sequel to the story. Mary Balogh

    Jeanetta Freeman NY United States
  • Hi Mary, Hope you have had a wonderful holiday. I am in the middle of Passover. I read ALL your books. The one I hope you will publish as an e book this year is Gentle Conquest. I have been waiting forever. Absolutely love your writing. Stay safe and well. Esther Chereck (Devoted fan)

    Esther Chereck Illinois United States
  • In the Westcott series, both Bertrand LaMarr and Winifred Cunningham are left unattached. Will your readers see stories for either of these two in the future? I'm just curious. I must also add that I have been reading (and loving) your books for over thirty years. Thank you for the years of entertainment.

    Sharyn Rogers Lynn, Massachusetts USA
  • Hello Mary, I am a 62 years aged engineer and, as you can imagine, I am not the kind of person that reads your books, nevertheless I really want to thank you because my wife Simonetta definitely loves them and this is making my life a lot better. You make her happy with your love stories, she makes me happy with her true love. Thanks!

    Rinaldo Zocca Bologna Italia
  • Dear Ms. Balogh: Having followed your career for years. I have something I would like you to know. I love your stories. I’m addicted to your books. Your books take me away. The Survivor’s Club Series is my favorite. I have all of those books and more but started with them. The Proposal is the book that hooked me. It made me think even while enjoying a good read. You have been an inspiration for me and to many, I’m sure. I’m finishing my efforts to obtain a literary agent and publisher for my book, A Night at the Columbus Opera House. It is a novel about the life of my co-collaborator’s past life regression into the Civil War. It features Tim’s fame, the trial of losing childhood friends, and eventually getting the HEA he dreamed of with the love of his life. If I’m lucky enough to get an agent and/or publisher, because you’ve been such a positive influence for me, would it be okay to send you a review copy at that time? Sincerely, Vicki Ward Duran

    Vicki Ward Duran Sierra Vista, AZ USA
  • Greetings and Happy New Year! Some ladies that I chat with online about Historical Romance, have been noticing for awhile that your old titles (published with Signet, perhaps? From the 1980s or 1990s? ) are being issued in eBook editions at long last. We were wondering if these titles that are finally available as eBooks are strait reprints or have they been edited or “updated?” We would also like to know, if they have bern modified, we’d like some idea of how they have been changed. We noticed that when some old Historical Romance titles from the 1980s or 1990s become available as eBooks, they are often modified and are not straight reprints. Thank for your time and thank you for innumerable hours of reading enjoyment! You are a great favorite with me and my online historical romance reading pals!   AUTHOR: None of my reprinted books have been rewritten or modified in any way--except for the occasional correction of a glaring error of fact I discovered after the original publication.

    Andrea Cheney Washington DC USA
  • I have just discovered your books and love the first one that I just finished today-Wescott series>Someone to Honor.What a great read and story..I have now ordered the series as the series begs to learn more about this family ..And to know you live in my home prov.of Sask!! T

    Donelda Niles Medicine Hat alberta Canada
  • Beautiful website, Mary!

    Margaret Gannon Hampstead, NC USA
  • I have just recently got aquainted with your books and have quickly become a huge fan!! I just love your stories! Time and time again when I have just finished one I think « this is the best one so far», and then the next one is just as good. Love the ebooks and audio books, and Rosalyn Landor is a fantastic narrator. So far I have managed the Westcott series and is well into the Bedwyns. Thank you for your wonderful books!

    Nora Woodward Moss Norway
  • I just love your books, it also me a brief escape everyday. Thank you so much!

    Colleen Izold Fountain CO United States
  • Just finished your latest book, "Someone Perfect," and loved the passage you included on reading lists. I've shared it with many of my fellow readers. "It takes a lifetime to get to the end of a good reading list. More than a lifetime, in fact, but a lifetime is all any of us has. And what a horror story it would be if we did run out of everything worth reading. What would we do then?"

    RJ Frederick CO United States
  • Eres una de mis lectoras favoritas. Te he descubierto tarde pero he leído, creo, todos tus libros traducidos al castellano. Espero con ilusión e impaciencia que se traduzcan todos los demás. Me gusta el trasfondo filosófico que imprimes a tus novelas, porque no escribes solo romances, son historias en la que trascienden valores importantes como la bondad, la generosidad, la lucha contra los prejuicios, la fuerza interior para salir adelante aún con las dificultades que a veces impone la vida, … Por eso me gustan tanto las reflexiones que hacen tus personajes, reflexiones sobre fuerza y optimismo para resolver los problemas, y que a mí me transmiten calma y ganas de ser mejor persona. Muchas gracias por estas historias, espero que sigas escribiendo muchas más.

    Luisa CC Guadalajara España
  • Just finished Always Remember. I always look forward to the end of your books because they are so satisfying but, now I'm mad because I have finished the book and have to wait to see if there will be another one in the series. I have read every one of your books. Can't wait for the next.

    Ellen Denomy Ontario Canada
  • Love your books! I am hooked and can't stop reading. So happy to continue to write. I'll continue to read!

    Mary Jane Snyder CA United States
  • Dear Mary, I have just received your signed copy of Someone to Trust and that lovely signed bookmark. Thank you so much. Can't wait to start reading it. Warm regards, Carol 😘

    Carol Ridley Gauteng South Africa
  • I have read so many of your books but the one I love most is Slightly dangerous. I had the paperback copy but it fell apart so I bought the hard cover copy. I can’t tell you how often I have read it, sometimes only particular pages or the whole book You’re the best

    Sheila Robinson Sebastian Florida USA
  • Dear Mary. I have read every book you have in print and have just completed "Someone to Care" which reminds me somewhat of "The Escape." I am originally from Jamaica, the West Indies. One book that means a lot to me is "Longing" set in Wales. As a child in the backwoods of home, I learned about the "Eisteddfod" when it was introduced to our school by a very forward-looking Head Teacher. I grew up in the days when my country was still ruled by Britain and so I view myself as through and through British. Naturally, I am enthralled by everything Regency, but I love your turn of phrase and I often go back and re-read whole books just for the joy of it. I am a writer myself, but my genre is poetry. Please keep the books coming and if there are some out of print, you may want to have them released again. Thank you, Rose.

    Rose HALL Lakeland, Florida USA
  • Mary, I have nearly all of your books. This Ravenwood series is my new favorite. I rarely(almost never) buy hardback books, but I love this series so much, I couldn't wait for the paperback to be released. Ben's and Jennifer's story is exciting in so many ways. My favorite is Jenny's awakening to a new world of possibilities and Ben's tenderness for those he loved, and then his feeling of really being loved and belonging. I am excited to read the next book and I'm anxiously awaiting its release. Judy

    Judy Demers Garland Tx USA
  • I might be your biggest fan. I believe I have read all of your books, most of them 5 or 6 times. I have 48 of them in my "keep forever" bookcase. I have already pre-ordered "Someone Perfect." Of them all, my favorites are the ones in the Survivor Club series. I'm hoping you will write a new series about men who were injured in the war. Please don't ever stop writing your wonderful books!

    Marianne Wood West Chester, Ohio United States
  • Hello, I have loved your books. I was not much of a historical romance reader until Covid hit. I began going through my library's Hoopla and Libby. I have read perhaps 400 books during this time (audio and e-books). Yours are my most favorites and I thank you for every one! I'm finishing my second round of the Wescotts. I also loved the Survivors and have begun re-reading them.I do have one question. Bertram Lamarr seems to be the only one in the Westcott family left without his story told. Will you be writing his story? I hope so! Thank you so much for helping me (and many others, I'm sure!) through these last three years of Covid! You are a treasure!

    D McCorry New Jersey USA
  • I love your books, Ms Balogh! You are a one of a kind romance author. ♥️

    Alexis Lero Manila Philippines
  • Dear Mary, I have finished reading your Westcott series, and have re-read Someone to Trust multiple times now. It has become my favorite "comfort" book of all time. Elizabeth Overfield is the most wonderful literary woman I have read about and from her introduction in the first book I wanted to hear her story and see her happy. I am so glad you chose her partner to be Colin, one of the gentlest, yet playful, male souls introduced in this series. Ever time I read this book and even though I know that the happy ending is coming, I still breathe a sigh of relief. If Sir Geoffrey hadn't been the jealous type they would have lost each other forever, it had been that close to disaster. What a wonderful novel it was that made me care so much. Thank you!

    Ian Dennis Scheelke Odder Denmark
  • Dear Mary You are such an amazing author, and give the characters their own unique personality and with their own sense of identity and humor. Your talented work has brought me escape, solace and comfort when i wanted to momentarily forget the mass shootings news that is all too frequent in America. I saw the horrific tragedy in Saskatchewan so just wanted to drop a line of care and best wishes to you and your community . Please keep up your wonderful work. It has brought joy to so many people. REMEMBER LOVE is so good and cannot wait to read RAVENSWOOD 2. The Simply, Slightly, Survivor's Club and Westcott series are so good. It's hard to say which child is a mother's favorite but I just loved Secret Mistress. Edward Ailsbury, Earl of Heyward, is just such a great hero, a basic, simple, decent human being, who needs a tortured hero or reformed rake. He is such a gentlemen even without all that swashbuckling bravado. A Dry Old Stick is the best hero. Keep up your awesome work. Many thanks

    W A CA USA
  • Hello Mary!!! From Sevierville TN!!! I am a librarian and have been ordering your books for a few years. I finally decided to start with the Wescott Series, and I am hooked!! I love them! Absolutely love your writing and characters...I wish they were all my friends and family!! Sarah

    Sarah Walizer Tennessee United States
  • I have always enjoyed your books but never more than right now. With the stress of a world pandemic, the worry about those working on "the front lines," and the wanting to do my part by staying home, I am re-reading any Mary Balogh books that I have here at home (our libraries are closed). You take me away from reality and bring joy. I am grateful. God bless you and your extended family.

    Karyn Pappert PA United States
  • I wanted to reach out to you and thank you for your books. In the last 20 years, I have read most of what you written, and you have given me hours and hours of enjoyment. Like so many others, my favorite is Slightly Dangerous. But all of your books are simply a joy to read. Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world and especially your enthusiastic readers like me! Barbara Woltz

    Barbara Woltz OK United States
  • Hi Mary, Am compelled to tell you I love listening to your audiobooks of the Bedwyns, Westcotts, the Survivors & the Horsemen stories. Roslyn Landor does an excellent job narrating & creating various character voices. Her voice is soothing in these times. I love these stories of not only romance & finding true love but wonderful bonds of family & chosen families. Is there a love story for Bertram, Viscount Watley? I may have missed it and been trying to complete the Westcott series. Please let me know what the title is. Thank you for your wonderful stories that move me through various emotions. I look forward to reading more of your works. Sincerely, Dinah

    DINAH STAIR FL United States
  • I love your stories but I don’t understand why there has to be sex scenes in all of the ones I have listened to. Some readers stay away from books with scenes like this, some do not care and some like it. My thoughts are no matter what, if you write without sex scenes then everyone that likes your books will buy them no matter if they do like these scenes or not I think having these in your books alienates some readers. Your stories are so good that they can do without them. Thank you.

    Lindsay Keithley Kentucky U.S.A.
  • The book I am currently reading is very dull! Should I just stop reading it, and take the next one off my pile? It’s one of yours! I might have too. I also thought, it’s the only Mary Balogh book I have left in my pile. Almost felt anxious! .....I can buy more, I haven’t read them all....whew!

    Katherine Waynert Whitewood, SK Canada
  • Ms. Balogh, Love your books!! Eagerly awaiting Someone to Cherish, Book 8 in The Westcott Series. Imagine how excited I was to see that, Someone Perfect, Estelle Lamarr's story will be available late this year. Are there any plans for another Westcott Book, possibly Bertrand Lamarr's story? Thanks, Paula Berkowitz

    Paula Berkowitz Clifton Park, NY USA
  • As a retired professsor of social history, I am aware and admirative of the immense research that goes into every novel. But there is one frequent puzzle to me. All the sources agree that upperclass women 1800-1820 only wore a shift as underwear. Yet some of your heroines wear 'undergarments'. I hope you read this and will be waiting to see the result in future novels. My favourite is The Arrangement!

    Nigel Kent-Barber BC Canada
  • I love period novels. Mary's books are adorable, what draws the most attention and in many the good guys and girls are people who rarely appear in other novels, people with restrictions, special in their way of being. The survivors' club shows this well, but despite their limitations they find happiness, they are special people who deserve to be loved and happy. Following the WETSCOTT series and looking forward to the publication of the other books.

  • Just finished reading Always Remember your best ever I absolutely loved it, thank you

    Sheila Evelyn Apopka, Florida Usa
  • WinnifredCunningham should marry Graham Muirhead Read all your books. Loved most. Only one or two not for me

    Naomi Prall Florida USA
  • Hi Mary, your books are so fantastic I'm always impatient for the next one inbetween times I re-read them all over again,I have written before about the simply series of books and the slightly series about the Berwyn family and how both series intermingled,is there any chance of those books being released in e-book for to save room and arthritic hands.

    Joan Killow Devon England
  • I am almost finished Someone to Trust. I want Lady Matilda Westcott to have a happy ending, not a full book but a side story. She is so supportive of Elizabeth. I am a long time reader. Mary, I owe all the books you have written purchased when published. I just regret I have to wait almost a year for Someone to Honor. I will just reread the ebooks when published as well as some of he others.

    Kathleen Smith Wilmington, Delaware United States
  • I have read all your books that have been available to me. As a retired English teacher, I love your style. However, I especially like that many of your characters have “flaws”. Too plump, too nearsighted, etc. make them real.

    Martha Durick Columbus, ND USA
  • Dear Ms. Balogh, I just finished reading REMEMBER ME. What a gift you put to paper for the benefit of your readers! This was a beautiful story!! It always brings a big sigh when I am finish a book as I know it will be six months before the next one is published. Reading is such a joy and I am blessed to have so many of your books stored on my library. Thank you for your amazing talent which pleases so many people everywhere!! Patty Hoening

    Patty Hoening Patty Hoening
  • Love your books. What sets them apart from many other authors is the way you develop your characters. We get to know them. When they travel from book to book, we still know who they are and part of their history. Even if we read the books out of order in a series, they stay true to themselves. It is like reading a letter about old friends and you catch up on their lives. Or if you are rereading a book, it is like looking at old pictures and letters from times past and remembering those times again. I can create stories in my head, but getting them down on paper in a form that others would enjoy is just not possible. I can appreciate the talent and hard work it takes to make a book come alive for the readers. Thank you for providing such fun when I read your books.

    Annette Chase Rogers, Arkansas USA
  • Hey! Mary I love all your books the bedwyn series is my favorite with the Wescott series a close second. But I'm confused I thought your where setting up Bertrand with someone else on the Wescott story but now he set up with Stephanie from Ravenswood series and he's still single at 25 so will we have to wait a long time fir the store? AUTHOR REPLY: Because of market forces beyond my control, Rachel, I was forced to move on from the Westcott series to the new Ravenswood series. However, Bertrand was left seriously deprived of his own happily-ever-after, so I have planned to tell it as part of the new series. The timelines are consistent. It is a younger Bertrand who makes early appearances in the new series. He will be 25 or older when his own story is told at last.

    Rachel B IL United States
  • I love all your books. But, I love epilogues. What happened to Edmund Waite and Mary? Did they have a child? Would have loved and epilogue. I know you don't always write one so I make them up in my head. Also Sophie and her husband in the counterfit bethrold. Love you books. Thank you

    Jackie Miller Norwalk, Connecticut USA
  • Just want to let you know that I really enjoy your books. I am going to miss you on Facebook. Do you have a Newsletter? AUTHOR NOTE: I do not have a newsletter, Marina. However, I do keep my web site current. I will be updating it soon with news of two upcoming books.  

    Marina Leonard Loris South USA
  • Hi Mary, I am in the process of re-doing my current website, done at a time when I was a different person. A different writer. I had just retired and was going to Ireland, specifically to research the area I had chosen as a setting for my first attempt at a self-published book, "Mulligan's Dream". My biggest mistake was my ignorance of the writing process, the need for professional editing, and also the need to have a website that really worked. I suppose my site worked for a while, but being extremely introverted, and gifted with ADHD, (a latent discovery), I had no clue how to go about anything. Fast forward eight years, and my writing style has changed considerably. I no longer write contemporary, having found my love of historical novels first by reading your books and those of Stephanie Laurens and the like, and also by the topic of my fourth book, "A Winter Sky". The heroine of that book is psychic, and falls into a past life, set at Ballycarbery Castle at Bosses Point, County Kerry. I knew I had to visit in order to write this series as each story uses Ballycarbery Castle in some way! My retirement trip was a godsend, helped by a friend's ex-husband who had moved back to Kerry after their divorce. Thanks to his knowledge of the area, I spent nearly three very productive weeks between Kerry and Cork, holidaying and researching. Once I began writing A Winter Sky, it was clear I was nearly done with this contemporary series, five books in all under the main title, "The O'Farrell Legacy". Enter the Regency Era, and a brand new start. I'm now beginning a new chapter of my own life. At nearly seventy, I am settled quite nicely into an era that I must have lived and enjoyed, though probably as a middle class worker rather than of the peerage. However, I find that writing about the peerage has taught me a lot, as there is no end to the amount of research one can do! And now I'm a member of the Regency Fiction Writers, a group that between the lot of them, know almost all there is to know about that time period. You have been a great mentor to me, even if you don't know me, other than a name on your Facebook page that loves all your entries and memes. I like the simplicity of your website and will show it to my web designer so that he knows what I am looking for. I also now have a professional editor and cringe when I think about those first five books and how badly they needed her touch, but alas, never got it. Jayne Barnard has been the best addition to my writing life ever! Thank you for being such a generous person, gifting us with your books, so beautifully written. You are an inspiration to us other writers who, while we struggle to live up to your example, continue to read, and re-read, all your stories. Thank you so much! Sonia Gay

    Sonia Gay Yukon Canada
  • I picked up Only a Promise as it sounded like an interesting book when it came out. Well I was hooked, Since then I have read just about everything you have written. The characters, the stories, the beautiful countryside, and the history make the books come alive. My favorites are the Bedwyns and the Survivor Club. I have reread all the books several times. I was lucky enough to travel to England and amazingly to Swansea when I graduated from high school in '73. My history teacher offered a trip to any students who wanted to go with him. Well I signed up. My teacher was a Rotarian and the previous year some businessmen and farmers from Swansea had visited. When they left the said "if you are ever in Swansea look us up". My teacher did and it made a very memorable trip to spend time with the beautiful people and countryside. We also got to have a luncheon with the Rotary Club, toast the Queen, and visit with the members. It is to this day one of my favorite memories. Thanks for giving a "farm girl" from northeastern Colorado such wonderful stories to read!!

    Rosanne Campbell BrushMy history o, Colorado United States
  • I read Someone to Wed about two and a half years ago now, but I was thinking about it today and wanted to let you know. I was born with a large, very dark birthmark on my nose, but got it removed when I was fourteen and thought I had gotten comfortable with it (and the remaining scar) in the interim. I am married, I have not had trouble with love, and I did not think it would be a very emotional experience to read about a woman with a similar facial blemish being found worthy of love, but it was. When I was in middle school, my pediatrician saw my mark and brought her young daughter, who had a port wine stain like Wren's, in to meet me, I guess to show her that girls like us could grow up and be happy and well-adjusted. Reading about Wren felt a little like how I imagine that little girl must have felt about me - irrelevant, separate, and yet, deeply moving and hopeful.

    Emily X-R Chicago, IL United States
  • Dear Mary...When I first started reading your books I didn't realize they came in a series, so I read them out of sequence and sometimes I have to if they don't come in BIG PRINT. I read as many of them as I can but realize that there are some I haven't because of the printing and that makes me sad but I may try as I do love your books. I am just so fascinated with how you come up with all the names the relationships....the situations...I sometimes can't remember my own name at I enjoy your pun posts on Facebook and will look forward to Someone to Cherish and Someone Perfect...Mary A. Nelson

    Mary Ann Nelson Brandon, South Dakota USA
  • I have read all of your books and own quite a few. I reread your books and think the Bedwyn and Westcott series have been my favorite.

    Mary Allen Tampa United States
  • I just finished reading Someone to Honor--what a wonderful book! I have thoroughly enjoyed the Westcott series, as I have your other ones (especially The Survivors' Club, The Simply series and The Bedwyn series (love Wulfric!)), as well as your stand-alones. You have such a way of drawing your readers into your books so that the characters become personal. I was intrigued to find out that the next Westcott book was about Lady Matilda Westcott--I look forward to reading it! Thank you for providing hours of pleasurable reading!

    Linda Cruz LA United States
  • Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your books are my best friends. Reading, rereading always a pleasure. In the Wescott series will there be a book of Bertrand Lamarr?   AUTHOR NOTE: I am hoping to write a story for Bertrand Lamarr as part of the Ravenswood series.

    Marie Nagy West Covina United States
  • Hi, I just finished Survivors' Club this year and loved it! I'd like to know if this series will have sequels, with the survivors' children or if this books does exist already? Thank you, Dandara.

    Dandara Machado Santa Maria/Rio Grande do sul Brazil
  • Hi Mary, I so enjoyed Estelle and Justin's book. I'm hopeful that Bert's book is on your schedule... Have a beautiful spring! Sincerely, Bernadette Zajac, CO USA

    Bernadette Zajac CO United States
  • I first discovered your books in 1981 when I was working a second job at Waldenbooks. I fell in love with your wonderful writing and never looked back. Thank you for hours and hours and HOURS of enjoyment.   AUTHOR NOTE: Thank you, Lizabeth. I was first published in 1985. But I'm delighted you were with me from the beginning.

    Lizabeth Tucker FL United States
  • Is there going to be another Westcott book about Bertrand? I just became a reader of your books and can't put them down!!!!!! Love your books so much!!!!   AUTHOR REPLY:  I do hope to write his story as part of the Ravenswood series.

    Melody Maumdin Chula GA USA
  • Hello. I just finished Someone to Romance (Lady Jessica Archer's story of the Westcott series). Love the series (I have read all), they read like romantic cliff-hangers. Will there be a story for Bertrand Lamarr? Truly enjoy your novels. Thank you. AUTHOR NOTE: I am hoping to write a story for Bertrand, Kelli.

    Kelli Grisham CA United States
  • I stumbled across your books in the local library and got hooked on the survivors series, then moved onto the Westcotts. I moved onto the Bedwyns and have just kept going. I have a kobo e-reader which I am filling with your books but unfortunately I am having difficulty obtaining the six Slightly books and the four Simply books in e-book format through Kobo. Do you know how I can obtain these books, as e-books, in England or will I have to keep getting them out of the library. Thank you very much for the enjoyment your books bring. AUTHOR REPLY: I am sorry, Tracy, that my British publisher has the ebook rights to my books in Britain and in Australia and New Zealand. Despite repeated appeals over the years from me and numerous readers, they still have not e-published the older books. It is very frustrating. I always advise readers to take their concerns directly to the publisher (Piatkus Books).

    Tracy Billman Fakenham, Norfolk United Kingdom
  • I just re-read (again) as many of the Westcott family series as I have on my bookshelf (where is Camille's book, did I actually lend it out, terrible idea!). I cannot tell you how deeply I appreciate your writing as you do! Interspersing life philosophy and oh, you're so good with the emotional life of your characters! I feel full whenever I'm reading one of your books, and have begun sharing you with my life coaching clients, because women need to read novels and yours are a beautiful place to spend time. Thank you for your writing and for sharing your view on life and love with all of us. I'm excited to see new titles have arrived ...

    Maia Wilde Treadwell, NY USA
  • Dear Mary Balogh, I was rereading “Chance Encounter” and wondering how the beloved brother John felt that the 10,000 pounds (in enormous sum at the time) belongs to him and not to his sister. Even if paid by Robert and not his uncle to get rid of his wife, it still was her money! And she worked to be independent! I would also like to know how an impoverished aristocrat got money by marrying his progeny to a rich person: A Matter of Class, A Family holiday?

    Ludmilla Wightman Princeton, NJ USA
  • Such fun that all the out-of-print books are being re-released; reading them on kindle and loving it -thank you.

    U Curley NY United States
  • I love the new website, but I love your writing more. Thank you for sharing your life story with us on the "About" page. I read and re-read your books often. If I can't find something to read, I know an old friend is always on the shelf. I do wish that the publishers would re-issue your books in hardback editions so that they could last longer as my Bedwyn set is becoming quite tattered.

    Lynda de los Santos Texas United States
  • Love Mary's writing style! She has a wonderful imagination & there are many unexpected twists & turns in her storylines.. Whoever reads the audiobooks, does an excellent job. As with any good book, I don't want the story to end..

    Kaylou Britton Oregon United States
  • I’m excited about your new website! It’s awesome! I would reallllly like to win a book bag! ? p.s. I think I’ve read every book you’ve written. I’m 61 ?

    Debby Connelly Powell, Tennessee USA
  • I have read all your books and thank you for your wonderful stories. I was hoping for stories of the twins introduced in Someone to Care to each have a story of their own. It's a shame to waste such great personalities with no happy ever after. Someday, maybe?

    Jeanette Gann NC United States
  • Will you be updating the Westcott family tree, with all the subsequent marriages and births in the last few books? Will you make a tree for the Radley, Handritch and Lamarr families? I really love the detailed tree that you have made. Family trees in books are my second favorite thing to be included in a book. (1st is stepbacks). Family trees really help me get a sense of the characters and how they all realte to one another, especially in series about families or closely related groups. I have really enjoyed all your numerous books and series. I hope you stay in the Westcott world for several more books.

    Elizabeth Brown Spring Valley United States
  • Just finished Someone to Honour which is a superb story. I have become addicted to the Westcott family and am waiting for the next in the series Someone to Remember. It is really heartening to read stories about characters who have passed the "first flush of youth" yet still find love!

    Eileen Limacher England United Kingdom
  • I absolutely love your books. I’ve been reading and rereading them for years. My three favorite series have been Survivor’s Club, the Bedwyn saga including the prequels and the Westcott series. I am rereading the Westcott series now. I do hope we eventually have a story about Harry. Thank you so much for all your strong, unforgettable characters.

    Lynne McDonald Charlottesville, Virginia USA
  • Hey Mary I’m a super-fan, I’ve read almost every book of yours that I could find, and I can’t say anything bad about any of them. Actually, each time I read a new one, it becomes my favourite, but then I reread an old one and get confused again. I read more than 30 of your books during 2020 and I’m so grateful that your writing helped me during such a difficult time. I remember watching your live that you did with the publisher for Brazil during the pandemic and you even answered one of my questions and that really made my day. Thank you thank you for keep writing books that are getting better every time (for me, all the Wescotts books are masterpieces, so profound and lovely at the same time, even funny). You have my profound respect. Hope you’re doing fine, and that you’ll write a book for Bertrand, to end up the Wescott’s series with style. Of course I’d be very happy if it had more 10 books, or even more, but I urge to see Bertrand get his happy ending. All the love ❤️

    Alicia B GO Brazil
  • Just finished “Someone Perfect” - it was perfect, just as is the rest of the series! I sure hope there will be stories about Bertram and Maria, as well! Thank you so much!

    Alice Braun Carmichael CA USA
  • Who owns the rights to "First Comes Marriage and the other Huxtable books? Why is the first book in the series not available audio format when the rest of the series is? Has Amazon lost the right to sell the rest of the series in the audio format?   AUTHOR NOTE: I really don't know, Karen. But it is worth finding out!

    Karen Knadler Goodyear az Usa
  • I had thought the Westcott series was unbeatable, but the Ravenswood series has more. "Remember Me" is one of the most beautiful books I have ever read (I rank it close to "The Wind In The Willows") and to me seems to be summed up in the comment that Lady Philippa makes to the Duke and Duchess of Wilby: "I have come to realize that having to endure loss is an unavoidable part of living." My favorite female characters in various books are Lady Helena Stapleton, Miss Wren Heyden, Lady Jessica Archer, Lady Stephanie Ware, and Lady Jennifer Arden. They have had to work through or are working through pain and sadness. "Always Remember" suggests that Lady Stephanie and Lord Bertrand Lamarr are destined to become a couple. Lord Lamarr is approximately 20, and in "Someone Perfect" he is 25 and still unmarried. Will they become a couple after 5 years? I am worried for them. In the Ravenswood series I love the Welsh ladies' names.

    George Skokan FL United States
  • I love your Westcott series! I'm looking forward to reading Matilda's story in November. When are we going to learn Harry's story - is that going to be told soon? Keep on writing! xoxo

    Lesley Ann Hamilton Southern California United States
  • Hello Mary - I am flying through the Huxtable Family series! I purposely waited until I had them all before starting. I also purposely held off finding out about the characters until I read the books. I have wondered since the beginning about Con. I just finished Stephen's story and almost cannot wait to pick up "A Secret Affair"! With any luck all of my questions will be answered before the weekend is out! Thank you for such wonderful characters and stories; in this series and in all of the others that I have previously read. I won't stop until I have read them all...then I'll probably start over! 🙂

    Tiffany Mathis Florida United States
  • Although I thoroughly enjoyed reading your Bedwyn series, I must point out that there is a historical error in the book "Slightly Tempted". The Battle of Waterloo was not fought in Belgium, but in the United Kingdom of the Netherlands. Belgium did not become a country until 1830, when the southern provinces separated from the United Kingdom of the Netherlands, which was ratified in 1839 by the Treaty of London. Brussels was the capital of the Netherlands until aforementioned separation. It is still the capital of Belgium, as well as the European capital. The battle was fought between the French on the one hand and the 7th Coalition on the other on Sunday 18th June 1815 and resulted in the defeat of the French, although the Coalition also suffered tremendous losses. Perhaps the country's name should either be corrected in a reprint or mentioned in an addendum. For the rest, as I said, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your books. I felt it necessary to point this out to you

    Lucille Traas Rijswijk Netherlands
  • I love all your books, but Always Remember is a favorite. I cried through the whole book. Sweet, true, touching. Thank you

    Karen Rintelmann Texas United States
  • Where Do Your Ideas Come From? Somewhere in my book collection I think I have a book, 'Where does creativity come from?' Which reminded me of your musings on ideas and trying to explain where they come from. I'm fairly certain that we don't really know. Not a location. Nor a specific moment. Inspiration comes with many emotions, visuals, audio and grace or mindfulness that allows us to be open to receiving all that we have going on around us and in our memories. Relationships add to our reactions to experiences. Remembered words or moments stay with us. I love that you are inspired by music and share your loved moments from all types of music. My mother loved your books. Reading Mary Balogh were times when she expanded her knowledge, her heart and her faith that Love is the answer and we can all change. I read your books to her during the last four months of her life. She linked me to reading your books. I think of her as I read and comment to her (in my head/heart) lovely moments and character's uniqueness and wisdom. My mother even got my father to read your books. Over 18 years ago, I can still see him (in my mind's eye) with his eyeglasses up on this forehead, lying on top of his bed...reading one of your books. My father once said that he wished he had read Regency Romances many years ago. He thought he'd be a better husband if he had known more about romantic love. Thank you for capturing your ideas and building them into healing and inspiring stories. Katherine Cramer

    Katherine Cramer Oakland, California United States
  • I just finished listening to Longing…not the first of your books I’ve enjoyed. And Rosalyn Landor is a fabulous narrator. This story brought me to tears several times, but the whipping that Sian received was especially difficult. It was truly moving. I have also read the Survivor’s Club (at least twice) and love the Westcotts and the Bedwyns! Thanks for the many hours of enjoyment!

    Lisa McCaskey Arlington, TX USA
  • I love your writing. I love your insight into the way people are. You give them such depth in all shades of gray, through conversations, through thoughts, through their reactions to situations, through the learning they sometime have to do. Even the minor characters are given this depth. You know how people work, how they are. Your writing is a beautiful mix of conversation, description, seriousness, and humor. I always like the set up in which the story is told from both the perspectives of the relationship-to-be. What a wonderful talent you have! I will keep reading and rereading your books!

    Sietske S. W The Netherlands
  • Hi Mary. I love your books and have been eager to read both your Bedwyn series and the Simply series. However these are not available through amazon or apple books in Australia and my local libraries do not hold them. Do you have any plans to release these as ebooks on either apple or amazon in Australia? Thanks Susan

    Susan Bramley Sydney Australia
  • Not sure how to make a post. I would love all the extra characters to be written about. I view the world from the side lines and love characters who watch others like me, especially Edward Goddard.

    Susie D'Amico CO United States
  • It was such a treat to hear you speak at the Cary Memorial Library's online event this week! I have read all of your books and come back to them again and again like old friends. In fact, right after the talk, I picked up what I think is my all-time favourite, A Summer to Remember, and re-read it. The wounded characters really speak to me -- I relate to their pain. Of course, there are many other books of yours that I love and I'm so glad you continue to write. Thank you again for sharing your time with us readers -- it was a special opportunity!

    Elaine Smith ON Canada
  • I keep re-reading your books, every four or five years or so. They were lifesavers during the pandemic. I thank you for your gift of language and heart. I am a former president of RWA, a published author in the 1990's and currently writing film critiques. We are of an age, you and I, and I salute us both for treating the written word as the necessary treasure and gift it is. Diane Pershing

    diane pershing CA United States
  • Love your new page. Look forward to each and everyone of your books. I thoroughly enjoy them!!!

    Dawn Miller Bluffton, Indiana USA
  • Ms. Balogh, How did you come up with the very clever concept of an illegitimate daughter being not illegitimate and all the Pandora's Box of What ifs? I love every one of the books.

    Susan Davis Utah United States
  • Mary, Just getting acquainted with your great work. look forward to reading and understanding your works .

    Wendy Wall Dallas United States
  • I have been reading your books since my first one "The First Snowdrop" - and I have enjoyed them all. I have now joined the electronic age with a kindle fire. I have been slowly collecting the older books as well as new ones. I have enjoyed re-reading all the older books. Thank you for all the enjoyable hours reading your stories. Sincerely, Betty

    Betty Ann Olson SUNSET BEACH, North Carolina United States
  • Thank you so much for the many, many hours of reading pleasure your work has afforded me.

    Karmen Brower Calabasas, CA USA
  • Mary.. I have just seen the list of your forthcoming books for this year.... How on earth can you write so much in one year??!!😱😱you amaze me. But I would never complain 😂😂

    Brenda Moon Cornwall Uk
  • I keep a notebook with dividers in alphabetically order on all books I have read. Yours is the top name for rereading over and over. I become such a part of the people and locations. I never want the stories to end! Enjoy you and your books so much. Thanks for sharing your talent in such enjoyable stories. Forever a fan,Estelita

    Estelita Gillard Canton, Ohio USA
  • Mary,after exhausting the library,i have been buying you books from Book Depositry I absolutely love you books and am collecting them to keepThe problem is with Book Depositry..I have had a few orders,but the last one they say I have not paid.i always pay on order,and have sent proof from my bank statement.All to no avail.I am 81yrs old an an honest person.After many emails, I give up and buy your books elsewhere,but it annoys me to be treated like a dishonest person.Your very happy fan.I pass them on ,but NOT to keep. Nola.

    nola atkinson alexandra hills Brisbane Qld Austalia
  • Dear Mrs.Balogh I'm a fan of your books. Now I'm reading again the Westcott serie. May I ask you If will be a new book, after Someone Perfect? I wish you a happy New Year. Thanks

    Claudia Cunha Rio de Janeiro Brazil
  • Thank you for sharing your gift!

    LuJuna Brown Memphis TN USA
  • I only found your books a couple of years back, but have read, and enjoyed, all I can get my hands on. I'm confused though, because many of your old books are being re-issued and they sound familiar. I'm wondering if maybe I've read them in books that are combined maybe with other authors, or more than one of your own stories...maybe with different titles? Do you happen to have a list connecting those books and your booklist? I don't want to re-purchase stories from Amazon that I already own under another title... Thank you for the many hours of enjoyable reading.

    S Page Michigan USA
  • Fellow author here. Thank you for the enchanting stories you so expertly craft. I've enjoyed them immensely. I particularly loved the Survivors' Club series--but they're all wonderful. You are such an inspiration for the rest of us.

    Trisha Messmer Eugene OR USA
  • I stumbled across the Westcotts at the beginning of 2020, and they absolutely helped me get through quarantine!

    Katie Mulcahy MA United States
  • Thank you so much for writing your lovely books. I especially appreciate how you incorporate characters with disabilities and other challenges. It’s intriguing to think of how people might have adapted the world around them in thoughtful ways. My partner has a spinal cord injury and uses a wheelchair/waker. I have a traumatic brain injury and post concussive syndrome. We met when working as chef and pastry chef prior to our accidents. A winding path of love and not a traditional romantic story. I appreciate this about your stories. Disabilities aren’t often seen in romantic novels or movies. I very much enjoy reading your stories of inclusion and innovation. Those around us can both help and hinder recovery. Thank you.

    Gretchen Nettleton Eden Prairie, Minnesota US
  • Your books are like good friends. I visit and revisit them often. I have read your stories for years. I enjoy all the characters and would find it hard to choose a favorite. I like that you have strong male and female characters. Thank you so much.

    Lynne McDonald Charlottesville,VA USA
  • I am a recent reader of your books and am currently working my way through the Westcott series. I prefer to listen on Audible and love Rosalyn Landor's narration. I look forward to reading more.

    Lianne Halliday Swansea Wales, UK
  • I just finished Someone to Remember. Thank you so much! And I was pleased by the information in the preface that there are more Westcott books to come. I enjoy series so much more than stand alone novels because the characters develop greater depth and become true friends. And I am one of those readers who re-reads books I love.. again and again.

    Ruth Fahrmeier MD United States
  • I just finished both Remember Love and Remember Me. Could not put them down. Your talent is so amazing. Thank you for not letting Nicholas die. Looking forward to Always Remember. You are the best!

    Nancy Cotugna Bear, DE USA
  • I started on the Slightly series, just by chance. Aiden was first and then....Wulfric and Christine (sigh!) my favorite of all time characters! I think I've read it over 10 times at least and then of course any Mary Balough book I could get my hands on. So many treasures I have discovered among them! Thank you so much for so many hours of enjoyable characters and stories.

    Laurie ODonnell Westchester, IL USA
  • Thank you for your books, Mary! I simply cannot get enough of the characters, the settings, the stories and the images they bring to my world. I will not stop until I have read them all!

    Janel Borden Washington, UT USA
  • Mary. I have just finished Someone to Trust... I loved it.. I read it over three days as I couldn’t put it down! No housework done, very little sleep..... I just had to get to the end, which of course brings its own dilemma? What an I going to read next? Is there another book in the Westcott series (I think not, but I can always hope.) I first started reading “the survivors club”, I was completely addicted... I love your writing and at times I feel I’m actually in the book and within the circle... I’m going to decide which series of your books I’ll read next... such a decision.. So, I wish you and your family and very happy and healthy new year, and for you to continue with your gift of wonderful storytelling. Brenda moon

    Brenda Moon Brenda Uk
  • I so enjoy reading your books. Through the years it was hard to wait for the next book in one of your series to be released. I have have read them over many times. Your insight into the humanity of everyone makes your books especially poignant to me. Thank you. I wish you good health and many adventures with your wonderful family.

    Dorothy Dube Omaha,NE, United States of America
  • I have only written one other fan letter in my entire life - despite being a lifelong lover of books. My love for Regency is about five years, and I discover your survivors' books about then. I just came across your most recent two Something books and was quite enchanted by both of them - enough to decide to go back to the beginning and reread those I have already read. I think I was most impressed by Something Perfect. i found something different and unique in the back story of your hero Justin, the Lord of Brandon than I have found in many (if any) of the Regencies I have read. I am not a crier, but I sniffled though much of the last quarter of the book. Brava to you. After all these years, to still be able to create original plots and original character in quite admirable. Like you, i was a high school English teacher, and later an attorney. I have written - but never professionally, and as much as I would love to try Regency, i do not seem to have the creative spark to come up with an original plot or original hero or heroine. Cannot wait for your book about Estelle's twin. I am certain it will come soon. I looked you up on Wikipedia and know that you have won multiple awards. What I cannot understand is how you have not won what used to be called the Rita. You certainly have deserved it. And, of course, still do.

    sharon smolar boca raton, fl usa
  • I found your books years ago in the Signet Regency world. I still have some of those paperbacks. Excited you are reissuing. About 10 years ago my newly wed husband surprised me with a bookmark and other goodies from you for my birthday. He knew how much I loved your books and your were very kind to help him out! Love keeping in touch with you on Facebook. Happy writing!

    Joyce Burkhardt Ohio USA
  • I love all your books, and especially the Bedwyn Series. I've even made a family tree based on the info I can gather from the Bedwyn series of books. It's a work in progress, but I'm almost done. If you want, I can send it to you to see how correct or incorrect I am. Rosalyn Landor is amazing at narrating your books!!!! Perfect for your stories! Thank you so much for the joy you've given to me!!

    Nancy Smith NJ United States
  • Love your books .wondering if there is a follow up of the Temporary much more to tell!!

    Donelda Niles AB Canada
  • I love your books! I read the Slightly series years ago and recently decided to revisit the Bedwyns. Loved it as much as ever, so I went on a "mission" to get all your books and read (or re-read) them. I have recently completed the Westcott series - LOVE all the characters and that complicated, but loving family. Love the love scenes - so full of passion and yet tasteful. Keep up the good work!

    Alice Brown Lacey, Washington USA
  • I have enjoyed your books for some time now. And I do like your new website and look forward to browsing more.

    Betty Schulz Vallejo, CA USA
  • I'm reading The Proposal for the 4th or 5th time I think. Mary's books give me such heart satisfaction. If you don't fall in love with Hugo, there is no hope for you. As I love Regency romances so much I am finding it nigh impossible to find any other author to satisfy my requirements. One thing I don't like is the addition of what I call Soft Porn in so many of the newer authors. It really turns me off... old fashioned as I proudly am. I'm just thankful that I have all of Mary's books.

    Marcia Solomon NC United States
  • You are my favorite writer! I started reading your books after I got my Kindle Fire and I have enjoyed them so much. I really can't decide which is my favorite - the Survivor Series, the Huxtable Series, the Bedwyn Saga, ......just ALL of them! Once I start a book, I can't put it down. I look forward to many more enjoyable hours with you and your books. Sincerely, Gwen DeGruccio

    Gwen DeGruccio Hot Springs, AR USA
  • I look forward to every book you publish with anticipation. The characters you create always have depth and experience life at its fullest. It makes every book worth reading over and over again. Thank you for sharing your talents with us mortals.

    Maria Silva Massachusetts USA
  • I have read your books so many times that they are a part of me. The other day I was speaking to my sister who went the day before to the opera and I said, "I hear you were Oper-ating." Pandora would be so proud of me! Write faster! Bonnie

    Bonnie Chalek New Jersey United States
  • Just wanted to say how much I love your books. I just finished re-reading the Simply Series, and while I thought Simply Perfect was my favorite, I now think it might be Simply Love. As a retired senior, my entertainment budget is somewhat limited, but I am always entertained with a wonderful romance. Thanks for bringing me so much joy.

    Linda Jackson Chicago, IL USA
  • I am a long, long, longtime fan. Slightly Married was my favorite of the Bedwyn Saga. Simply Perfect was simply perfect. At Last Comes Love from the Huxtable’s, The Arrangement from The Survivors’ Club, Someone to Romance of the Westcott Series are some of my favorites. Which does not mean I haven’t read and listened to each of these series multiple times. Just finished Always Remember (3rd Ravenswood entry) and enjoyed it thoroughly. I got a pleasurable glow when I realized who Viscount Watley was…An old friend from the Westcott series. Nice touch. I liked how you shared the pain among the many family members and how Caleb Ware’s choices affected so many for so long. Glad that Ben and Jennifer (a polio victim) had the courage to let love have a chance. Keep up the good work. Waiting with eager anticipation for your next project.

    Melissa Martin Charlotte, NC USA
  • have recently found your books, and enjoyed all I've read to date. Just starting the Bedwyn Series, but only the first 2 appear to be available as e-books. is there are plan to reissue the 'Slightly' series as ebooks?

    s grenyer Berkshire United Kingdom
  • A new Mary Balogh is something I always look forward to, an autobuy! Previous books in the series are reread in preparation. I'm so looking forward to Clarissa finding happiness and meeting the Westcotts once more in Bertrand and Stephanie's book, two series to reread! Thank you for many hours of happy reading

    Margaret Jaibaji CA United States
  • I love your books! I once saw a diagram of how your earlier books were connected. Is that still available to view?   AUTHOR NOTE: The Books page on my web site as well as the Printalbe Book List shows all the connections among my books.  

    Brenda Boyter South Carolina USA
  • I have to disagree with Janet Wallis, there is nothing in your books even remotely resembling porn.Your writing is beautiful, and anything to do with sex is handled tastefully. Shirley Gans

    Shirley Gans Montreal Canada
  • Hi again! I did two "fan art" drawings of your books you can see here: (Someone To Honor) & (Someone To Trust). I would love to do more. I will keep working on it. I love your books that much.

    Serena Steele Disney World Orlando, Florida USA
  • Mary, I love your new web site and all of your books. I can’t wait until all of your books come out as ebooks. Judy Hoskins

    Judith Hoskins Safety Harbor, Florida USA
  • I am new to the romance genre, being a mystery reader for the most part. I have been pleasantly surprised by your books. The writing is exquisite and the characters memorable and charismatic. Plots are intriguing and at times surprising. I am enjoying being relaxed while I read, which makes a change from the sometimes blood and gore of mysteries. Surprised to see you live in Saskatchewan!

    Dodie Bizon Sherwood Park, Alberta Canada
  • Mary, from the first time I ever read one of your books, you have been my #1 Romance novelist! Still! I am enjoying reading the new re-issues in electronic form as well. I have to tell you, though, your writing has matured and blossomed over the years. Your early books are wonderful, but your current/recent novels show so much more depth. I love all your wonderful series and would NEVER in a million years be able to choose a favorite. Survivor series? Simply series? Someone series? Each one is spectacular and I hate it when the series ends. But, thank goodness, you keep writing and creating anew!!! Thank you so much 🙂

    Diane Nicolai Whiteford, MD USA
  • Mary, I just finished Remember Me, and Oh! how can you possibly get any better than perfect? You have been my favorite author since way back when I read the Web trilogy and lost my heart to Ellen Simpson as one of the most wonderful heroines of my experience. Until and until I kept reading, hooked on the knowledge that no two stories were ever alike, just like fingerprints. Thank you so much for your hard work and your wonderful imagination.

    Tracy Chain Knoxville, Tennessee United States
  • I guess I will start by saying that I found your books quite by accident about two months ago and you have succeeded in stealing my heart! I have been obsessed ever since I finished the first book I came across, which was ( Slightly Wicked.) I have since read most of the Simply series and a couple of the (Someone to) series as well. Your stories touch me in a way that I haven't found in years! I've been reading romance and writing my own stories since I was a teenager. It's a true passion for me, I would go as far to say it's a large part of who I am as a whole. I would just like to say, Thank you! Thank you for giving us; your readers, these beautiful stories filled with such emotion and passion. I'm undeniably in love and look forward to reading everything you have done and more.

    Lindsey Carney Columbus, GA USA
  • I had never read a romance novel other than Georgette Heyer’s (being a bit of a literary snob!) until the advent of the Covid pandemic. But somehow I stumbled upon your wonderful work soon after we entered lockdown. Now I find myself re-reading your books, as an anodyne to the daily battering of events. I always know that I can find excellent characterization, writing, and plotting… and of course I know, as you have pointed out in interviews, that a romance novel must above all have a happy ending: something we all long for these days. It strikes me that your years of teaching must have been a strong influence on your plotting, and I especially appreciate how you have woven in the contemplation of a variety of disabilities very thoughtfully into some of your plots. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your work, which has helped me survive these last two years and has kept me endlessly entertained!

    Margaret Nelson Ithaca, NY Usa
  • Dear Mary Balogh, I hope this finds you and your family well. I wanted to write to say how much pleasure I derive from reading your books. I often find myself nodding my head in recognition of a character’s hesitations or fears, drifting into my own thoughts as characters reveal their secret dreams, smiling at silly situations and comments, feeling admiration when they conquer some obstacle, understanding their joy in intimate relationships and in family. Your beautiful prose is a delight. Indeed, there have been many of your books that I have reread, as well as listened to as audiobooks, enjoying them all over again. Your books also continually remind me to appreciate my relationship with my life partner (and this, after 40 years together), as well as the fine qualities he embodies. While no duke, he has the kindness, sense of honor and duty, intelligence, sensitivity, masculinity, caring nature, and love of children and grandchildren, not to mention passion, that I find in your male characters ~ qualities that I sometimes forget in the day-to-day, especially when we are stressed out being cooped up due to the pandemic. When I read your books, they prompt me to remember what drew me to him in the first place, for those qualities are as strong, if not stronger, as when I met him. Moreover, I also see glimpses of myself in some of your female characters ~ their strengths, vulnerabilities, wisdom, and occasional foolishness ~ and think that such awareness is never a bad thing, even for the nearly 70 year old woman that I am. So, thank you ~ for the joy and the insights I get from your writing style, your stories, and your characters.

    Joan Grenier-Winther Washington state United States
  • I also read voraciously and a variety as well but who doesn't love a good romance and I too prefer a period piece. I have just completed the 'Slightly' serious and to say I was Enormously pleased is quite an understatement. I listened to it while en route to a dreary job that at the moment is most profitable of my 4 and long to either teach again or find some other that is more rewarding.I have just discovered you and consider that an early Christmas gift! I never laughed , shouted, wept, or just felt enveloped in so many emotions, thoughts, and bits of life sense that I wanted to write down to remember and couldn't as I was driving or when a bit down balancing a phone in a scarf or hood while doing terrible unfulfilling off season work as no earphone that wks well at the moment. Haha. I also have integrated more of my always extensively vintage vocab into conversations using words I d read for years yet not said aloud. I envy you the lovely childhood as my dad died and lovely mom worked hard so not as much time. I ve also wanted to see more of the Isles since ready another series and this sealed the deal. Holiday greetings to your lovely family and my warmest regards and thanks.Robin.

    Robin Romack IL United States
  • I have to tell you, I have been a fan of your stories for years. They always have a way of touching my heart, and I always need a tissue or two by the time I am done reading. I am in awe of the way you make your characters so real and relatable. I also want to applaud you on your willingness to make your heroes and heroines older men and women. Starting with Viola and Marcel and with Matilda and Charles, it made me happy to read about older people able to find love again. As an older single woman, it makes my heart glad that you are willing to write about love for people my age. As much as I have enjoyed this series, I have to say the Bedwyn family series has to be my favorite, especially Wulfric and Christine's story. I cannot read that book without crying a bucket of tears. It is so moving. You are by far at the top of my list of favorite writers, and I cannot wait to read more about the Westcott family and their extended members. Thank you so much for your work and creativity.

    Jonna Gilliam TX United States
  • I love your books so much. My husband reads your books to me at night, even when I travel I call him and he reads to me. He says he enjoys reading them to me, I'm just glad he does.

    Debra Thomas Austin, texas USA
  • I'm going to date myself,2000. That is the year I began hearing the name Mary Balogh. I truly love to read. In fact, I was reading a book by Linda Lael Miller when I first heard your name. I'm glad I started reading your books, A Chance Encounter being the first.

    ETHEL M GIBBS Houston TX United States
  • I think I discovered your books about the same time you started publishing! I love them all and though I give most books I buy to a woman's prison, I keep all of your books. Now I'm buying them again to have on Kindle, because I reread them all over and over. Just finished the Slightly series . . . for the 6th time! I love to read them all in a row, from A Summer to Remember to Wulfric's story. When I've finished, which takes about 5 days, I feel like I've just come back from a Fabulous vacation in England! Thank you thank you thank you for your gifts. I'm wondering if there is somewhere written down a chart or graph of the people. They seem to appear and reappear in various books and I'm always thinking "I know that man", "I know that woman from . . . ???" I'd love to see that. And it always amazes me that each time I read them they feel fresh and new; and I'm always wondering how you can make each character so different from the others! Bravo, Ms. Balogh. I'm so glad I found you. You've brightened my life.

    Em Mueller Boston, Massachusetts U. S.
  • I would very much like to read the Simply & Strictly (Bedwyn) series on my e-reader but they are not available in Australia. I am unable to read print books because of problems with my neck and shoulders, and I am sensitive to sound (do not listen to the radio) so am unable to purchase the audio versions. I have enjoyed so many of your other books and would dearly love to read those series. I have tried searching numerous times to see if the e-books have become available in Australia but with no luck. Do you know if they will ever be released here as e-books? I live in hope!

    Jan Cannon Canberra Australia
  • I have read a lot of your books and most interested in your latest series Ravenswood .I read the first book and have pre ordered the second one Remember Me.I understand there is a third book--Always remember being released in 2023 along with your second book.I cannot find anywhere to pre order it..Love all your books!!! Donelda Niles

    Donelda Niles medicine hat alberta
  • I fell in love with More Than a Mistress and hope to listen to more of them. I am limited in what I can listen to since I am blind and need to listen via Books on Tape or a CD from the library.

    Robin Moore Hayward, California United States of America
  • I am 77yo visually impaired woman who has read the Westcott series. I get my audio books from the NLS and have just finished the book titled Someone to Remember, narrated by Rosalyn Landor and I thought it was wonderful. Alas, the world today is unsettled andI am always searching for books to take me to a kinder more peaceful place. Although there is a bit of upheavel in the Westcott family love and peace always prevail. I also cannot imagine reading, I read with my ears, any of the Westcott books by anyone other than Rosalyn Landor. Someone to Remember was wonderful. Elaine New Jersey

    elaine alger elaine alger
  • Just finished Someone Perfect and loved it just as I have loved all your books. May God bless and keep you in a special way always.

    Lula Nelson Houston USA
  • Dear Ms.Balogh, The last book I read of yours was The Famous Heroine, a few years ago. I was wondering if you ever plan to update the series of books since it has been nearly 30 years since the first book Dark Angel(which is my fave), has been published. It would be nice to read what Gabriel, Jennifer and their pals have been up to decades later.

    Ila Sissac Chicago, IL USA
  • Hi Mary! Almost inished rereading Westcott series & I saw "Someone Perfect" was next. I have only read that one once & my head was all filled with characters/ & storyline & immediately thought of Winifred with that title! Of course it's about Estelle, as Winifred not quite old enough for a love interest. I think of Winifred as trying to be "perfect" (as Camille recognized). So - what title have you reserved for Winifred's future story? 🤔 I think she's my next favorite character to read about. Especially as she develops hand signals for her deaf brother and clearly has lots of love to give.

    Beverly Holmes FL United States
  • Mary- to be honest, I don’t sign up up for prizes and giveaways anymore. I don’t ever win anything! But,I’m okay with that. You will always be one of my absolutely favorite authors. I do believe I’ve read every romance you’ve put out!🙂😉

    Debby Connelly Powell Tennessee USA
  • I just finished A Summer to Remember. Thank you. I had not liked Lauren from your earlier book but I was glad to read her back story and most gratified to read it. I think this may be my favorite of all of your books I have read.

    Ada Southerland Chapel Hill US
  • There are so many things to love and enjoy in a Mary Balogh novel. What is your fave plot? Who is your fave hero? Heroine? And which sections have the clever writing that brings a chuckle of pure delight while you are reading it....... I can quickly count 3 1) Simply Love, Simply Series #2 2) The Proposal, Survivor's Club Series # 1 3) Someone to Wed, Westcott Series #3 Simply Love, Simply Series # 2 After reading, and loving the Slightly Series of the Bedwyn Family, there is already the background of what a wonderful couple Lady Hallmere, Marchioness of Hallmere, Lady Freyja Bedwyn, is perfectly matched with her husband, Joshua Moore, Marquis of Hallmere. In Chapter 7, the scene of dinner where Lady Rannulf's wife was going to play Othello's Desdemona and Lady MacBeth. Ms Balogh wrote that Lady Hallmere was " very belligerent when everyone was trying to persuade her and her husband to sing a duet" , and her husband promptly said "no one is going to be allowed to bully his wife when he was there to protect her," and of course, naturally, Lady Hallmere would react to this. What a great piece of writing, character development and story flow tie-in, cutting across continuously the Slightly Series, especially Book #3 Slightly Scandalous, Freyja and Joshua's story, to the Simply Series. And who cannot help but love Anne Jewell's son, David Moore who kept on blurting out to people that his mother is pregnant. Of course, the story between Anne Jewell and Sydnam Butler is one the best stories of two unfortunate people who had been dealt a very cruel hand by life, but both of them rose up to the occasion against adversity to become wonderful, purposeful, loving humans. How can one not have hope for better things to come after reading such an inspiring story. I love it! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share with you why there are so many things to love and delight in while reading fiction from Mary Balogh. I will write more when I have time..... and Please, Ms Mary Balogh, keep up your great work. It brings so much joy and pleasure. Thank you

    W A CA USA
  • I love your books! I keep them all and re-read them.

    Geri Borseth Absarokee, Montana USA
  • I just read your interview on the Yahoo Group. It was very interesting and am sorry to see this group close. I think I have read just about every book you have written. It helped that I started working in a public library in 1985 and although I didn't order the books we had some very good people who choose the books. I sent in the orders and I got to open the boxes of books and enter them into the catalog. So it was like Christmas every day a book order came in. I enjoy your books very much. Lydia

    Lydia Main Main Lydia United States of America
  • Hi Mary Please write a book that includes what happens next fir Colin and Elizabeth. If they are in another book please let me know which one it is. Thank you AUTHOR REPLY: There are five more books in the Westcott series following their book (SOMEONE TO TRUST), Neva. I believe they make an appearance in most of those books.

    Neva Banks Queensland Australia
  • You are a great writer, wonderful. I read and reread all of the Westcott series books. I would love to read about the twins, Winifred, Louise, the secretary Mr Goddard and Adrian. The series it’s so beautiful and each one of the characters so real and I feel like I want to know about each one of them.

    Medha Subia Homestead, Florida United States
  • I have just finished the fourth in the Westcott series and enjoyed it very much! I was pleased to see That is not the end of the series. I love your characters who have now become like very good friends whose lives I watch with great interest. Your books are so well written, not just fluff, but with substantial situations and delving into thoughts and feelings in a way that is very real and makes your people live on the page. It is also wonderful to see a happy endings! I am so tired of books that leave one up in the air or miserable! Having read your bio on your website, I can readily see where the depth of character sense of humor and descriptions in your novels came from. From the photos and descriptions it looks like you have a lovely caring close family. While I would love to say I hope you write forever( unrealistic), I hope you write for a very long time! Thanks for giving so much pleasure! All the best Jane

    Jane Axelrod Larchmont,NY USA
  • There's always a universal truth in your books; the characters are the most believable of all the romance writers, and I am in awe of the job you do. Do you take part in any writers' or readers' workshops or conferences? I would dearly love to attend something in which you were slated to speak or teach!

    Marcie Woods Grand Rapids, Michigan USA
  • Mary Balogh is God's gift to readers of education, experience and discrimination. Thank you, Ms. Balogh; I will never again allow a Mary Balogh book to escape the confines of my home. Your exquisite novels are the ultimate in reading delights. They are the absolute tops of my Keepers Shelf.

    DOLORES MONACO Pensacola United States
  • Hi Mary, Have just finished 4 of your Signet Books (Unlikely Duchess, Chance Encounter, Masked Deception, Constant Heart) and loved them. They were wonderful to read without the more explicit sexual encounters descriptions in your later books. Not exactly my thing to read these days and I am probably in the minority here. Don't why you need all that in my opinion.

    Judith Jackson Walkersville, Maryland USA
  • Hello Mary. I have written before and stop by to read the comments posted here on a fairly regular basis. I laughed out loud to read the most recent one from Thomas. It speaks for many of us and looks like a good one to have on a book cover. Preordered and enjoyed the last two Wescott novels and am looking forward to the next series. Thank you for carrying on writing.

    Joan Harrison Loon Lake, Saskatchewan Canada
  • Dear Mary, I have just finished "Someone to Cherish" (for the first time!) and I loved it. I think it probably is the best of the Westcott stories and I cried. I am not usually a weepy person, but I could empathise with Lydia over the viciousness of gossip and the difficulty of trust. Harry had a very difficult and painful growing up, but oh what a man he became. I love your books Mary and I love your imagination and ability to so entertain us. Thank you, you wonderful woman!

    Sandra Green EAST COAST New Zealand
  • I have now read all of the Westcott stories and loved all of them. I was really hoping for Harry and Jessica’s stories, so thank you for that!!! I just finished Estelle’s story. I cried several times, it was very touching. One of my favorites. Could you please give Bertrand a story? Maybe Someone Imperfect? Because imperfection is much more interesting. It would be going full circle to finish up the twins stories and then just about all the original characters from the first books have their story. Pretty Please??

    Charity Smith Georgia USA
  • Your books are gleaming gems amid the genre. Like you, I read constantly. You, Georgette Heyer and Dorothy Dunnett are splendid writers. Thank you for sharing your talent and unique ability. I am eighty-eight, mother of six sons, grandmother of twenty plus six greats and working on my second book about Scotland in the early 18th century,from whence I have been assured comes most of my genetic material. My co-author is from Canada. Be safe and happy. Bettyanne

    Bettyanne Twigg Maryland United States
  • I think that you may like the following, Mary. It certainly applies to me! "My face in the mirror isn't wrinkled or drawn My house isn't dirty, the cobwebs are gone My garden looks lovely and so does my lawn I think I may never put my glasses back on." Unfortunately, I'd rather be reading than anything else and I need my glasses for that! I love your books, not only for the love stories, but the great plots with adventures and history. Many blessings on you and your family.

    Sandra Green EAST COAST New Zealand
  • Mary, I have longed to see the new website. I do check often and was surprised today with a happy website. I love it. Keep it up you write wonderful books. I cannot wait for the next one. Excited fan, Rossi

    Rossi Moreno Milwaukee, WI USA
  • I really enjoy your books and now having almost read all of the ones that my local library currently have, I have come to the realisation that many of the stories have characters that appear in other books. Sometimes I find it hard to keep up with who's who (so many titles/real names to remember). Would it be possible to have a list/graph/ family tree that explains the connections? Or perhaps another book list that has your books in chronological order. For example, I have just finished reading "A Summer to Remember" where Sydnam Butler is introduced, but I have already read "Simply Love". I would have loved to have read them the other way around.

    Karina Charlton Queanbeyan Australia
  • Hello Mary, It’s been a while since I wrote comments in your guest book. I hope you are well and staying away from the Covid-19 nightmare encapsulating the world. I read all the Bridgerton series written by Julia Quinn years ago however I have not yet seen the Netflix TV series illustrating these stories. I enjoyed reading all the books and I was wondering if you have had an opportunity to view Bridgerton on Netflix and your honest opinion. From what I have seen, the trailer and other clips on You Tube, it looks jolly good! I like the bi-racial aspect as we all know the Regency period was definitely white rich folks only. I like a good romance story and I feel you still write the best books in this genre. However, Julia Quinn and other Historical Romance authors also pleasantly entertain us while we try to survive this horrific pandemic. Your devoted fan and friend, Gloria.

    Gloria C Mundare, Alberta Canada
  • Hi Mary - I'm a long time fan with a huge collection of your books. I'm now trying to find the short stories you've written for various anthologies through the years, such as Regency Christmas, Regency Valentine, etc. If you or one of your staff could help me, or point me in the right direction, I'd truly appreciate it. The sites I've checked do not often show the titles of the stories within each anthology, therefore it is almost impossible to know if I'm duplicating purchases. Is there a site I can search, that you're aware of? Thank you for what you do - you bring a great deal of pleasure to a great many people!

    Dahyle Steinmar Nova Scotia Canada
  • Mary, like many others in your Guest Book I have fallen in love with your novels in The Westcott Novel series. So much so, I've decided I would like to own them and am in the process of trying to track down the series in a way I can get all the books to match (yes, I am that kind of person:) I came across an option that appears to indicate that the Westcott Series (or at least the initial one of 'Someone to Love' is being re-released in a larger paperback version through Berkley in March of 2022. Is my interpretation of what I am seeing accurate? Is the whole series being re-released in this format? I love the look of the new cover, too!! Thanks so much! Adelia Erickson

    Adelia Erickson IL United States
  • You are my living inspiration! My all-time favorite character is Wulfric Bedwyn. I adore him, but unfortunately, compare all others to him. It is difficult for any man to compete with such imperfect perfection. I never imagined finding another author who inspired, motivated and stimulated my creativity in the same manner as Georgette Heyer. I would read and re-read her novels wondering how she would write to meet the demands of today's reader. Then I found your work and now I know! I love how you bring the characters to unforgettable life and occasionally thrill us when they pass through another novel and/or series unexpectedly. Thank you for sharing your gift with us! Your writing is truly a joy!

    Sharon Snyder Texas USA
  • I am wondering if there is book three in the Ravenswood series after Remember me... Thanks.I do love your books and have a large collection !! Donelda   AUTHOR REPLY: Book 3, ALWAYS REMEMBER, Ben's story, has already been written, Donelda, and is due to be published in hardcover in January, 2024.

    Donelda Niles medicine hat Canada
  • I adored Always Remember, but there was one question left unanswered-- in modern medical terminology, what *was* Jennifer's illness? AUTHOR ANSWER: Polio.

    LJ F OH United States
  • I have been reading your books ever since I was able to purchase your ebooks. Can you tell me please why I can’t just purchase the ebook instead of audiobooks. It appears I’m one of the few people who enjoy reading instead of listening to books, one of the reasons being I’m extremely hard of hearing and miss most to the nuances when listening. I’m deaf but my eyesight is fine and I just love your books. Saw some new releases of yours in Apple ebooks and also kindle, but they are only audible I’m afraid I just can’t afford the extra for audio when I can’t hear them properly. I think I’ve read all of your ebooks to date and would love to read your new releases. Thank you.   AUTHOR NOTE: I see you are in Australia, Eileen. My British publisher (Piatkus Books) distributes my books there. They have steadfastly NOT published a whole lot of my books in ebook format, and it is a constant source of frustration to me and lots of readers. I always advise readers like you to contact the publisher directly and perhaps persuade them by sheer force of numbers to change their mind.

    Eileen Orpin Queensland Australia
  • Mary Balogh-I have never cried while reading a "Romance", but the death scene of the grandparents in Remember Me was so touching that I read it twice before moving on. I loved this story.

    Janice Moore GA America
  • In your book "A Summer To Remember" - whatever happened to Kit's younger brother Syd? The one who was captured, tortured and was left disabled. I remember you portrayed him as an artist. Being disabled myself, I would love to read his story and see how he learns to live again in spite of his physical and emotional wounds. Does he fall in love and learn a whole new way to paint his landscapes in spite of his challenges? I so hope you wrote his story. If so, which one is it? Kind Regards, Elaine in Tallahassee, FL   Sydnam Butler's story is told in SIMPLY LOVE --Mary Balogh

    Elaine Ries Tallahassee US
  • Hi, I have listened to so many of your audible books and now I need a new series. Is the Huxtable series audible? I'm addicted to your books. Thanks so much. Sandi

    sandi Brumund-Smolin smith usa
  • I LOVE your Facebook puns!

    Russ Kress Charleston, WV USA
  • Hello, I am a big fan, especially of the Bedwyn and Westcott series. I hope the Westcott series continues. Maybe you'd consider one featuring Avery's secretary? I loved their dynamic and would love Avery to be featured more, as he is my favorite character. Thank you for doing what you do so well!

    Kay M S SC US
  • Hello. I am emailing on behalf of my mother who has begun to have troubles with her sight, but loves your books. She also grew up in Wales during the war and she and my dad emigrated to Canada in 1960. Do you have large print books?   AUTHOR NOTE: Most of my books are available in large print editions, Julia.

    Julia Cale Ontario Canada
  • I love your books, specially The Bedwyn Series and The Survivor's Series, published in Brazil at the moment. Anxious for more!!!

    Petra Cabral Guarulhos/São Paulo Brazil
  • Thank you for the Wescott series. I started reading them over the corona lockdown and they really helped get me through. They gave me a chance to relax and get away from it all for a little while. Each book is enjoyable and the characters are all love able . Please keep on writing this series ! It’s truly fantastic

    Sylvia Ash Brooklyn NY Usa
  • I had been reading detective and mystery for quite a while until one day I decided to buy a Mary Balogh book at Barnes & Noble. I've forgotten which one it was, but it got me headed back to purchase another Mary Balogh and again and again. It wasn't long before I started reading more historical fiction, and in my head, comparing them to Georgette Heyer wonderful, fun books. Many didn't measure up, but I've had a great time reading them anyway. I've spent the last couple of years buying, storing, and eventually deliverying them to either my local library or to the library of a small town on the outskirts of my town. Thanks for the fun times! I'm looking forward to the newest!

    Anne Camien Wichita, Kansas USA
  • Dear Ms. Balogh I am reading your 3 books for the 3rd time - they are all I have. The first snowdrop. Counterfeit Bethrotal and Lord Carew's bride. I love your books - because they give us many pearls of wisdom which we could use in our own marriages and the story lines are so unusual and very entertaining. We cannot find your books in the bookshops in Sri Lanka but I will be ordering them through Amazon very soon. All the very best to you and your family and please keep on writing your marvellous books!

    Sherryn Yaseen Sherryn Yaseen Sri Lanka
  • I absolutely loved Someone Perfect! Please let us know if there will be more in the series—especially a book about Bertram. He deserves his HEA as well.

    Anastasia Katopodis MI United States
  • I just wanted to share with you how much I enjoy your stories. I have read do many of them now after finding them as ebooks at my local library. I absolutely love the Westcott series! It's such a respite for me during this time to escape into Regency England and live vicariously through the characters. Thank you for sharing your stories with us!!

    Melissa Lall California United States
  • Hi, I've read many of Ms. Balogh's books. I am Reading Remember Love Book 1 right now. It is such a great book, complex characters, complex problems, etc. THIS SHOULD BE A MOVIE OR MINI-SERIES. Thanks for your work, Krissi Hart

    Krissi Hart Lubbock, TX USA
  • By the way, the Someone (Wescott) series have many conversations and scenes that bring tears to my eyes and induce crying because of the effect on my emotions. Have read them multiple times, seeing something new each time. Can't wait for Someone Perfect.

    George Skokan FL United States
  • Dear Mary, I was thrilled to find your book "Someone to Trust" in time for Christmas this year! We can all definitely do with some lightheartedness. I am confused on one point however; I cannot figure out who Lady Jessica Archer's mother is. On page 6, it says she is the daughter of the former Duke of Netherby and his second wife, who is the youngest of the Wescott sisters." However, the family tree states that one wife was Louise Wescott, but she looks like his first wife, and she is not the youngest Wescott sister; Mildred is. I was hoping you could clear this up for me; this is my first book of yours but I am going to buy the whole series!!! Happy Christmas!   Louise is the middle sister of three, Deb. That was my mistake. Louise was the late Duke of Netherby's second wife. He had Avery, the present duke, with his first wife, as shown on the family tree. Mary Balogh

    Deb Wright South Yarmouth USA
  • Hello, First thank you for all your wonderful novels. I have read and re read most of them . Would you consider writing Bertrand Lamarr’s story ? He is such a great character and it would be a nice bow to tie up the Westcott series ! thank you , Aruna   AUTHOR REPLY: I do have plans for Bertrand...

    Aruna Dhall Hayward USA
  • I just finished reading Someone Perfect and naturally, I LOVED IT! I want to see Maria and Lady Estelle’s brother marry! Every story written by Mary Balogh takes you to a time and place you can picture so clearly in your mind’s eye and feel what is happening. Thank you so much!

    Carole Erb Cleves, OH USA
  • I love all your books and you new series is amazing but I was wondering if Bertrand lamarr ad Winifred Cunningham will get there own books? The Wescott series was awesome just seemed unfinished .

    Rachel B Lakewood United States
  • I found Mary Balogh books this year! First was The Secret Pearl. It was such a good story. Since then I have read The Survivor's Club series, The Slightly series, The Mistress series, The Web series. Just finished Beyond the Sunrise. I loved the historical background of this story as well as Joana and Robert. Thanks for sharing your writing talents with all your reading audience. Please don't stop writing!

    Mickey Perhac Spring Hill. Tenn. USA
  • I just finished the Slightly series, wonderful. I couldn't put it down. I have read some of our other series - like survior club and loved them all. Keep writing and I'll keep reading.

    Jeanette Hiller ORLAND PARK, IL AMERICA
  • Love your books. Can't wait for new!!!

    Delores Hubler Walbridge Ohio United States
  • Hello Mary, we met several years ago when you came to Calgary to present at our CaRWA (Calgary Association of Romance Writers of America) spring workshop. I had read several of your books before that workshop and have read many more since. I have enjoyed them all. I joined a Facebook group called Regency Romance Fans and a one member wrote 'I am going to try a new author Mary Balogh I never read her before she has so many books any suggestion???' So far there are 54 comments from members of that page, every single one of them (including myself) having their particular favorites or just all of them. Your books have been a delight to read and are much treasured. For me, the best thing about a good book is that you can read it again and again. Sincerely, Victoria Chatham

    Victoria Chatham Calgary, Alberta Canada
  • I love your books and have read most of them at least once! Thank you for creating characters that become like old friends to be visited again and again. P.S. Bertrand needs his own story! Then, maybe, the Westcott series will be complete. 🙂

    Martha Chaney Virginia United States
  • love all the books that I have read,it takes a long time to receive them from the book shop so I order them in series,all the books make me laugh and cry I get myself into the one person important that I follow him or her as if it was me, maybe it sounds strange to some people but I was never a book reader till one day I bought a book of yours and the rest is history,love them mary please keep writing them, I'm my book shops favourite customer according to them,because of you. regards loreena

    loreena anderson roxburghshire Scottish borders united kingdom
  • great news to hear you are writing about all the Ware family your books Donelda

    Donelda Niles AB Canada
  • Hello !I am a huge fan and have read and re-read all your books . Question : Will Bertrand Lamarr get his own book sometime ? I simply love his character and now that Estelle has her happily ever after would you please consider telling Bertrand’s story ? Thank you 🙏   AUTHOR NOTE: I am hoping to write a story for Bertrand Lamarr as part of the Ravenswood series.

    Aruna Dhall California USA
  • Love your books! I have read them all ❤

    Judith Bovee Alma Mi USA
  • I love all of your books. I am caught up in the Westcott series. I read some to honor and though the clock keep showing the hour getting late I could not put it down. By 3am I finally finished it and can't it for more. Who is next Jessica or Harry? I am excited to learn more about the stuffy aunt, Matilda, who we saw in Colin and Elizabeth's story a bit of her hopeless romantic side. But I really can't wait for Jessica o finally be at peace with everything around her. Thanks for all the grand adventurs.

    Sherri VerNooy NM United States
  • My pre-ordered copy of Someone to Remember downloaded this morning and I have just finished reading it. How glad I am that you chose to tell Matilda’s story! So many period books have the spinster aunt character, sometimes doling out sage advice, sometimes annoying all those around her with prunes and prisms, and sometimes still mourning The Great Live That Was Lost, but never with a current story of her own. FINALLY, one of them gets her own romance! And we even got to see a bit of Boris...I have been watching him steadily age on the family tree with each new Westcott publication, and was starting to wonder if we would ever properly meet Mildred’s boys. Honestly, if you wanted to continue writing stories for this family until the youngest child was grown, I would read them all. I know the current plan is to stop after Harry’s story but perhaps then Winifred will be grown, and who among us doesn’t want to know how SHE turned out? (I smile every time I think of Camille with seven children.). You do an amazing job of building worlds I like to visit, populated with people I’d like to know. Thank you for all the wonderful stories you have given me. I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season!

    Renee Moses Fort Mill, SC USA
  • Whatever happened to Robert and Joana of Beyond the Sunrise? Is there any information about them in subsequent books post the Napoleonic Wars. I must commend you highly on all of your writings. You write of love and longing and sexual tension so very well. I do not see the grammatical errors and mistakes that I see in the myriad other romance writings. Your books are sensual without being graphic or gross. They fit well into the Regency period and a bit later. You don't have modern heroine-types jumping back two hundred years ready also to jump into bed engaging in modern sexual practices. AUTHOR REPLY: BEYOND THE SUNRISE was a single-title books. No follow-ups! We are so used to series these days, aren't we?

    Mary DeWan Huntington, NY USA
  • I love all your books but my favorites are thr survivors club and slightly serious is there any chance of you righting about thete kids? AUTHOR REPLY: No, I don'r do secind generation stories, Rachel.

    Rachel B Nj United States
  • Thank you for hours of enjoyment, I am rereading my collection of your books with the occasional foray into buying one of the ebooks that have been republished and enjoying every moment. Looking forward to Always Remember in January.

    Ceri Ann Jones Copenhagen Denmark
  • I have never write to a author before. I read a lot but I´m very picky on my novels. Your novels are something so thoughtful, the characters are deep, so many angles to the persons. I love your writings. very, very good.Always a message, a note about soul, very light but it is there. I hope to continue reading your books for many years. you add value, deepens and care. you must be a special person.So thank you for your writings, for your family/ancestors to have you here, so good, so a wonderful writer. bless you, Wilma

    Wilma Simmer Rio de janeiro Brasil
  • I wrote you last night to thank you and now I have just finished A Matter of Class. It was lovely and I thank you so much for writing it. ❤️

    Ada Southerland Ada Southerland
  • Dear Mary your book Lady with a black Umbrella was so good! It was hilarious! Please write more in this genre.You are so good at comedy. AUTHOR NOTE: Chandra, you may want to try THE UNLIKELY DUCHESS and THE FAMOUS HEROINE. Both are comedies.

    Chandra Sankar Chennai India
  • I particularly enjoy the Survivors Club series but only the last book is available on Audible Australia, and there is a similar situation with the Huxatble series although I gather that these books are available on Audible US: could you contact your agent or publishers to query the licensing situation why these wonderful books are no longer available to listen to here in Australia? I have tried contacting Audible directly but received no satisfaction from them. Looking forward to your new book available here soon, and on Audible! Many thanks Liz

    Liz Hamilton NSW Australia
  • Please, please can we have Kindle editions of the Bedwyn and Simply series? I have difficulty handling real books! I love your books and am looking forward to Someone to Honour.

    Jill Nelson Jill United Kingdom
  • I have just read Dancing with Clara and wondered if Harriet Pope’s story is continued in another book? Love all your books, thank you !

    Maureen Lewis-Rodgers Glossop England
  • Your books are wonderful, but the one I've never been able to get enough of, no matter how many times I read it, is Only A Kiss. Those characters are so incredibly fleshed out that I think they deserve an entire mini-series. Or a TV series. I would love to know how they actually handle their challenges during the marriage. Would you ever write a sequel? Perhaps it would not fit withing the traditional romance genre, but it would be absolutely fascinating. The themes of depression, PTSD, existential crises are all weaved in seamlessly and I've never read another book that has been able to do that without becoming heavy-handed. So thank you for Only A Kiss!

    Alisha Kareem Mumbai India
  • I just finished Someone to Trust and it is my favorite Westcott so far! Thank you so much for this lovely book... I am anxious to know when your next book will come out, Ms. Balogh! Please update us whenever you have a chance.

    Claudia Assis California United States
  • I have always loved your books, and just finished Remember Love. I am blown away by the beautiful and sensitive way in which you draw your characters. Please tell me there will be more of the characters in this book!

    Judy Hernandez Parrish, FL USA
  • I think I can safely say you are my favorite historical romance author. There is something infinitely special about every single novel of yours I have read. They reach deep down and touch soul deep. I am so thankful for the love and care you pour into your characters, exploring not just their romantic lives but their family lives and even their spiritual lives. So many characters make me cry with their longing for love and connection, and then to see them surrounded by love and family and hope and joy at the end of the book is the absolute best eucatastrophe ending. I reread the short story The Best Gift every Christmas—it’s become sort of part of my Advent tradition! Thank you so much for the stories you’ve put into the world Ms. Balogh.

    Claire Hill Houston US
  • I just love your series books, but I have a question..... I'm finishing up Simply Perfect and I'd like to know your suggestion for the next series. I totally love how you incorporate other series in your new series and would love the next best series. Thank you so much Sandi.......

  • When I see any book of yours I grab it up. You are such a wonderful writer. I enjoy them all. My list of your books I read is very long. Thank you. Sorry trump is our embarrassment not our president.

    Jacqueline Clapper Canton, Ohio USA
  • Read remember love as good as Westcott thank you 😊

    Sandra Hanley Durham United Kingdom
  • I LOVE LOVE your books! I can hardly wait for your new ones to come out. Have you ever considered turning your sagas into a series? They would be great for Masterpiece television. I tell everyone that will listen about your books. During this terrible pandemic, they have helped me immensely to cope with loneliness. Thank you Carol

    Carol McCullah North Carolina USA - proud American when Trump leaves office
  • Hello Mary, I discovered your books in our Local Library - from the Library's list of Authors of Historical Fiction. I have now read most of your titles - adored them - had me laughing at times. I am reading "The Arrangement" again at the moment - a boo boo - I had forgotten I had already read it. But - so much fun - am enjoying your craft the second time round. I wanted to reach out from Sydney, Australia and let you know how much your writing is appreciated. I now have "Someone to Romance" out of the Library - the first borrower to read this book - Lucky me - I didn't in fact know it was out - until I located it when browsing in my local Library catalogue. ( Twigging you must have read Georgette Heyer novels - My Mother read them all - and I read most of them when in High School ). Not exactly sure how My Mum would go with your racier writings !!!!!! Take care - and please keep writing. Merci Beaucoup.

    Jenepher Britton NSW Australia
  • I just finished your lovely book "Someone Perfect". I appreciated how much care you took to describe and develop the characters in your book. It was a hopeful book in that the characters were able to grow and change for the better. It challenged me to make more of an effort be present for those in my life and to appreciate them. Thanks for all of your thoughtful hard work in crafting a lovely story that was also inspiring to those of us who read it.

    Catherine Marieh FL United States
  • I love how you love your characters Mary! I often wake up at 4 am and it’s a quiet time of the day! So instead of practicing self calming and going back to sleep, I determine that I need a distraction from my worrying thoughts and go into your gentle, thoughtful, honest about life, with characters that have a belief in God, world. I’m trying Not to finish Someone to Cherish right now, as I will miss Lydia and her fierce strength and Harry, with his ability to control his emotions, and I will miss you!!! I love your philosophic statements and your accurate use of nature in flowers and dogs-Snowball! Thanks. You are a delight!

    Catherine Nicholson Dellwood Minnesota USA
  • Dear Mary Your beautiful books helped me recover during a period of profound mental illness. I went through your backlist and bought all your old titles. My mum and I could share the delight you gave us as we became immersed in your lovely settings, sharing the tenderness of your characters as they set out on their journeys to find true, everlasting love. And guess what we were discussing books at a family gathering. The usual questions. Mum asked Alan which books he liked. I bet you like detective stories and crime she said. Oh no, Barbara loves all that. Me, I like Romance. Which authors asked mum. Mary Balogh, he replied. My uncle died two years ago. He was a coal miner, near Wigan, in Lancashire. All those years down the pit, he spent his well-earned retirement reading your novels. My family love you, Mary. Perhaps we can realise Longing in the United Kingdom in loving memory. It’s about time, we stood up for ourselves and stopped exploiting the Regency Romance genre, which you helped to shape. All our love, The Murphy family Northern Soul Wigan Casino 1972- 1980 Keep the Faith

    Margaret Brice Horsham England
  • I’ve been listening to your audio books ? The four horsemen’s trilogy. I’m on my third book are you gone to write the fourth book . I hope you do I’d like to know how Eden and Miss Lavinia end. Thank you , Teresa

    Teresa Walker Walker Teresa Dallas, Ga United States
  • I have started reading the Wescott series. I love it. I bought it used cause I'm in a Acute Care facility so money is tight. When I finish a book I pass it around to the rest of the residents. I was wondering if you know where I can get your Wescott series used? The goodwill here shit down so it's a dead end. Thank you for your help. I have also read A promise of spring. I just love that period of history. You do it so well. Please keep up your prolific work as it's uplifting to read a book that has trials, tribulations & comes out right in the end. God bless you.

    Debbie Woodson Whittier USA
  • Awesome website. I read and reread your books. They touch my soul and entertain me.

    Joyce Berty Avon, Ohio USA
  • I would like to go in with you. I am a fan of Georgette Heyer's "A noble man". Because it showed how a woman can manage.

    Anja Yung Jensen Copenhagen Denmark
  • I absolutely love your writing! It is just spicy enough to get my engine running without being crass and vulgar! In just two weeks I have read 8 of your books!

    Ramona George Centralia USA
  • Good morning Mary. I am reading "the Escape." Almost finished it last night, but got so sleepy the words were getting blurred. I have read so many of your books that I have lost count. I am 80 years old & have always been one that believes in romance & true love. Lost the love of my life almost 22 years ago , but still miss him everyday. I love your books, so keep the books coming.

    virginia matthews ross virginia matthews ross Seguin, Texas 78155 US
  • Ciao Mary,mi scuso se scrivo in italiano, purtroppo non conosco l'inglese, se così fosse avrei già acquistato tutti i libri che qui in Italia non sono ancora stati tradotti. Finora ho acquistato, letto, conservato e AMATO tutti i tuoi romanzi, sei la mia Autrice preferita in assoluto, l'unica che mi tocca il cuore con i tuoi personaggi così intimi, spesso sofferenti, ma così capaci di tanto amore. Adesso ho appena terminato Someone to Honor e l'ho trovato bellissimo, uno dei migliori della serie Wescott, ma pubblicato dopo un anno da Someone to Trust. Non capisco perché qui in Italia i tuoi romanzi siano tradotti e pubblicati con il contagocce! Ho chiesto anche alla Casa Editrice ma non ho avuto risposta. Spero che riuscirai a capire quello che ho scritto, io uso il traduttore automatico, così almeno leggo la trama dei romanzi che spero siano presto pubblicati. A proposito, complimenti per il tuo sito web è il migliore! Grazie, con tutto il mio affetto, Lucia

    Lucia Fossà Vicenza Italia
  • I have enjoyed enormously the Westcott series. However I cringe every time I see the very unnecessary very frequent use of "had had"! Usually one "had" is all that is needed. Or a different wording would make the sentence sound better.   AUTHOR NOTE: I am very meticulous about verb tenses, Lynn, both in speech and in writing. When I use "had had" in a sentence, I do it because that is the correct form of the verb in context. If I lop one of the two words off, then I am making the sentence incorrect.

    Lynn Kopp AZ United States
  • Dear Ms Balogh, I love your books, I have especially enjoyed the Bedwyn series, love the updates on them from other books. I always look forward to reading your books, its a nice escape and relief from everyday troubles.

    Aisha Panti Niger Nigeria
  • WOW!!! Your books are absolutely amazing and leave me with such a wonderful feeling. I just can't seem to get enough of all your books and will gladly re-read them all from beginning to end. You bless this reckless world with literary perfection!

    Cheryne De Jager Pretoria South Africa
  • Hi Mary, You are an amazing author! I am thoroughly enjoying reading all of your books. 🙂 Delighted that you are writing more. Gratitude, Mary

    Mary Cook NC USA
  • I love your books I can't wait for the next Westcott book. Thank you

    Mary Mady New York USA
  • Mary, I've loved all your books that I've read over the years, but I've particularly loved the Westcott novels that I've been fortunate to be able to listen to (Rosalyn Landor does a fabulous job). Others are waiting for Harry, but I am desperately hoping that there will be a novel about Avery's secretary. Please say there will!

    Margaret Staeben Virginia USA
  • Thank you for giving me the wonderful world of your stories. Since 2012 until recently when the pain has been unrelenting, I have disappeared into the worlds you have created. At 74 I am better and can even do some housework (my husband is delighted). I have recommended to every doctor I meet that reading be prescribed to patients as an escape from pain and that a good librarian or bookseller can aid them find what they need. There truly is a book for every reader. I wish you and yours health, happiness, and safety. Sandra

    Sandra McCandless Decatur, Alabama United States
  • I have been a reader for years, and your books have fallen into my book trap for a long time. Please keep doing what you do, and I will keep doing what I do....reading. Hugs, and love for a job well done.

    Jann B Wabick Calgary, Alberta Canada
  • he leído todo la serie de los bedwym y simplemente (también unas cuantas series mas) en español pero me gustaría leer y no encuentro para poder comprar la serie de los supervivientes en español. podrán decirme donde podría hallarlas. Desde ya gracias

    alicia marta parma Córdoba Argentina
  • A quick thank you for the book, "A Rogue's Downfall," containing three novellas. I started reading Regency and Victorian romances during the pandemic for pure enjoyment and escapism. By now, I've read most of your books and appreciate your style of storytelling very much. There is something magical about the three novellas in "A Rogue's Downfall. I think my all time favorite must be the story of Mr. Bancroft, the future viscount and unrepentant rogue, and Patricia Mangan, aka Little Bird, the parson's daughter and poor relation he encounters at a house party. I recently re-read this and wanted you to know how lovely these stories are.

    Martha Johnson Texas USA
  • I wonder if the father of Elisabeth Rossiter (Chance Encounter) is the biggest villain in your novels? There is more gruesome in Heartless, but then he is not the father of your heroine. There are many bad, gaming, incurring debts fathers, but this as you say, ‘takes the cake’. Most of your young positive characters are wonderful fathers, so are the mothers, but with rare exceptions the previous generation of mothers is not very positive.. Of course there are exceptions. But all the dramatic moments of mothers encountering unexpected, unwanted daughters in law!

    Ludmilla Wightman Princeton, NJ USA
  • Is there a place where one can find a list of your interconnected characters, explaining their interconnections, even when the books are not part of the same "series"? In other words, where you provide information next to a book such as "X, the hero of this book, is a brother of X, the heroine of [book title]. Thanks.

  • Thank you for Always Remember! The ending was so joyous! You presented an accurate picture of how families sometimes treat family members with a disability (in this case, I think Lady Jennifer had polio and post-polio syndrome). The family is so focused on what the loved CAN'T do that they overlook what they CAN do.

    Laura Mitchell Oceanside, CA United States
  • I have read your books over the years and recently I read Simply Perfect - I was wondering if there was a book on Lizzie? I wanted to know her story, please let me know,thank you

    Carmen Gruen Levittown, NY Nassau
  • This is a wonderful website! I love the design and how the books are laid out by year or series. The family photo was super cute too 🙂 It's always nice to learn a little more about the life of the person writing/making all the 'magic'. I'm a big audiobook fan - love the performances of the voice actors, and I can read while doing dishes, etc. even when my eyes are tired after work. So I am REALLY looking forward to more of your books being available online, especially the Christmas ones!!

    Virginia Kita Tokyo Japan
  • Love your books! Will "Bertrand" get his story?   AUTHOR REPLY: I hope to write his story as part of the Ravenswood series.

    M. A. A. Everest Medford OR USA
  • I am from Swansea born in 1941 living in Bangkok with Thai husband and family since 1966. Am a voracious reader addicted to Georgette Heyer. Since lockdown reading even more and found you. I started with the Bedwyn books and have now loaded everyone of your books from Amazon. I love every one of them and thank you for giving me so many happy reading hours. Please keep writing. For Swansea girls-I was June Davies from Gower Road-we are still very Welsh at heart. With very best wishes.

    June Amatavivadhana Bangkok Thailand
  • I have read all of your series multiple times. Please write Bertrand’s story. Thank you for so many hours of pleasure. With kind regards, Ellen Cook

    Ellen Cook Novato United States
  • Hello Ms. Balogh, Than you so much for your books. Your characters are like dear friends whom I respect, admire, worry about and root for. I return to their stories again and again. I have so many that I love and wish I could check in with, Colin and Elizabeth, Christine and Wulfric, Claudia and Joseph, Alex and Wren, Freyja and Josh, Gervase and Morgan and so many many more. Thank you for creating not just the couples, but the families and communities that love them. Maria's reunification with her family in Someone Perfect, for example is so dear and so cathartic (🤌🏿😗). So many authors focus on the lead couple and forgot that we are made human and whole by many loves as well a romantic love. You show fathers and sons, sisters and brothers, grandparents, an me so many relationships that provide a fullness which bring your stories to a greater level. I hope to enjoy many more of your stories in the future. I wish you all the best of your writing and in your life. Be well, Abi P.S. I'd love to read a story about Elizabeth's (Handrich nee Wescott) friend, Araminta Scott. Though she only briefly appears in Wescott book 5, Someone to Trust, her position on the cusp of a new chapter is highly intriguing and I'd also love to see more of Colin and Elizabeth. Thank you, AO

    Abi O Twin Cities US
  • I found your books from my library e-books during the shutdown of 2020. I really enjoyed each and everyone of them and the audios that come with them. I wanted to know if you have a map on how the characters are connected from the other books series? Thanks

    Marie Meza FL USA
  • SIMPLY... THE BEST OF THE BEST! I have enjoyed ALL of the books you have written. Such an amazing array of Characters and their stories. So, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU FOR HOURS OF ENTERTAINMENT!

    Jeri Arterburn Hensley USA
  • Hi Mary, Do you plan on writing more books after Always Remember in your Ravenswood series? Thank you, Sarah   AUTHOR REPLY: I am hoping to make it a 7-part series, Sarah. Book 4, REMEMBER WHEN, Clarissa's story, is already written. In the spring I hope to start on Nicholas's story.

    S P Buffalo, NY US
  • Hi Mary, I was wondering, would your Westcott series and Ravenswood series one day be made into a TV series or movie? I think that would be so amazing to see the characters to brought to life from the page! I love your books sooo much!! Thank you, Sarah   AUTHOR NOTE: It's not a decision for me to make, Sarah. But thank you for your interest!

    S P Buffalo, NY US
  • I love your books! Always look forward to reading new books!

    DeeDee Salay Fort Wayne, IN USA
  • I sincerely appreciate and am touched by the wisdom that you include in your books. In the Claudia and Joseph book ( my fave) you have the interlude of silence and in other books as well. 'So many great romance writers and I am so fortunate that one writes from the truth of being. If you are familiar with Gangagi she would describe you as a 'secret agent' sharing the true depth of life. You reach my heart.

    Deirdre Curtin Waterloo Ontario Canada a
  • I just re-read the Bedwyn series. I greatly enjoyed them again. I see from Goodreads that there was a 6.5 book about Christine's sister Eleanor called Another Dream. It was issued in a two novella book called Once Upon a Dream with author Grace Burrowes. That is no longer available. According to Grace's website each of the novellas might be issued separately by the author but I don't see this on your website. Do you have plans to issue Another Dream separately? I'd love to know what happened to Eleanor -- also reviews indicate the book includes more about Wulfric. I was happy to see that you are re-issuing Dancing with Clara. I thought it was a great book when I read it years ago.   Author note: You can find the novella "Another Dream" in the Class Ebook anthology SECOND CHANCES.

    Maria McSweeney CA United States
  • I have been reading your books since the Signet Regency days. You are my favorite Regency author. Your characters are complex and learn and develop during your stories. Please keep writing!

    Laurie Angle Angle Laurie usa
  • Hi Mary! I love your books and have been reading them for a couple of years now. I have been trying to collect them and I especially love Red Rose, however, I have been struggling to find a hardcover version. I have checked online and am unable to find one. Do you happen to know where I could find one or do you sell them personally? If not, do you think you would ever consider re-printing some of your books in hardcover? Thanks so much! Elizabeth AUTHOR REPLY: As far as I know, Elizabeth, there never was a hardcover version of RED ROSE. As far as reprinting is concerned, that decision is not mine!

    Elizabeth Gordon Pennsylvania USA
  • I absolutely love your books. They are so beautifully written. I love that they usually make me laugh and cry and touch my heart. You are definitely one of my very favorite authors.

    Elaine Wood Westbrook Maine USA
  • I happily get lost in your books! The way you tell a story paints such a lovely picture in my mind, I often feel as if I am an invisible observer in the same room! I hope that I have not missed a book in the Wescott Family series, but did Wren's brother get a story of his own? (and if I did miss a book, it will be no difficulty at all to go back and re-read the entire series!) Thank you so much for your work!   AUTHOR NOTE: The book in question is SOMEONE TO TRUST, Elizabeth and Colin's story.

    LJ Harker CO USA
  • I am not sure if this the proper spot, but I received an email that I was a lucky winner in your drawing! I am delighted and thankful. My thanks for this gift and the gift of hundreds of hours of sweet reading! Martha

    Martha Durick Columbus, ND USA
  • I've been fortunate to read many of your books. So evocative of the Regency era. I have just finished reading "Remember Love". I'm studying Welsh with long ago ancestors from North Wales to Tasmania in the 1870s. I enjoyed the inclusion of actual Welsh language by the Welsh speaking characters. Thank you for including that well known song "Y Deryn Pur" and some of the Welsh words. I was disappointed by the English translation which is nothing like the Welsh at all. However I found the Welsh words with a more accurate English translation on the internet. Then I went to YouTube and listened to Mary Hopkins, then Wyn Davies, singing this beautiful song in Welsh. Your writing inspired my search. Thank you.

    Elizabeth Britton New South Wales Australia
  • Just a quick thank you for giving me so many hours of reading pleasure. I was “late to the game” in terms of reading romance novels, but I’m making up for lost time now, and yours are among my favorites. I’m looking forward to “The Trysting Place.” Best wishes, Denise

    Denise mcIntosh Chicago, Illinois USA
  • I just read you will add Bertrand and Winifred in the new series. Are you speaking of the Ravenswood series. I hope for us readers that ar3 in our eighties 🙄 . Mary Balogh quote: I am hoping to incorporate one of those characters (Bertrand Lamarr) and possibly the other one too (WInfired Cunningham) in the new series.

    Irene Truman Irene USA
  • I love your books. I have read most of the Walcott series through 2 or 3 times. Also the series of the war wounded that heal. I can say that there have not been very many that I have not enjoyed. Please keep writing, which it sounds like you will. Thank you for your great stories.

    Betty Coxson Dallas, Oregon USA
  • Harry's story?

    Bela Bansal Md Usa
  • I am over the moon my friend suggested "Slightly Married" to me earlier this year. Since then, I've read all the Bedwyns including prequels, the Simply quartet, the Mistress trilogy, and now all the wonderful Westcotts. I've been brought to tears so many times in these glorious stories of vulnerability, family, and love! Beautiful, beautiful love. Thank you so much for writing these books, they have brought me SO much joy this year. Really can't express enough how much they've meant.

    Julianne Weis Washington DC USA
  • I truly enjoy all of your books, especially the series! I read them, then listen to them on Audible. I was disappointed the Huxtable Series is not available on Audible and hope it is in the near future!

    Jennifer Barnasevitch Beaver Meadows,PA United States
  • I happily discovered your books several years ago, and fell in love with your stories and your writing. I started a collection of Mary Balogh's books in a carton. Now I cannot lift it! I must re-read them as they are such good literature. Thank you for writing grand stories.

    Maria Ryan IL United States
  • Perhaps this has been asked and I missed it. Is Bertrand Lamarr going to get a "Someone..." story? AUTHOR REPLY: No, Pamela. But I do hope to give him a story as part of the Ravenswood series.

    Pamela Thorley North Carolina USA
  • Years ago I was sent the Mistress duo by the Smith’s book club as a free gift. And that’s how I discovered your writing. I then read everything of yours available in the U.K. at that time. I’ve loved the Westcott family series, in fact there isn’t anything of yours I don’t love, but I *adore* Simply Love. We all have to have a favourite of a favourite, it doesn’t make the rest any less special.

    Wendy Loveridge Cheltenham UK
  • I love your books and have read them for years. You develop characters beautifully, not resorting to stereotypes or characters that resurface under different names, book after book. My favorite may still be Silent Melody. Also, I've just re-read Someone to Trust and do not understand the criticism of other commenters. While the 9 year age difference may have been insurmountable in the early 19th century, many issues facing Elizabeth and Colin are not unlike today. The same holds true for Silent Melody. One request: will you ever tell us what happens to the characters in the future? Many novels today have an epilogue, which I enjoy because it give us a hint of the main characters 'happy ever after" and in the end, isn't that one of the great appeals of your novels?

    Vera Jordan Boston, MA USA
  • Hello Mary, I hope you are well and enjoying the coming of spring to the Prairies as we really don't live that far from each other in Canada. I was wondering if you had any thoughts about the recent infamous info-commercial interview between the Sussex's and Oprah Winfrey. As an avid Royalist and proud citizen of a Commonwealth country, I am shocked and saddened by this disgusting insult to the Royal Family, especially Her Majesty, who has worked tirelessly for Britain and the Commonwealth. As you write primarily about the Ton and aristocracy, although it was awhile ago, you may have insight into this situation as history tends to repeat itself. I have been watching Lady Colin Campbell on her YouTube channel and she is both informative and entertaining as well. I recently purchased the "Captured Hearts" book at a second hand store which featured your story "Precious Rogue" and thoroughly enjoyed it. Stay well and stay safe, your loyal reader and friend, Gloria

    Gloria Chmilar Mundare, Alberta Canada
  • Ms.Balogh, I have read your books since you began writing and I always look forward to the next book. I enjoy the characters and the environments you create so well on the written page. Recently, you have written about older characters who find happiness in their middle age. The depth of the character is more intense and I find more interesting for the reader. Thank you for your books.

    Maria Santos Massachusetts USA
  • I just finished "Someone to Honor" and regard it as one of your more telling and compelling story plots regarding human nature, the impact of early childhood, and who we think we are. What stood out to me was the importance of family and how it cares about it's nearest and dearest.

    Anita Goldbaum North Hills, CA USA
  • Will your new book “Remember Love” be available in paperback?   AUTHOR NOTE: In December, Paula.

    Paula Berkowitz Clifton Park, NY USA
  • Dear Mary , I hope this find you well. I'm writing to say that I'm a super fan of your books. I have a huge affection for them, as they make me travel to other places and feel good about myself. I collect bookmarks for all of your books and would like to know if you could send me some so I can continue my collection. Thank you so much! Best regards, Silvia  

    Silvia Regina Bitarães Bitarães Usa Flórida
  • I tried to leave a message on your blog, but it didn't take, I just wanted to let you know that I am glad that you started the blog again. I have enjoyed it so much in the past. I'm a real fan girl. I love your books.

    Mary T Missouri USA
  • I just finished a re read of the Arrangement .... so perfect I went back to it, after reading Agnes and Flavian's story .... I was hoping when Lady March openly challenged Ages referring to her niece, that Agnes responded - oh yes your niece, Viscountess Darleigh, the niece you threw out of your house in the middle of the night, penniless --- that niece???? As you can see, I am so ticked with the March family -- they just need to fade away.. second: I cannot find Benedict;s story --- please advise -- I cannot believe I missed it. thanks for letting me vent. klewis kathryn lewis

    Kathryn Lewis Scottsdale Arizona USA
  • I love your books, But I was surprised when I saw my family name in your Simply Love book. "Ty Gwyn" My family is descended from Gwyristian or Merfyn The Freckled One who was descended from Owain Gwynedd. King of Gwynedd Northern Wales. a few generations later Robert ap Edward had a son Robert who in the 1700's came to America by way of Ireland then Virginia and Iowa where I was born. It was interesting to read your description of the Welsh area. I visited Wales a few years ago. You brought back fond memories. Thank you for the memories and your wonderful stores.

    betty gwinn/anderson las vegas nevada USA
  • When the world is in turmoil and the news is always awful there is great comfort to be had from your books. I have just finished Someone Perfect which I loved and I may just have to re-read the series again from the beginning until Bertrand finds his soul mate! I have also read many of your other series of books and really enjoyed them as well. So "Thank You". You are one of my favorite Regency authors. As you will see we live just over the border from Wales in a very old listed house, pre-Regency period. Our hamlet is very like the villages in your books, the same families have lived here for centuries. One of the houses nearest to us is called Hammerhill as it was the site of the blacksmith years ago and our lane was originally the old drovers road. We will be bringing in the holly, ivy, yew and other greenery [no mistletoe as a puppy in the house] from around the fields soon for Christmas to decorate the beams as always though the birds have eaten the berries on the holly already a sign of a hard winter they say, going to carols with friends and neighbours in our old local church which will be freezing cold and I just hope it doesn't rain as the roof leaks!, sitting around the log fire opening presents with the family and dogs and eating our Christmas turkey, pudding, mince pies etc. I feel thankful. I wish you,your family and other readers a very Happy Christmas.

    Gilli Conway Shropshire United Kingdom
  • Love all your books, I have read just about all of them.

    Delores Ross Dayton Ohio USA
  • I've just finished Remember Love and I loved it! I'm so impressed with your ability to bring all these characters to life. Reading your books always keeps me on the edge of my seat all the way to the end. Congratulations on the start of another successful series. I've collected all of your books that I can and wait eagerly for those I couldn't get to come out on my kindle. Thanks for making so many readers happy!

    Jennifer Essary Natchez, MS USA
  • I wonder why many of your perfectly good books remain on yellowed pages instead in a Kindle edition. I was just trying to read A Trysting Place. It would be so enjoyable to read it on line. There must at least ten old books not in Kindle.

    Ludmilla Wightman Princeton USA
  • Love your books . Keep them Coming. I have your books in all the ways . Hard backed paper Backed PC and my little bookreader. Thanks for all your great stories. Joan

    J M Wilson riverview Canada
  • I am a long time fan and I have been enjoying your books so much! I read the snippet from Remember Love, and I was looking forward to ordering it. When I looked on Amazon, it was not available as a Paperback, only Kindle, Hardcover or audio book. Is it expected to be released in paperback?   AUTHOR NOTE: Yes, in December, 2022.

    Nechama Cox Baltimore, MD USA
  • I just finished Someone To Trust and I’m looking forward to more Westcott novels. I love how you shed light on minor characters such as cousin Matilda and make me wish for a novel just about her! Your novels always bring me great joy.

    Laura Klein Windsor United States
  • I just finished your book LONGING that is set in Wales and I loved this book. I can relate to the heroine as her last name is Jones and that is my maiden name. There is some history of my family coming from Wales. Who knows I may still have some relatives there! Rochelle (Jones) McBride

    Rochelle McBride Indiana USA
  • I find myself returning to your books repeatedly and when my daughter says you just read that, I say it gives me such comfort. I, like you, read all types of books but when I want a book that takes me back to a historically accurate regency period written with such well developed characters that you come to care about, well it is your book that I crave. I find myself reading for up to 6 hours a night! Your writing is a beautiful gift you have shared with us and I for one have learned a lot about the regency period as well as wales and I thank you for this.

    Sue Lincoln Charlottessville, Virginia US
  • Thank you, Mary, for the great Westcott series! Such great books full of rich characters and transformations. I love reading and re-reading the books, and every time I discover new things. After I finish a Westcott book, I am certain that one to be my top favourite. Then, I pick up the next Westcott book, and I am certain this one is my top favourite. These books are so good that it is impossible to have one top favourite =) Having read all (released so far), I wonder what happens to Winnifred Cunningham. She grew up in front of our eyes and changed through the books so much. I pray we get to learn more about her =) Stay safe, Desi G.

    Desi Georgieva Woodstock, ON Canada
  • Ms. Balogh-- I'm just in the midst of reading "Remember Me," and it's masterful. You have such a talent for creating a situation and then inexorably, slowly, unfolding it toward an emotional and heartfelt conclusion, with wonderful and complex characters. I've been a fan a long time and hope you never stop writing! Linda Ford

    linda Ford Ford Madison NY USA
  • Love your books! I just finished Someone to Honor. I hope Harry will finally have a story, too.

    Patsy W Raleigh, NC USA
  • Big fan. Are you considering another book about Wales? I wish you would. I fell in love with your book Longing. Your other books are also awesome. You’re uncommonly talented.

    Diane Ferrell Plano USA
  • I just finished At Last Comes Love. I have always loved your books but I just had to write and thank you for writing this one. It has touched my heart. Thank you so much.

    Ada Southerland Chapel Hill, NC USA
  • Love all your Westcott series. Wanting more. Congratulations and more power to you!

    Gina Entote Cebu City Philippines
  • Please write some more novels as I am nearly finished going through all of yours for a second time! How about writing about the children in your present books? Waiting impatiently!

    Lynne Clarkin MA United States
  • Hi Ms Balogh, I love reading and rereading your books (just reread and enjoyed the Huxtable series and Dark Angel, all great). I have bought most of your reissued ebooks, since my tired old eyes can no longer read paperbacks. I was wondering what ever happened to one of your books, Thief of Dreams. Will it be reissued as an ebook? Thanks for letting me know. --EP

    Elena P New York USA
  • --Love your books. Don't think I have read them all but quite a few!! I really enjoy them and can't put them down when I am reading one. Please don't change, love them the way they are. Thank you for writing them!!!!

    Sharon Kingsbury Michigan United States
  • I stumbled upon Simply Unforgettable about six years ago and you are still unparalleled in this genre. And this genre is for the most part all that I am interested in reading now. You got me started! It's like food to me. I read it on my kindle every night, some days. I listen when I can't sleep. My current problem is that the library does not carry all of your books on kindle. I have now read all that they offer in this regard, many times over..and I'm not usually someone who reads a book more than once. You have really struck a chord with me! Please let me know if you plan to convert more of your books to the kindle format. Thank you, Mary, for your exquisite brings to my life precisely the element for which I hunger. I remember my dear mother in the last years of her life sharing with me that when she gets in bed with her kindle it's her favorite time of day. While I have many activities that I love, at this point in my own life, I completely sense the feeling of which she spoke. Sincerely, A very satisfied fan!   AUTHOR NOTE: All but four of my oldest books are now available in ebook form, Anny, at least in North America.

    Anny Densmore SF, CA USA
  • I'd like to be on your mailing list. What's your next book? I love your writing and have enjoyed them for years. AUTHOR REPLY: I no longer have a mailing list, Jeanne--something to do with spam laws in Canada. The next Ravenswood book is REMEMBER WHEN, Clarissa's story, due out next January. I am about to start Nicholas's story.

    Jeanne Allan Berkeley/California United States
  • While thoroughly enjoying listening to your Westcott novels out of sequence, I just had to applaud you for the amazing conversation between Wren and Viola, where they revealed their fears and challenged each other. That passage was incredibly beautiful and brilliant, worthy of Jane Eyre status in history! Though I've singled out this passage, I have to say how much I've enjoyed all your delightful books. I don't want to leave the Westcott Family, and I look forward to Harry's story, and Estelle's and even John Goddard's! And if you're able to reveal the depth of character in the 2 hour format of TV, PBS could make this an amazing and long-running series...though I'd miss Rosalyn Landor's voices....

    Ruth Stadnik Healdsburg California United States
  • Re-reading the Bedwyn series, and I’m still wondering how to pronounce Alleyne’s name. Google said “a-lean” in US, and “Allen” in England. What do you say?   AUTHOR NOTE: a-LAIN, Patricia.

    Patricia Wolfe Calify USA
  • I wanted to reach out to you and thank you for your books. In the last 20 years, I have read most of what you written, and you have given me hours and hours of enjoyment. Like so many others, my favorite is Slightly Dangerous. But all of your books are simply a joy to read. Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world and especially your enthusiastic readers like me! Barbara Woltz

    Barbara Woltz OK United States
  • I've just reread the Bedwyn series - one of my all time favourites - although I do appreciate all your books and series - and are wondering if you ever have thought about picking up that thread again and would tell us a second generation story about Christian Bedwyn all grown up. It would give your readers a chance to see how Wulfric and Christine are doing in their sixties and might offer glimpses of the other Bedwyns and their offspring as well. As you have mentioned in your blog Wulfric is your most popular hero and his son might follow suit. I'm certainly not the only one who would be interested. Thank you once again for many pleasurable hours of reading and enjoying your books. I sincerely hope there will be many more to come. All the best, Ingrid

    Ingrid Ingrid Wurzer Vienna AT
  • Thank you for writing Matilda’s story in Someone to Remember. I didn’t realize I needed to hear her story until I read the first page. Like the characters in the book, I too sort of overlooked her but am so glad she now has the opportunity for joy and happiness. I love your stories and your characters. I get drawn into their lives and love the continuity of your various series. Please, never stop writing!

    Shannon Anderson Winnipeg/Manitoba Canada
  • Great books that lets one drift away from reality to another time period! Will Hugo’s sister have her own book/story? AUTHOR REPLY: Very probably not, Steph.

    Steph B Virginia USA
  • Just read quite a few of your guest book entries. I am unable to come up with anything to say about your stories or your writing skills that has not already been better said. I do want you to know that this one old lady (me) in Tennessee, USA loves your books & admires your writing abilities & looks very forward to each new publication. I wish you every happiness in life - you bring so much pleasure & enjoyment to so many through your work. Thank you so very much.

    Debra Pritchett TN United States
  • Someone Perfect has just been delivered to me. I have started the book eagerly as I do with all your books. I noticed however you mention the uncertainty of the monarchy with George IV illness and then mention nearest relative as Victoria. However George IV was succeeded by his brother William IV then it was Victoria

    Gloria Jones London England
  • I am a Reader of your books, and i like this genre. Please can you inform me, of following books will appear in future in german Version or if not, and where I can get your books. slightly married slightly wicked slightly tempted slightly sinful slightly dangerous Thank you for your answer. Kind regards - Josefa Markowetz - Greetings vom Austria

    Josefa Markowetz Kirchdorf, Upper-Austria Austria
  • a villian is made by someone who cares for nothing or noone.just out to get what theywant no matter how.

    gwyn beams shepherdsville kentucky United States
  • Hi I really enjoy your books! On Hoopla (and possibly all digital versions) Substitute Guest appears as Substitute Ghost in A Day for Love. Guest makes a lot more sense. Happy writing

    Cristina Schryver Sunnyvale USA
  • I've been collecting your books for years now and have filled my bookcase to overflowing and enjoying each and every book; sometimes reading them over again when I begin to miss the various characters...right now I'm back into the Huxtable series where I first began reading your most delightful first book purchase was at the Barnes & Noble bookstore here in Boise; my home is in its suburb of Eagle, Idaho. The novel which caught my eye was "A Secret Affair"...and the story-line was so captivating that I couldn't wait to read on to the other novels in the Huxtable collection... Having finished all the current and past books over and over again, I've gone back now to the beginning once more and now am engrossed once more with the story of Margaret Huxtable and Duncan Pennethorne...even knowing of the book's conclusion doesn't diminish the great enjoyment of a story well written...and, Mary, you are the very best writer of your and any other of my reading generations. I can't wait for whatever comes next from your tremendous talent...incidentally, I'm into my 86th year and when reading your works, I'm then transported into the ages of those characters and their subsequent's quite a wonderful way to spend my pre-existing condition...which if known is actually called "elderly"... love and joy to you Mary and all the best to you and yours for the oncoming years as you devotedly continue your calling. I anxiously await your next endeavor... Most sincerely, Joan Roberts Pope Eagle, Idaho

    Joan Pope Idaho United States
  • I hope you have had a peaceful and safe Christmas this year, and that in 2021 will be able to see our families again. I so enjoy reading your books and have just finished the Survivors and the Huxtables again in the lockdown and I am desperate to have the Bedwyn series on Kindle. When will they be there please. SOON I hope.

    Gill Martyn Cumbria United Kingdom
  • Congratulations on being in the top 10 list for Someone Perfect. I hope you are proud of your accomplishment. You make me pleased, because it shows I have good taste in what I read and who writes the books I love. Merry Christmas and may 2022 be a joyful year for you and yours.

    Annette Naish Annette USA
  • Love your books. Cannot put them down when I start reading. Hope all is well with you and your family. Stay safe. Love from Florida.

    Dottie Marlan Tampa, Florida USA
  • I've just finished reading Someone to Honor, can't wait for Someone to Remember. I've read most of your published books so far. Looking forward to reading many more of your books, Haniipha

    Hanipha Mohammed Ontario Canada
  • I just finished reading "Always Remember," Ben and Jennifer's story. It was just beautiful!!! I love all your books and usually my favorite is the one I recently completed. 🙂 You truly know how to create and develop characters, storylines, and make you feel like you are in the room with them experiencing all the heights and depths of their lives. I wanted to cry when Jennifer "walked" down the aisle - and little Joy ran into the carriage to go back with them, just what a child would do who loved and was loved. Anyway, thank you once again for a quite beautiful story. 😍

    Martha Moody Louisville, KY USA
  • I love what you wrote. That is absolutely true. It is wonderful when you can feel the character, his/her emotions and how it relates uniquely to his/her personality and being. What a gift to understand each personality and to write them into an understood relationship among characters.

    Karen Stolfi Stolfi Karen Stolfi US
  • Simply love your books, they have such poignant stories with captivating characters. Simply Love is my favorite, followed closely by Someone to Honor. Eagerly waiting for the next Ravenswood series to come out.

    Shital Shah Massachusetts USA
  • Mary, I love your writing. I love reading relationship building novels about people who actually talk to each other with truth and honesty! Thank you! I've been collecting your books as e-books to replace my paper copies, and am still waiting on Gentle Conquest - will we see that one in digital format soon?   AUTHOR NOTE:   GENTLE CONQUEST will be out again as an ebook on September 5.

    Marybeth Miller Newark, DE USA
  • Along with Georgette Heyer and a few other writers of historical novels you have been a saviour during my too frequent bouts of depression. Can I just say thank you. To be able to lose myself in your lovely stories is truly a godsend.

    John Loundes Western Australia Australia
  • Just finished Deceived, what a sad, damaged villain you created in Martin Honywood. Not all pain is purely physical even though he was compelled to make in both. What a wonderful story of the heart's ability to forgive you constructed. Martin is almost equal of Julian in Tangled and Justin in Slightly Dangerous. Look forward to your next release. Thank you.

    June Hart New Mexico United States
  • HI! just wanted to send some love for all the wonderful books you gave us. After falling in love with jane austen, at the age of 11, I am always searching for authors and stories in that direction. Pregnant with my third child, the nausea and vomitting was severe, but reading 16 of your books saved me! thanks a thousand, please never stop! With love from Zurich

    Mirjam Haymann Zurich Switzerland
  • Love your books; ready to go to B&N and pick up the newest. Would love to win a signed hardback, but no luck yet.

    MaaryLu McFall MaryLu USA
  • The first book of yours I remember reading was A Precious Jewel. It is still my favorite, although there are about two dozen in second place! May I recommend to you a nonfiction book: Guns, Germs and Steel, by Jared Diamond. I don't generally read nonfiction; this held my interest from page 2. Thank you so much for continuing to write. I, too, have saved every book I bought and am still collecting from second-hand shops. Of course, reissues have been very welcome because I missed buying some the first time around. Blessings on you and yours.

    Marie Peterson LOVEland, Colorado USA
  • Hello, I have recently discovered your books and am enjoying them immensely. Thank you for reigniting my love for reading. So far my favourite is Simply Unforgettable followed closely by The Secret Pearl. Please keep writing!! I hope you are well 🙂

    Michelle Bailey Vancouver Island Canada
  • Just finished reading SOMEONE PERFECT (for about the 10th time) and wondering when Bertram's story will be coming.😊

    Barb L. Plano, TX USA
  • I just finished Someone to Romance and I read the excerpt of Harry's story... and I am a bit disappointed. Harry had already undergone so much grief especially the deep mortification brought about his snatched Earldom and consequent illegitimacy. I would like Harry to have someone pure in every way to cleanse away the nightmares of his past, not a widow with her own baggage. Please give Harry a girl with the heart of a lion with grit and a future to look forward to, not someone who already had her own romance and story with another man. PLEASE....

    Virginia Tican Baguio City, Benguet Philippines
  • Love all of your books!

    Dianna Gilliam Missouri USA
  • I always buy your books from Amazon ebooks but cannot buy the simply series or the Bedwyn series ,I have just re-read both series in book form for the fifth time.I really love to read them over and over again ,but it is becoming harder as I have arthritic hands .Please have them available to Amazon ebooks u.k. They are just so fabulous,as are all your books.

    Joan Killow Devon England
  • I just found you and already read all the Bedwyns and Wescotts!! Can we get encores! Happy ever afters? Please I already miss them! Thanks for transporting me to the Regency period…

    Isalis Sanchez Winter Park, Florida USA
  • I have to ration how frequently I reread your books. Otherwise I begin to finish the characters' sentences for them. Out loud. Thank you for sharing them, Thomas

    Thomas Cox NC United States
  • After reading Someone Perfect I went back and read ALL the Westcotts! Love them all but I adore Avery.

    frances crowley Mt Usa
  • I have read and enjoyed almost all of your books on my Kindle. I'm not sure whether I have read all the re-released novellas in "Second Chances." Could you please tell me where (that is, attached to which anthologies) they were published before? Thank you and all the best!

    Heather B QC Canada
  • Please do sequels to Remember Love! So many more stories to tell: Ben, Joy, Stephanie, & more.

    Diane Drw Atlanta GA USA
  • Have totally enjoyed getting to know all your wonderful families. You make me forget that I cannot go out freely to travel and enjoy all that the world has to offer.

    Rebecca Koontz Rebecca USA
  • Hello, Mary. Love, love all your books. I often re-read them; it is like visiting good friends. Do you have any plans to do Bertrand's story from the Westcott series? Thank you for giving us so many memorable characters and so many hours of reading pleasure. Gratefully, Pauline   AUTHOR REPLY: I do hope to write a story for Bertrand as part of the Ravenswood series, Pauline.

    Pauline Stroz New York United States
  • WHAO !!! Listen now to almost all of your books and I love it !!! GIVE me more ... well now I at the point to check out what's left for me to listen to 🙂 I am looking forward to new books coming ! LOVELY series all of them ! Venke

    Venke Idsøe Sandnes, Rogaland Norway
  • Hello Mary, you came to me through a Facebook ad which caught my eye because my mother's maiden name is Balogh. Has your husband done any genealogy research? We have a little info but have found the Hungarian data difficult to access. Just wondered if we must be related.

    Debbie Treen Sammamish, WA USA
  • I have just retired and have found you as an author that I am so enjoying. your stories are healing and thoughtful. Love when you create a series and a family. You are very talented.

    JoAnn Cardillo Fairlawn, nj usa
  • I just finished "The Proposal". I loved it. It made me cry (A happy cry). And it was so well written. But as I got to the end I was thrilled to read they were really getting married and couldn't wait until the end when I assumed I would find out she gets pregnant and finish up the book with that journey and how they react when they find out. How does the pregnancy go? And of course the birth and the sex of the child, and their emotional journey through it. But it didn't. Nothing further beyond the wedding. I am so disappointed. I need to know, did they have children? Were they male or female? Were there any complications with the pregnancies? How did Hugo handle being a father? And many more unanswered questions. Is there a second book that picks up with their lives shortly after their marriage? I hope so. I do plan on reading your other books. Meanwhile I just had to ask. Thanks Judy Cook   AUTHOR REPLY: THE PROPOSAL is Book 1 of the 7-part Survivors' series, Judy. See the Books page on my web site for the others.

    Judy Cook Michigan USA
  • I love all your books I've read so far. Although right now I have to say I'm a little perplexed. I am reading A Promise of Spring. As you know this is the 2nd in the Web series. In the Gilded Web (the first in the series) Edmund Raine, Earl of Amberly marries Alexandra Purnell. In the Promise of Spring the story of Perry and Grace it mentions that Edmund Raine Earl of Amberly says to Perry after he finds out that Perry is betrothed to Grace and I quote from the book "Somehow I have never thought of you settling down. I thought I would race you to the altar, though I have no thought of marring before I'm thirty. Three years to go yet!" I don't get it?? If someone does please explain. In the second book he should already be married to Alexandra.

    Carrie Wallag MI United States
  • Found one of your books in a resale shop. Loved it. Now I have about 10 of them lined up to read. They are hard to find in my area. I did get a new one at Target today. Someone Perfect. Reading it now. Today also found a couple at the Public Library. I can’t believe I am 71 years old and have never read your books.Hey, it’s never to late.

    Donn leo Winter Springs Florida USA
  • I was in the bed and flat on my back (which is not an acceptable way of life for me) after my spine turned traitor. Your novels kept me sane! I also found Lora Leigh very helpful. Between the two of you I managed not to go insane. Thank You, Linda

    Linda Allen Larue, Tx. USA
  • Long time fan of your books. My all-time favorite is A Summer to Remember. Please say there are plans for an audio version! I've read it many times - especially the devine ending! - and would love to listen to the audio. Thank you for many happy years of reading. Much appreciated!

    Evelyn Nodal CA United States
  • Hi Ms Balogh: I love your stories. I hope that you'll write about Adrian Sawyer as well as Betrand Lamarr. I had hoped that Estelle would marry Adrian as I thought it would've been a good way to tie the Westcotts with the Sawyers had Matilda & Charles married when they were young. I hope that you will expand upon the children of Camille, Abigail, and Anna as well as the legitimate Westcott cousins of Ivan and his brother. Thank you for continuing in your writings.

    Grace Unruh Arizona USA
  • 'Someone to Trust', the fifth book in 'The Westcott Series' must be the most intriguing love story written. Each and every book in the Series is a work of art and thoroughly entertaining. The 'Huxtables Series' is another wonderful 5-book Series and with the 'Simply Quartet' books, I've certainly had my fill of thrilling stories with wonderful characters. I'm now on to the next Series and again, thank you so much M/s Balogh for giving me so many opportunities to lose myself by just reading. What would we do without books!

    Christina La Ponder Christina La Ponder TEA GARDENS;NSW AU
  • As an English teacher, I always thought myself "above* romance books. Then one day I got a copy of Someone to Love on sale, and I was captivated by the richness of the characters and plot. A little while later I picked up a copy of Simply Magic, and I was hooked! Such interesting characters, a sweet love story, and a even a mysterious back story. Wow! I'm now on a mission to read all your books. I've read around 30 so far, and I've loved every one. I'm so glad you've written so many-- so much to look forward to ! Thank you for all the enjoyment.

    Rachel Zimand St. Louis, MO USA
  • I have read a ton of your books and have loved each and everyone but I just finished Someone To Remember. I just had to thank you for writing Matilda and Charles’s story. You know you couldn’t help feeling sorry for Matilda in all the Westcott books but she wasn’t warm and fuzzy either but this book finally made me see her as really the tragic figure she was but wow does she shine thru now! I just simply love love love your books ❤️❤️❤️

    Nelda Fields Minter, Alabama United States
  • Hello. You are an author I always buy by name and not cover or title although those are good as well. I have all your earlier works in paperback and the more recent in e-book format. Please, please, please, when are the Bedwyns coming to e-book. and not audio so I can buy them again. I just loved this series. Maybe you could add to the series with a previously unknown half sibling or two? Thanks for books that I reread many times.

    Sheree Doran Victoria Australia
  • Glad to see The First Snowdrop coming as an ebook. I have been reading your books since A Masked Deception, which if I remembcer, was published even before The First Snowdrop. My Snowdrop is read at least once a year and is now simply a collection of loose pages - binding has long given up the ghost and the glue! This book, and many others of yours, especially the Christmas anthologies, are kept in the bookcase next to my bed. I love Regencies - and you are the only author of whom I have kept all the print books. - several lineal feet!

    Judy Needham Cape Cod, Massachusetts USA
  • Mary, I was lucky enough to pick up Someone Perfect at the store one day and found out that it was the ninth (or tenth if you include Someone to Remember) in a series. I have since gone back and read all of the rest of them except I am still finishing up Someone to Cherish. I am so sad to be at the end of the series. Is there anyway you might write some more? Bertrand still needs to get married, and Maria, even though I think Maria and Bertrand would be cute together. But ultimately I wanted to say I have thoroughly enjoyed them all. I have smiled and laughed and even cried with the characters. I have been off work for a while because of needing chemotherapy, and I have happily gotten lost in the world of the Westcotts. Thank you so much for all of these wonderful books.

    Catherine Dow Caledonia, Michigan United States
  • I just finished Someone to Remember and loved reading this sweet story of a love that lasted through the years and its completion. Thank you so much for writing it. ❤️

    Ada Southerland Chapel Hill USA
  • I am wishing you Mary, your family, and my follow readers around the world happy, health and prosperous 2020 and beyond. I am really enjoying reading, and rereading the Westcott series, and I am extremely happy that you are thinking of writing about Estelle, Bertrand & Winifred, especially Winifred. I think it be awesome, and heart warming to read Winifred's story. I will definitely buy some of it for friends I lost to social media, and don't read books as much as they used. I think Winifred's book will lure them back to books. I hope, hope and hope again Mary that you don't use anywhere in Winifred's book the word, (by-blow). I understand that it was the norm in the period your books are based on to call illegitimate children for hurtful names, and you use that word quite a lot probably to give emphasis, and/or illustrate a point of particular situation, but I truly came to hate that word as these stories shed unflattering light on poor or illegitimate children who find themselves in horrendous circumstances. I do not know what road your wonderfully creative brain will take to write Winifred's story, and I am sure it is going to be amassing read. Please know that I am not trying to criticize or censure your writing in any way. I just wish that there are more books which promote women and children's welfare, and who is better to do that than you? As Delicious as reading period books are, they most Valorous about total power men have over women. Thank you for always keeping some thing great to read or reread in my shelves. Marian

    Marian Nour Toronto, ON Canada
  • MS Balogh THANK YOU! I will order it after leaving this comment! Looks like I have another Quartet to re-read. I am on Freyja's story now, I had forgotten the connection to Miss Martin!! Thank you for all these wonderful families.

    Karyn Brown MD United States
  • Dear Mrs Balogh, I wanted to buy your book "The last Waltz" and was happy to see that it is possible to buy it via google play. I baught a Google Play Card and cashed it but unfortunatly it was not possible to buy the book.Can you help me? Furthermore I would very much like to read the book "Secrets of the heart" but I can see no option to do so as I have no Kindle-E-book reader. Did I overlook something, or is it really only possible to buy it via amazon? Most faithfully yours Ines Lobo d' Avila   AUTHOR NOTE: I am sorry about your Google experience, Ines. I have no experience with Google so cannot help you. Is there no way of contacting them with your concern? My Class Ebooks should be available anywhere in the world that sells English language ebooks, including Google Play and iBooks, Nook, Kobo, Kindle, etc.. You can download a Kindle app into your phone or computer and read on those.

    Ines d' Avila Frankfurt Deutschland
  • Just finished someone to trust. Your novels are so lovely, filled with joy and hope. Can't thank you enough for your writing.

    sue ehrlich ehrlich sue usa
  • I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your books and have purchased every one available within NZ on my Kobo. I have also read many of your books in paperback, but am now struggling, even with my glasses to focus on small type face. Some of my favourite books, I know are available in the US on Kobo, and I was wondering if there are any plans to make them available in other countries. Some of my favourites are: The Bedwyn Series The Horsemen Trilogy The Dark Angle Series Counterfeit Betrothal The Notorious Rake The Temporary Wife   AUTHOR REPLY: My British publisher (Piatkus Books) supplies the New Zealand market as well as Britain and Australia, Kate. So far they have steadfastly refused to publish those books in ebook format despite pleas from both me and readers. It is very frustrating.

    Kate King Bay of Plenty New Zealand
  • I have read the Bedwin series and enjoyed very much

    Lyne Chappell Matraville NSW Australia
  • Hi Mary, I was wondering, are your Ravenswood series and Westcott series connected? Is there a series that I should read first, or can they be read in any order? Thank you so much, Sarah   AUTHOR REPLY: They are separate series,  but there are some definite tie-ins. The Wesctott series has ten books. They each stand alone, but some people like to read them in order. The Ravenswood series should be seven books long, The first three are published, the fourth is written, and I will be starting on the fifth soon. Again each book is a separate love story, but some readers like the continuity of reading them in order, See the Books page on my web site for the lists.

    S P Buffalo, NY US
  • Ms. Balogh, I want to thank you for your beautiful books. They are so very delightful and entertaining. I recently finished reading, "Slightly Dangerous", the Duke of Bewcastle's story. I was also thrilled to read each of the Bedwyn sibling stories in sequence. Has a movie (or two) been created for the Bedwyn siblings? How exciting that would be to see! I am an African American woman wo has enjoyed everyone of your books I have had the opportunity to read. Your books are lively, intense and such fun that they are surely enjoyed by a diversity of enthusiasts. One can only imagine how you come to weave each of your stories, and I am so very appreciative of your artistry. I will soon begin reading, "Simply Unforgettable". I'm sure I am behind others in reading your more current work, but I am getting there. Thank you. Sincerely, Kelli Grisham

    Kelli Grisham Tracy, CA USA
  • Mary I love your books and have read all that I can get on my kindle. I read on the kindle as I have a problem with my sight and can increase the font size on the kindle which makes reading a lot easier. I would love to read the Bedwyn series of books but for some reason they are not available on Amazon UK, is there a reason for this, and am I likely to be able to get them in the future? Best Wishes Vicki B.

    Vicki Brighton Montrose Scotland
  • I have read every of your books available through electronic circulation and am now seeking any available through other means. I am thrilled to find you live ‘locally’. (For many years your community was part of my circuit as a mental health social worker.) I also am descended from family in Wales, many generations ago, and we have always believed our significant love for four-part harmony music comes, in some part, from this genetic line. I lap up every description you have provided regarding Wales, as I now know I will probably never visit there. Thank you so very much for your creative gifts shared with readers everywhere; we are blessed because of you…

    Marilyn Muller Dauphin, MB Canada
  • Dear Mary, Have read all your books, they are my absolute favourites, in fact I wait a while and reread, which is great because I feel as if I am going through the family history of each series. Just one question, in Someone to Care, Viola is said to be older than Marcel, however on the family tree in the next two books he is shown as older by two years?. I have your latest book on pre order already, I know it is the last in the series so I will left wondering about Harry Estelle and Bertram who I think are such interesting characters

    Gloria Jones London England
  • Ma'am I love you and all your books because I have read almost all of them! You really inspire me and my writing. You are my best romance author. I just can't get enough of them. Your first book I read years back 'Slightly Scandalous' was really an eye opener! . I love your Welsh romance the best and also the Mistress series. Keep up your good work!

    Chidinma Michelle Lagos Nigeria
  • Love everything I’ve read of your work. Thank you for sharing your creativity

    Angela Hinton Peoria United States
  • Dear Ms. Balogh, I just love your books ! Few months ago I started read the Bedwyns serie and I just following in love about them... when finished last book I was missing them already... I started to read other series and I just cant stop to read them anymore ! ! ! The Simple series had so lovely stories with updates of the Bedwyns 🙂 then I started "The survivor's club", with a little worry that he stories would be somehow dark, but I have a great surprise - they were full of hope, love and happiness after difficult/hard moments in the War... a great message in fact ! I just finish to read The Secreat Pearl and I have to confess that the story of Adam and Fleur took me to tears.... I think I miss an epilogue for them after the marriage because I didn't want to finish to read it 🙂 Congratulations ! ! ! You are wonderful writer.... your amazing books are bringing light and joy to my life .... Thank you very much! Warm regards, Debora Mazieiro

    Debora Mazieiro Sao Paulo Brazil
  • Hi Mary, Are all of your books stand alone? For example, could I read the Ravenswood series before the Westcott series? Thank you so much, Sarah AUTHOR REPLY: My indiviidual books are not all standalone. Most of them belong in series. However, each series is standalone.

    S P NY USA
  • I love your writing so much! I've been rereading the Survivors' Club series, and I was wondering if you had any plans to write about any of the other officers who spent time at Penderis? (As in, the ones who didn't stay to recover as long as the main group-- George mentions in 'Only Beloved' that they all still write to him regularly.)   AUTHOR REPLY: I do not have any such plans. But...who knows?

    LJ F OH United States
  • Looking forward to your next novel - I think I have them all now since I first got hooked on the Bedwyns (and have since discovered earlier books and reissues). I'm an avid reader of historical fiction and for over a quarter century, you've been my favourite author of historical romance. What sets you apart is not giving away the outcome in the first few chapters and taking your reader through the ups and downs of being human. Also, I just reread your short story in your third Christmas anthology of many years ago and it was better for the absence of "steamy" content of your more recent works. You don't need it. Your ability to portray the human condition and emotional relationships between characters is your superpower. My other favourite authors are Victor Hugo, Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters, Georgette Heyer, Charles Dickens, C.S. Forester and a host of authors of what we now consider classic novels so you're in the best of company! Keep those stories and novels coming!

    Sharon Hawrelak Edmonton AB Canada
  • Hi Mary, I wanted to thank you so much for writing the Westcott series. My parents got me those books, when I was going through a tough, dark time in my life. Every author should write like you! Thank you again. Sarah

    S P Buffalo, NY US
  • Yes, sigh! It's me again, Ms. Balogh -- I must confess your novels provoke almost a burden of superlatives in me and test every linguistic tool in my mental cupboard to express myself where your achievements are concerned. OK, I admit it -- I am a conceited, intellectual snob; I have an extremely high I.Q. from which I have derived enormous pride and pleasure ever since I encountered Thornton W. Burgess's Mrs. Peter Rabbit at age 8-9 [too bad this website doesn't furnish me with the italics I would otherwise use here -- and yes, I am also 'picky' about the marvels of the English language! But perish the thought that I might be criticizing you for that deficiency -- your website undoubtedly "cost a pretty penny," deservedly so, and I am so grateful to you for it] and have delighted in feeding that mind with voracious reading ever since -- not just with reading and formal education (M.A. in Theatre* from one of this nation's great universities, UNIV. OF ILLINOIS Urbana-Champaign) but also extensive travel in this country, the British Isles and western Europe. And lest anyone scoff at the acquisition of a THEATRE* education, allow me to inform anyone and everyone that that subject encompasses all the cultural riches of western civilization (as well as much of that of Asia -- I did a paper on Oriental theatre in graduate school,) starting with the prehistoric cave paintings in Southern France. I have never found any companionship equal to the riches of my own beautiful, well-tended mind, although I would not have missed my two marriages for "all the tea in China," for want of a better comparison! And by gosh and by golly -- NOBODY, BUT NOBODY can equal the stratospheric quality of Ms. Balogh's prodigious output on the period of exquisite intelligence, manners and customs that constitutes the English Regency. Ms. Balogh rightly chose that era for her expertise, to my unending delight. Lest I wander into the arena of the trite, I elect now to exit this message in order to return to the delights of my latest Balogh novel and the thoroughly scrumptious mental and emotional feast that Ms. Balogh never fails to deliver. [Sorry, Ms. Balogh, I simply cannot contain my gratitude and enthusiasm where your works are concerned. And believe me, I DO (italics, again) KNOW what agonizing labor crafting English and any other [well, I can do a very small bit of French -- just enough to appreciate the way interpreting a British heritage into smooth, satisfying prose can be -- not to minimize the creation and development of all your delicious characters! Sigh! There I go again, with what my teachers denounced as "run-on" sentences. Oh well, I suppose warning you "not to look a gift horse in the mouth" applies here . . . . Mm. Now for that cup of hot chocolate mixed with coffee that constitutes the ultimate "pick-up" for me, with the possible exception of my gin and tonic at the end of the day. Well, perhaps "pick-up" isn't the correct choice of words for G&T's soothing effects on my psyche. *I absolutely refuse to accept the way the low-lifes of the U.S. have chosen to denude our beautiful English words of their historical (Norman French) spellings and other marvels.

    Dolores Monaco Pensacola, FL (the asshole end of the intellectual earth U. S.
  • Adoro os livros da Mary e romances de época. Os mocinhos e as mocinhas dos seus livros são pessoas que quase não aparecem em outros romances, pessoas com limitações, especiais em sua forma de ser, que nestes encontram espaço para serem amadas e felizes..

    SHIRLEI MELO Campina Grande/PB Brasil
  • would really love both these books haven't managed to get a copy

    Lorraine Kellett Wiltshire United Kingdom
  • I feel like I'm late to the party but have decided to read your books based on other authors praise for your writing in the romance genre. I'm starting with the Westcott series. Can't wait!

    Susan Bertschy Seguin, TX USA
  • I have just finished reading 'Remember Love', ready for my reread. Thank you, all your books are perfect! When a new book is published I always enjoy reading all others in the series in preparation. Hopefully Bertrand will tell you his story one day, perhaps he is waiting for one of Devlin's sisters?

    Margaret Jaibaji CA United States
  • Mary, would they be enough of material to do a novella about Georgette Benning? She was precious or wait was it precocious? I know you probably have all the writing planned out for the next ten years. Could you contrive a story about her and could she find love with a child of the Huxtables, Bedwyn, or any of survivors? I have often wondered how Toby would adjust in his adult life. Thanks for your consideration.

    June Hart Rio Rancho NM United States
  • I love ALL your books. I am currently reading 'Someone To Trust' and I am wondering where you got the name Withington. It was my maiden name, and my ancestors came to the USA from the Lancashire area of England. Are you any relation or did you just pick the name at random? Whatever - keep on writing these wonderful stories and series!!

    Gretchen Armato Santa Barbara United States
  • I absolutely love your books. I was delightfully surprised to learn that you live in Regina. I am pleased with your attention to detail in your novels and the character development throughout a series. I would love to attend a book signing if you have one in our fine province. Congratulations on your well deserved success. Enjoy the rest of this lovely Saskatchewan. An enthusiastic reader, Nancy S

    Nancy Saunders Saskatchewan Canada
  • Congrats on writing another masterpiece with "Always Remember" the Book is so spectacular that I couldn't stop reading it, but that means I reach the end too quickly and cannot prolong the pleasure. The story between Ben and Jennifer is so touching but it was reading about how Devlin showed Vincent how much his half brother Ben, is loved in his family that made the biggest impression on me. That is what family, love, humanity, kindness and life is all about. Dont stop writing and cant wait to read the next masterpiece! THanks for bringing, Joy, the little girl, and what her name means, into my life! Thank you.

    Wendy A California USA
  • I remember reading "A Gentle Conquest" and "A Counterfeit Betrothal" as a teenager. I still have those copies. I took a break from "fun reading" during college years. When I started working, I started to pick up all your books that I missed. I loved "Someone to Remember" and can't wait for "Someone to Romance."

    Elise Nguyen Elise United States of America
  • Mary, my husband and I were able to go to London last year, I was disappointed to find there was no Mary Balogh Romance Tours, alas. I made my own. On our first day there, in Hyde Park had a Royal Salute. Horses and military men, along with cannons went by us. I am just sure that one of them was Flavian, OK, his descendant. We walked to the Serpentine and I glanced a bit of pink going by, surely that was Christine and Wulfric. We went to the Tower of London and just missed Prissy and Gerald in the Armory. At the British Museum visiting the Towneley collection, I could have sworn that Elliot and Vanessa were just ahead of us. St. George on Hanover square was also visited. Sophie and Vincent had just left. As we left I believe I heard organ music, Dora did make it back to play. We walked through Grosvenor Square, although I know it was bombed during World War II, surely the house we passed was George and Dora's. It was fun to imagine. Thank you for many hours of enjoyment.

    June Hart RIO RANCHO United States
  • The Survivors Club is one of my favorite series.

    Editha Thompson 990 County Road 68 Killen, AL 35645 United States
  • Dear Mary, How do you create such fascinating characters -each one with a whole constellation of personality qualities and situations... book after book after book - each family circle with its own inner dynamics... grappling with specific, very real life issues. Even though your books take place so long ago, we can all identify with the challenges your characters face. And you express their inner psychological world so realistically: what this one is going through... and how that one sees the same situation from such different eyes. You capture the human dynamics so beautifully... And when you paint the scene - the ancestral home or the park or the theater - the descriptions never bore, and always seem to capture the moment without being tedious. And I LOVE that the stories are about good people in love, and that they all end happily! With wonderful loving relationships!!! I don't care if real life often doesn't play out that way; it's so good to fill the mind once in a while with good characters with good values and where happily-ever-after really does come true! You bring more love into the world with your writing. May God bless you with many more fruitful years!

    Chava Bloom Beit Shemesh Israel
  • Your novels push aside the aggravations and indignities of old age -- I am 83 -- and help me maintain my sanity as well as a reasonable level of equanimity. A voracious reader since age 8, I find the sight of your 20-plus (so far) books on my living room shelves an assurance of more hours of reading enjoyment to come. Like so many older women, I am 'alone inf the world,' but never lonely. . . . Now, if I could only find my glasses! . . . .. . P. S. I especially appreciate the way you share yourself in your website as a friend. The choice of color behind the message is a unique tribute to your independence of mind -- and a lot of other outstanding personal qualities, too.

    Dolores MONACO Pensacola, FL 32514 U.S.A.
  • Nice website. Congratulation from one Sask stubble jumper to another.?

    Marilyn Karst White City, Sask Canada
  • Unbelievably sad after finishing "Remember Me" as I wanted it to go on and on, as usual with ALL of your novels. Perhaps you will continue this series? Anyway, I thank you for ALL of the wonderful books you've written and hope that you will continue to write these heartwarming stories for many years to come.

    Linda Drossos West Palm Beach, Florida USA
  • Will there be any Books öt bertrand lamarr viscount watley, Stephenie Ware, Nickolas ware András Kern ware AUTHOR REPLY: Books planned for the first three. I have never heard of the last one.

    Maria Marton Melbourne/victoria Australia
  • Just finished "Someone To Care" ,your best one yet!! Can't wait for Someone To really are my favorite Romance writer!! Millie Hanrahan

    Millie Hanrahan Fort Myers Florida USA
  • I swear I've read every one of your books, and probably some of them more than once. I just finished Someone to Romance, which was a great as all the others, but it left me with a question. How did Philip die? Did Manley murder him too? Or did I miss something? Thank you again for many hours of lovely reading, buried in one of your stories.

    Stephanie Thorp Mystic, CT USA
  • I have absolutely loved your books and have not been disappointed until now. I have been reading Slightly Tempted and was surprised that the heroine was such a fool. I cannot recommend this book to anyone who enjoys her books.

    Margaret White Temple, TX United States
  • Hi Mary I just recently discovered your books and have read several series so far. I so enjoy how your characters appear in multiple books, it gives such depth to the stories that you tell. I just finished reading Eleanor Thompson’s story in Another Dream. Two of the child characters really stood out to me and I was wondering if you have or would consider telling their stories? I absolutely loved Georgette Benning’s character and would be very excited to revisit her as a young woman. The other character that I would love to read about is Lizzie, blind daughter of the Marquess of Attingsborough. When Lizzie said that she had never met another blind person I thought how neat it would be for her and Viscount Darleigh to meet and form a friendship. The introduction would be easy enough for Lady Trentham since she is a mutual friend of both. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful talent with the world. I love your books!

    Diana Huddle Sartell, MN USA
  • I can't read the titles. I can justbarely see the book covers but titles are well hidden in the pictures. I was looking for some more recent books, but I have to find a list where the titles are written out. I do appreciate these stories. Very good entertainment. But, I have to get them in large print version, usually on Amazon Kindle.

    Marti Gaydish Vallejo, CA 1
  • I was wondering if any of your artistic fans have sketched what they think your characters look like, especially the Bedwyn family. If any have, do you think they came close to your imagination and description?   AUTHOR REPLY: None that I have seen, Lois!

    Lois Boehl Arizona USA
  • Hi Mary, Simply, I think you’re the best - plots, style, characters, contents, variety, inventiveness, the whole package. Only discovered you in the last couple of years and you’ve greatly enriched my whole reading experience. Have just finished re-reading the ‘Mistress’ books, this time in order of marriages along with the missing chapters appropriately inserted from Now A Bride which added even more enjoyment second time around. I thoroughly delighted in the extras and greatly appreciated you sharing them after all. I did, however (that’s better than a ‘but’ hey?) notice the superb Tresham telling his friends several times,and Jane, in More than a Mistress that He ‘never waltzed.’ [Though this was naturally overruled in ch10 in order to waltz with his Jane.] Yet at an earlier occasion in Vauxhall Gardens, in ch10 The Secret Mistress, Tresham had actually led Cousin Belinda/Lady Eagan onto the dance floor and waltzed with her publicly, and deliciously. Perhaps I noticed the anomaly because you drew his Vauxhall waltz so luciously?? Bless you, Please keep writing and really hope you outlive me! Ek

    Erana Wojtas Christchurch New Zealand
  • Dear Mary Balogh, I love your books.I enjoyed reading “The Betrothal Ball” several times. The last time, I was struck by the statement that Laure Melfort translated the book from Latin so that Bea can read it. A hand written text? And then, the earl said that it was a family heirloom, given by his mother to his sister. A book in Latin? Perhaps I have missed something. Ah, your beguiling books, always with a happy ending. Thank you for the happy hours I have spent with your characters. Ludmilla Wightman

    Ludmilla Wightman PRINCETON, New Jersey, USA
  • Is Bertrand Lamarr going to be left languishing alone now that Estelle has finally married? Oh dear. I hope he can find someone in one of your new series. I just finished rereading all of the Someones, and enjoying them even more now than I did the first time. Oh wait, how funny - I just scrolled down through other submissions and I see that a lot of other readers have had the same idea. Well, now you SIMPLY must do it! Thank you so much for your lovely stories.

    Jeannette Halpin Virginia US
  • Hello Mary, Ijust finished reading Harry Wescott story..... GREAT JOB ON THE BOOK I know that Lady Estelle Larmarr is next in the series. Will Her brother Lord Bert Lamarr and Winnie Cunningham have a story together..... in harry's book at the wedding/birthday ball Lord Larmarr paid a compliant to Winnie and I believe she has a great crush on him. I know in the book she is only 17years old BUT by the time Lord Bert larmarr's book is written she may be getting older and she would be so good for him as a young adult....... Please RSVP ASAP ON THIS IDEA.....

  • I just finished Someone to Honor and so glad that Abby and Gil found each other and the happiness that each deserve. I wonder about an old love interest between Matilda Westcott and Viscount Dirkson. Since he was one of her brother's friends, he was probably around a lot. It would be nice if this spinster could find a little love in her life instead of waiting on her impatient mother all of the time. Also, is Harry to be the subject of the next Westcott novel?

    Linda Harrison Nashville, TN USA
  • I am rereading the Survivors series, and l'm enjoying the books all over again. I am now reading Only a Promise (Ralph and Chloe). I seem to remember a novella/short story about Chloe's brother, Graham. Is that story available and where might I find it? I love your books and am waiting impatiently until November for your next book. Being "a lady of a certain age" myself, I'm thrilled that Matilda is getting her own book!

    Suzanne Cater TN United States
  • Im blown away from your writing mam. I 1st started it reading for relaxation and to improve the language skills. but now im addicted. I've one request. Even though there are a lots of your book available, i'm so much into those books which are available in ebook format which has a very high price to get in printed format. Ebooks are stressful. So if you publish those books again it would be great mam.

    Rajaprabha P Tamil Nadu India
  • Ms. Balogh, You are my favorite living author. Not to flatter myself, but your writing feels like it is from my own mind. I read your books in almost half the time I read others. Your stories are always engaging, never repetitive, and, somehow, your syntax and writing style is the perfect fit for my brain to process. Thank you for crafting these delightful stories for your readers. I've just finished "Always Remember", and I loved the story. I was, however, surprised to find two uses of God's name adjoined with a curse. I have not noticed this in previous books that you have written. Would you consider not using that wordage in future books? I recognize that not all people have the same belief system, but it relatively easy to respect things that are sacred to others. I would never consider framing "Allah" or another name sacred to a religious group as a curse. Seeing that word in your book is like seeing a Miss America contestant on stage smacking on bubblegum. It is jarring and takes away from the beauty. Your stories are too good to include unnecessary disrespectful language. Again, I thank you for the stories you craft and share. You bring much joy to your readers.

    Jennifer Faith Alabama United States of America
  • Did you know that you have fans as far as India ? I love how lead us to a plot that is interesting and well developed ,to the buildup of the main characters , how the sizzling chemistry flows between the Hero and Heroine , there is sex which is hot yet not too in your face . I just read an old one yours which I think it is one of your best ‘ Longing ‘ you must have done a tremendous amount of research on the Rebecca movement , love the intensity ,the yearning and longing between Alex and Sian . Another book that is my favourite ‘ A secret affair “ and “ More than a mistress “ . The Bedwyn series is also on my list of retreads . Often when I read your books I need to hide in some corner of house and keep my phone on silent as I am so involved in the book that I hate being disturbed by family or calls from friends etc Thanks for many enjoyable hours

    Sanghmitra Singh Delhi India
  • I have just been reading the messages in your guest book and find others have expressed their love for your books in every way possible better than I can. With Barbara Metzger you come closest to my favourite author Georgette Heyer than others that I also enjoy and each series I come to the end of leaves me very sad. I have the next two westcotts already ordered and can't wait. There is a great problem for me here in England tho' and that is so many of your books are not in Kindle and I regret each one I am missing so much. Is the problem different publishers or what? The last 6 Bedwyns ,where it really is the family, I have just ordered in paperback but they are a struggle 'cos I can't alter the print size and as I get older that gets worse. So every 6 months or so I go through to see if there are any more in Kindle because I ache to think of what I am missing. Thank you so much for what I have , to think I could have missed Lily or Vincent or so many more wonderful people. I will continue to buy what I can get and again thankyou for sharing your imagination and your family. Regards and hopes you can convince the publishers, Anna Barnes

    anna barnes northumberland england
  • Mary, I just love love your books. I have almost all your books. Can’t wait for Harry’s book! I hope it is coming soon❤️ May God Bless you 🙏

    Anna Sarkissian Gaithersburg Maryland
  • Me encantan los libros de Mary Balogh. He leído una docena de ellos y cada uno nuevo que leo, se convierte en mi favorito. Ojalá algún día consiga escribir obras con ese alma, con esa magia con las que cuentan los libros de Mary Balogh, sin duda, mi autora favorita.

    Pilar Parralejo Escritora España España
  • I came to ask a couple things as I was one of the followers on Facebook that would be asking things every so often😀. - Knowing Bertrand’s story is tied to the Ravenswood series from previously asking I am wondering if we will learn about Adrian Sawyer’s future. Will he get a book? A novella perhaps? -I have seen many of your older books released in kindle form, is there a chance they would be released as audiobooks as well? Thank you for your wonderful stories!   AUTHOR NOTE: I do not plan a story for Adrian Sawyer. But...who knows? I do not believe there are any current plans to bring out my older books in audio form. It is an attractive idea, however!  

    Isis Lesho Albany-NY US

  • I just finished all your books in the SanFrancisco public library (45) Most of them I had read and purchased new. I read them on my phone and on Kindle (Kindle did not have all of them). OI did the same for other favorites. “What I did during the pandemic “

    Deesha Davis SanFrancisco USA
  • I am in love with every book I've read from you.... and I have read 27 🙂 Please keep the Westcott series going lol. XxX

    Tamar Pointon NSW Australia
  • Do you have any plans to rerelease the first four books of the Huxtable Quintet on audio? I saw that they were available, but I see that book number five is the only one available currently, and I hope to try this series in audio format on Also, thank you for making your books available not only in audio, but in e-book as well. Having both means that I have at least one format option for reading your books. Since I am blind, I cannot read hard copy print such as you would find in a paperback or hardback.

    Stefanie Magura Asheville, NC United States
  • I have loved your books for as long as you’ve been writing. I reread them often. But I like to read them in order and follow families and characters. Is there any way to have family trees, or lists of main characters and the books they’re in? I remember certain characters and want to read their stories again but I forget which books they are in. 😢. Thank you for the years of joy and comfort your books have give me.   AUTHOR REPLY:  Although my recent series have come with family trees, It is something I did not think of doing with the earlier books. I am sorry about that.

    Em Mueller Boston Massachusetts USA
  • I just devoured "Someone to Remember" and had to take the time to Thank You. I loved this story and I somehow knew early on that Matilda would/must have a story.I stop short of calling this book my favorite because I love all of your books so much. However, I will tell you,and anyone listening, that you are my favorite Historical Romance author. Thank you for years, days and hours of reading happiness. 🙂

    Carmen Brown OH United States
  • I love your books especially the Westcott series. I hope that you write about Adrian Sawyer, Ivan Wayne, Winnifred Cunningham, Bertrand Lamarr, Maria Wiley. In fact, wouldn't it be wonderful if Ivan and Winnifred married each other?

    Mei Wen Exton, PA USA
  • Dear Miss Balogh. I read many years ago ( May be as far as 20!) one of your books where when they first met the heroine thought the hero was a gardener, wich he is not but he just inherited his title and house. They met in the park. I think it is one of your Signet book but I m not sure. Could you help me and give me the title. The story was sweet. I will be happy to read it again. I can’t wait for the last books in the Wescott Family. You never disappoint your readers. Thank you so much for all the work you do to give us so much pleasure. Pardon my school English, I’m French, I read you « in the text » but I’ m not good enough in writing. Happy new year with many ideas to come. Best regards Valentine ( my true first name!!)

    Cathala Valentine Paris France
  • I recently found you books. I have spent many happy hours reading you work. Now if I could only figure out how to read and knit at the same time, life would be perfect. Thank you for your amazing work!

    E Oldford Halifax,Nova Scotia Canada
  • Hi Mary, I have just finished Remember Love and really enjoyed it. I know there are two more books in the series (Remember Me and Always Remember. Will there be anymore in the series? I do not currently have Remember Me or Always Remember but I plan to buy them. I hope to hear from you. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Ellen Penvose   AUTHOR REPLY: I plan a seven-part series, Ellen. REMEMBER ME (Philippa's story) will be out in paperback in November. ALWAYS REMEMBER (Ben's story) will be out in hardcover in January, 2024 and REMEMBER WHEN (Clarissa's story) in January, 2025.

    Ellen Penvose 395 Heartwood Dr., Lexington, SC 29073 United States
  • I have just read “Remember Love” which I couldn’t put down…it was excellent!! I wonder if the error has been called to your attention that appears in Chapter 25 when Colonel Wexford announces the betrothal of Gwyneth, “daughter of Sir Idris and Lady Rhys”…her brother’s name instead of Sir Ifor, her father’s name? A small error but perhaps it can be corrected before the next printing. I’ve enjoyed several of your books and look forward to reading others. Thank you for contributing to my reading pleasure.

    B. A. Vickery Pennsylvania USA
  • . . . . Another sleepless night, Mrs. Balogh, because your romances -- the intensity of the feelings between the man and woman -- pull the heart strings taut to the point of pain . . . .

    Dolores Monaco Pensacola, FL U.S.
  • Hey love the Wescott series and would love a book about Winifred is there any chance she will get her happy ending?   AUTHOR NOTE: Yes, there is a chance, Rachel.

    Rachel B Lakewood United States
  • Mrs Balough, I have very ecclectic tastes in reading materials. I like YA adult fantasy, historical romance, and ones that mess with your head. There are only 2 authors whose works I greatly anticipate: Stephen King and yours. Opposite ends of the rainbow right? Your stories are so easy to get involved in. I really like the involvement in the characters feelings and thoughts. I just finished "Someone to Romance". I love strong characters and Jessica and Gabriel are just that. Thank you for being you! Terri Krieg

    Terri Krieg Stillwater USA
  • I love, love your books. Love how you write an entire series and update us from book to book. I reread many of my favorites. The Simply series as well as the Wescott as well and especially the Slightly series were fantastic. Anxiously awaiting your new book and the next series.

    Kathy Lee Arnold, Missouri USA
  • Your new website is lovely! I especially like the family history and photos.

    Renee Gailloreto Whitewater, WI USA
  • Just finished re-reading my copy of 'Slightly Dangerous' for the umpteenth time. I so enjoy all your writing - but this, this is my absolute favourite. Thank you for sharing your talent with all of us. Thank you!

    F J Cambes France
  • Mary - I love your books! I believe I have read all of them and always look forward to the release of new ones. Your characters are believable and human and I love the way they work through their emotions and lives just like the rest of us. Keep on writing please!

    Karen Barber Syracuse, NY USA
  • Thank you for all the hours of reading pleasure you have given me, I feel like I am friends with many of your characters, especially the Bedwyn family. Keep the books coming please!!!

    Angie Fotopoulos Peoria AZ USA
  • Hi Mary! Your books have meant so much to me over the past couple of years and I have read most of them, except for your older ones which I am slowly collecting in print. I don't know if I could ever choose a favourite, they have all deeply touched my heart, especially Lord Carew's Bride, Longing, and tne Survivor's Club series. I believe you have made this world a better place by sharing your gift with us. Take care, Dagmar

    Dagmar Bandiera British Columbia Canada
  • I have never read any of your books that have disappointed me in any way. Love them all and of course any you write in future

    Jan Lowe Brownstown,Michigan USA
  • I just want to thank you for the hours and hours of joy you have given me. When I am stressed, I reach for your stories again and again. Some of them I re-read as old friends. There are certain scenes that I remember and treasure. I hope that in your busy life you have time to read the comments people leave and understand ho wmuch you are appreciated. I am going through a hard time right now, and I have spent many sleepless nights with the Survivor's Club novels (again). They are old friends - both the books and the characters. Thank you so much. I am so grateful.

    Lisa Van Gemert Arlington, TX United States
  • I've just finished the four books in the 'Simply' series. Wonderful stories and characters and I even loved the dog Horace in the fourth book. This series is only one of many books written by M/s Balogh - all wonderfully exciting, super adventures so keep up the good work.

    Christina La Ponder Christina La Ponder TEA GARDENS;NSW AU
  • I discovered your books recently and I have listened to several audio editions - the complete Bedwyn series, and now I'm working my way through the Simply books. I do enjoy reaidngs so many interconnected stories set in the same universe - and I can see there are many others yet in store for me! I especially look forward to reading or listening Kit and Lauren's story and the counterpart of it, her erstwhile fiancé and his wartime wife's. I'm very glad there are several books available inthe Audible Romance package and I congratulate you on finding such an exquisite narrator as Ms. Landor who brings out so many facets of the subtle emotions and humor in the text. Thank you for this blog and for writing excellent Regency romances!

    Agnes Nogradi Pécs Hungary
  • My husband is from Bala, Wales. I am interested in finding your novels that take place in Wales. We are interested in the historical times in Wales. I think I read one of you novels, which I don’t remember the title, years ago. It was a young Englishman and a welsh young woman, but the background had a lot of history regarding the struggles of the welsh during that era. If you could suggest a few titles that might be what I am looking for, I will be grateful. Thank you, Joan Phillips   AUTHOR NOTE: My two books based heavily on Welsh history, Joan, are LONGING and TRULY.

    Joan Phillips Corona Del Mar, CA U.S.
  • I have all of your books on my Kindle, except sadly the Bedwin series and a few others which do not appear in the content listed for you. It's such a shame. Is there a particular reason for this or will it be likely to change. I periodically check to see if they are listed. I do have them in paperback but would love to be able to include them in my Kindle library   AUTHOR NOTE: You must be in Britain, Pat, where my British publisher has the ebook rights to the titles they have published. Unfortunately, so far they have steadfastly refused to e-publish the books. My only suggestion to all the British readers I hear from is to write directly to the publisher and show them there is a market for these ebooks.

    Pat Wallace Hambledon Hampshire England
  • Just finished all of Westcott in order & hope there are more. Bertrand's future will definitely be a great story. Soon to be written I hope.

    Maree Smith Wisconsin USA
  • Dear Mary Balogh Thank you for writing Always Remember!!I was in desperate need of a fix.. I loved every minute of reading it. I enjoyed encountering Bertrand and Stephanie again. thank you for all your hard work. I appreciate it more than you can know. With affection from Linda Moore hamilton on ca.

    linda moore ONtario Hamilton Canada
  • Thank you for helping to keep me happy and sane during this time of Covid 19 social distancing. Your books are giving me hours of enjoyment and escapism from the perils of our outside world. Do I hear a little of(one of my favourites) Jane Austen's influence in your work? To you and all your readers, keep safe and well.

    Karen Beer Ontario Canada
  • I so enjoy your books. My favorite is Wulfric and Christine. I love the love/hate they deal with in their courtship. Also, the loss of his mistress and her husband and how that affects them.

    Sheri Hagerty AZ - Arizona United States
  • I just finished “A Very Special Christmas”. It’s one of those books that you are disappointed there are no more stories. I was especially moved by the emotions of Christmases past when the celebration of Christ’s birth was treated the solemnity and deference it deserved. This book was especially in contrast to some of the books I have read in the last year that have had stories how “woke” they are. An author wants to apply societal norms of today in HISTORICAL romance novels does not provide for good reading. They were them, we are us. That was then, this is now. If I wanted contemporary stories, I would read them. Thank you for providing the reading I enjoy.

    Lewana Shearer Carencro, LA United States
  • I had read some Jack White books that he categorized as historical fiction. I enjoyed them very much. When I went to the library I discovered they had a whole section of Historical Fiction so I picked one at random. It was one of the Bedwyn series. I enjoyed it enough to check out the bio and found you came from my family's neck of the woods. My family roots go to Hay, Breconshire. My mother's great grandfather George Surmon Jenkins was born in 1850, the period around some of your writings. Way too many coincidences, so I read some more. I love the knowledge I have gained from the vocabulary you have introduced me to. Keep writing and I will keep reading.

    Bill Gawley White Rock, B.C. Canada
  • Dear Mary, Since I discovered your books years ago I‘ve read and thoroughly enjoyed most of them. Your latest - Remember Me? -has moved me to tears! When the Duke of Wilby said farewell to his Duchess only to join her an hour later I couldn‘t help myself. Who wouldn‘t want to experience a love like that and set a perfect example for following generations? Jenny and Ben‘s story can‘t come soon enough for me. Thank you!!!

    Ingrid W Vienna Austria
  • brilliant books... a number of steps up from Jane Austen and Georgette Heyer... love reading them especially 'The Slightly Series'.

    Minette Dogilewski Isle of Wight Great Britian
  • Dear Ms Balogh, I love all your stories and re-listen to a series when a new one comes out. Your characters have such deptand their stories are so unique. Can't wait for Estelle's story. Do you have a family tree for the westcott series? I have one started but have a hard time keeping up with all the kiddos. Thanks for your great work! Tonya   AUTHOR REPLY:  There is a family tree at the front of each book in the series, Tonya. There is also one for each book on my web site.

    Tonya Hendrix Santee United States
  • Are we going to get Harry's story next? I hope so, since the first book, Someone To Love, I have wanted to know how he is doing. His life was changed the most, I think. Men normally identify with what they do and he went from a planned future to becoming someone he never dreamed. Thanks.

    Annette N ANNETTE USA
  • I was so shocked that I almost missed a book! Always Remember. I'm not sure why I didn't have it on my list like all the others. What a great find for me today! I am a long time fan and enjoy your books tremendously. I will re-read the other 2 books from the series to refresh my mind. Can't wait to get started. Have a great year 2024 and thank you for sharing your stories with us.

    Dean Charles FL United States
  • I love all the books by Mary Balogh and am re-reading them as I am recovering from knee replacement surgery. It’s a great way to heal!

    Ginger Dykstra Holland, MI USA
  • I have been a fan of yours for years and have read and reread all of your books with exception of one or two of your earliest books. All of your Christmas stories I read annually. It's my rite of Christmas. I just finished rereading Indiscreet (which I have probably read at least 5 times) and I come away with a question each time. Did you ever write a follow-up story for Horatia Eckert? I've always felt she needs her own story. If you have written one or included her story in another book , please tell me the name. Am I the only one who has asked this?

    Barbara Vescovo Smithville USA
  • Dear Mary, I have written before, several years ago. I have read every one of your books, from the very first one. Tonight I just finished "Someone Perfect" and once again the story brought me to tears. You are able to evoke emotion in such a good, positive way. This has happened time and time again whenever I read your books, but I think this is the very best book in the Westcott series. I find myself sharing the love of your books to my friends, who love them too. I couldn't put the book down, but will pick it up again to reread it in a few weeks. It is just too good for only one reading. Thank you, Linda Fader

    Linda Fader Linda Fader
  • Mary, if I may be so familiar, I have always enjoyed your writing. I had pre-ordered Someone to Cherish and have just read it - twice! I thought you did a marvellous job of slowly and subtly revealing Lydia Tavernor's personality and dilemma. Artfully done! And, having read the rest of the Westcott series, I was hoping Harry would have his own happily ever after. I don't read many books a second time, but I have done so with a number of your books, often just to savour the writing. I enjoy how you craft the story and how you flesh out a character's thoughts and feelings to the point where I think I know them personally. I must also tell you that Simply Love, the story of Anne and Sydnam, got me through COVID restrictions when I was feeling particularly depressed. If they could overcome so many obstacles, so can I! I have just purchased Slightly Dangerous as I have read around Wulfric and Christine without ever knowing their stories except tangentially. Looking forward to it! I, like many others, am amazed at how you manage to craft so many different personalities and varied stories. It is something beyond my abilities, but I will happily remain a willing audience. All the best to you and yours!

    Kathy Jenkinson Barrie, ON Canada
  • I am a big fan of all your books especially the Westcott Series and the Survivors Series. I just finished Always Remember which I thoroughly enjoyed as I did the other two in the series. I noticed that Bernard Lamar from the Westcott Series made an appearance in this book and was wondering if you’re are thinking of writing a book with a romance between Bernard Lamar and Stephanie Ware. I think that would be excellent. Bernard Lamar is the only character from the Westcott series who you’ve not given their happy ending. Thanks you for providing many hours of enjoyable reading.

    Patricia Davis Edison, NJ USA
  • Your novels are all good friends, re-visited often when there is not a new book. You have brought me great pleasure and hours of being involved with Bedwyns, Westcotts and all kinds of interesting people. Thank you for this incredible gift ! Olga

    Olga Chao Florida US
  • Hello Mary, I hope you are well and enjoying the beginning of the Summer Solstice. We have received timely moisture as there was the threat of drought. I am currently re-reading “A Christmas Bride” and I was pleasantly shocked to discover Lady Helena Stapleton was Gerald Stapleton’s evil step-mother. I had not realized this until today. “The Precious Pearl” is one of favourite books and I now understand why Gerald was such an untrusting fellow. I absolutely enjoy when you feature characters in other books, the stories are real and it amazes me when fate intervenes, such as the fate of Lady Muir in “The Proposal”. The Duke of Bedwyn helped Hugo out of a sticky situation. I look forward in buying the next instalment of the Westcott series and I keep looking for your older books to add to my collection. I believe in fate, how small encounters shape our lives and destiny! Please keep writing your wonderful books and may God keep you well!

    Gloria Chmilar Mundare, AB Canada
  • One of my favorite authors. Thoroughly enjoy her work.

    Sharon Brock Columbia, Mo. United States
  • Somewhere I read women's fiction described as "soft porn for women." Well, that depends: I was reared with the belief that sex is one of God's most beautiful gifts to His human children. Mary Balogh's sex scenes capture that truth in its essence. There is never anything gross or distasteful in Mary Balogh's sex scenes; in them she captures all the beauty and meaning and emotional depth our Maker intended sex and the body to convey to the human spirit. A parent guiding his/her children through puberty would do well to supply young women (and older ones, too) and even boys,* with Mary Balogh novels. As a passionate devotee of the riches of the English language I cannot fault a single instance of Ms. Balogh's writing. Anyone, of any age nurtured on Mary Balogh books can only gain the very best of what English has to offer. I cannot say that I am fluent in any other language, but I do have enough French (2 years each high school and college study of that language) to read it with understanding. In my view our English language is not only beautiful in itself, but also in its role in the human development of western European history, going back beyond Time, (witness the prehistoric cave paintings in southern France.) In any case, I contend that Mary Balogh's novels enrich the total Reader, mind, body and spirit. I am grateful that, at age 81, I have discovered her creations and look forward to more to come. Keep those arteries healthy, Mary -- WE NEED YOU! P.S. I have a beloved male cousin, age 80, who reads romance novels. I can hardly wait to send him a copy of one of my favorite Mary Balogh books. I know he will be as delighted with this author's creations as I am.

    Dolores Monaco Pensacola, Florida, USA U.S.A.
  • I have so enjoyed your novels. You might be interested in reading my chapter titled “‘A necessary madness’: PTSD in Mary Balogh’s Survivors’ Club Novels.” It was published in Neo-Victorian Madness, edited by Sarah E. Maier and Brenda Ayres (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2020). Recovering from a knee replacement, I am now rereading your novels to take my mind of the pain. So thank you very much for sharing your imagination, passion, and writing skills with us.

    Brenda Ayres Red Lion, PA USA
  • I have all your books and really like them. I just read Someone To Romance last week and it was my new favorite, but I say that after every book of yours!

    Ellen Solensky PA United States
  • I LOVEEEE the Wescott book series. I am excited to read about Harry. I would LOVE a story about Winifred. She's really touched my heart and she reminds me of my journey to adulthood. I love the romance of each character and the humanity that is revealed. Don't stop writing. Best!

    Ebele Oguhebe Maryland USA
  • I have purchased all of your books that I can. I’ve read several of the series. I love them all. I’m just finished the “Simply series” I was lucky to have read the “Bedwyn” series first since characters from that series are in the “Simply” series. This leads me to my question. Is there any way to identify which of your characters are in other series ? that way we know how we should read which series before another . Thank you

    Debbie Erhart Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
  • Dear Mary, Can I be your newest fan? Needing a book to read on a cold and rainy winter day, I borrowed Longing from my local library (E-book). Every time I thought I knew what the characters were going to do, there was another small twist that kept me guessing. The historical facts and storyline were weaved together so well and I simply couldn't put the "book" (tablet) down. Thank you for sharing your story-telling gift. I'm off to borrow another book - ah, thankfully, there are so many to dive into! Congratulations on your success and best wishes.

    Susan Duncan South Carolina United States
  • I have read most if not all your books and I love them! I especially like that the protagonists aren't necessarily the typical handsome men and beautiful women of romance novels. They have interesting stories and explanations for why they are the way they are. As soon as I read one of your books I'm eagerly awaiting the publication of the next one! Please keep writing - and thank you for so many hours of pleasure!

    Sharilyn Hetzke Sharilyn Hetzke
  • Just literally finished Always Remember which landed in my Kindle this morning, I was going to save it but held out for all of an hour. When is the next book due hopefully there is another one this year   AUTHOR REPLY: REMEMBER WHEN, Clarissa's story, will be out next January, Gloria.

    Gloria Jones London England
  • Just finished Remember Love. Loved it. Cannot believe I have to wait a year for the next book in the series. Have to keep myself sane by rereading all my favourites. best wishes Alex

    Alexia Lintott Essex England
  • I am a longtime fan of yours and even met you and your husband once upon a memorable time in NYC. I am old now and still read and reread your books often. I especially reread the 6 Bedwyn books, plus their 2 prequels, plus the 3 Simply books in which Bedwyns or their neighbors appear, plus the first Survivor book with Lady Muir, plus the novella with the Duchess of Bewcastle's sister. I wish there were more Bedwyn books . . . and had what to me seems like a brilliant idea: Why not start writing romances about the next generation of Bedwyns? We keep seeing the children at all the family get-togethers; wouldn't it be wonderful to see what happens to them when they grow older--and how the older Bedwyn couples are doing? You might start with the romance of David or Becky, Aidan's adopted children, who are oldest. . . . I realize this would take you out of the Regency but not too far--after all, the Bedwyn books are set around the time of the Battle of Waterloo, so romances featuring the next generation could still be pre-Victorian. Anyway, that's my idea. --Your old friend EP (please do not print my email address on the web anywhere--thanks!)

    Elena Purpel USA USA
  • Hello Ms. Balogh, I love your books and I keep reading your series again & again. You are indeed a Queen of historical storytelling. In the last couple of yrs I started listening to the audiobooks with the enchanting narration of Rosalyn Landor. I hope you continue to write more books AND publish them also as audiobooks. I have a suggestion, you have 2 great prequels to the Bedwyn series but it seems they are not available as audiobooks. I hope you will consider publishing them as well narrated by Ms. Landor. Many thanx for all the great times you have provided me and all your fans getting lost in these artfully woven stories. Cheers Biba

    Biba Jeddah Saudi Arabia
  • Love love love the westcott series!!

    Brittany Fletcher NC United States
  • Your books are so wonderful to read. I've read many of your books and look forward to some of your new books that I have not obtained yet. Thank you for your hard work,

    Julie Kennedy Rockford, IL United States
  • I adore your writing. I started with the Bedwyn series (which is still a firm favourite) and have since been working my way through your back catalogue, including tracking down some vintage copies of those that are our of print! I have a particular adoration of Truly and Longing, their setting in Wales is so vivid and unique, I really feel like I am there and can feel the people and characters in my heart. Thank you for being so inspiring, I am a fairly new writer myself and I aspire to your level of quality and the real sense of time and place I feel in your novels.

    Jill Tubbritt Newcastle UK
  • Hi Mary, You have long been a favorite author, and I own all of your books, most of which I have reread multiple times. Because I do reread them, I have replaced all of my print copies with ebook versions which are so much easier on aging eyes, so I really hope that there's still a chance that Gentle Conquest will also eventually be reissued as an ebook. At any rate, I'm really looking forward to reading Remember Me when it comes out in June. Thank you so much for all of your wonderful, emotionally satisfying stories.   AUTHOR NOTE: GENTLE CONQUEST will be out as an ebook on September 5, 2023,

    Myrna Topol Illinois United States
  • Thank you so much for sharing your talent of writing the most beautiful, heart warming novels. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your novels. The Bedwyn sagas I have read three times and I am sure I will read them several more times. I laugh and I cry every time. I have purchased the Simply Quartet novels, Survivors Club and The Huxtables Quintet I am about to purchase the Wescotts. I have been a fan of yours since 2003. Thank you, Thank you and Thank you once more.

    Linda Smith Linda Smith
  • I love your books so much. I started collecting them when I worked for a book printing company. I had collected all of them by the time I left the company in 2009; however, in 2011 my husband left me for another woman. I was devastated and decided I didn't need romance so I gave away all romance novels in my possession. 2 years later I had realized that your books were about more than romance! They are about connection, family, acceptance, inclusion, a little mystery and sooo much more. I started collecting your books again and re-reading everything from a different place in life. It was wonderful. I got to where i was only missing a few of your older books. Once again I had been faced with another loss; last Sunday my house burnt down. We have lost a lot, but we still have each other and I have found out how much "family" I have outside of the normal use of the word. I met with the company that is doing the cleanup in my house and they told me that they would not be able to salvage any of my books, that the salvage process would turn them to dust. I cried. Now i have to figure out how to afford to re-collect your books for the 3rd time. Because they have become a necessity. Thank you for the happiness you bring so many people.

    Laura Kretzer WV United States
  • I love your books so much, Mary. But I would love to know if some of my very favourites will ever be issued as Kindle books in The UK? I am particularly talking about the Bedwyn series - especially the last one about the duke, Dark Angel, The Ideal Wife, Heartless, and Indiscreet. Thank you.

    Gillian Wheatley London England
  • I love to read and re-read the Bedwyn books. How does one pronounce Bewcastle? AUTHOR REPLY: Just as it looks, Karen. Phonetically.

    Karen Arland Carmel USA
  • How much do I love your writing? Let me count the ways...I am currently reading the Survivor series for about the 7th time and just finished the Bedwyn series for the 10th time (a conservative estimate). If I had to pick a favorite, though, it'd be a tie between "More Than a Mistress" and "The Temporary Wife." I have only one thing to take issue with, however. I almost (key word, there) wish I'd never discovered your writing because you have spoiled me for every other author. I read quite, quite voraciously (average about one long novel per day) and there are many authors whose works I thoroughly enjoy, but I always come back to your books and I'm nearly to the point that I no longer need to read certain passages as they are forever memorialized in my brain. It's sad, really. I am anxiously awaiting the ebook releases of "Tangled" and "Thief of Dreams" as those will both be completely new to me (I only discovered you in the past 5 years or so and have devoured everything available for my Kindle and my Kobo readers). Though I truly enjoy even your earliest works, I must say that, in my opinion, you've only improved with the years. I now find myself unable to read authors who do not completely distinguish in which character's voice I'm reading a story (in other words, which character's head I'm occupying while he or she is thinking, speaking, etc). Anyway, many thanks for the hours upon hours you've made me laugh and bawl noisily (yes, you should buy stock in tissue companies as several of your books cause me to go through an entire box even on reading them for the zillionth time) and I hope you are nowhere near finished writing. I mean, what on earth will I do with myself after I've memorized them all? The mind boggles. Cheers!

    Katherine Coles Tulsa, Oklahoma USA
  • I’ve enjoyed reading your books over the year. I love that you are an author I can count on. I don’t even read the synopsis, I see your name and buy the book, knowing I will enjoy reading it.

    Bethany Narzissenfeld Orlando, Florida USA
  • Thank you Mary. What a talent you have with words. I especially like your themes of forgiveness and suffering.

    Maria Green WA Usa
  • It has been a while since I have visited your website and signed your guestbook. I think it is time to do it again.I want you to know how much I truly love your writing .Your wisdom and values and insights into the human heart take your work into a different stratosphere than the common novel of any genre I can think of- but not only that- you are utterly engaging and endearing. I find myself more and more dissatisfied with other authors as time goes on, and can only be thankful that I have a complete collection of all of your works to re-read as often as I need ( which is quite often to be honest). I do branch out into other genres, but I seem to be getting pickier as time goes on. I believe you must be a very lovely person indeed. That is what comes across in your writing. Thank-you for working out your dream and sharing it with the world. I kind of cringe when I think about the fact that you were an English teacher as I write this.... I know my sentences run on and on..... but not, I comfort myself, as long as the Apostle Paul's.

    Jill Riffe Portland Oregon United States
  • I have read and enjoyed all of your books and I just want to tell you that I think Remember Me was your best one ever! I just loved it and was so sad when I finished it, I wanted it to never end. Thank you for being such a great author.

    Sharon Phillips Fredericksburg VA USA
  • Dear Mary, Thank you so much for all the smiles, the laughs, the tears and the joy and mostly the pleasure you have given me through nearly all of your novels. They are a "pleasure" to me, and at times a comfort. Oh, how I do wish I could meet a few of your unforgetable characters in real life...

    Natasha Coutto Mumbai India
  • Just started “Someone to Trust” in the Westcott series. Look forward to more books about this family. I’m hooked!!

    Toni Barnhart Avon, Ohio USA
  • Just found your books a couple of months ago! These are so good and have printed a list of all books and the series list so that I can mark them off as I read and try to find others! Thank you for your talent. I love historical romance books and your are superb!!

    Nita B. Phillips VA United States
  • I just finished "A Christmas Bride" and wanted to say that this is truly one of the most wonderful and heartwarming love stories I have ever read!! I LOVE it so very much! Thank you for writing it!! 🙂

    Liene F. Latvia EU
  • Love your books. After I read one of your books, I can't help but think about the characters for days! I love especially Simply Dangerous and all the Simply series because of the character of the Duke.

    Jean Anderson Littleton, Colorado USA
  • Just finished your book longing. Enjoyed it very much. I grew up in a coal mining town Lonaconing Maryland . My father and grandfather were miners. They talked about the hazards and unfair treatment of the mine owners cheating them out of wages. I spent three days in a coal mine and decided that was not for me. There were times when a pot of beans and home baked bread had to last us for a week. This is the first time I have read a book of yours. Looking forward to reading many more.

    David Machin Rochester Hills, Michigan USA
  • Hi Mary, just a little question, a friend recommended one of your books to me (Slightly Sinful) so I went to Amazon and there it was, unfurtunately as I was about to buy it, I realised that it was not in KINDLE, which for me is a big problem, I live in a very small house thus I do not have space to keep books, so my question to you is, do you think this book will be in KINDLE, and if so any idea when? All the very best, take care Cheers Marta   AUTHOR NOTE; I see you are British, Marta. It is an ongoing source of frustration to me,that my British publisher (Piatkus Books), which has the rights to many of my books, will not bring out the older ones, including the SLIGHTLY books, in ebook format. I am constantly suggesting to readers who complain to me that they contact the publisher. I hope there will be a change in policy in the foreseeable future.

    Marta Bente London U.K.
  • Dear Mary, I first met you in a public library, so many, many years ago. Although I wish I could remember exactly when, I did not then keep records. About 2011 I began keeping a spreadsheet of authors, books read. Your books begin with A Certain Magic (Excel A53) and end with Web of Love (Excel A150). While I began a borrower, I've been for many years, especially since Kindle, a purchaser of your books, having over 41 in my Kindle library. I am a devoted re-reader. I just finished Someone to Remember which led me to re-read Someone to Honor. Eagerly I am awaiting August to receive my pre-ordered copy of Someone to Trust. Today I am contacting you because I need to know if there is available a printable copy of the Westcott family tree. The extended family has gotten so large it is difficult to see the tree on an e-reader. In an e-reader, going back and forth from the novel to the tree is more difficult than flipping back to the front of a book. Although I never imagined myself as an electronic reader, being so is advantageous as retirees, we live in a very small home, no room for a large library. As much as I enjoy reading, my favorite leisure-time activity, I have no difficulty knowing the author I most enjoy reading: Mary Balogh. Thank you for bringing so much joy to so many through reading. Sincerely yours, Karen Lee Scraga, during the Covid-19 Pandemic, May 14, 2020, when I need to escape into 19th century England. Reply by Mary Balogh: If you click on the book cover of SOMEONE TO HONOR on the Books page of my web site, Karen, you will find a link to a family tree.

    Karen Scraga Spring Branch, Comal County Texas
  • I just finished Someone Perfect and thoroughly enjoyed it! I have read everything you’ve written, and I always hate coming to the end of a book. Your characters are so likable and believable. Will you be writing any more stories? Please, please let us know what happens to Bertrand. I have a Mary Balogh box with all of your books. In the last few years, I have had trouble with Sjogrens Disease, making it impossible to read hard copy books due to poor eyesight resulting from dry eyes. But thank goodness for my Kindle! Now I can keep up to speed with enlarged lettering…and not miss out on any of your wonderful family tales. Please let me know if and when there will be another book. You are such a gift to so many people in these turbulent times!   AUTHOR NOTE: Next will be REMEMBER LOVE, in 2022. It is the start of the new Ravenswood series. And I do hope to write a story for Bertrand Lamarr, perhaps as part of this new series. Keep an eye on my web site for details of upcoming books. I will be updating it soon.

    Kippy Comfort Mars Hill, NC USA
  • Hello - first time reader here. I read Simply Unforgettable and I have to ask, was there a singer in real life that inspired you for Frances' character? I kept hearing Maria Callas in my head. Elena

    Elena Coddi Alaska USA
  • Dear Mrs. Balogh, I grew up in Canada reading and loving Jane Austen and Georgette Heyer. I was recruited as an RN in my hometown by a hospital in the United States which desperately needed nurses. I was 22 years of age at the time and thought it would just be temporary. I have lived in the U.S. since 1977, 47 years, and love both places. I have always loved reading everything! I decided to look up Georgette Heyer’s novels to reread. Also started reading a few other similar authors and discovered yours. May I say you are an absolutely incredible author on so many levels!!! I reserve one of your books as a special treat for myself! Your foresight, your sensitivity, your inclusion of prominent social issues, like the unfairness of class distinctions based on wealth or pedigree or gender, on the defense of women’s rights and independence, of wounded war veterans and the handicapped and all of them all written with exquisite suspense, wonderful themes and complex, noble but very flawed and human characters have blown me away!!!! God bless you for your talent, hard work and determination and for bringing great joy into my life and to the lives of very many I am sure. The best to you and your lovely family. Thank you!

    Rachel Holden Cornwall,Ont/Okc,OK Canada/USof A
  • Am loving (no surprise) the Ravenswood Series. I must admit, though, the reference to Lady Morgan Bedwyn caught my heart. I possess the whole series and it will be my next read! Been a while. Thank you for the reminder...I do love visiting old friends.

    Barbara Stevenson Brownsville, Texas usa
  • Just finished reading Remember Love,the first in the Ravenswood series.What a great book,can't wait to read the next one!!! When will the second in the series be available?? I love all your books and have read a great many .. Donelda AUTHOR NOTE: Book 2, REMEMBER ME, Philippa's story, will be out as a hardcover in June, 2023.

    Donelda Niles AB Canada
  • Dear Ms. Balogh: Thank you so much for replying to my request regarding Beyond the Sunrise. It is one of my favorites and one of my rereads. I really loved the accuracy of the historic campaign of Wellington in Spain and Portugal. I didn't expect a series. You opened my eyes with the Survivor series that soldiers in the past suffered PTSD, loss of limbs,eyesight and hearing--disfigurement, mental illness. (In some manner I thought of these horrors as modern. You opened my eyes that the Napoleonic Wars and the US Civil War had all of this suffering as well.) Since I loved this unlikely couple, I thought you might have mentioned them in passing in a subsequent book. I hope they survived and went to live on Robert's estate and Joana could be a "proper English wife". One can become extremely attached to fictional characters.

    Mary R DeWan Huntington, NY US
  • Hello Mary, I love all your stories and can't wait for Someone to Honor to come out, so glad it is on kindle. I keep waiting and hoping that the Bedwyn Series will be brought out on Kindle also, Is there any chance this might happen? New website is very modern and up to date, looks very good. All the best, keep supplying us with lovely stories to fill our leisure hours. Christine

    Christine Capon london England
  • I just finished listening to Someone to Cherish and it was lovely. Many thanks for this wonderful series. I very much enjoy listening to Roselyn Landor’s reading of these books while I knit. Can’t wait fir the next one….

    Kiaran Lew New York USA
  • Hello Mary, I thrust you and your family are well regardless of the 6th Covid 19 wave. We are all tired of this world pandemic but it lingers on in spite of all our collective efforts. As usual, I am re-reading many of your older books this winter to keep my mind off current events, like the horrific war in Ukraine. My Ukrainian ancestors came to Canada to escape the Soviet Union oppression and to make a better life for themselves and their children. I pray constantly for my family left behind in Ukraine and for all Ukrainians fighting this unnecessary war. Are wars ever necessary? Your stories revolving the Napoleon and Crimean wars give us insight into the minds of former dictators and their evil motive. I recently re-read More than a Mistress and enjoyed this story immensely! You are my favourite author of the Regency period and I promote your books to everyone God bless you and your family and keep you safe! Your servant and loyal reader, Gloria.

    Gloria Chmilar Mundare, Alberta Canada
  • Enjoy all your books

    Val Pan Illinois USA
  • I have read 60 of your books & 10 novellas & loved each one. I started reading regencies in 2000 when I retired & got hooked on your books. You, Grace Burrowes & Julia Quinn are my favorites & I've started SAVING those books. I used to donate all my books to our local library but when I started the Survivor's Club, I decided to save the series. One day I was cleaning closets & found the entire Huxtable series on the floor, it must have fallen out of the bag of donations-to-go. I love reading series & don't start them till I have them all. But I often find a character pop up somewhere else & that is so nice. Keep up the exceptional work.

    Carol Lynn Glendale WI
  • Just one of your newest your books. One question, just starting "Longing" and am going a little Coolio because I can't pronounce the character, Sian's name in my head. Can you help?

    Jo Madden CA United States
  • Although set in a time when women were considered property, your stories are about strong, independent women and men who are confident and mature enough to appreciate, value, and respect strong women. Both main characters have to overcome doubts and reservations before they can acknowledge their love for each other, and that is also true of real life. Some Regency romance novels I've read are flighty little things: the day after I've read them my brain decides there is no room for that author, that title, that plot. Your stories are different. My heart tells me they have truth and substance and may keep me company for as long as I like.

    Cherrill Mears Edmonds, WA USA
  • Just finished the Bedwyn series and loved it, very excited to read more

    Jacquie Bernard Wellington FL USA
  • Oh my goodness, I just finished Always Remember- to say, I loved it as an understatement. What we really really need is a sequel! I want to hear all about Jennifer and Ben’s life at Penallen! About the neighborhood, and the children that I’m sure they will have! There’s so so much left to be written about this wonderful couple! Dear Mary, thank you for all the happiness and joy you provide in your books. I have every single one of them from way back when. The pages are yellowed and the covers are tattered, but all of your books are keepers. Kimberly Adams Hertford, North Carolina

    Kimberly Adams North Carolina USA
  • Love, love, love your books. My 83 year old mother is a fan too. Keep giving us great books

    Joyce Hagens Kerens, Texas USA
  • Will start checking out some editions

    HERB KRUMICH PA United States
  • I just started reading your older books and enjoyed them. I started reading your novels after I finished watching the beautiful romantic series Sanditon Seasons 2 and 3. I assume you watched it. I like your book when it has the women on the cover and wondered if you would consider using the actress Rose Williams as a model. She looked beautiful in her dresses, pelisses, ball gowns and bonnets .

    Lynn Parler Florida U. S.
  • I'm one book away from a complete collection of mb books. Can you guess which one? Yes, the Trysting Place. Why? Because it costs over $211 (at thrift books). I just cannot afford this on my seniors' income. Come on, Mary! Please re-release this book so your fans (yes, fans plural) can enjoy reading it. I don't do ebooks. Want real book!! From Donna

    Donna Kaut Alberta Canada
  • I am enjoying the Wescott series very much. It's always very hard waiting for the next book to come out. I have loved all of your series. I have read and re read them over and over. I also love listening to the ones that are on audio books. Thank you for your wonderful writing.

    Sheryl Whipple Mesa, Arizona USA
  • Hi, I'm from Quebec, Montreal. I read your book in french, The temporary wife. I loved it, I really liked how you described Charity. She is a strong woman, you showed how a woman at this time could be strong and still be strong in nowadays. She seemed like someone who Anthony could control but she's not like I thought she would be like. I like how you made him fall in love with her. Their love is precious, the description you wrote, made me feel like I was living it with them. I really like these kind of romantic books. I am one of the luckiest person to read your book. Thank you for making every character different in their own way so that we could appreciate each one of them in their own way. I am so excited to read another book of yours.

    Raquel Juarez Montreal Canada
  • Mary, you are top of my list on historical authors. Your books are like a forever-gift. They make my world so much brighter. Thank you.

    Felicia Fallon Richmond, Virginia United States
  • I have read and kept all your books ( that I came across ) and novellas and reread them and repaired them, necessity from wear and affection required. Some I found in the thriving second hand market but enjoyed them in no particular order, especially the Signet Regency Romance edition (24)s as I knew I could depend on them for a quick read when my available time was at a premium.. I saved the longer editions for reading over several nights. Use of language, both able to paint a vivid visual and developing personalities of the characters. Always happy to finish without any disappointment., just satisfaction. I was only peripherally aware of reoccurring character names and before I retired and had a computer by then the definitely identified Series books began. I had not linked the earlier books and only recently realized I was missing Dark Angel after re reading Lord Carew's Bride and The Famous Heroine. and stacking the other five from that group. so many of your earlier writings have been re-issued is there any chance that Dark Angel might also become available again? Thank you for untold hours of reading pleasure, Just got home from a long road trip to Minnesota and back and. the Westcott Series latest available Someone to Care was my companion. My favorites are fickle as it is usually what I am reading at the time. Thank you again.. Judith P

    Judith Parry Jacksonville Florida U S A
  • This is by nature of a request.In the latest book you have introduced Bernard, the Marquess of Dorchester's son, at an earlier chronological period than that at which we left him in the last Westcott book. I therefore sense his return at a future date, either as a main character in Stephanie's story or one of the cast in Owen's. If it is the former and there is a wedding then every Westcott character able to draw breath and stand upright will wish to attend.If so would a small up date be possible please? In particular, has Harry and Lydia's family expanded? I do not ask about Winifred as I confidently expect her to appear somehow, somewhere in the Ravenswood books. Thank you for your help through a number of health problems. A book is one of the best analgesics I know and no side effects other than neglected housekeeping! AUTHOR REPLY: Yes,  Lynn, you can expect to meet Bertrand again in a starring role in the Ravenswood series.

    Lynn Pollard Kenilworth, Warwickshire United Kingdom
  • I got the most pleasant surprise at my local Barnes and Noble Thursday. Somehow I had missed seeing that Someone to Trust came out on Nov. 27 - don't know how I missed it but I did. As soon as I saw the cover I knew it was your book. Your covers are always wonderful - they complement the book perfectly.

    Jane Lewis Burlington North Carolina United States
  • I have just finished the Survivor Series. Each and every book in that series was such a beautiful story of survival and the strength of the human spirit. Imogene's story was especially touching. Please tell me there is another book planned for this. There seems to be more to tell...does Imogene have a child? I guess I just don't want their stories to end. So, I am hooked and ordering the "Simply" Series. Thanks for introducing me to this type of series reading. You feel as though you are picking up the treads of a family with each book.

    dari Harding Butler USA
  • I have read your work for many years, WEB series may have hooked me to series hoarding. As to your choices for Mates, you are unmatched. I sometimes imagine your characters before you showcase them in their book, and I might have them going in a different direction, but believe me I am totally enthralled when you give me their true match. I am sobbing, smiling, and curious in each book. I reread so many times. Yes, their is deep love, spellbinding attraction that enriches each story. It's why I recommend you for your craft. You paint your Masterpiece with each word. Thank you again, I've left many reviews, my words are never good enough, but sincere. Have a wonderful journey as you continue.

    Peggy Wright Osage Beach, MO U.S.A
  • Hi Mary Just discovered your books Great work keep them coming

    Josie Whyte sydney Australia
  • I just finished Remember Love. I think it is one of the best books you have ever written!! Soo good! The depth of the characters, the emotions, so well done! I also loved that it wasn't sexually graphic. Thank you. I can't wait for the next books in the series. I also enjoyed the Westcott series, especially Someone to Love.

    Anita McAdam Charlotte,NC USA
  • Dear mary, l just read,"truly" (for the first time). Gosh, I enjoyed it! I read it on the hoopla format from our library in hamilton on.l loved the heroine and hero. You do the bad boys so well that they make me squirm. Fortunately, gerald the welshman was lovely. Thanks for another wonderful read. I especially hope that you are keeping well physically and mentally........I am looking forward to 3 more new novels!!! Thanks.

    Linda Moore ON Canada
  • Thanks so much for the many lovely books.

    Marsha Tinch Louisville, Kentucky USA
  • Just finished reading "Gentle Conquest" but I was disappointed that Vera's and Roger's story was left unfinished. Also, there was no epilogue for Georgie and Ralph. I am curious about the baby's future. Was it the boy Georgie hoped for? What was his personality? Did they have other children? Could you please do an addition of "Gentle Conquest" and a Vera/Roger book? I am sure that I am not your only reader who would love that. Thanks!

    Shirley Jones Riverside, CA USA
  • Thank you for sharing your talent in the stories you tell. I have just started reading your books and have fallen in love with the Survivors series. I have so many more to read and look forward to it. These stories take me to a world I can only imagine living in - in a way I am glad I did not. I can identify with so many of your characters. I had the joys of travelling in Wales twice and loved the areas we saw. My husband loved the little railways and that brought us to the sites and to learn the history. I now must return to Wales, Scotland and England soon to visit the places in the stories and also visit my friends there. I am trying to read your series in order, but the library here does not have all of them. Hunting them down online and in bookshops. (I prefer books) Looking forward to reading all your books - thank YOU!

    Margot Purcell Margot Purcell Indiana USA
  • Dear Mary: I am a long-time reader and fan of your wonderful books! I only wish you could write faster and offer more of them each year. Please stay well and never retire! Many, many thanks for so many great hours of reading! Sincerely, Annemarie

    Annemarie Meyer Oley, PA USA
  • Dear Mary, I enjoyed reading your Wescot series, particularly Avery's story. Are you planning on writing a story on Avery's secretary? I enjoyed reading more about him in Someone to Romance and hope he has his own story as well.

    Toyosi Afolabi Lagos Nigeria
  • Mary, I have been devouring your books, and not much else, since holiday time last year. I went through all the Westcott series in a heartbeat. Avery reminds me of the Scarlet Pimpernel and he had me at hello. But then, I wanted the artist, Joel. The men really are so lovable, in their myriad ways. I've just finished the boarding school ladies (Simply series). I appreciate that all of your characters are flawed in some way -- even if it's just their perceived situation -- and yet they rise above with each other's help and acceptance. Thank you for teaching me what romantic love looks and feels like, and for reminding me to believe in it.

    Caro K Virginia USA
  • I just see that Someone to Cherish is coming out on my birthday. Thanks for the unexpected gift! Looking through your site brings back many lovely memories of the delightful Signet paperbacks I loved so much. I am very glad they are available again. Best wishes, Sheila

    Sheila David Churchill. Churchill. Sheila USA
  • I've already noted that many of your fans started with your books from the same background that I did - Georgette Heyer. My paternal grandmother Christina {b. 1902, Aberdeen Scotland - immigrated as a 'babe in arms' thru Ellis Island, New York soon after} took note of my voracious reading esp. in the historical romance genre, by the time I was 14/15-ish & supplied me the first set of Heyer's books. She encouraged me to not only read well-written authors, but to critique them for historical accuracies. As a young high-schooler in Los Angeles, in the 1960s, it was a guided intro to several disciplines. History, geography, politics, writing, genealogy & family dynamics. Thru many authors, I eventually found you - & I will be forever grateful. I have a near complete set of Heyers & now, an almost complete set to date of you..

    Rhoda J Barnhouse Reliance, Wyoming USA
  • I would love to have Someone to Wed if I win.🤗🙏🏽

    Editha Thompson 990 County Road 68 Killen, AL 35645 United States
  • Like others, I believe I’m your #1 fan! All of your books have a special place on my bookshelves and in my heart. I do read other books but I find myself reading yours over and over. It would be amazing to receive any signed book of yours!

    Paula Datz Missouri USA
  • Hi Mary. I have been an ardent admirer of your stories ever since I "discovered" you after reading my first book "The First Snowdrop". I have since read ALL of your books. I hope to read many more in the years to come. I'd like to make two comments: I was sad the woman on the cover of "Someone to Remember" wasn't wearing light blue, as I would expect Matilda Westcott to wear. It was a detail I remember most clearly from that book. A lovely detail at that. The second comment is a request actually. Since COVID 19 and lockdowns began in Canada (mid March), I've read almost everything you've written over again (I have every copy electronically and most paperbacks as well). I was hoping you would surprise everyone with a new book sooner than August. I will keep hoping. Without sounding odd, you are my hero. You write about strong heroines and realistic conflicts that honour the Regency time period you write about. Thank you and stay safe.

    S. Ranu Ottawa Canada
  • just finished reading all the Westcott series. looking foreward to reading someone to chersh . Your characters are so real they seem like people you would enjoy meeting..please write about estelle and bertrand lamarr,also adrian sawyer..thankyou Agatha Lamnatia (Estelle's story--SOMEONE PERFECT--is already written and will be out before the end of 2021, Agatha.  Mary Balogh)  

    agatha lamantia toronto ontario canada
  • Hi Mary I love your books, have been a fan for nearly 12 years, my first novel was Slightly Dangerous and I've been hooked since, fell in love with the Bedwyns, especially Wulfric, also really like your older books, Longing and Tangled are classics. Indiscreet is another favourite, which I read on average at least once a year. Your books have gotten me through some difficult times and I feel such a connection to them and probably own most of the series that are interconnected. Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful love stories. Best Paula

    Paula Kenzie London UK
  • I would love to experience the Westcott series as a Netflix series, every character is marvelously written. I think it’s a great time to think about it, given the whole Bridgerton craze. I have read most of the series at least twice, and I love the strong women characters. Delicious!!!

    Lorrie Wardell Saugerties, NY US
  • I love all the books I have read by Mary Balogh. It is hard to say which series is my favorite, I loved all the Bedwyns. Each family member was so special. The stories are well written and fun as well as series in parts. I hadn't thought of it until I read one person's comment and that is that they were not perfect and had flaws. That is so true of the ones I have read so far. That makes the story more real and believable. I have the Simply series all in order to start next but I sure hate leaving the Bedwyns.

    CIndy Young West TN USA
  • You've been such a tremendous inspiration to me through-out the many volumes of your novels...unfortunately, I'm not an individual who can claim to authorship other than composing my weekly grocery list...In my 87th year I find myself quite transported while reading any, and all of your novels. Your talent is amazing. I quite become immersed in adapting what's written by you into my younger self..., it's quite refreshing. I'm a widow now for the past 15 years and following my dear husband's funeral I took myself back to my reading which I'd neglected while enjoying my husband through his final days...Your writing not only was so enjoyable, but also diverting my grief through-out my mourning, and continues thusly even though his photos stare at me and give me joy as well...thank you Mary Balogh, I just want you to know how you have enriched my life...Even re-reading your books gives me enormous pleasure; especially during these trying times...Please keep up your strength, fortitude and your amazing talent; stay healthy and enjoy your life, your family and your work...again, my many thanks for who you are and what you give to all your many, many readers...!!!

    Joan Pope Idaho United States
  • I love all your books and have been a reader of them since I was in my teens and now am fifty nine and still love them. Bless you for all you do and happy new year and look forward to your next one. Blessings to you. Michelle Perry, ontario, canada

    michelle perry ON Canada
  • My mother (who has passed away) started my love of romance. She had all of your books - some were lost due to hurricanes and friends borrowing. When the Survivor Series came out, we would go to the bookstore and buy two copies. We finally got wise to pre-ordering, and then it came down to who would get their copy delivered first. She usually got her copy earlier in the day (or even a day before me) because she ordered more from Amazon then I did. I have re-read all of your books, I have 75 on kindle. I never get tired of them. I have loaned my print copies out and given several from my mother's collection away. Can't wait for Elizabeth's story! I already have "A Christmas Bride" and "Under the Mistletoe", so will probably not order "A Very Special Christmas", but it will be the first time that I haven't gotten your latest. Thank you for all of your stories! Please keep them coming.

    Karen McConathy Texas United States
  • I have read and enjoyed your books for years. I want to meet your characters in real life, but since that is not possible, I just live with them in your books. I love your daily posts on Facebook. The puns make me smile, groan or laugh out loud. I look forward to them every morning. Thank you for making my day so much better.

    Rosemary Stancampiano Volcano, Hawaii United States
  • I have read all of your books and have enjoyed every one of them. You have a wonderful way of immediately drawing me into the lives of all of your characters. In your latest book, Remember LOVE, I was suddenly struck by the similarity between the theme of an entire community ignoring the truth of the Earl's transgressions because it served them well to do so and the situation in the USA where thousands of people are ignoring Trump's crimes and going along with The Big Lie. The issue, as Gwyneth pointed out, was a lack of integrity...until Devlin spoke the truth in a way that couldn't be ignored. It made me wonder if perhaps the situation in this country sparked your imagination to look for a way to address this issue in your book. It is incomprehensible to me to understand how rational people can ignore the truth and pretend that Trump's behavior is acceptable...and then I began to see the same dynamics as I read your story. My question is: Was there a connection in your mind as you formulated your story line? While reading, I have been struck with the cut offs in my own family that have resulted because of differences in how we view Trump. You have described the mixed feelings perfectly...was the cut off worth breaking up the family? Who is right, the ones who just wanted to ignore the transgression for the sake of family unity...or the one who spoke up out of a sense of integrity? Your story has touched me deeply, and it has been helpful to see the same dynamics I've been dealing with in another setting. I'd really love to hear back from you as to whether or not there is, indeed, a connection in your mind. Thank you so much for sharing your writing skills with the world. I always so look forward to each and every one of your books!

    Kippy Comfort Mars Hill, NC USA
  • Simply loved" Always remember" and can't wait for the next sequel!!! WHOSE STORY is it going to be???I think I've read all your books after I had discovered the first one and among them are my all time favourites like the Bedwins - Slightly Dangerous - The Westcotts - more or less all of them - The Web series (Devil's Web), The Survivors, The Huxtables, The Simply series etc, etc. Thank you for many lovely hours that I have spent laughing and suffering with your heroines and heros.   AUTHOR REPLY:  Book 4 of the Ravenswood series, due out next January, will be REMEMBER WHEN,  Clarissa's story.

    Ingrid W Vienna Austria
  • Now that I am retired from library services I have time to read your wonderful books. We have a wonderful little library exchange in a little pueblo here and I always am happy when I encounter one of your books. Thanks for the entertainment.

    Elizabeth Schaeffer Ensenada Mexico
  • I am a big fan. You are one of a bare handful of Romance writers that I really enjoy. Recently I was re-reading "Simply Magic" and found myself wondering about Agnes Ryde, the Cockney charity student. What was her backstory? How did she come to the attention of Mr. Hatchard? Did she ever get her 'Happily Ever After', or at least her reasonably happy normal life? Have you ever thought of returning to stories of the students and faculty of Miss Thompson's School?

    Ken King St. Peters, MO USA
  • I just finished reading the entire Westcott series in order. Now I need to get Bertrand and Winnifred settled. Hopefully, you do, too. I love revisiting characters that I have come to appreciate throughout each successive book. Does Anna deliver her fifth child successfully? Does Winnifred let her joy and love truly break free? Does Bertrand find love and doesn’t wind up living alone for too long? Your readers would welcome closure. Thanks for so many hours of pure reading joy. Enjoy your day. Barbara Johnson

    Barbara Johnson Mar USA
  • I love to read the Wescott series, about making and having a real family.

    Martha Clark Springfield Illinois, USA
  • I've had the chance to listen on audio books to the Bedwyn series while knitting and loved them. I had read them years ago, yet enjoyed them just the same. Thank you

    LuAnn Dawson Fernandina Beach, FL USA
  • I was completely new to Romance novels infact i preferred darker themed graphic novels until i read "The Devils Web" a month back. This book changed lots of things for me and unbelievably i have been reading the same book multiple times now sometimes reading and re-reading the pages as if i can find some new meaning to the interactions and why the main character behaves in a certain way. I m fascinated by the hero of the novel and feel he is the most complex character i have ever read till now. I m curious about how the author pictured him in her mind and if there is a real life inspiration for this character. There is so much feeling involved and I find myself drawn to the world of the hero and the heroine of this book. I hope and pray there is a sequel to their story - something like where both of them fight against the whole world for their love. I cannot believe i have turned into such a romantic after reading this novel. Wonder what will happen if i read more ! Sigh! Also thank you so much Mary for writing this amazing novel. I cannot express my feelings enough when i tell you how your novel helped me get over a personal tragedy and made me to look forward to experience love all over again. Thank you.

    Mrina Deshpande Las Vegas United States
  • Sorry to get technical (because it's a lovely site, and yours are wonderful books) but you should ask your web developers to change the links for Amazon, etc. to ones that open in a new tab. That way, when I want to pre-order A Daring Masquerade (which I did), I still have your website up on its own tab to return to. As it was, I had to back out of Amazon and you know how grabby that site can be. 🙂

    Magdalen Braden Kingsley, PA USA
  • I’m so happy that I found your books! I can’t wait to read about Harry!

    SusanW Phillips Colorado Springs, Colorado United States
  • I have read all the books in the books by series category and have re-read or re-listened to many again and was delighted when I found Second Changes as it contained the story of Eleanor Thompson, made my day, thank you! I am currently awaiting Nov 30th when the latest audible book for the Westcott series will be released. I love Rosalyn Landor as the narrator. While waiting I am working my way through the stand a lone books. Thank you for writing characters I fall in love with and the slow in depth development of each characters. I also love that you include past characters from books and development with just as much detail Truly a fantastic way to be whisked away to another time.

    Jane Garrino Redwood City, California USA
  • The first one of you books I read was Slightly Scandalous. I have been a fan ever since. My favorite parts of you books is that you do not only include drama but also humor in every book. Some make you cry and others make you laugh but it seems to me that always they reflect history as it was and if you look properly, how everything seems to fit in today's world. People are people and we all have the same hopes and dreams as everyone else.

    Kathy Smith Delaware USA
  • Hello...and happy warm weather greetings from Los Angeles, Ca. I was looking forward to a new book from my favorite author and find that there is a book coming out in July, 2022. Hooray! "Remember Love" A Ravenswood Novel is listed as a hardcover book, Kindle, and audio book but not listed as a trade paperback book. Will the book not be published in this format? I am an "old fashioned girl" who enjoys holding a book in her hand and hope that this book will be available at a more reasonable price point than the printed hardcover novel of $27.00. Be well and stay safe in these atypical times.

    Anita Gold Anita Gold
  • Dear Ms. Balogh, Such wonderful books with amazing, beautiful and intriguing stories to tell. I have been reading your books for several years and cannot wait for the next book--especially those in a family series--to be released. I do have one question. Will Bertrand Lamarr receive his own story in the Wescott family? It seems as though he needs his own happily ever after as well. Thank you, Patty Hoening   AUTHOR NOTE: I do hope to work Bertrand's story into the new Ravenswood series, Patty.

    Patricia Hoening Jacksonville, FL United States
  • I have read and re-read your books too many times to count. Each time it is as if I am reading the book for the first time, I get transported to another world getting lost in the books. I have no favourite series as I love all of them. Tears and laughter are never far away as the characters become friends. Thank you for your gift of writing for us.

    Shirley Gans Montreal, Quebec Canada
  • Dear Mary Balogh: I have read many of your books over the years. I think they wonderful. You write books about real love and add wisdom to them also. That is not something that just any writer can do. Real love can only be understood when you dig deeper than the surface of life. I am now reading Someone to Trust, Many thanks for all those great books. I moved in the opposite direction from you. I was born and grew up in the United States, moved to England in 1970, age 25. have I met a wonderful girl and we have been happily married ever since. I have a lovely daughter and two grandchildren. What more could one have? Best Wishes, Alan Severance

    Alan Severance Stroud United Kingdom
  • Dearest Mary, I’m a huge fan of your books, I’ve read most of them, some at least three or four times. My favorite family has to be the Bedwyns, I was very saddened by the ending of the enter series. I hope one day you’ll pick up where you left off; or perhaps they can book/story hop in your future books. Mary... the reason I’m actually writing is to ask for a clarification on the term ‘Antidote’. This word comes up quite frequently in your stories referring to beauty or lack of. For example, in ‘First Comes Marriage’, Elliot says something like this...”Vanessa’s sisters are lovelier than she but, she no antidote either” I can’t find a reference this meaning. Please enlighten me! Thank you. Sincerely Shalet

    Shalet Gharibian Burbank USA
  • After rereading some of the Westcotts books I rembered another character who I really hope you will write about again - Winifred who must have grown up in the meantime and - if I remember correctly - was 17 when you last mentioned her. Any plans that we might "see" her again??? All the best, Ingrid   AUTHOR REPLY: Stay tuned!

    Ingrid W Vienna Austria
  • I'd love your new book "Someone to Trust"!

    Carol Thomson Suisun City CA USA
  • I started reading the first book in the Simply series and never stopped,Love your style I am seventy five now and writing my memoirs

    Stella King Atlanta,Ga.30329 USA
  • Thanks so much for your comment about not ploughing on endlessly with a book you are not really enjoying. I too used to do that and it began to spoil my overall enjoyment of reading. I even found myself unwilling to start a new book because I felt I was betraying a principal. Learning that it is not a failure to make a judgement of a book, on your own and not just relying upon reviews or reputation, is actually quite a hard thing to do. It is good to know that others have wrestled with it too. Tom.

    Tom Hedger Devon United Kingdom
  • You speak of so many thoughts and feelings that I have had in my lifetime. I so appreciate the Westcott series and am almost finished sadly. Your characters are so real, their thoughts and feelings and life observances speak to the reader. Thank you. Can’t wait to read all your stories.

    Melinda Alvarez Murrieta California USA
  • Your Someone series is the best yet. I echo Winifred Cunningham's comment to Grandmama Viola about Pilgrim's Progress. "It was very instructional". I find the Someone stories very instructional, touching deeper emotional currents that I relate to myself. I'm glad you are composing a story for Estelle Lamar, and I hope Bertrand will have his own too. Maybe Adrian Sawyer? But for sure Winifred Cunningham deserves her own book. You are developing her character nicely, and I find her both charming and down to earth. Maybe she will captivate a member of the nobility who won't care about her biological origins, but will fixate on her character and intelligence.

    George Skokan FL United States
  • Hello Mary, I am a huge fan, I proudly own almost every one of your books in paperback and have read every book of yours I can find on Kindle. I am writing to tell you I named a gift package after you. It's called "The Mary Balogh" and contains a handmade covered notebook, a handmade bookmark, handmade bubble bath and a ready to drink Cosmo. Everything in this package is made in Alberta. My husband and I own a catering business that covid destroyed. I was depressed and devastated but then pivoted and have spent these months of unemployment reinventing our business into a gift shop. We use only Canadian items made by small businesses in our gifts. We supply the yum in our from our commercial kitchen. I would love to send you a free copy of this a small thank you for the years and years of reading material you have delighted me with. Please check out your namesake gift on I hope it ok that I named this gift after you?

    Alison Hammond-weiss Edmonton, alberta Canada
  • I love all your books. Please tell me you will write another book in the Westcott series. I have read all including someone perfect

    Sandra Hanley Durham United Kingdom
  • I have just finished reading 'Someone Perfect' for the 3rd time. I was wondering if 'Bertrand's story' has been written yet. Thank you for the pleasure I have received during the past years. I am in my mid -eighties and am almost sure I have read every book you have written. I received an ereader several years ago and that is when I discovered Mary Balogh. Thank you.

    Ethel Bouchard Dunnville, Ontario Canada
  • is there going to be more about Stephanie and Owen in the Ravenswood series? I have received Bens story to read .love this series..   AUTHOR REPLY: I hope to write stories for each member of the family, Donelda.

    Donelda Niles AB Canada
  • I've hugely enjoyed the Westcott series and asked for a Kobo voucher for Christmas so that I could buy the ebooks of the Bedwyns - only to find that they're not available! I've got the Huxtables instead, and am looking forward to those, but still a bit mystified - if you have the market and you have the product, why not put the two together? Why not make all books available in all markets you currently access?

    Amanda Forsyth Edinburgh Scotland
  • Dear Mary, I came across your novels last summer when I first entered into the realm of romance after grad school. To say that your books are essential to understanding the human condition is an understatement. You have inspired me to find empathy for others through the stories of fiction. Your books have solidified the importance of character, building relationships, letting someone know you and see you. My reignited enthusiasm for reading has been due to your novels and has helped me inspire my students to read more and often. We have had many discussions around developing empathy for others as they read, just as I have found through the characters in your novels. I've read many of your novels, each one bringing me and my hubby much delight. The Notorious Rake is my favorite. Edmund is despicable and wounded, so deserving of the love of a thoughtful, passionate woman. Loved the Survivors series. I also loved Only a Kiss, laughing out loud in many descriptions of the living situation. Each novel is so unique, I look forward to each journey. Thank you for sharing your gift of story with the world.

    Theresa Soto NJ United States
  • I just finished Someone to Wed and I wanted to thank you for writing it. I’ve given up trying to pick a favorite. Each one touches something in my heart.

    Ada Southerland Chapel Hill USA
  • You are a wonderful writer.

  • Huge fan, have read all your books. You're on my keepers list. Just re-read the Wescott series. Was wondering about Bertrand's story, happy to see it appears to have a future. Just started reading first Ravenswood. I have always enjoyed actual books, but did get a Kindle once to see how I liked it than the whole 3G thing happened so I'm reluctant to try Kindle again. Please keep the paperback option.

    L R Pa US
  • I love her series. Page turner till the end. Thanks for sharing your books

    Paula Maxwell Paula Maxwell
  • Dear Mary, I have to confess that I have never read any of your books, although being a Georgette Heyer fan, I am frequently told by robots and real people alike that I would love them. No doubt I would – and no doubt I would not be able to stop reading them once I’d started. With writing of my own to do, I am being firmly abstemious. Isn’t it ironic, then, that checking up on a phrase for my present work in progress brought me to your website? My heroine clasped her hands to her bosom, and all at once I was assailed by doubt. To her bosom? In front of her bosom? Under her bosom? So I entered the phrase into a search engine, as one does, and ended up reading the excerpt from “Only Enchanting”. Ooh, I like this. Let’s look at another excerpt. And another. What does the “About” section have to say? Hey, there’s a guest book! This is a lovely website, Mary, so friendly and welcoming that I thought I’d share the funny little twist in today’s research, hoping that you will find it amusing, too. One day, hopefully, I will have enough mental discipline to be able to treat myself to one of your books occasionally without fearing a fit of binge reading. Best wishes, Elsie

    Elizabeth Grant Saulxures France
  • Really glad to read Matilda's story in Someone to Remember. Love the series. Also enjoying the humor in your earlier novels which are available in e-books.

    Smitha R Illinois United States
  • Best wishes to you for a long and healthy life so you can continue to publish ad infinitum and the readers can enjoy the pleasure endlessly. Every book can be a candidate to be the best or favorite novel because there is so much to love about each one. I had opined earlier about my favorite dry old stick hero in Secret Mistress and the wonderful moving story of Simply Love, where love transcends and triumphs against the cruelties of life that are sometimes beyond one's control. With the recent heartbreak upon seeing the receipts from Loblaws, Sainsbury or Kroger and worrying how to heat the home this coming winter, what a luxurious elixir it is to escape into the wonderful world of, this time, the ultimate union of the Bedwyn Series and the Survivor's Club in the Proposal. Gwen, Lady Muir, foreshadowed in so many novels, especially as the best friend to Lauren Edgeworth in A Summer to Remember, the perfect friend, sister, daughter, aunt, widow who is..... lame. Such a decent, nice person, of course, deserves the greatest Forlorn Hope hero in Hugo, Lord Trentham. The introduction of the character of Frank Carstairs is just brilliant. He spat at Lord Trentham earlier when their paths crossed but he spoke up at the Brittling's garden party, illustrating the deadly horror of the Forlorn Hope mission at Badajoz and what a courageous, honourable hero Lord Trentham is. Of course he deserves the treasure in Lady Muir. And who does not have a very dear friend like Mrs Vera Parkinson in their life, the wife of the younger brother of a baronet, Sir Roger Parkinson, which she will not let anyone forget. Hugo's description of Vera is spot on, "That woman is a horror". Then there is Lady Wilma Fawcitt, as Lauren was resigned to the fact that "Every family has some cross to bear," how true.....especially with the upcoming Thanksgiving holidays family dinners. What a gem in philosophy of life when Gwen remarked, "Tempering the truth with tact and kindness is called good manners." Something, especially politicians, can take a big lesson in. Life is that much sweeter and more tolerable with a light touch and a sense of humour. The stables scene is impeccable when Hugo told Gwen she can catch him when he jumps but she replied" You will squash me!" Please don't stop writing. A long and healthy life to you

    W A CA USA
  • Mary, life won't have been the same without your always wonderful, inspiring books. You always have been and will be my number one favorite author in any genre. It amazes me that you continue to come up with these unique, lovely characters and stories. I hate it when your books come to an end necause I want to continue to be in their lives. Yet, I am left with a warm glow when the books end. Thank you so much! Love you!

    Sue Wright Michigan USA
  • Hi, Ms. Balogh, love your books! So much depth. Each time I pick up one of your books I swear I am transported smack into the middle of the story. I feel so at one with the characters -- the pain, laughter, loss and gains they go through. Sounds pretty strange but I often feel such a loss when I reach the end of each book. I know it's pure fiction but you do have a way of making the stories hearthwrenchingly believable and I do appreaciate how you provide your readers access to the minds of both the male and female protagonists. As a woman, I often wonder what the males feel and how they think as they interract romantically with the females. Your books always provide both viewpoints. As I sit here writing in your Guest Book I recall the first time I was introduced to your books... late 1980s/early 1990s while I was living another life in another country. Although I have always been an avid reader, in recent years I abandoned my hobby for the cable tv movies and online viewings. It was not until watching Bridgerton almost a year ago that I thought of all those historical romance novels I enjoyed reading in my youth. And it was how my love affair with historical romance was rekindled. I have since purchased a number of historical novels by random authors -- including you! After a lot of reading I found myself constantly returning to your novels and even going out of my way in search of all the historical novels you have written. Ms. Balogh, if only you could see my collection!!! I have a whole bookshelf dedicated to your novels. I treasure each and every one of them for their rich storylines and believable characters. I read the Westcott series several months ago and eagerly anticipate the lastest book in the series... Someone Perfect! Keep up the excellent work. You outshine all the other writers in my book. Your loyal reader, Kerry

    Kerry Hyre KS United States
  • Thank you for all the lovely stories. Your books are some of my most favorite and comfortable friends.

    Caroll Zana NV United States
  • I’ve probably read almost all of your books and will grieve if you actually retire from writing. What I like the most is that your books vary in type and are sometimes truly touching on subjects that others ignore.

    Ellen B Delaware Usa
  • Now I know why I am such a fan of your facebook puns and am always reposting them--I was born on March 25, 1945. If the zodiac has anything to do with kindred spirits..... Keep up the great work and thanks for making me laugh every day.

    Ruth Fazekas Shaker Heights, Ohio USA
  • Dear Mary Balogh, I love your books and feel close to your characters. A few remarks about historical facts: the Napoleonic wars, in which Harry Westcot was supposed to participate ended in 1815, the waltz , danced by the Duke of Netherby and Anna was introduced in 1830! Th e word “prune” was introduced much later than the action of Someone to Love, a wonderful book, one of your best. (Author note: The waltz, first introduced to England in 1804, became popular in London in 1812-13)

    Ludmilla Wightman Princeton, Nj USA
  • Yep, just as I figured -- the only possible choice at Barnes & Noble after exhausting all your titles on the shelf is an author who has so little respect for her readers and the Regency period as to dispense with any pretense of authenticity whatever. Fortunately, I assured myself when I paid for the three I selected in desperation today that I could return them and get my money back. Sigh! So much more satisfying to go back to the dozen or so Balogh titles on my shelf and delight in re-reading them. Fortunately for me, you have been a prolific author. In my own interest I must soon conduct a more diligent search through your many titles in order to settle on some not locally available that I can order through B&N. I discovered Georgette Heyer in the 1950s and was delighted to find that same meticulous care for character and period in your books, along with generous doses of tasteful sexual episodes. Rather than settle for a poor "knock-off' I may as well go back to a Texas novelist who is at least rooted in her locale and moreover has enough respect for herself and her readers to stick to it. Unfortunately, that author doesn't always 'hit the mark' on the heart strings where I'm concerned. as you never fail to do. I am going to add something deeply personal here and tell you that I suffer from hereditary Major Depression but have overcome that with God's help, a decade of psychological counseling and my Catholic faith. I happily live alone with two sweet cats and subsist on a meager Social Security pension. Reading top notch fiction like that which you create contributes mightily to my satisfaction in my circumstances and overall well-being. At the risk of conceit I can tell you that I possess an extremely high I.Q., a hungry mind that would devour me had I not fed and watered it daily since my earliest memories in the crib. Since that time my intellect and imagination and the splendid education I diligently sought have enriched my life beyond measure. In my determination to leave behind an ignorant Southern rural heritage I went at self-education 'hammer and tongs' starting in my early teens with Great Books like Ivanhoe, War and Peace, Madame Bovary (oof! depressing!) and other classics. Looking over the list of your many titles is such a consolation, along with an awareness that you do not repeat yourself. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Believe me, I know enough about writing to recognize that it's hard work. As Winston Churchill, one of the two heroes of my life* expressed his determination to save the civilized world from Nazism, writing demands "blood, sweat, tears and toil." *Rosa Parks, the black lady who refused to give up her seat to a white man on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama and sparked the dismantling of segregation, is my other hero.

    Dolores Monaco Pensacola, Florida U.S.A.
  • Loved your books for 20 + years, but today I have regrets for staying up over last night to read Always Remember. "I'll just read a couple of chapters before I go to sleep, my foot." I'm 45 years old. I need my sleep. That said, I loved it. Have a nice day.

    Vikki Perry South Carolina United States
  • I am almost finished the Westcott series having just completed Someone to Remember. Matilda is a gem as are all the characters in these books. Yes I have my favourites (Avery and Elizabeth) and now Matilda. Can’t wait to see how Gil and Charles progress in future books. Very compelling characters I must say both young and not so young. Perhaps that is why I so dearly loved reading about both Elizabeth and Matilda. Onward and upward. Thank you Mary, I am so in awe of your gift and grateful for it. ❤️🇨🇦

    Jaimie Stewart Ontario Canada
  • Hello Mary,cannot wait for the 25th and get to read, or listen in my case, to Jessica's story. This has been the best series so far. I'm so psyched for Harry's. I'm on pins wanting to know who his heroine is. Also, a thought occured to me of who else would make a great hero, David Jewel! God bless, Rachel M R

    Rachel Reddick Ohio United States
  • Mary, I really enjoy reading your books, and the crossover of some of your characters between the different series. Like you, I am a great fan of the English author Georgette Heyer, and particularly of her book "Frederica" - I always enjoy anything about early inventions! I became an "Accidental Author", as you will be able to see from my web page - and Having unintentionally written a "best seller" myself based on Jane Austen's P&P, I wonder whether anyone has ever suggested to you that they could write "missing chapters" for any of your novels, such as Slightly Scandalous or Simply Perfect? Some authors are now adding Epilogues to some of their books, which I suppose are missing chapters in a way; or, a different approach, a Novella as a prequel to a book already published. Or do you hate the thought of that type of idea?

    Jean Brushfield Bath, Somerset, and now Tunbridge Wells, Kent United Kingdom
  • Just want to say thank you for themany, many hours of pleasure you have given me. I read your books over and over again!

    Stephanie Easton Michigan United States
  • Just finished book 6! Wow, how did you learn to speak "toplofty Duke"; I smiled every time he was on the page and sometime I laughed out loud! My maiden name is Cooper and if there were to be a Cooper in the next book I wouldn't have to go on; I could become a member of the Westcott family!

    Carol Eckelkamp Chelmsford, MA USA
  • I have loved your books for years, especially the series. I had trouble imagining the right person for Wulfric, but you chose perfectly. Christine was a delight!

    Carole Fulghum Chesapeake, VA U.S.
  • I started reading your books only this year and have almost finished reading all that are available in eBook format. (No room in my house for more hardcopy books!) I love them and start a new one as soon as I finish the current one.. I have only one regret and request. The system does not lend itself to printing any pages, including a family tree, even with a screen scraper. I am usually able to locate a relevant map, location image, or dress and uniform examples on the internet; but no family trees for your fictional characters. Since many of your books reference the same or related characters would you please include printable family trees on your website? As I start to re-read the books, a family tree would be most helpful.

    Cecile St John Chicago, Illinois USA
  • Dear Mrs. Balogh, Thank you so very much for sharing your imagination and writing gifts with us!! I love how your weave your stories. The first book that I ever read of yours was The Ideal Wife. I was hooked! I am so enchanted with your newest series, the Westcotts. I would also love to know the stories of Marcel's children, Charles' second son (I see Estelle and Adrian together...???), Louise (love that you feature older ladies: Viola, Matilda and the promise of Louise ~ we have love in our hearts too!!), and his Grace's long suffering secretary!! Avery Archer, Duke of Netherby, is among my favorite of your gentlemen; he keeps good company with Wulfric Bedwyn, Duke of Bewcastle; Adam Kent, Duke of Ridgeway; Luke Kendrick, Duke of Harndon; Elliott Wallace, Duke of Moreland, Flavian Arnott, Viscount Ponsonby; Lord Edmund Waite; Edward Ailsbury, the Earl of Heyward; Lord Ferdinand Dudley; Kit Butler, Viscount Ravensberg; Lord Aidan Bedwyn; and Constantine Huxtable, Earl of Ainsley. There are more but this is getting embarrassing!! I was charmed by your "Beta Male" as Sir Gerald was described. You paired him with the perfect lady, the Honorable Priscilla Wentworth. There are so many of your leading ladies that I cannot even begin to list my top favorites except to definitely include Anna Snow, Duchess of Netherby, Angeline Dudley, the Countess of Heyward, Christine Bedwyn, Duchess of Bewcastle, Lauren Butler, Viscountess of Ravensberg, and Elizabeth Handrich, Lady Hodges. (And I must add Cora Kneller, Lady Kneller ~ she is too too fun!). Thank you, again, for your wonderful story-telling. Picking up one of your books is a delightful transport. You nudge at some conventions and challenge the reader at times to truly test first impressions!! Many of your heroines have caused me to look at myself with a critical eye, in the very best spirit. Your stories even help illuminate current day marriages ~ we can always grow in our relationships to make them truly joyful. Peace and joy in your writing for it shines through to us readers! Estelle in St. Louis, Missouri

    Estelle Rempe St. Louis, Missouri USA
  • Love your books, listen to quiite a few books on audible. The lady that read it are Excellent

    Leonie Du Plessis Auckland New Zealand
  • Have a great day! I enjoy your books. Takes my mind off my troubles and this Pandemic.

    Tish Sitek Philadelphia United States
  • I have just finished Someone to Trust and was wondering when the next book in this series will be out. I very much enjoy your books and am always on the lookout for new ones.

    Patricia Bloom Brampton, Ontario Canada
  • I grew up the daughter of a brutal "self-made" businessman with little regard for higher education and those fortunate enough to obtain it. (Ha! I got it anyway and still rejoice in the riches that education continues to impart to my solitary days -- well, I DO live with two sweet cats, too.) At age 14 I was reading The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, the Kiplinger Newsletter, the Kiplinger Florida Newsletter and heaven knows what other business publications to which my father subscribed. And I did get an M.A. in Theatre with a specialty in costume design and construction for the professional theatre as a more practical outlet for my inclinations than simply studying acting might have been. SO: I really appreciate what I surmise is a very large financial investment you have made in your website. I applaud your sagacity as well as your splendid creative accomplishments in writing. For one thing, your website is most helpful in ferreting out your novels that I do not already possess. God knows none of your works escape from my Keepers shelf but remain there for a second, third and -- anyway, I trust you get my drift. I already have 19 of your works on that Keepers shelf and can hardly wait until my next Social Security check arrives on the 3rd of June so I can acquire more. And yes, I am that 82-year-old lady living alone with two sweet cats who needs your delightful works for what has already been a rich, satisfying (though NOT painless) life. The splendid literary quality of your writing helps enormously to keep my avid brain in tune. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! And, uh, please keep producing. Perhaps I should add that I also deeply appreciate your attention to scholarship in the English Regency period. Your have certainly done -- and no doubt still do -- your "homework" in researching and studying its history. Personally, even as a teenager, I felt something missing in Georgette Heyer's novels -- YES!!! SEX!! And you do that crucial area of human life so beautifully!

    Dolores Monaco Pensacola, Florida U.S.A.
  • Thank you, first of all for writing such historically Romantic novels. I love them all.. I’ve read mostly all of them except for about five. Just finished “Remember Love” . Didn’t realized I missed “Tangled”. I will be purchasing tomorrow for sure. Keep writing please!

    Vickie Stubblefield Verona, PA Allegheny
  • Hoping this gets me on an email/newsletter list! Since you’re not on FB now, I need a new way to keep up on new books!   AUTHOR NOTE: I do not have a newsletter. However, I keep my web site current and update it regularly (one due soon!). You can find out on this site all about every one my books and have a choice of some buy links.

    Shirley Dirker Olathe, KS US
  • OMG. what can I say! I love, love your books. Cant say in words how they make me feel. I start reading and immerse myself in the characters and the story. I feel I am there with them, living their life, feeling what they are feeling.. Right now I'm reading Longing. Absolutely fabulous! Thank you so much for your beautiful stories......

    aleida martinez Pembroke Pines, Florida USA
  • So, I just read Someone Perfect and once again fell in love. I can’t even put into words which part pleased me the most in the book. Thanks for that one. I would like to know if there is a claim to write a book by Bertrand and Winifred (for some reason I began to yearn to know her better). thank u   AUTHOR NOTE: I hope to write stories for both characters, Camila, but there will be other stories before theirs.

    Camila Cristina Salvador-Bahia Brasil
  • I definitely will stay tuned to "see" that girl again.;-) I'm really looking forward to it.

    Ingrid W Vienna Austria
  • I discovered your beautiful books close to three decades ago and have been a fan ever since. They are all such treasures, thank you so much for writing them!!!

    Tamara A Australia Australia
  • Glad to hear that you are planning more books of the Westcott series! I'm sure the LamarrTwins' and Winifred's stories will be absolut treats as will be Jessica's and Harry's. The more the merrier. Can't get enough of your books. Thank you for writing them

    Ingrid W Vie Aus
  • Hello Mary, thank you for sharing your information about being an unbelievable author. I heard your interview with Evan Bray on radio. Your 37 times as a New York Times best selling author, is an awesome story. Wow, that's just amazing. I spent 52 years in the auto service and also 9 years as an automotive consultant with Canadian Tire and the Car Manufacturers all across Canada. I would love to talk to you, since you are an expert. I would be honored to have you call me on my cell. Looking Forward. Thanks Donald A. Saskatoon ,SK.

    Don Funk Saskatoon, Sask Canada
  • Mary Balogh, While I have read practically all your books I have been able to get my hands on, for some reason, I keep returning to "Unforgiven," When I first read it, I was much younger, and I was unable to understand the constant tension and friction both Kenneth and Moira had in their relationship. Even after they got married and were thinking about making their marriage work, I didn't understand the friction. I finished reading at the time and I went back again to read it once more, I still didn't get it. But I absolutely loved the trope of childhood loves/friends having some misunderstanding and reuniting. Plus your masterful writing and deep exploration of hurt emotions and conflict kept me coming back to this book. I finally understand where that underlying tension and friction was from, when I read it again as I just turned 25. I guess I'm old enough to understand why they were constantly fighting and that underneath that constant conflict, was love. They both loved each other and had probably never stopped. It transformed the entire way I looked at that book and those characters because while I logically understood their feelings and actions, It finally clicked for me emotionally where their actions were coming from. They were all coming from their love for each other, whether it was the resentment, the hatred, the constant fighting, it was all because they cared for each other and simply had too much pride and fear of possible hurt feelings to express that love to each other openly. It took me years to understand that undercurrent of love, but now I do and I adore that book even more. After rambling away like this, all I want to say is, please KEEP writing! Your books give me joy and solace. I keep coming back to them over and over again. I deeply admire your characterizations. And I want you to know that your books make a difference. There have been countless times where they have given me some bit of wisdom that I have not gleaned before. So, I'm going to selfishly ask you to keep writing. And I can't wait for Abby's book in the westcott series. And would sincerely implore you to write Winifred's book. She is such an endearing and precious child! I would love to read about her as an adult.

    Shai Amin Texas United States
  • I picked up the Westcott novels and now I am re-reading them in order. Just finished Someone to Trust. I am enjoying them. Good depth of character and it is nice to see the characters grow through the novels. I am a pastor, and how the issues are handled in Someone to Trust is very good; good pastoral advice. The characters do the right things, even at some risk to themselves. There is grace in the stories.

    Ed Swayze Ontario Canada
  • Since I'm staying home to stay healthy these days, I've begun to re-read your books. There are as wonderful the second and third time as they were the first time I read them. Thank you for creating such extraordinary characters and plots! While there is not much that's good about Covid-19, your books are making it much more fun to stay home.

    Sue Oatey Lexington, KY USA
  • Love your books. I enjoy reading historical romance stories . Just finished “someone to care” and wondered if there are going to be more of the westcott family as I have read them all. I read the horseman trilogy and really enjoyed it. Thank you - Joan Marchand

    Joan Marchand Chilliwack, B.C. Canada
  • Thank you so much for each one of your wonderful books Have every series.Look forward for everything new coming So much pleasure reading your books..they let me forget stress of every day life.Each one different ..I am delighted in your writing. Happy New Year...Cecilia 💓 Seltzer

    Cecilia Seltzer Boynton Beach Florida USA
  • Greetings: Just finished the last book in the Simply Series (Simply Perfect). Any plans to tell Joseph's blind daughter's story (Lizzie) when she becomes an adult? Would love to read her story of struggle, overcoming her handicap and circumstances, and just like in "Silent Melody" finding love. I have almost completed collecting all the books in your current series. Have enjoyed each one. Looking forward to many more hours of reading.

    Maggie Robertson Vermont USA
  • Is ‘Remember Love’ the start of a new series? You are my favorite author. I have almost all of your books and I reread them frequently. AUTHOR NOTE: Yes, Barbara. I hope to write seven books for the Ravenswood series. REMEMBER ME, Philippa's story, will be out in hardcover in June, 2023. ALWAYS REMEMBER, Ben's story, is already written.

    Barbara Clemens Buford USA
  • I have 63 “Read” Mary Balogh books on my Kindle, and 22 others in hardback or paperback editions. I once claimed that I would never read historical romances; however, I somehow discovered a Mary Balogh book in the local library. I don’t remember which one it was. But I was “hooked”! I have read a few other Regency romances by other writers, but none as good as Mary Balogh’s!!! I look forward to reading the rest of the Ravenwood series when they are available.

    Pat Poynor Fort Worth USA
  • The arrangement was the first of your books I've read. I am now waiting on Harry's Westscot's story. I purchased all of your books that were available for purchasing. I've borrowed all I could from the library. I am now hooked.

    lillie neal chicago ,illinos 60643 usa
  • Dear Mary, I just wanted to say how much I enjoy reading your books. I love historical romances but your books are not just about romance, they're also about forgiveness, compassion, self-confidence in the face of adversity, and all the other challenges of just being a person. Thank you very much for making your books extra special.

    Isabelle B Vancouver BC Canada
  • Just finished Someone to Remember and loved it! So gentle and poignant. Matilda and Charles were very brave to go for their chance of happiness especially at the period and society their story was set in.

    Eileen Limacher England United Kingdom
  • You are my all time favorite author. I have read all of your books. To have an autographed one would be beyond compare. Thank you for all you do. Takes me to other times.

    Jill Guard Daggett, Michigan 49821 United States
  • I began reading regency novels after reading Bridgerton. Actually my book club read Outlander first but then I found Julia Quinn. I found you and the Westcotts and I am reading through them. I love them though my favorite book so far is Dancing With Clara. I do so appreciate the rerelease of those older books. Your books are gems you are such a good writer. I think the romance genre has been cheated of respect most I have read are very well written.

    Nancy Anderson South Carolina US
  • Mary I read ALL your books. I have some original novels that I found in second hand stores such as The Christmas Promise. Now I am completing them as ebooks. The last one I need is Gentle Conquest. Will it be coming out as an ebook this year. I am a retired nurse and I probably read a book every three days. Jane Austen then you. Love when you write a trilogy or series. I really feel I know the families personally. You make them come alive. Hope you are well and vaccinated. (that's the nurse in me) Fondly Esther

    Esther Chereck IL United States
  • I was blinded at 18 by a gun accident, so have totally enjoyed listening to the Survivor series, and especially about Vincent, Viscount Darleigh. I am just now reading "The Arrangement" in Word format using a screen reader and would like to pass along one observation. Though you capture blindness and my own feelings regarding it as a challenge rather than handicap, total blindness for a once sighted person is not blackness or darkness. I see many light patterns in my minds eye, and still dream visually. In fact, sometimes it would be refreshing to not see constant, swirling patterns in my imagination as they can get distracting. Beyond the entertaining, romantic and erotic quality of your stories, I have enjoyed your grasp of the emotional and physical challenges which your characters have faced and overcome. Vincent touched on my own situation so many decades ago. Keep up the great work.

    Brian Gage Brian Gage
  • Hello Mary, it has been awhile since I commented in your guestbook and I feel I must share my humble thoughts about your book "Remember Me", I recently purchased in paperback. I feel it is one of the best novels you have written, the characters are so believable and not wanting to ruin the ending for anyone, I was very tearful at the conclusion. You capture the essence of human struggle to survive when one of your parents behaviour impacts your life and unconscious bias, where have we heard that phrase before, causes people to express themselves in an unconscious negative manner. Lucas and Pippa rise above the hurt and misunderstanding to form a lasting alliance of love. I loved every minute of it! You really amaze me, please keep writing these wonderful books! Cheers, Gloria

    Gloria Chmilar Mundare, AB Canada
  • Hello Mary Balogh, I have read 19 of your books. All I would rate a 10! I never thought I would be reading Romance Novels. I started reading "The Proposal" at the suggestion of another male friend. I am trying to read the books in each series in the order in which they were written. I plan to start THE BEDWYN SAGA now. But I HAVE A QUESTION: SHOULD I READ THE PREQUELS ( One Night to Love/A Summer to Remember) FIRST? PLEASE ADVISE? Many thanks for adding such wonderful reading to my life. Larry E. I

    Larry E NY United States
  • I just finishe reading irresistible and wondered if you continued a follow up story on the four horsemen-Kenneth,Rex ,Eden and Nathaniel.And of course Sophie ...such a lovely book!!!!! Donelda Niles

    Donelda Niles AB Canada
  • Mary, I, like you, am very well educated. Twenty three years of Catholic schools. I can’t stop reading-anything and everything-jar labels when nothing else is available. I discovered Regency romance novels about five years ago and you about three. Sadly, I am going blind so while I can, I wanted to tell you I have read several hundred romance novels and your prose is the most exquisite I have ever enjoyed. I will be going to Barnes and Noble this week to pick up an armful of your books to experience and love before the lights go out. I’m 81 years old and a child of the war as well. Not the horrendous terror and destruction, but the ration books and shortages. They are still with me in my behavior every day. I still see my mom mixing orange powder into lard or olio margarine to make it look like butter. Still haunts me. I guess there’s some Develin in each of us.

    Steve Ronen Belleview, Florida United States
  • Will you be writing a novel for Lizzie, the blind illegitimate daughter of the Marquis in Simply Perfect or David Jewel from Simply Love   AUTHOR NOTE: I doubt it, Kate, but one never knows!

    Kate Flores Chicago Illinois USA
  • Hiiiiiiiii! So far, i've read some of your books, and I was surprised on the good books you create. I hope to read more from you...

    Beatrix Gualberto Batangas City Philippines
  • Mary, you have long been my favorite Romance writer. I love all your books, especially the series books. I can't even choose my favorite!!! I wish there was a way to get notifications from you about upcoming books, but I can't find anything. Keep up the great writing!

    DIANE NICOLAI Whiteford, Marylad USA
  • I love reading your books. I started with the Bedwyns, and have read and collected most of your books, and an eagerly waiting for Someone to Trust. I am trying to collect all your older books which are now available on Kindle, too. On your beautiful website, there are 2 books listed - Christmas Gifts & Christmas Miracles. Unfortunately, I cant find them on amazon, paperback or Kindle. Most of the others I already have, and will get as i finish reading those I already have. These two, I would love to read.. but..cant find. Please do re-issue them, on Kindle, so that those who came in late can also read them! (Kindle didnt come to India till very recently). Thanks a lot for many enjoyable hours of reading Pleasure!

    Samhita Pandya Mumbai India
  • I love your books.I have read them all I think.Good triumphs evil and hope never dies.

    Jeanne Hines Baytown , Texas USA
  • Hi Mary, I just wrote to you and forgot to say 2 things. The first is that if you checkout our might get a giggle out of our description of our Guilty Pleasures meal....I reference Vauxhall and paper thin slices of ham (my husband does a beautiful job of this) and strawberries. husband and I were so fortunate to backpack through the Cottswolds 2 years ago. We took a quaint train ride to Cheltenham.....couldn't was indeed a bit of a tragedy....nothing worth seeing. Love you Mary. Take care it is extra covid-edy out there. Alison from

    Alison Hammond-weiss Edmonton Canada
  • I first signed your guest book many years ago and have been an admirer it seems forever! I still use the autographed book marker you sent and I do have all your books, including the Signet ("Lady with a Black Umbrella") I won by paying $50 in the long-ago days when Amazon had bidding wars. You give Jane Austen a run for her money, with your literate, well-thought out, sensitive descriptions of the "human comedy." I value the e-books because they give me quick access when I want to reread a particular favorite, especially the Christmas stories, which still bring a tear to the eye. Years ago, when I was visiting Los Angeles, I discovered a book store that had five (!) of the older Christmas anthologies with your stories. I bought them and shipped them home! How lovely to find those stories together now.

    Lee C Grand Island NY
  • One of my favorites

    Jennie Valdez California USA
  • Good reads everyone. Keep up the excellent work.

    Rosemary Phillips Keizer Oregon United States
  • I really love the way you write. You always take time to made me love all your characters. I'm looking forward to read your new books and the ones that are already out there that I haven't read yet.

    Marie-Noelle Vachon Quebec Canada
  • Love all of your books! How could I pick a favorite? Maybe the Survivors Club series.💕❤️💕

    Lynette Daddow Colorado Springs, Colorado USA
  • I am at a loss to pick my favourite book. I anxiously await each new book and still get lost in the ones I have read. I read each book so slowly so I can really savour them. Thank you for giving me hours of pleasurable reading. Shirley Gans

    Shirley Gans Quebec Canada
  • Hi Mary, I love all of your books. When will the next book after “Almost Remember “ come out and what will the title be? I can’t wait! 😊 Thank you, Joan Padbury   AUGTHOR REPLY: REMEMBER WHEN, Book 4, Clarissa's story, out January, 2025, Joan.

    Joan Padbury Antioch, Il USA
  • You're truly my favorite Author. I love your books. I always look forward to the next one!!

    Ann Goebel Jackson Mich USA
  • Good morning Mrs. Balogh, Please forgive my English. contact to thank you from the heart, I read and appreciate it for many years, but the more time passes, the more I read other authors of the romance genre, the more I realize its size. Thank you for plumbing with his stories are not always easy, with characters not always perfect, or just because they are defective, the human soul, the outbreak of feeling even in adverse conditions. When I get tired of reading love stories, sometimes it happens, I can make my heart beat with its words, I read 3 times "Slightly Dangerous", a book that I adore, and I loved no less his other sagas as survivor and simply. Thank you for writing them, thanks for your depth of heart and the courage to use characters that are anything but perfect. With love Lucia

    Lucia buscema sicilia Italia
  • Your books comfort me. I have reread all of available ebooks from my (fvrl) library during this past year. Including Huxtables, Mistresses,Lord Carew, Bedwyns, Survivors and Westcott series and the Christmas themed... I might start again...soon Thanks so much for keeping me amused at home.

    Marguerite Mitchell Langley BC Canada
  • Loved, loved, loved every minute of reading *Longing.* It was clearly a labor of love with a setting so close to your heart. Since retiring from teaching, I am enjoying the increased amount of time I have to read, and your books are a part of that pleasure. Longing may be my favorite so far. Thank you!

    Dara Frazier TX United States
  • Love your stories! Reading Trust...keep them coming!

    Patricia Cook-Tippetts Salt Lake City USA
  • I am enjoying the Wescott novels as I do all your books. I am so looking forward to Elizabeths story. Your books make me cry and laugh. Thank you for all your wonderful stories

    Jennifer Warrick Chesapeake United States
  • I discovered Mary Balogh's books when my library offered free e-books via my library card. Since then I have read almost every one of her books while riding the bus to and from work. I love these books! Her characters are very real, even though they live in an earlier time. I was always sorry that I lived in the 20th Century ( and now the 21st!) instead of earlier. Now I can live in Regency England through Mary's books. This makes me very happy! Thank you, Mary, for writing such wonderful books. Keep them coming!

    Wendy Negley OR United States
  • Love your books! I live in a village called Little Bedwyn in Wiltshire and was very attracted to your Bedwyn Saga Series which I have thoroughly enjoyed - particularly Slightly Dangerous! A very convincing 'humanising' of an overly controlled personality and not overdone. Can you tell me whether the series is, or will be, available in e-book form? Currently I have paperbacks but like to keep favourites in my Kindle for when I am travelling.   AUTHOR REPLY:  It is a continuing source of frustration to me, Shar, that my British publisher has not published many of my older books in e-book form. I have asked and asked. I always suggest that readers like you contact them with the same request, and I know many have done so. I hope some time, sooner rather than later, it will happen.

    Shar Nokes Shar United Kingdom
  • Dear Mary, I'm reading through all your books...Just finished the Frazer series, to start reading the only one's books. And I have to say it, I just love so veru much all your books. You're such a great author. I'm a literary translator, and I work with literature all the time, not always enjoying very much what I read. So, read for me is very important. Reading your books brings me the emotional satisfaction, I feel so very happy, and I've became addicted to this sweet feeling, that your books have brought me. I have to thank you, to spent so much feeling in words, for your readers...And thank you for every dear character you have introduced us through all your books. I'm reading now A Thirf of Dreams, and I already love it,...And I loooooove it when a book caught me in the first chapter. Thank you.

    Tully Ehlers São Paulo/São Paulo Brazil
  • I've read all but one of your books, and have listened to the Audiobooks of many of them. However, I'm still not clear on the relationships between all the characters. I found your Westcott family tree and found it helpful, but wonder if there is some resource available for the Bedwyn family tree, and how it intertwines with the characters witin the Bedwyn famly and characters in other misc. books. I've tried tracing this information for myself by making notes, but these tend to be rather jumbled.

    Dr Collins Fresno CA
  • I just finished Someone to Cherish. I have loved this series. It has been wonderful. Your writing is so from the heart....each story sends a warm and caring message. I love them all. I cannot wait until the next one. Thank you so much.

    Sheila McCormick Middletown, Ohio USA
  • Want to join up for occasional newsletter. Love all your books. Usually will buy and save until all of series out, then read one after the other. No other way to read your books. Lynn

    Lynn Waschlik Edmonton. AB Canada
  • I'm a new reader of your books, and over the last few months have read and really enjoyed both the Wescott and the Simply series and have recently started the Bedwyn series. I haven't read enough yet to decide which is my favorite book of yours, but right now I can say that my favorite is usually the last one I've read. They are all great. Appreciate the wonderful reads.

    Linda Jackson Chicago, Illinois USA
  • Hi! I recently started your Survivors series after being recommended Only Enchanting by a Booktuber. I hardly reach for historical romances but your characters intrigued me. I wanted to know what it is like to survive such traumatic events with physical and mental scars and be able to find love. I liked the idea of these characters forming a club to support each other. It seems so against the typical male behavior to express their feelings. But I am glad you made it okay with these books. This could be a possible solution to our modern day problems of PTSD and mental conditions. I always felt not normal struggling with a chronic skin condition and reading about characters like Vincent, Flavian, Ben and Ralph makes me feel understood and I can relate in some way to them. I appreciate that you were not afraid to make the heroines have physical flaws like Gwen's limp and Agnes' missing toe. I feel that most authors are so afraid that they do not see that real people have flaws and readers will appreciate it all the more in characters. I started with Only Enchanting, went back to the beginning with The Proposal, The Arrangement and am now starting the Escape. So far I like the Arrangement the best which surprised me. I enjoy reading about the time period too because it feels like an escape from the modern day. It is hard to picture that people in the past had to contend with talking face to face and snail mail when we are so used to our smart phones, laptops and instant gratification. It feels humbling to see the characters appreciate each other's time and give their full attention. I am am excited to finish the series! I do want to ask if you would be doing a novella for Lauren, Gwen's friend because her story sounds like something I would want to read. She has gone through such adversity to find her partner.

    Nicole Tay Singapore Singapore
  • Love your books!

    Kim Lyons Thomasville NC
  • I am reading Seducing an Angel and so like the actions of Stephen Huxtable. The idea of feeling a physical attraction but then to see how this relationship forms. Does the person want to know you. To become a friend. A physical attraction is an amazing thing but then to have someone want more than that. To pursue an intellectual, emotional and spiritual connection. It has always been a dream of mine to meet someone like that. I am looking forward to reading more about this. Thank you.

    Ada Southerland Chapel Hill, NC USA
  • i love your books,i think i have read just about all of them,enjoy the westcott how you can read each story seperately and still enjoy,waiting for the next one of my favorites of your older books is silent melody makes you realize how lucky we are now to have help for people with disabilities,keep the stories coming and thanks for the enjoyment we all receive from them

    gwyn beams KY United States
  • Hi I am one of your biggest fans. I’ve also started writing because I can’t find any books quite like yours to read. I love your “voice”. Your advice is wonderful. This morning I opened my email and I saw book 7 delivered to me kindle at 3 am. I am beyond excited! Thank you Mary! I think my work day is shot 😜

    Sharn Johnson Ottawa, Ontario Canada
  • Love, love, love your books! Catching up on the Westcott series now. I LOVE the family.

    Elizabeth Harris KY United States
  • Hi - wanted to let you I loved your book The Proposal. And once again I love your reference to characters from your other books !!! My only criticism is I MUCH prefer Rosalyn Landor as the narrator. She is truly amazing. Thank you for your wonderful history romance books, my favorite. Sandi

    sandi Brumund-Smolin Smith usa
  • Dear Mary, I am 77 and my friend Faye is 78. We have just dicovered your books and are madly in love with them. Our Library orders them in for us a few at a time. I looked at buying them from Amazon and was quite excited as they were on sale for $5 to $6. I asked my daughter to set me up with Amazon and then discovered those prices were for Kindle only. Paperbacks were much more expensive. Faye & I were bitterly disappointed, so will now have to wait to get them from the Library. We want to thank you for giving us so much pleasure in reading your books. All the best. Margaret Russell

    margaret russell melbourne australia
  • Hi Mary! I love your books - mostly the Bedwyn series, and the Simply series. The connections between the books just make it so much fun to read as it allows one to think this is a real family! Is there any possibility of your adding another series to the Bedwyn series, possibly with the next generation? These people are almost real to me and I want to know what happens next! Do all the couples stay together? What happens to the aunts and uncles before they die? Who do they leave their estates to? What happens with the girls school in Bath? Which of the current teachers gets married and leaves the school? When does Claudia really find out who her benefactor is? I love the way Wulf so accepts his new in-laws (both men and women) that he goes to bat for them to get answers to their past and to protect them in the future! Awesome! Please divine some more stories for these intriguing characters! We are dying over here - wanting to know what happens next! All the best from one of your fans! Lorrie

    Lorrie Chapman Raleigh, NC US
  • I was waiting for Winnefer's story am sad to have the series end.   Author Note: I still hope to write a story for her, Tomasa. Mary Balogh

    Tomasa Castanon Texas United States
  • I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU for writing your books! They have become a comfort read and have comforted me through difficult times and even times of grief. I am so grateful for you and your work!

    Jona Hilario OH United States
  • I have read most of your books, at least the later ones. I am now trying to find your earlier ones, the ones before 1998. I really prefer a book that I can hold but am considering purchasing a Kindle so that I can do e-books. I have loved every one. I am now rereading all of the ones that I have read. In the survivor series, I am looking for one called The Affair, Ben's story. I don't believe I have that one, nor have I read it. There is a teaser in the back of The Arrangement, put out in 2013. I have spent several days trying to find The Affair, and have reached a dead end. Can you tell me how to find The Affair? Thanks so much, Mary-K. Workman   AUTHOR NOTE: Ben's story is THE ESCAPE. The title was changed after the excerpt under the working title THE AFFAIR appeared at the back of the previous book in the series.

    Mary-K. Workman Milford, Ohio 45150 United States
  • I enjoyed reading about how you get your ideas.

    Sandra Chan Auckland New Zealand
  • I love your books with their believable plots and great characters. I dip into my Mary Balogh collection many times to reread the stories. Each time it's like visiting a well-know and beloved friend.

    Lu Cairncross Queensland Australia
  • Love The Survivors Club.

    Editha Thompson Killen, AL USA
  • My 94 year old mother and I love your books and look forward to the next one!

    Judith Jackson Walkersville, MD USA
  • Dear Mrs. Balogh, my compliments on your books. I love her writing and I hope someday I can become such a talented author. A big hug from Italy, Rosa

    Rosa Forte Corigliano-Rossano, CS Italia
  • Why is the Bedwyn series series not available in English Kindle format? I am forced to struggle with French translations. I suppose it is good for my brain cells.   AUTHOR REPLY: This is a constant source of frustration to me, Lawrie. For years I have been pleading with my British publisher to publish these books and other old ones as ebooks. I have had many pleas from readers and always advise them to contact Piatkus Books directly. I know many have. But still--nothing. I am so sorry.

    Lawrie Hodges Kent England
  • Will there be a sequel in the Westcott Family series after SOMEONE PERFECT? Would love to read both Bertrand's and Maria's individual love stories. Thanks!

    Barb L. Plano, TX USA
  • thought i had most all of your not even close love reading them. loved Beatrice Small also. When i go to book store i see many o m old friends.

  • I really only discovered Regency novels in the last couple of years. I have read and thoroughly enjoyed all your books. I particularly like the family/friends series and have reread all of those during the four covid lockdowns through 2020-21. What an enjoyable way to escape into a past era! I admire the way you create characters that have depth and consistency that allows the reader to feel they 'know' them. The Survivors and the Bedwyn series are my favourites. Like you, I taught in Canada, married a canuck from Saskatchewan and we celebrated our 50th anniversary last year.

    Robin Vargo Melbourne, Victoria Australia
  • Ms Balogh, I am wondering something after a re-read of several of your works: how is it that you have sketched such an exquisitely sensitive and detailed portrait of multiple people with Borderline Personality Disorder without ever actually naming it as such which would of course be an anachronism? The one that stands out is Someone Perfect. I was raised by a Borderline mother and I identified so strongly with Maria; the way you have to twist yourself and agree to hate those she hates. This book was cathartic for me because of that; as a child and a young teen, I had to support and mirror her hatred, was required to be her accomplice…and this book really helped me see that I was a child and I was doing what I had to do to survive my caretaker. Thank you for your work.

    Donna Kissam Florida USA
  • Dear Mary -- I don't know how I've missed the saga of the Westcotts all these years! I just finished "Someone to Romance" and I couldn't put it down. I am looking forward to continuing with the series. Keep them coming! --Fondly, Susan Ryan

    Susan Ryan FL United States
  • Love your books! Hoping that General Conquest, Tangled, and Thief of Dreams are put out as digital books soon

    Amy Rainier Clarksville, TN USA
  • Such a pleasure to sit quietly on a weekend with one of your works. I have been an avid fan for years. While No Man's Mistress was my first many moons ago, Truly has been my all time favorite.

    Amy Dean Oak Hill, West Virginia USA
  • Your books have solidified the importance of character, building relationships, letting someone know you and see you. I have been inspired each time I read a novel by you. The Notorious Rake is my favorite. Thank you for sharing your gift of story with the world.

    Theresa Soto NJ United States
  • Just finished Remember Love. Loved it. You have sooo many wonderful secondary characters. Who will be next? Loved them all. I can’t wait.

    Olga Schipani Lindenhurst NY USA
  • I started reading regency romances at age 15 when I started working at my local public library. I adored Georgette Heyer and became addicted to Mary Stewart’s romantic suspense novels. One day a work colleague suggested your books. I started the Bedwyn series and was captivated by your ability to create memorable characters. Your excel in writing romances that cannot be put down (my husband can bear witness to that since I read in bed). I know you have a great sense of humor from following you on Facebook. Your books give me a lot of pleasure. Thank you.

    Sue-Ellen Jones Fort Collins, Colorado USA
  • Hello, I just love the Westcott series and what will Harry's Someone To book be called and when will it come out....... Please RSVP ASAP IF YOU CAN RM

  • I am reading Simply Perfect and I am already sad, as I know I will miss them. I do hope Bertrand shows up in one of your new novels and we hear from the Westcotts again. I was the same with the Bedwyns and still miss them too. I especially love Wulfric and Avery. I would love to find them again. I can imagine a duel of the quizzing glass! LOL! I can't wait for June 20th, Remember Love was beautiful. I usually wait for the paperback, as I read 2-3 a week, but I'm already hooked, so I can't wait for the PB. Thank you for soothing my soul, making me laugh, cry, whimper and tingle. Most of my family is gone now and I find many of them within your pages. Thank you!

    Sharon Snyder Whitesboro, Texas USA
  • Mary, truly enjoy your books. Found you late (2006), and would like to complete my reading of your whole title list, BUT wish to read ONLY printed books. Have exhausted what my local library has. I would appreciate it if your "printable book lists" would list all in chronological order AND not list ebooks--you could make that a separate list, right? Thank you.

    Nancy Hessler IL United States
  • Mary, I love all your books I enjoy them and they always bring joy to my heart as none can match the wit and elegance your books bring Thank you.

    Lois Ige Toronto Canada
  • Just finished reading bk. #5 in the Westcott series and anxiously awaiting news if there will be book #6 Every time a new book is issued I go back and begin reading from book #1. I have so many of your books that I need a separate plastic storage container in which to store them.

    Priscilla Agin PRISCILLA A. USA
  • I love your books Mary. I feel so lucky to have discovered them at my local library in Kenmore, and want to start buying my own copies so that I can read them again and again. I find them very healing, and they have helped me so much through recent stressful times in my life. You are one of the three wonderful Regency Romance writers I read. Currently I have been reading "Someone to Honour", and am just now re-reading the last part from Chapter 21 onwards. The Westcott family is like a wonderful stand in for my own, which has been unfortunately quite dysfunctional, and all the senior members of it who I was close to have now passed away. "Slightly Wicked" is also another favourite book, and I love the early scenes with "Claire Campbell" giving a rendition of the great parts for women in Shakespeare's plays. It has reignited my early love for great literature of the past, and for acting, and drama. This book, and also "A Secret Affair" have given me my favourite romantic moment of a very attractive man on a horse telling the heroine to "put your foot on my boot" so that he lift her up onto the horse with him. Ah, be still my beating heart! After all I am only 73, I will just have to make arrangements to have some horse riding lessons.

    Susan Bedford Brisbane, Queensland Australia
  • I have read a lot of your books and enjoy them because they are both funny, often with unlikely plots like the Huxtables and the current Westcott series and at the same time serious with a lot of wisdom. Also, well-written. Can you tell me how to pronounce your name? A friend says it ends with a long -o-, I think it ends with a soft -g-. Keep them coming! Ellie White

    Ellie White Kennett Square, PA USA
  • While reading "Someone To Remember" I couldn't help thinking of the old Australian song "Waltzing Matilda" that goes "You'll go a-waltzing, Matilda, with me!" I can't wait to read "Someone To Romance" later this year too, being a New Worlder. Thanks for writing (and reading). 🙂

    Serena Steele Disney World Orlando, Florida USA
  • Just pre-ordered 'Someone Perfect'and am now looking forward to two of your wonderful books in the Westcott series. Apart from that I am reading the new releases of former books like A Gift of Daisies. So thank you for making life a lot better in these somewhat dreary times by offering distraction in lockdowns and making days brighter.

    Ingrid W Vienna Austria
  • I thoroughly enjoy all your books. I can read them endlessly. Since I have retired I am never without a book. You are one of my favorite authors. Never disappointed with your writing. Thank you so much.

    Anne Pichler New Port Richey, FL USA
  • Your fiction is fabulous and fantastic Aesthetic and romantic Love your covers Seductive and captivating What is life without roses and books and romances ! Best M💗

    Mahmoud Chreih Beirut Country
  • Dear Mary, I've just discovered your books two months ago, and I have already red a lot of them! I enjoyed all the family series/Huxtable. Wetscott, Bedwyn... and look forward to my next aventure! Cheers from Switzerland:-) Aurore

    Aurore Chardonnens etoy Switzerland
  • Dear Mary: I just finished rereading the "Someone" series and reman delighted by it. For me, "Someone to Love" remains the best. There's just something about that story... (I also was charmed by that short interlude with Anna and Avery right near the end of "Cherish." ("My heart," indeed.) I know you have begun a new series---I just preordered it---but I hope there will be at least one more, maybe two, in the "Someone" series: Betrand, for sure. Then, perhaps Winifred, as she is 17 or 18 at the end of "Perfect." Ending the series with her, an orphan, certainly would bring the series full circle. (The two of them paired could work: both are intellectually inclined. But I'm greedy: I'd rather have two more books. Also, I can't be the only one who wants to know if Anna and Avery's fifth child was "the spare." Best, Karen Callaway

    Karen Callaway Illinois United States
  • I love the new website!

    Alison Hiltabidle Rocky Ridge, MD USA
  • Will Tangled be converted to the Kindle format soon. It sounds like a good story. Enjoy your books tremendously. TANGLED will be published by Class Ebooks in 2021 0r 2022, Harriet. Mary Balogh

    Harriet James VA US
  • Just finished "Slightly Tempted". AWESOME!! I will be getting the rest of them ASAP!

    Jann Coons Port Orchard, WA USA
  • Hello Mary, I had to rush out and buy your latest in the Westcott book series, " Someone to Honor". As usual, it was fabulous! Once again fate has brought two injured souls together and Gil achieves his dream of home and family. He certainly gets more than he bargained when he married Abby but that's what you get when you marry into the Westcott tribe. I truly believe in fate as this is how it happens in real life, when you least expect it our soul mate enters our life. Something triggered Gil and Abby to reach out and the connection was made. I am looking forward in reading Matilda and Charles story in November and I hope Harry's story is in the works. Your stories inspire me and I thank you Mary, for your compassion and belief in the human spirit to overcome almost all obstacles. It is actually love that heals all things, and time.

    Gloria Chmilar Mundare, AB Canada
  • I have read every Mary Balogh book offered at my public library (the East County branch in Lee County, Florida) including those in the Westcott series, and cannot emphasize too highly the pleasure they have given me. Indeed, I am re-reading what is available there. The combination of romance, adventure and humor is a wonderful contrast to the often disturbing ''real'' news offered on television and online (although I am also a ''news junkie.'') I wish my library carried more Balogh novels. Best regards, Joan Hritz, Fort Myers,Fl

    Joan Hritz Fort Myers, Florida U.S.A.
  • I foresee a novella featuring Bertrand Lamarr, his story. I think I've read "A Matter of Class", maybe 4+ times? If I'm feeling melancholy I find one of the many anthologies I have to warm my heart. I've lost count of how many times I've read "Precious Rogue". I go to anything by Mary to give me heart satisfaction. I find it amazing how long I have been a devoted fan, now that I am 81.

    Marcia Solomon NC United States
  • I really love your books. Especially the newer ones. You have great plots and believable characters. I am eagerly awaiting the new book.

    Mary Carricaburu Riverside, CA USA
  • Just wanted to thank Ms Balogh for her wonderful books. As the mother of two children with special needs, her books have given me great pleasure while doing mundane home tasks during the pandemic. I also value her kind inclusion of special needs characters. Thank you!

    Lori Meyers Hanover NH
  • The first book of yours I read was Only Beloved. What an introduction to your series! I am a devoted reader of most any book that talks about “older” person’s loves and trials like Austen’s Persuasion, so I adored Dora and George. Promptly started that entire series and was hooked! The Westcott’saresuch fantastic characters, who show such character one cannot help but read and re-read each book! Just finished Someone Perfect and loved Justin and Estelle, and the whole gang! I also although from the States, went to college in Regina SK so feel a special affinity towards you! Thank you for such good books!

    Kuulei Metta Barnegat, NJ USA
  • Dear Ms. Balogh, I stumbled upon the Bedwyn saga only a few months ago, but fell irrevocably in love with it. The Bedwyns indulged me during the pandemic, and compelled me to abandon everything and get lost with them. I adored Aidan! The smart, staid, beautiful man and his peaceful story made me weep (quite literally, too). And then I gave The Huxatable Quintet a go, and it made my heart sing. It might be unfair to compare the both, but the Huxatables had a greater impact on me. It had moral and external conflicts, but more than that, it was the way they had been portrayed which made all the difference. Each book had a different type of love to show, but they all amalgamated to the one kind of love which is the most complex to understand, and yet, the one we crave. There was one line in Wulfric's book that struck me. When Christine was puzzling over whether she loved, or was in love with Wulf. I had not thought there was a difference between the two before. And then I puzzled over it for a long, long time. I guess I'm partial to the Huxatable series because it made understanding that one line easier. I wish you very well, and am looking forward (ravenous, really) to read the Ravenswood series. Lots of love and respects from India!

    Aahana Agrawal Maharashtra India
  • You are my favorite author of regency romance. No one else can compare. You have a gift of making the characters in your books feel real. I love the series because it feels like I am getting to know a real family. I love the Bedwyns and have read the series several times. I keep and treasure your books because I know I will love reading them again and again. Thanks so much for writing such lovely books.

    Peggy Helton Kentucky USA
  • I have always enjoyed your books. You are so descriptive of people and places. Will you be giving Bertrand, Viscount Watley the twin of Estelle Lamarr a story? Estelle finds her destiny so I feel that Bertrand deserves one too!! Thank you for so many hours of "vacation". JLM

    Jerry Marino Phoenixville,PA USA
  • Hello Mary, I’m an avid fan. I’ve read and re-read many of your books in the last ten years or so. Your Simply and Slightly series are among my favourites and during the pandemic I discovered them in audiobook format in my library, narrated by the wonderful Rosalyn Landor. I listened to them on the RBDigital app but the library moved audiobooks to the Libby app recently and for some reason they will no longer be available after today 31/03/2021 (03/31/2021 US). I suspect that there may be a contractual reason, but I am disappointed. They were a real source of comfort during the lockdown periods here in the UK and I looked forward to borrowing them again in the future. Kind regards, Debbie

    Debbie Springer London England
  • I am utterly captivated with your novels and I only discovered you, through a schoolmate of mine when we decided to meet up and spend visiting a mutual classmate in Connecticut, USA! My schoolmate name is Mary too. Mary Lim is also a fellow Malaysian, who has settled down in Brisbane, Queensland. She made a spur-of-the-moment to meet me in New York City JFK Airport, before we leave for Milford, Connecticut! I am so happy she recommended your novels to me. I’m a fan of Regency/Historical romance books/novels since Barbara Cartland books in my teens. Thank you Mary for writing awesome books. I’m hooked and even just completed writing out (yes writing with paper and pen) your book lists, in chronological and then matches the series. During my travels, I always hunt for second hand book stores or charity shops for out-of-print books and I’m very patient and conscientious in finding them! Keep them coming in Mary. Thank you for adding more pleasure reading. Cheers.

    Melinda Loke Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
  • As a very latecomer to your books, I have spent the last fortnight totally immersed in M Balogh land, and have sadly come to the end of what is available on Kindle, so am rereading particularly the Survivors' Club septet which are wonderful satisfying but also heart-wrenching novels. Thank you.

    Liz Hamilton Tingira Heights, Lake Macquarie, NSW 2290 Australia
  • Mary, I have read every book you have written and when the CD books came out I switched to them. I play them in my boombox so I can hear them all over my house whatever I am doing. Please consider continuing the CD books. Kathryn Coats

    Kathryn Coats Winneconne, WI 54986 USA
  • Mary, as I know you've heard more times than you can count, I cannot tell you how much I enjoy your books. Your characters are like personal friends, whom I miss when I finish the book. Thank you so much for the countless hours I have spent immersed in your fantastic stories. They are truly a gift.

    Lisa Paquette Ontario Canada
  • I treasure your books; I read them over and over, because the characters have become dear friends. The plots are engrossing and the historical background is superb, but it is the character development that makes the books most outstanding. I am eagerly awaiting the final Westcott novel and hope that you will start a new series.

    Suzanne Javitt New York New York
  • Hi Mary, I am a long-time fan. A Masked Deception was the first book of yours that I read. Then I discovered the Bedwyns, and they became my favourite people. Yvonne P.

    Yvonne P. Ontario Canada
  • Dear Ms. Balogh, I have been a lifelong reader of many genre's but never romance. For some reason I picked up Julia Quinn's Bridgerton series and was delighted (pre tv series). Your name was mentioned when I searched similar to Julia. I am over half way thru the Westcost Someone... series and adore these. I believe these would outshine Bridgeton as a series on TV. You have captured all aspects of life's struggles and complexities. As a woman who has loved and been loved by a man 13 years my junior I'm especially partial to Someone To Trust. A new fan! I'm looking forward to many more of your delicious worlds in your novels. I am only sorry it took me 66 years to discover the delights of this genre. Never stop writing and thank you.

    Raven Stead CA United States
  • Hello Mary Balogh, I am writing a short note to say how thoroughly and totally disappointed I was (and still am) in your book, Someone to Remember. Downright and profoundly. Can I say it any more emphatically? If one were to separate all SEVEN excerpts at the end of the book the novel is so minuscule, it should be referred to as a short story. Yes, SEVEN. When I looked at the portion of the SEVEN excerpts, it was one-third of the book. And the book was thinner than the others to begin with including the excerpts. Were SEVEN excerpts included to make the book look like it had some substance to it? Yes, not only am I unable to get over the fact that there were SEVEN excerpts to take up space, but they were ALL from the previous books in the series which I had already read. If someone had accidently stumbled upon this book, why not indicate that this was a part of a series but including an excerpt from the following story? And if the publisher was adding excerpts to make the book look thicker, why not excerpts from some of your other series to draw people in rather than turning them away? Cindijo Mitchell

    Cindijo Mitchell WA United States
  • Mary, thank you thank you thank you. From the first of your books I picked up you have been my favorite romance author. Being stuck at home during this horrible virus currently raging, I don’t have access to books, real books. I read every day, if possible for hours on end. Thank goodness for e books! Your Slightly series was such a favorite of mine so I decided to treat myself and read the entire series again straight through. What a delight to be able to read each Bedwyn’s story without having to wait months for the next book!!! Alleyne’s story is the emotional high. Your writing is exquisitely emotional, heartrending, throat clogging perfection. I live each word because you bring it to life so beautifully. I hope you keep writing forever!

    Diane Nicolai Whiteford, MD USA
  • Thoroughly enjoy reading all your books. Really enjoy a series that includes many family members. Looking forward to reading 'Someone to Romance' which comes out on the 25th Aug, as I have read all the others in that series.

    Rosemary Tormay South Australia Australia
  • Love your books and can't wait for the next one. On a strict budget, so sometime have to wait for a sale.

    MatyLu McFall Newnan, GA USA
  • Dear Mary, I have been re-reading the Westcott series while waiting (ehm, counting down the days, actually) for the next one to come out and it struck me again how talented you are at writing secondary characters. Such a name is inappropriate to describe the ones in your books, in fact. They never feel like they are in the background, mere shadows moving about behind the scenes while the real action takes places between the two main characters on the stage. They are a tangible presence, enriching each page and making the romance more vivid. I love that chapter in "Someone to Care" when all the Westcotts and various in-laws get their invitations to Lady Estelle's party and everyone sends their acceptance. I can almost hear their voices reading the letters and debating whether or not to go, all the while knowing perfectly well that they won't be able to keep away. All those people, all those names... and you write them beautifully. It truly is a gift. The downside is, of course, that the avarage reader (that would be me, for one) cannot help but becoming very invested in said "secondary" characters, and hoping that they will somehow find their way into a book or a novella of their own. There are no words to say how happy I was to find out that you're planning a book about Matilda: I've had a soft spot for her ever since she encouraged Elizabeth to follow her heart. At the same time, I wonder about the Lamarr twins. Bertrand is pure hero material... What a delight it would be to read his story! His troubled childhood, his strict upbringing, the high standards of honour to which he holds himself - all that could fill a book and fulfill some lady's dreams of happiness, I have no doubts. Estelle was such a pleasure to read, this little bird spreading her wings for the first time and taking flight. I wonder where she could fly to, how her life would change with a whole new family and perhaps, in the future, someone special to love. I even wonder about Araminta Scott, Elizabeth's friend who made the most fleeting of appearances in "Someone to Trust": what would she do with her freedom, and would she even think of her situation as such, given that she lost a beloved parent? My thoughts are running away with me. I guess what I really want to say is that this is the reason why I read, and why I read your books. It's never just the one story. It's thousands of other stories you can read or fantasize about, and they are all in a book, all in those pages, if you find the time to read them, and read beyond them. Thank you.

    Lily Z. Italy Italy
  • I'm so glad that our library opened up again for curbside pickup and I was able to complete the entire Wescott series - hard to put them down and not read a whole one each day. Just now finished Matilda's story and was so glad you decided to include her tale. I will look forward to Jessica and Harry's books. My only disappointment is that at the end of each story I wish there was more and more for each couple! But alas, all good things do have to come to an end. Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent. I am very grateful for you gift during these difficult times. Sincerely, with very bloodshot eyes, Nancy Cotugna

    Nancy Cotugna Bear, DE, 19701 USA
  • just finished Remember Love. You have done it again - a wonderful story and cast of people who seem so real that we cannot wait to hear their stories too. I have reread your books so many times, enjoying them each time. It was so sad to have the Wescott novels end, i remember the same sadness at the end of the simply series and the survivors club. Thank you for continuing to write. You bring joy, relaxation and fun to our lives with your characters and their stories.

    Denise KERR MI United States
  • I have spent many pleasant hours reading your books. The first thing I type into the search engine on any ebook or library site is Mary Balogh. I finally learned how to pronounce your name when my local librarian corrected me. Small epiphany for my favorite author. I enjoyed reading your bio. Thank you for all of your books. I have read them all. I am always waiting for the next great story, but I am patient! Take Care!

    Barbara Mitchell Pflugerville, TX USA
  • Well, well, well. I’m not sure there is a greater pleasure than finding that one has so much in common with one’s favorite author. Like Mrs Balogh, I am not a reader of romance. Also like her, I found my reading list had narrowed rather significantly (and alarmingly) as the pandemic raged on, to not just romance books, but historical romances. And not just any historical romances, but Mrs. Balogh’s. I just cannot seem to get enough of the Baloghverse. And oh guys, I am deep into her oeuvre indeed. So deep that I came on to this website in a rage, finding that Secrets of the Heart and Tangled were not even available on Ebook. I’d thought perhaps they could be procured here on direct sale. No such luck, I’m afraid. It is deuced infuriating. I have a strange and rather mystical relationship with books. I believe that I read them at just the very moment that the author’s message could yield that pure kernel that would strike at the heart of me, always excruciatingly, so that I could be soothed and learn my lesson. Always, the lesson. A book could sit for years on my shelf without my being able to get past the first 15 pages, until just that singular moment when I would be confused, bewildered, in agony over for some dreadful experience, and I would finally pick up that tome and find that after all, someone (fictional) had gone through just that very same dread, that same agony, and had been able to overcome it with more or less some aplomb or at the very least, fortitude. This was how Norwegian Wood helped me come to grips with my best friend’s suicide, or The Idiot showed me that I was not so very alone in being beleaguered by a friendship with an all-too-real Nastassya Filippovna. Early on during the pandemic, I finally read Chuck Pahlaniuk’s Doomed. Then around May, two months into the lockdown, when I began to realize that yes, there is such a thing as too much Netflix and Chilling, I picked up Rushdie’s Quichotte. The timeliness of my reading them (in hard copy, guys, that’s how long I’ve had them) is downright eerie. So I have been just baffled by this romance binge. I am single and well into my dotage (which I assume is one’s 30s) with not even the dimmest prospect for romance. Why the devil have I been devouring these romances, one after another? I mean yes, these are great books. But what use I could get from them escapes me. The only time I ever remember to be sort of regretful that I am not in a relationship, and indeed haven’t been for a long time, is when someone else points it out. I would then worry and make a resolution (I’ll go on a date, ask x or y out..right away! Tomorrow!) to fix my solitary state, before promptly forgetting again. Vaginismas is not even annual event for me; it is every three years. When I read Someone to Wed around November last year, and then some time after that, The Proposal, I became extremely uncomfortable. Gwen was assailed by such ineffable loneliness that she would go and visit on the basis of really a very slight acquaintance. Wren was similarly besieged but crystallized her need for companionship, affection, and intimacy a lot better, and so proposed marriage on the basis of, um, no acquaintance. I thought I understood and related to both heroines. This was a frightening thought. Deuce take it, was I lonely?!? Was I reading these romance novels as some sort of escapist fantasy into a world where heroes both stalwart (Oh be still my heart, Adam Kent!) and simple (LOL Gerald Stapleton) persevered to not just win the love of intrepid heroines, but be worthy of them? And whatever happened to the Mystical Power of Lessons From Books? It’s not as if I’m going to step out to the supermarket and meet my Alistair Munro and these books are preparing me for the encounter. Sharing carriages with strangers is forbidden right now. So are balls. I do not have a ready answer, because I’m really not that smart. Or perhaps I am too cowardly to admit the implications of the same sort of self-awareness with which Lady Mornington came to terms in gracefully dignified fashion. What I can admit, is how much these romances have been adventurous glimpses into possibilities that would have been the reality of love and relationships for me, had I been half as brave as any Balogh heroine. Reading these novels during this pandemic has, if anything, thrown my solitude into sharp relief. I have been socially distanced for the better part of fifteen years, after a series of betrayals by everyone who claimed to love me. There was a returning lover! There were Lies! A seduced bosom bow ending in death! There was a letter! There was an old friend with a weird obsession! There was a sister who let the side down! It was all a great tragedy to rival any Russian novel. The result was that if anyone starts to talk to me about loving me, my immediate reaction is literally to grit my teeth and grimace against the inevitable onslaught of betrayal, more excruciating pain, and a general disillusionment with Aristotelian justice. I thus perfected ghosting and emotional and physical distancing before they were even things. I became, rather like Imogen, marble. Well, ok, I am about as far from Nordic marble as Chloe is from sense when she married an heir to a dukedom and expected to not ever return to London (girl, really??), so it’s more accurate to say I became granite. There was one instance in which I quite literally ran from a lovely guy that I met on one of my travels, only realizing some three months later that I had actually fallen in love with him over the course of a day that was just breakfast, a short temple run, and a 4-hour kayak trip deep in the jungles of Laos. I was horrified to be reminded of it when I read Only A Kiss. And of course, the hero was no Percy, running after me and asking, “why are you marble, or rather, granite?” I had not realized how I’d ended up being quite alone in 2020, by design as well as by pandemic, until I read Heartless. [I couldnt comprehend how everyone was calling Luke “heartless” when to my mind he was behaving perfectly reasonably before his love for Anna started breaking him down.] I thought Anna was insipid and I could not for the life of me relate to her; I had no trouble identifying at all with Lucas Kendrick. I have made myself quite heartless; behind me are enough burnt bridges to span oceans and I am surrounded by scorched earth. Understand, this is not an indictment of my choices. I am not even convinced I am lonely. But I would hate to be a slowtop and fail to grasp that I might be letting life get the best of me in a way that I definitely never intended if I continually spurn any and all attachments. Damnation, we should go on in quiet dignity like Fleur Hamilton, not Sybil, and refrain from whoring ourselves out as far as possible, and never castigate ourselves too much if it should ever become necessary. Dash it all, these books might have begun to make me believe that trying to find love again might be worth it. Perish the thought! Although how I can ever entertain any declaration of love that is not “something in me recognized pearl beyond price”, or a proposal that doesn’t go, like, “well, coco, I think you had better marry me”, I really do not know.

    Coco Regina Manila The Philippines
  • Mary! Hi! I just started reading the Bedwyn Saga… Thank you for introducing us to Prue in Slightly Scandalous! What a delight! She’s like a ray of sunshine. She and my son Francisco would be friends for life! 🥰🥰🥰 Can’t wait to finish the series and start devouring all the rest! Warm Regards, Milena

    Milena Herrera New York USA
  • Just had to let you know I just finished reading Someone Perfect. Excellent story and nice to have family, distance relatives, etc. all a part of it. In looking at the second page of the book I noticed the listing of the books and decided I would check my listing of books (by individual authors) and discovered I had read the complete listing. Evidently it goes without saying you are one of my favorite authors. Looking forward to your next book (I wonder if Watley will be the next seeing the twins are now going different directions).

    Gail Pratt Massachusetts USA
  • I Have read the Bedwin series and Horseman series. I love the stories. which other books should I read   AUTHOR NOTE: There are more recent series, Lynette--the Huxtable series (FIRST COMES MARRIAGE, etc.), the Survivors' series (THE PROPOSAL, etc), the Westcott series (SOMEONE TO LOVE, etc.), and the new Ravenswood series (REMEMBER LOVE, etc.). See my web site for details.

    LYNETTE Chappell Lyne Chappell
  • I am reading Simply Dangerous and stuck by one of the reasons I like your books. That Christine finds love again after her first marriage. Thank you for writing. I love Jane Austin and am so happy when I find books that are reminiscent of hers.

    Ada Southerland Chapel Hill, NC US
  • Thank you Mary for all your wonderful stories, when I retired five years ago I decided to start reading again, the first book I selected was “The Proposal”....I fell in love. I had actually never read any of your books prior to that, in fact I had not heard of you until I picked up that book. That was the first of many, you have created a reading monster who stays up to many nights to finish a book. Thank you and please keep writing.

    Cindy Wojciaczyk Lady Lake, Florida USA
  • I hope that you are doing well. I will have to put one of your books on my To read books.

    Melanie Fleming Massachusetts USA
  • Please add me to your upcoming releases.

    ardella slavens chalmers, in usa
  • I just finished Secrets of the Heart, and you asked was my writing different in my earlier books. What I think that was missing from this book was a funny character and the laughter of your characters. I will never forget Wolf swinging from the tree for the children. Freya always made me laugh. You always had a character that made me laugh. No laughter in Secrets of the Heart.

    Carol Pancoast Philadelphia, Pennsylvania United States of America
  • Paddy Ann Patton aka Grace Fellowes recommended I read your books. I met Paddy at a workshop in April and contacted her when a school friend and I decided to write a historical romance novel together. My school friend and I live in Austin, Texas but we went to boarding school in England. To get started, Paddy suggested I read your novels and sang your praises! I wondered if you had any advice for my friend and me as we set out? Any suggestions/ workshops/ conferences you would recommend? Very best wishes, Val

    Valerie Harbolovic Val US
  • Hello Mary B, big fan! I started reading your books from the Slightly Series then got hooked. Actually, reading your work introduced me to Georgette Heyer! Awesome right. My favorite so far has to be Simply Perfect [Claudia and Joseph]! I loved the Survivors Club too and adore Only Beloved. I love stories about older couples, which is why I am so excited for November and Someone to Remember. I do have a question. In Someone to Love you described Sir Geoffrey Codair as being a widower with kids, and then in Someone to Trust he is a bachelor. Did I miss something? Just curious. And will we get a preview of what's coming up from the Westcotts? Thanks, again love your work! Rachel

    Rachel Reddick OH United States
  • Dear Ms. Balogh - I love your books!!!!! They are creative and witty with a slight philosophical bent which has caused me to ponder certain aspects of life and see them in a new light - they are a delight! Please please please continue writing - you have a GIFT. My husband is half Welsh (his mother was a Jones) as is my Aunt who is an expatriate from the UK thus love when your stories take place in Wales. I spent 3 days in Wales myself about 10 summers ago - it is like a treasure - gardens, sea coast, verdant forests, history - too many other lovely things to enumerate - All the very best to you and your family!!! Cheers

    Sarah I SC USA
  • Mary - I thought I must contact you - and tell you my little saga. I kept thinking about a novella I had read years ago - a couple out of love - symbolised by the loss of a ring. And there was a chimney boy - it was driving me nuts - I just couldn’t think of it - I contacted two authors and two Facebook groups - I was giving up hope - although really hard I thought I have got to let it go. One lady in a FB group suggested your novella - The Star If Bethlehem - result!!!! What made me feel utterly pathetic was that Under The Mistletoe was staring at me on page 2 of my Kindle. As you have probably gathered - I adore the story! Keep writing! Best wishes Jean

    Jean Turner Gloucestershire UK
  • I have just finished reading "Someone to Honor" in the series of the Wescott Novels. I am getting ready to read "Someone to Remember". Once I start one of your books it is hard for me to put it done. What a wonderful series!! I love your historical romances and unforgettable characters and how you tell the story. Wow!

    Sheila McCormick Middletown, Ohio USA
  • Hi Mary, Who is Bertrand and does his character show up in the Ravenswood Series? Thank you, Sarah   AUTHOR REPLY: Bertrand Lamarr is part of the Westcott series as the son of the marquess who marries Viola. I hope to write Bertrand's story as part of the Ravenswood series.

    S P Buffalo, NY US
  • Hello Mary, I have been enjoying your Someone series, just finished Someone to Honor, and am thrilled to read that Someone to Remember will be out very soon. I can't wait, the books you write that are all related to each other are so fascinating to me. I just dive right in, and savor every word. Such neat family dynamics, and great plots, too. You are one of my favorite authors, it's such a pleasure to find a new book of yours. This will be a wonderful late fall with 3 new books of yours to look forward to. Cheers.

    Diana Holmes Nanaimo, B.C. Canada
  • Just finished reading "Someone to Romance" and was once again swept up in the wonderful Wescott family. By the end of the book, I found myself wondering about Anthony Rochford's story. His father was a definite villain, but I found myself feeling sorry for the son. He was misguided and trying way too hard, but I'd like to believe he learned something and became a better person. I also found myself early on, wondering about Miles Perrot, Gilbert's business partner and close friend in Boston. As an American who recently discovered many ancestors who hailed from all over Great Britain, I now find myself intrigued by why and how they got here. The stories you write are fun and often thought provoking, but what I really enjoy are the wonderfully well rounded characters in your stories. They are all people I would love to meet! Thank you for many hours of enjoyment.

    Terry Cummings Punta Gorda, FL United States
  • Mary,you and I have spent the last 9 days together while I've had covid. I've read six more of your books while in isolation, and have lost count of what the total now is. Thank you for never disappointing me with your stories and for making these very long 9 days bearable. I recently got a Kobo and just loaded one on after the other.

    Lisa Rowntree ON Canada
  • I have really enjoyed the Westcott series and I was wondering if there will be more books. It feels like there are more characters that need a story.

    Sandra Fetty Noblesville, IN USA
  • To say I am a Mary Balogh fan is a massive understatement! I serendipidiously discovered Freya's book on my trip to Canada, at a lodge near Toronto in the landlady's little stack of books. I managed to hunt down the only copy of Slightly Dangerous in Romania and then badgered my dad who was on a trip to England to hunt down the other Bedwyn books. This was in pre online shopping era so we did a lot of hunting for your books, all worth it! We have lots of decent Romanian translations, though I am glad to have the original ebooks now, So happy I can enjoy your backlist finally. I started reading so much more thanks to you and it has been a great experience getting lost in each and every book. Thank you for your work & know you have lots of fans in Romania!

    Eliza Bulz Sibiu Romania
  • Lovely website! I love your stories and the characters that you bring to life.

    Beth Geiger Kansas US
  • Ms. Balogh, I have just finished reading the available Westcott books.I read them in order and today was Matilda's turn.I cried.It was beautifully written.It also brought back some painful memories that made Matilda feel like a personal friend or my sister. Thank you. I have already pre-ordered Jessica's story and will eagerly await further stories involving the Westott clan.I think now that rather than clean, I will reread one of the Balogh books sitting on my shelves. The difficulty will be which one. Thank you again.

  • I have gathered together a complete set of your books including the short stories reading them ass they were acquired. Now I have set upon reading them in chronological order and am half way through (up to 1996). My burning question now is..... should I read the series together or in chronological order? Yes, I seem to have OCD. 🙂 Your books enthrall me, soothe me and comfort me in this uncertain world we live in at this time. Much love, Sheila P.

    Sheila Prince Stittsville, On Canada
  • Been a fan for years. I have all of your books in paperback.

    Renay Parker Memphis, TN USA
  • I have been a fan for years. I started reading paperbacks of your novels. I graduated to E-books, and now listen to audio books. I have all The Survivors Club Books in audible as well as a several others. I have read most of your stories at one time or another. At this point I am trying to find the book where the hero came home from the war and was about to marry when his love/wife from the war shows up and stops the wedding. I know i have read the story before. It is referenced in the Survivors Club books. I believe Lady Muir is related somehow. Can you give me a bit of help to find this story again so I can read/listen again to a wonderful story. It must be a great feeling to know you have so many amaziing stories, your readers look for some of the back stories. Thank you for the many hours of entertainment you have provided. Keep sharing your stories. I will keep reading/listening. AUTHOR REPLY: The book is ONE NIGHT FOR LOVE, Debbie.   Debbie K

    Debbie Kendrick Arlingtin, Tx USA
  • I am a real fan of your books and have read them all. Especially LONGING, this is my favourite I have read it many times and still get tears in my eyes. As long as my library has it I shall read it again and again. But it would be wonderful to own my own copy. I'm afraid I couldn't leave a comment on your blog.

    Yvonne Jones Hamilton New Zealand
  • I've been looking forward to Someone to Cherish for months now and of course I've finished reading the book in one go only so that I can reread it in a more leisurly way again. It's all I've hoped for and more, a heartwarming story of two wounded people who learn to trust their feelings and each other and thus come into their own. What delights me even more is the fact that I can follow the lives of all the other characters of the series, the way they grow and flourish! Seeing Winifred turn into a lovely young woman who knows her mind makes me glad that you decided to give her her own story. And when at the ball Lydia's father was standing next to Louise, the Dowager Duchess of Netherby I thought they might make an interesting couple. Well, I'll see. Right now I'm content to enjoy Someone to Cherish and several of my other favourites -again - and are looking forward to Estelle's story with the dark and dour Earl of Brandon - I'm sure theirs will be a riveting story as well. Thank you once again for the many many enjoyable hours you've given me with your books and please, please keep on writing! Deeply grateful, your avid reader Ingrid

    Ingrid Wurzer Vienna Austria
  • I am pleasantly surprised by the number of books you’ve authored. I thought I had read all your books, but find I am woefully behind. I now know what to tell my family when they ask what I want for my birthday. I hesitate to give feedback concerning the website, as I am on my IPhone and I’d like to view it on my laptop (where I can actually see it better). However, anything printed in gray is difficult for me to read.

    Toni Bettencourt Tracy,CA United States
  • I have just finished Simply Perfect for at least the third time. It was the first book of your that I read. I do believe I have read all your other books over the years. They are superb: great stories, sex that is just enough but no too much, and action enough to keep me reading to the end. Also, your English grammar is without fault. You don't get I and Me mixed up and do use what is left of the subjunctive correctly. I look forward to your next book.

    Sally Christman New Mexico United States
  • I have been a fan for many years and have recommended your books to many people. My younger daughter is also a fan and we have learned to buy two copies of your new books so we don't squabble over who get to read it first. I work at Barnes and Noble so I get first crack when they come out, so I have shelves of your books. Thank you for delightful reading and thought provoking heroes and heroines. I hope there will be more about Devlin's family in the future.

    Frances Simpson Cantonment, FL USA
  • Dear Mary Balogh I very disappointed in your last two books they were predictable from the opening of the story line, nothing to hold the books together just kept repeating situations over and over, words to fill up the pages. I do not under why did Abigail and Estelle have opening with dog? Please rewrite the books or your ghost writer to rewrite these books with more actions and plans. thanks you , Lynn K-Pathman

    Lynn King-Pathman Largo, Fl usa
  • "Under the Mistletoe" greetings to everyone. Happy HOlidays to all. The 5 short stories in Under the Mistletoe is just the right story to get into the Christmas Spirit. With the short stories, it's easy to have a break among the busy activities of the holiday season. The emotional and poignant story of Best Gift was especially heart-warming. What kindness and compassion the hero and heroine exhibited and who wouldn't want to bring 4 year old Veronica into their home for the holidays. Wishing all a glorious-Under the Mistletoe Holiday Season. THanks for writing. Look forward to your next book release.

    W A California USA
  • I have loved your books for many years! Huxtable series was so different and very delightful. when will you write the final book portraying the last major Huxtable member, Harry. Are you going to write one? Please do patty hall, SC, USA   AUTHOR NOTE: I believe the reference is to the Westcott series. Harry's story, SOMEONE TO CHERISH, will be out on June 29, 2021. And Estelle Lamarr's story. SOMEONE PERFECT, is scheduled for November.

    Patty Hall SC United States
  • Love your books.Is there any follow up after Silent Melody--Ashley and Emily?? such a wonderful story it seems a shame not to have some continuation of their lives and also Lucas and Anna.

    Donelda Niles AB Canada
  • Thank you so much for all your novels!!! Your characters stay with me long after reading (binging!) them. I wanted to let you know that I googled your newest Someone to Romance and also I googled your name but all your books are coming up with the author name of Ben M. Baglio (a children's book author.) I notified Google but I wanted you to know also. Thanks again for all those nights I didn't sleep because I need to to read "just one more chapter" until I finished the book!

    Meagan M San Antonio, Texas USA
  • Hello Mary, I just finished reading Someone To Trust and I loved it. Your stories always leave me feeling good. The characters are so real and I finish a book feeling like they are my family. I am hoping that Elizabeth and Colin's story will continue in a future book. There is so much more I want to know about them. I am quite certain they will grow in love and have a happy marriage, but it would be interested in seeing how the relationship with his mother and sister Lady Elwood plays out. I'd also love a book on Lady Elwood and Sir Nelson. I would love them to have a happily ever after too. I can't believe that there isn't a kind, soft heart in there somewhere after she alerted Colin to his mothers plans. I can't wait for Elizabeth and Colin to have children. Sorry, see what I mean? I can't help but get invested in your characters and their lives. It is wonderful to pick up one of your books and be transported to a lovely world of love, romance and happy endings. Thank you for your beautiful stories!!

    Luci Riegel Livonia, Michigan USA
  • Have loved your books since I was given the first. I have a small collection and read most from my library. Am always hoping to find a new book or at least one I haven't read yet. Looking forward to the new Ravenswood series. Long life and health to you and yours always. Lori

    Lori Montgomery Ontario Canada
  • I enjoyed reading your story on this site. I'm slowly reading my way through your books. My favourites are The Survivors Club and the Westcott series. I've just begun the Bedwyn series and finished the prequels. I also enjoyed the Simply series and love the way you incorporate the characters into other books. Hence my need to read the Bedwyn's stories. Looking forward to Someone Perfect soon. Your stories are beautifully written, and often bring a tear to my eye. Thank you for creating such wonderful works of fiction which I'll never tire of rereading.

    Carla Poole Port Elliot South Australia Australia
  • I love you books. I have never been disappointed. My story wish - crossover with Bertrand from Westcotts and Stephanie from Ravenswood.

    Tonya V. Hendrix Santee USA
  • Thank you for giving me so many hours of pleasure. I am totally and completely addicted. . Your characters leap of the pages. I feel as if they have become friends. I have re-read your books so many times and I always find something new to treasure. If had to pick a favourite, I would be at a loss as they are all my favourites. Your books were a saving grace for me during the Pandemic, I woul just curl up and get lost in the wonder of your books. I seemed to have misplaced three of your novels, and rather than tear my hair looking for the, I just bought them again. I look forward to your next books (hopefully many). Again, thank you. Shirley Gans

    Shirley Gans Quebec Canada
  • I love your books! I have read and listened to them many times. My favorite series is the Westcott series. Will you be writing any more? Thanks for the wonderful reading! Lee

    Lee Matanky IL United States
  • I am so pleased ’Beyond the Sunrise’ has been reprinted after some 27 years; I would urge all Mary Balogh followers to read the 656 pages of this remarkable story. M/s Balogh in her preamble says the story involves spying, intrigue, revenge and betrayal along with the most heartfelt love affair and it’s all true. The novel, which commences in England but centres on the Peninsula Wars in Spain and Portugal is a page turner and I’m sure Jeanne the heroine won’t be the only one to fall in love with Captain Robert Blake. What a story and what an author – well done again M/s Balogh – you’ve given me so many hours of total bliss.

    Christina Ponder Tea Gardens, NSW Australia
  • Hello, I haven't actually read any of your books (yet!) but I am VERY curious as to why you named one of your heroines Margaret Huxtable. I am a family historian and have just finished writing an article about five different Margarets in my extended family in Australia. My paternal great aunt Margaret Johnston married a Frederick J A Huxtable in Tasmania in 1886, and her daughter another Margaret Huxtable was born in Tasmania in 1896. The other Margarets in my story are Maggie's mother, grandmother, great grand mother and great great great aunt; the latter three all born in Scotland. My family's early Huxtables came from Devon.

    Nancy Gibb South Island New Zealand
  • Dear Mary, thank you for another amazing and touching story. Watching Estelle‘s and Justin‘s struggles to reach their Happily ever After was everything your devoted fans have come to expect from you. Please don‘t forget that you planned to write her twin‘s story and that of Winifred as well!!! I‘m also looking forward to your new series REMEMBER LOVE. For me you can‘t write your books fast enough. Nothing new about that!😊😊😊

    Ingrid W. Vienna Austria
  • I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your books. I don't think there's an Historical Romance author who compares to you. (By the way, I never write fan mail.) Your characters are so well realized and the story is always so related to the characterization that I get lost in the world you've created. No false notes, no crazy plot devices, and no thoroughly bad or good people. Just people. When I want to relax and be thoroughly engrossed, I pull out one of your books. Your writing just flows and that delights me. I've been reading and rereading your books for at least 30 some years now and I finally realized that neither of us is getting any younger and I should say all this to you now. THANK YOU, THANK YOU for so many wonderful reading hours!!!

    Jane Rosamilia New York, NY USA
  • Dear Mary, I started reading your books during Covid and just couldn't stop! I engage wholly with your characters and their journeys. Thank you for all the joy you bring! Keep writing! Kind regards Rae

    Rae Parsons London United Kingdom
  • Hi Mary, Many thanks for the characters, the romance, and the happy endings. My mother is finding your Bedwyn Saga audiobooks to be a wonderful salve for the severe anxiety and depression that she is working through. I cannot express how grateful we all are.

    Evania Vallyon Waikato New Zealand
  • Hello! I have been reading through the Westcotr series, and I have a question. Looking at the (very helpful) family tree in the front of each book, Eugenia Westcott’s husband, George, had a brother, Andrew. Andrew’s son, David, would have been her nephew, and David’s son, Alexander would have been her great nephew. So why do Althea and her children call Eugenia cousin instead of Aunt??   AUTHOR REPLY: You are quite right, Cassy. I seem to have worked out the relationship wrongly when I started the series. Perhaps I made that family tree just a bit too helpful!

    Cassy Saunders Michigan USA
  • You realize of course that we all want you to continue the westcott series at least through Winnefred! Please!!

    Patricia Voice Traverse city MI US
  • You are just the BEST. Thank you for giving yourself to us through your talent and work. I love ALL your books. Thank you.

    Beth Bjorklund Orland, CA 95963 USA
  • I would like to subscribe to your blog, but there is only a place to join a fan group on yahoo that I can see. Yahoo is ending groups in Dec. 2020 sooooo....any suggestions?   Readers do not have to subscribe to my blog, Rebecca. It is available to anyone who visits my web site. Though actually I do not have time to contribute to it nearly as often as I ought! Mary Balogh

    Rebecca Rungsang Bangkok Thailand
  • Ms. Balogh, I greatly love your books! I am currently reading the Slightly series, and do a lot of laughing and chuckling from the stories. What artistry and warmth you present in your books, and I thank you for that! Take care. A devoted reader, Kelli Grisham

    Kelli Grisham California United States
  • I have been waiting for "Always Remember" to come out in mass market paper back but have seen no sign of it. I have all your books so far and am anxiously waiting for this one. I used to correspond with you by your e-mail, but that seems not be active anymore. Please reply to me to my e-mail, as I have difficulty getting into your guest book. Thanks. Marta Simonyi   AUTHOR REPLY: I don't have your email address, Marta, though mine remains the same as it has always been. ALWAYS REMEMBER will be out as a paperback in November or December.

    Marta Simonyi Youngstown, Ohio 44515 USA
  • I just read Someone to Romance and loved it. I laughed out loud and cried. Then I read The proposal...I loved it even more. Thank you for taking me out of my world and allowing me to glimpse your lovely imaginings for a few moments of joy and tears and sometimes sadness. 💖

    Julie Sinukaban Canterbury (Waitaha) New Zealand
  • Hi! Love your books! Never stop! I looked for a "contact" email; seeing none I'm going to try this.... I read The Secret Mist and in Chapter 19, Hannah says to Barbara, "What is it about time, Babs?....." there follows two paragraphs about time. I'm interested in your interest in this topic - are you reading physics books, or....?? Time and how it moves is a particular interest of mine, so I would love to know your reading list on the topic! Thanks.

    Laura Lee Wisconsin USA
  • When is the books coming out for the rest of Ravenswood series I enjoy them so very much   AUTHOR REPLY: ALWAYS REMEMBER, Book 3, is out tomorrow, January 16. REMEMBER WHEN, Book 5, Clarissa's story, will be out next January. Soon I hope to start Book 6, Nicholas's story. Owen's and Stephanie's will follow.

    Debra Carter Monroe,MC USA
  • I happened upon Mrs. Balogh's Bedwyn series at the library and loved her storyline and writing style. Her books are a perfect escape from the monotony of life. I am caring for my older mother and working full time. A chapter of her book is just the break I need each day! Can't wait to read more of her work!

    Sally Zeller Gibsonburg, Oh United States
  • I love to find or have someone refer me to authors who write series books. Someone at my local library referred me to your books in January of this year.. I have not been able to stop. I have read 18 so far. I love that we can get so involved in the characters lives. The way you write about the landscapes, homes, fashion and parties makes you feel that you are right there walking among the guest. I have always said that " a book can take you anywhere in the world that you want to go or anytime period." Every time I get close to the end of a series I get kind of melancholy, I don't want to say goodbye to these characters, but alas all good things must come to an end. Just one question, do you think that The Suitor will ever be in printable form? I have only been able to find it in ebook form.

    Ronda DeForrest Pascagoula, MS USA
  • Just discovered your books and am enjoying them. I am wondering if you have a list with what series to read 1st,2nd,3rd, etc? I noticed a few of the series have connecting characters (which I love BTW). I noticed at least one of your series has a family tree (which I also love). It’s fun to print out the family tree and keep track of who is who. Thank you for keeping me greatly entertained!!

    Heather Hansen Portland, OR United Statez
  • I really absolutely love your work, my first book of yours was Dark Angel/ Lord Carew's Bride. It is so very near and dear to my heart, I get a great sense of joy reading your books. It helps me escape reality, if only for a moment. Thank You

    Laura Kirani Las Vegas, NV USA
  • Love the new website, but I miss the epilogues you wrote for some of your books. I have all your books, except "The Trysting Place." Are there place to reissue this title?

    Carol Pierce Feith Wharton New Jersey
  • Hi, Years ago, we exchanged mail about my experiences with blindness and the Survivors Club. This letter only touches on that. While reading book 3 of Ravenswood, I was reminded of another event. While attending UBC in Vancouver, I lived in Place Vanier residence, a large, lovely complex close to the main university annex. One fellow on our ground floor was confined to a wheelchair due to childhood polio. At that time, I had a girlfriend who had been a premature birth, receiving too much oxygen which damaged her retinas. Peggy knew another congenitally blind girl who was somewhat bitter, and often unsociable, even abrupt. Speculation was that she had been abused at what our group often called Jericho Hill Jail for the Deaf and Blind. That school was eventually investigated, then closed, many students provided financial reparations for years of abuse, both physical, sexual and mental inflicted on them, much like we hear about with children in residential schools. Fortunately for my girlfriend Peggy, she lived at home in the area and only went to Jericho Hill for classes until entering grade 11 in a regular high school. Curiously, the other blind young woman mentioned was in first year university at the same time as my girlfriend Peggy. I had two pprevious years experience canvassing residence buildings for volunteer readers. In those years, 1969 to 1972, there were numerous blind students staying at Place Vanier. This young woman was introduced to my paralyzed floor-fellow when he volunteered to be one of her readers. Surprising all of us, in a very short time, the two became inseparable. I was informmed by sighted friends that her miserable expression was gone, and his features graced by smiles. She often seemed to be glowing, especially when, with his verbal aid, she pushed his wheelchair to supper at the common building dining room. Fortunately, Place Vanier was wheelchair accessible and they encountered no problems. All indications were that a romantic relationship had developed. Now, so many decades later, I can't remember their names, but do hope the relationship continued and gave them much joy. As you can see, as with your Survivor Club stories, the Ravenswood series touched a cord in my own life. Many thanks for your delightful tales. Affectionate Regards, Brian

    Brian Gage BC Canada
  • I would like to thank you for the hours of pleasure reading your books have given me. Yours are of the few I enjoy reading more than once. You have a special gift and have shared it with so many. Again, thank you.

    Cheryl Rocha Hanford, California USA
  • Thank you for years of enjoyment! First time contacting you so wanted to say thank you for so many good reads and also to say that Remember Me deals with aging and death very gracefully. I am trained as an end of life doula and I really enjoyed the careful way you led us through the passing of any characters whose names I will not name here to spoil for anyone. My thanks for your body of work!

    Alisoun Bertsch Athens, PA USA
  • Thank you for the Survivor series. I believe that may be the best work of romance fiction I have ever read. The characters are truly unique, deep, and completely brought to life. Just awesome.

    Ann Barden Colorado Springs, CO USA
  • Hola! he leído varias veces las series Simplemente, Familia Bedwyn. Tambien leí las series Huxtables y Amantes. Como me gustaron tanto las dos primeras series que mencioné quise leer la historia de Lady Muir, por lo que leí "Survivor´s Club"usando el traductor de google de la app play libros; me encantaron los ocho libros leidos, ahora me gustaría saber si tienes un libro que cuente la historia de la hija de Joseph, marques de Attingsborough, Lizzie, la niña ciega, en su vida adulta. Un libro con su historia seria muy interesante, me gusta cuando aparecen personajes de otros libros. Solo espero una respuesta a mi comentario, no que lo subas a la web. Te felicito por tu capacidad de escribir novelas históricas con tanta inspiración.

    Maria Castro Santiago Chile
  • I love all your books. When I have a box full I donate to my local library for their book sale. They love my donations because they're in such good condition. I especially love the Westcott series. Someone to Honor is my favorite.. I've already read it twice and I'm holding it back from the book sale because I will probably read it again. I loved the hero because he reminded me so much of my late husband who was always doing dangerous things like walking across the slippery roof in winter to clean the snow off, always chopping wood for our wood stove and coming in the house dripping blood because he hurt himself. Went to rattlesnake roundups in Texas and looking for alligators at Lake Okeeshobee in Florida. Drove me crazy but I wish he was still here. Looking forward to Mattilda's and Gil's father story. Truly your, Kat Joyce, Amsterdam, NY USA.

    Kathleen Joyce New York United States
  • Love the series books. Appreciate your talent.

    Linda Knecht Levittown, PA USA
  • Just finished reading A Christmas Promise as I do each Christmas season. (10+ times - pages are yellowed, back is bent) Reading this book is like making a Christmas visit to old friends. Your characterization keeps me reading and rereading your books. Thanks for making characters come alive for me. I put books into the donate box without finishing them if characters are not believable. I have never put down one of your books without finishing it. Only the fact that I can read the book again prevents me from feeling sad at the end of your books as if I were parting from a family member or really good friend. Keep on writing. I'll keep on reading.

    Le Ila Dixon TX United States
  • I tried to send this before but I think it did not send , so th8is is a second try. I note that you are starting a new series , but I think that there could eventually be two more Westcott series books , for which I suggest the names Someone Joyful , and , Someone Encouraging ( or perhaps , Someone Inspiring ) !. I now am the proud owner of 40 of your books so I know that you have had a heroine called Suzzane before , so I have changed my suggestion to Rosemary. The suggestion is , book 11 , Someone Joyful , the story of the supposed foundling who turns out to be lady Rosemary Westcott , the always joyful and happy fully trained lady's maid who becomes a countess. The front of the book could also include the secondary title under her portrait picture , Countess of the Fishing Fleet. Her marriage could be all arranged by the ladies of the Westcott committee , determined to make up for past lost organizing opportunities , and she and her betrothed could be befriended by Estelle & Justin ( and their children ? ) who are in London visiting their father and stepmother. Book 12 Someone Encouraging could tell the story of one of the WEstcott children , there must be many of them by now ! Suggestions are just suggestions or ideas . it is not your fault that I am only 50 percent of an excellent fiction writer and cannot hope to ever be more. Whatever you do will be excellent. Thank you for using the book titles Someone to Romance and Someone to Cherish. It was an honour to see them used and in print. Hopefully you still have the ideas and suggestions that I sent about Rosemary;s story ( the highwayman who wished he was still at home in bed , but was shot dead in a blizzard , etc, ) Writing it was great fun and if your copy is lost I can supply another. Don't give up on the Westcotts , there are still two fabulous books there , all they need is time and a willing writer. Regards , Alex.

    Alexander ( Alex ) Robb Brisbane Australia