pledge - English-Spanish Dictionary -


UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈplɛdʒ/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/plɛdʒ/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(plej)

Inflections of 'pledge' (v): (⇒ conjugate)
v 3rd person singular
v pres p
v past
v past p

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2024:

Principal Translations
pledge n (promise)promesa nf
  compromiso nm
 Dan stuck to his pledge to be more helpful to his parents.
 Dan cumplió la promesa de ayudar más a sus padres.
pledge n ([sth] given as a token)símbolo nm
  señal nf
  prenda nf
 Rachel gave Carl a locket as a pledge of her love.
 Rachel le dio un guardapelo a Carl como símbolo de su amor.
pledge n ([sth] given as security)garantía nf
 Realizing he had forgotten his wallet, Sean left his watch as a pledge that he would come back to pay.
 Al darse cuenta de que se había olvidado la billetera, Sean dejó su reloj en garantía de que volvería a pagar.
pledge n (promise to donate to charity)promesa de donación nf + loc adj
  compromiso de donación nm + loc adj
 The philanthropist made the charity a $2 million pledge.
 El filántropo hizo una promesa de donación de $2 millones a una organización benéfica.
pledge [sth] to [sb] vtr + prep (promise)prometer algo a loc verb
 Glenn pledged his heart to Emma.
 Glenn le prometió darle su corazón a Emma.
pledge to do [sth] v expr (promise to do [sth])prometer hacer algo loc verb
  dar la palabra de hacer algo loc verb
 Christina pledged to support her friend through this difficult time.
 Christina prometió apoyar a su amiga durante este tiempo difícil.
pledge that
(with clause: promise)prometer que vtr + conj
 Wendy pledged that she would never leave him.
 Wendy prometió que nunca lo dejaría.
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Additional Translations
pledge n US (fraternity: probationary member) (fraternidad)no iniciado loc nom m
 Pledges can be subjected to hazing for several months before being accepted into a fraternity.
 Los no iniciados pueden ser sometidos a humillaciones durante varios meses antes de ser aceptados en la fraternidad.
pledge [sth] vtr (promise money)prometer donar loc verb
 The company has pledged £30,000 to a wildlife charity.
 La compañía prometió donar £30.000 a una organización benéfica que defiende la vida salvaje.
pledge [sb] to [sth] vtr + prep (bind to a promise)hacer prometer a loc verb
 Amanda pledged everyone to secrecy.
 Amanda hizo prometer a todos que guardarían el secreto.
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WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2024:

Compound Forms:
action of pledge n (law: contract by pledge)acción pignoraticia nf + adj
pledge allegiance,
swear allegiance
vtr + n
(promise to be loyal)jurar lealtad loc verb
pledge allegiance to [sb/sth],
swear allegiance
v expr
(promise to be loyal to [sb], [sth])jurarle lealtad a loc verb
Pledge of Allegiance n US (vow of loyalty to the USA)juramento de fidelidad loc nom m
 Many parents object to the Pledge of Allegiance in schools because of the religious reference.
  promesa de lealtad nf
 Muchos padres objetan la Promesa de Lealtad en las escuelas debido a su contenido religioso.
take the pledge n (vow to give up alcohol)jurar no beber más alcohol loc verb
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'pledge' aparece también en las siguientes entradas:
In the English description:

Collocations: a [$400] pledge, a pledge of [$400], pledges [amounting to, totaling] $1 million, more...

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