Lookup Addresses for Free at USPhoneBook
Reveal Comprehensive Details

What Information Can I Get with an Address Lookup?

  • Contact information
    With an address lookup, you can find the most up-to-date phone numbers of the owners or the current and past residents of the property. This includes both landline and mobile numbers, making it easier for you to connect and reach out to the individual you are searching for.
  • Addresses
    Explore vital property information effortlessly. From detailed descriptions to ownership history, USPhonebook offers the details you need to get a quick snapshot of the address.
  • Email Addresses
    Finding someone's email address becomes effortless. By accessing a reverse address report, you can uncover the email addresses associated with the owner or the residents of the property.
Harness the Power of a Reverse Address Lookup

How Can I Use the Information I Find?

The information you find with a USPhoneBook address lookup can be used to help you find a person who has moved away. You can use the person's current address or other revealed contact information to reconnect. Or if you have some new neighbors down the street, you can use an address search to find out their names and make your introductions. 

Expanding Your Search Horizons

What if the Address I'm Looking for Doesn't Show Up?

If you don't get any results for an address search, please verify that the information you entered is correct. Make sure the digits for the street number are in the right order. Doublecheck if it's supposed to be “Street” or “Avenue.” If you still don't get the results you were expecting, please Contact a member of our customer service team, and we will be happy to look into it for you.