The world is dependant on container ships. A day likely does not go by that something you interact with was not shipped in a container. That was not always the case, and containerization of goods was the brain child of trucking magnate Malcom McLean. Moving cargo before the advent of the shipping container was a labor intensive task requiring every single piece of cargo to be handled numerous times. While the idea of containerization was used during the war, Malcom would be the first to see the advantage of the commercial application of this technology. January 1956 would see Malcom secure a loan of 22 million dollars, which he would use to purchase two surplus WW2 T2 Tanker ships. While initial plans were to carry the entire truck on the ship, it was soon apparent that this would result in a lot of wasted cargo potential. So it was decided to design trailers that the cargo boxes could be detached from to increase space. On April 26th, 1956 100 invited dignitaries were on hand to witness the maiden voyage of the SS Ideal-X, leaving from New Jersey and sailing to Houston. The cargo consisted of 58 containers, each 35 feet long.

As the Ideal-X left the Port of Newark, Freddy Fields, a top official of the International Longshoremen’s Association, was asked what he thought of the newly fitted container ship. Fields replied, "I’d like to sink that son of a bitch. That sentiment was likely due to the 36x more cost efficient value of containerization. At that time, it cost $5.86 per ton to load a ship manually. Containerization cost only 16 cents per ton.

Following the advice and lead of Roy Freuhauf, Malcom worked hard on standardization and his designs for containers were awarded patent protection, which he offered royalty free to the International Organization for Standardization.

The company that Malcom McLean started would eventually be purchased by RJ Reynolds in 1961, the sale would net him 168 million dollars. At that time the company was known as Sea-Land and over the years it would go through many changes of ownership and name, eventually becomes Maersk Line.

I will not go into all the fine details of how sizing and designation of cargo containers today, simply state that the big ships plying the seas now carry up to 2500 containers. A massive change from the original 58 containers carried on the SS Ideal-X.

Read more about Malcom McLean: Malcom McLean - Wikipedia

Read more about the SS Ideal-X

Other historical TidBits:

1962 Ranger 4 crash lands on (backside of) Moon, first US craft to reach another celestial body.

1971 Heaviest rains ever in Bahia district of Brazil, 15" in 24 hrs

1977 Opening of Studio 54 in New York, N.Y.

Births on this Day:

121 - Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome (161-180), born in Rome

1822 - Frederick Law Olmsted, American writer and landscape architect (designed Central Park), born in Hartford, Connecticut

1933- Carol Burnett, American Comedian

1938 - Duane Eddy, American twangy guitarist (“Rebel Rouser”; Peter Gunn"; “Cannonball”), born in Corning, New York

Internet Rabbit Hole:

Ok, here is another YouTube series guaranteed to waste some time. A series of short documentaries, many of these are pretty interesting quick snapshots of famous disasters.

Song of the Day

On your birthday, even if you are not Canadian, you deserve to have your song featured. Happy Birthday Duane.

Quote of the Day:

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” Marcus Aurelius.

Cartoon of the Day


Miss yesterdays Spark, line for line, the biggest Spark of the Week, brought to you by @jimender2 Spark! Pro Series - April 25th 2024

48 Spice ups

Thanks, Inspirobot, I needed to hear that today. TGIF. First…

10 Spice ups

One of the things I like to do on a summer’s evening is to sit by the coast and watch all the container ships (and cruise ships) coming in and out of port. Those things are huge!!!

13 Spice ups

Inspirobot knows what’s up. I’ma have to listen to my AI(?) overlords.

10 Spice ups

Sounds like Inspirobot is responding to the comic just above it…

9 Spice ups

So is that “Thank God It’s Friday” or “Thank God I’m First”?

9 Spice ups

Henry Mancini wrote the Peter Gunn theme (hit #8 on the Billboard chart at the time), but the Duane Eddy version (which only hit #27) is probably better known today, as his “twangy” guitar and dirty sax version got a lot more replay after. This included a sample/remix version by Art Of Noise in 1986, which is still one of my favourites.

9 Spice ups

From humble beginnings to a huge success, thanks for sharing today’s history lesson.

It’s Friday again, so it’s time to party!

7 Spice ups

Containers also make convenient robot storage.

15 Spice ups

Container ships: I have a great respect for the container crane operators. They are moving containers on/off a ship at 100-220 feet in the air.
121 - Marcus Aurelius: A very wise and great ruler. If you have not read it, I suggest, The Wisdom of Marcus Aurelius.

It does not matter what the change to the medium, individually, we are all insignificant.

A song for Inspirobot:

@agentofpork here is another version of the song:

What kind of partying are you doing this weekend @gurugabe1 @Panda-Marie @shreddie @chrisdavis8 @ismoonastar (in absentia)

7 Spice ups

I don’t remember this line from Gladiator! :rofl:

5 Spice ups

What kind of partying am I doing?
Not the smart kind - running a trail marathon in the morning. Then suffering at the hotel so I don’t have to drive home 3 hours after the torture-fest.

@Panda-Marie @gurugabe1 @jameswalker20

8 Spice ups

Cartoon of the Day - We’re insignificant in the universe we exist in and also the one we’ve created. Yep, there’s some perspective.

Inspirobot - Beastie Boys would agree.

7 Spice ups

Inspirobot - Sometimes the best thing you can do is party.

Couldn’t have said it better myself. Enjoy the gift that is life y’all. Express your emotions, show your compassion, and be grateful for the gift of life. I hope everyone has a great Friday and a great weekend.

As always, stay blessed and remember that you are loved :heart::pray:t3: God bless y’all

5 Spice ups

Yall. This is a Friday. Next Friday I will be in KY, about to celebrate with so many others at the 150th Kentucky Derby!! We are so excited to get to be a part of it!! For our 30th anniversary, we are doing the Triple Crown. (We have spent just about every other year at the track in Hot Springs AR, so we thought it fitting to celebrate 30 years of going to the track with the 3 biggest Horse races of the year!) And they’re OFF!!!

11 Spice ups

My idea of a party is sleeping in, having a big breakfast, watching a few movies, and spending as much time semi-horizontal on the couch as possible.

@chrisdavis8 which trail marathon? I have my first 50K coming up in June.

4 Spice ups

Inspirobot, I party hardy by staying home and chillaxing with the SO. I guess it’s always party time at my house.

Here in SoCal we have the Port of LA. I get to see all those containers moving by truck and rail. Lots and lots of trucks and trains full of containers. I work next to some tracks and fully loaded trains pass by about every 15 minutes or so. 100+ cars with double stacked containers and 5+ locomotives pulling and pushing. Every one that passes by blows their horns because of a nearby railroad crossing. Used to be annoying, now I don’t really notice any more.

Sometimes the East/West interstates have more trucks than cars. Not really, but there are a lot of those trucks 7/24. It can be nerve wracking navigating around those at times.

Of note: There are many more trains going East than ones headed West.

4 Spice ups

I thought it was from Conan…

Guess not.

4 Spice ups

@jameswalker20 I do believe I will gather with my cousins for some Donairs. My cousin makes some quality donairs. And yourself - What trouble are you getting into?

Did you know I am a Kentucky Colonel? haha
Where is @gurugabe1 ?

2 Spice ups