Peru Facts: Lesson for Kids |
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Peru Facts: Lesson for Kids

Instructor Jennifer Lowery

Jennifer has taught elementary levels K-3 and has master's degrees in elementary education and curriculum/instruction and educational leadership.

Peru is a country located in the western part of South America. In this lesson, learn about the nation's history and explore the climate and wildlife of the the three geographic regions that make up Peru.

Let's travel south of that imaginary line through the middle of the Earth called the Equator and head to the country of Peru!

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Long ago, Peru was ruled by an ancient group of people called the Inca. The Inca established an empire in Peru that grew very quickly and lasted for hundreds of years.

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There are three different kinds of land that make up Peru's geography. The Andes Mountains create the Sierra region in the west. These mountains were created by tectonic activity, which is when sections of the Earth's crusts (called plates) move. In the Sierra region, Machu Picchu can be found. Machu Picchu is an ancient city of the Incas and an amazing site that many tourists visit each year.

The ancient ruins of the Incas can be found at Machu Picchu in the Andes Mountains.
Machu Picchu

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The types of plants and animals you will see in Peru depends on where you are in the country. In the mountain areas, animals like llamas and alpacas like to munch on the different types of grasses found there. The most diverse wildlife is found in the Amazonia region. Here, you can find many different species of monkeys, birds, and insects.

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Peru is a country in South America that was home to the ancient civilization of the Incas. The capital and largest city is Lima. There are three geographric areas of the country: the Amazonia region, the Costa, and the Sierra region, which is home to Machu Picchu.

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