Paul Vunak, legit badass, overhyped faker or something else | Martial Arts Planet

Paul Vunak, legit badass, overhyped faker or something else

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by robin101, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. robin101

    robin101 Working the always shift.

    Hey guys

    I was linked to video on this website, by Hannibal I think called "anatomy of a street fight " by Paul Vunak.

    I had heard about him for quite a while, saw ads for his courses back in the old "Black Belt" magazines in the 90s next to the ninjutsu video courses and other such things. Recently done some reading about him inspired by the linked video and I have heard everything from him being a great fighter/ trainer who taught the military and tested his art in bar fights against bikers, to him being a total fraud who ripped off other JKD people for profit. And recently apparently he has had serious legal trouble with ex students , restraining orders etc.

    I dont know how much of this is true, so I thought maybe someone on this forum had trained with him first hand and could give me an account? Not just what they read but what the think of him as an instructor, what they think of his material and his behaviour, and maybe a gauge as to whether the wild stories they tell about him (good and bad) are true.

    Thanks guys
  2. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

  3. Simon

    Simon Administrator Admin Supporter MAP 2017 Koyo Award

    Legitimate fighter with some personal demons.

    Honest ex students will always be respectful and appreciative of his skill, despite any disagreements.

    Remember what Bruce Lee said, "walk on".

    Edit. Hannibal beat me to it, but I knew what he'd say.
  4. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    Vu is - apart from anything else - a very, very good teacher.

    I am still friends with people in PFS and always stress I left for personal reasons, which aren't difficult to work out
  5. robin101

    robin101 Working the always shift.

    many thanks guys. Interesting to hear, I saw stuff about him only in magazines in the 90s you know, and when your stuff is shown alongside "learn the mind tricks of the ninja" by ashida kim, and "death touch dim mak tai chi" by Earl mantague, you kinda wonder about it ya know..

    man....i miss those old mags. What a thrill they used to be to my teenage self. Loved em all. Black belt, martial arts world, fighting arts international.....sigh. memories.
  6. kuntaoer

    kuntaoer Valued Member

    Paul Vunak used to help Guro Dan Inosanto teach at the old Aspen Martial arts camp back in the mid 80s to early 90s.. I would not doubt his teach abilities, but I also have heard about some of his demons, but it is all hearsay, so I can't confirm.. His teaching of military teams has been confirmed as he also taught several Federal Law enforcement agencies which is where his RAT (Rapid Assault Techniques" program was developed
  7. Matt_Bergman

    Matt_Bergman New Member

    Uncle Vu

    Paul Vunak is a pretty legit old man, I was at his house about a month ago. We did some ground stuff some stand up and some knife stuff .. whatever he may have lost in physical ability he gained in teaching ability for sure ..
  8. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    Vu as a teacher was always first rate

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