

27 个回答


南安普顿——Amputation and Prosthetic Rehabilitation (MSc)

诺丁汉大学——Rehabilitation Psychology MSc

伯明翰大学——Advanced Manipulative Physiotherapy MSc

卡迪夫大学——Physiotherapy (MSc) 可以兜底



南安普顿、伯明翰、诺 汉、拉夫堡(拉夫堡英国第五,招生要求其实挺高) 是冲刺学校,不仅卡排名还卡均分;
东英吉利亚、考文垂、卡迪夫中间档学校,卡均分 75+,比较有希望; 保底学校邓迪、赫尔、班戈
1. 南安普顿大学 QS 世界排名 96
University of Southampton
专业:MSc Health Sciences - Amputation & Prosthetic Rehabilitation 健康科学-截肢和假肢康复
southampton.ac.uk/healt -health-sciences-amputation-prosthetic-rehabilitation.page
During this course, students will gain an in-depth understanding of a patient’s journey from pre-amputation to prosthetic rehabilitation, exploring both the physical and psychological aspects of patient care. This holistic framework is delivered by healthcare experts whose research is at the leading edge of developments in the global field of amputation and prosthetics, and looks at the different views and perspectives of a patient, their families, carers and clinicians. The programme is aimed at multidisciplinary healthcare professionals who either already work, or would like to work, in this area. 在本课程中,学生将获得深入的了解从 pre-amputation 假肢康复病人的旅程,探索 物理和心理方面的病人护理。这个整体框架是由医疗专家的研究在全球领域发 展前沿的截肢和假肢,看着不同的视图和透视图的 个病人,家属,护理人员和临 床医生。该计划旨在多学科医疗专业人士已经工作,或者想工作,在这 领域。
学费:£22,268.00 =¥ 19.万 /年,申请费,生活费 10 万 1 年<br> 学位:硕士<br>
学制:1 年<br>
开学时间:9 月份开学<br> 申请时间:越早越好,没有固定的截止日期,招满就截止 <br> 语言要求:雅思 6.5(小分不低于 6.0),雅思 6(学校提供 conditional offer ,可 以在学校读语言)<br>
申请材料: 简历。动机信,毕业证和学位证,个人陈述,英语成绩,护照复印 件 ,推荐信 <br>
英国 2:2 荣誉学位或以上或大学批准的其他资格证书的同等标准,来
自经批准的高等教育机构的相关科目,75-80 分录取

英国 16 位 QS 全球 96 位
专业:Rehabilitation Psychology MSc 康复心理学 nottingham.ac.uk/pgstud psychology/rehabilitation-psychology-msc.aspx
本课程提供教育和培训的研究和临床技能相关人的生理和心理康复、慢性疾病 和残疾。 课程是专为心理学毕业生和工作作为 个多学科团队助理心理学家的 部分,或 在医疗设置进行康复研究。 也适合作为临床心理学训练的准备。有 个专注于临床应用在整个课程:如何使 用你所学在实际设置。
学费:£21,375=18.6 万元 年,申请费,生活费 10 万 1 年<br> 学位:硕士<br>
学制:1 年<br>
上课地点:诺 汉<br>
开学时间:9 月份开学<br> 申请时间:越早越好,没有固定的截止日期,招满就截止 <br> 语言要求:雅思 6.5(小分不低于 6.0),雅思 6(学校提供 conditional offer ,可 以在学校读语言)<br>
申请材料: 简历。动机信,毕业证和学位证,个人陈述,英语成绩,护照复印 件 ,推荐信 <br>
英国 2:1 荣誉学位或以上或大学批准的其他资格证书的同等标准,来 自经批准的高等教育机构的相关科目,75-80 分录取

专业:Advanced Manipulative Physiotherapy MSc 网址:birmingham.ac.uk/postgr exercise/advanced-manipulative-physio.aspx#CourseDetailsTab

这个计划使探索操纵物理疗法的理论基础及其应用的发展你的临床推理。使用 临床推理的过程作为框架,该项目集成了许多方法来实践在这 专业领域。它有 助于评估现有的证据通过探索 neuromusculoskeletal 功能障碍的评估和管理。
13 个月课程
要求必须是相关专业,并且有 1500 小时的实习或者工作经验
学费: £19,495
雅思 6.5 单项不低于 6.0,雅思不足学校提供 conditional offer,然后去学校读语 言班。
应届生 80 分,已经毕业的学生根据工作经验酌情减分
四、 卡迪夫大学(QS154)
专业:Physiotherapy Msc 物理疗法
网址: cardiff.ac.uk/study/pos y-msc
This Msc course is for qualified physiotherapists and aims to develop valuable skills that will help you advance in the profession. The flexibility of module choice could also facilitate promotion within clinical practice, or a move into academia or research. 这硕士课程是为合格的物理治疗师,旨在培养有价值的技能有助于提升你的职 业。模块选择的灵活性也可以促进在临床实践中推广,或者进入学术界的研究。
专业排名 UK 前 10
学费:£20950=18.2 万元全部,申请费,生活费 9 万 1 年<br> 学位:科学硕士<br>
学制:1.5 年<br>
开学时间:9 月份开学<br> 申请时间:越早越好,没有固定的截止日期,招满就截止 <br> 语言要求:雅思 6.5(小分不低于 5.5),雅思 6(学校提供 conditional offer ,可 以在学校读语言)<br>
申请材料: 简历。动机信,毕业证和学位证,个人陈述(你为什么选择这个程 序?
与计划或模块内容相关的任何相关经验。您打算如何在职业生涯中使用这个 文凭),英语成绩,护照复印件 ,推荐信 <br>
物理治疗学位(英国文凭或同等物理治疗)。只有合格的物理治疗师才有资 格申请。

临床经验不是课程的要求。但是,具有 0 - 2 年临床经验的申请人将选择有限 的模块。
我们的毕业生继续担任以下职务: 临床专家
顾问物理治疗师 物理治疗管理职位 物理治疗和临床教育职位。 讲师


MSc Physiotherapy 理疗学 www2.uea.ac.uk/study/po physiotherapy
课程是 2 年制的,包含三段实习。
每年 2 月开学,现在就要申请,6 月-7 月参加面试(来不及了) 雅思要求是 7 分,单项不低于 6.5
学费:£16,100 获得理疗硕士学位,你可以有 个非常积极的影响人们的生活,帮助他们克 服身体上的挫折。能够拼凑的物理情感建立 个完整的画面, 那些喜欢超 越理论和实际上使事情发生。
我们的创新的方法是基于最新的研究。通过我们严格的项目你会发展良 好的临床科学知识支撑人类的运动和功能。你会访问我们的,专业学习设 施,包括我们的解剖室和辅助技术套件。和你会有早期病人接触和受益于 小组教会话。东安格利亚大学在英国排名第三的理疗(2019 年完整的大学 指南),我们以优秀的教学和研究领域。
优势:Our MSc Physiotherapy course is fully approved by the Health and
Care Professions Council (HCPC) and accredited by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. Enroll with us and you’ll be based at our School of Health Sciences,where you’ll receive an academic and a practice-based education that’s second to none.
Complete this course successfully and you’ll be eligible to register with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). You’ll then be able to practice as a qualified physiotherapist in a vast range of settings.
Master’s in Clinical Education 临床教育研究 年制 雅思 7 小分不低于 7
www2.uea.ac.uk/study/po clinical-education?_ga=2.100438238.1772697282.1558674114- 231342491.1533370907
学费: £16,100
我们的课程学习提供了理想的机会从经验丰富的临床教育工作者在 个 团队环境中。我们的教学结合研讨会和远程学习。和我们的课程活动旨 在促进批判性思维、协作、享有单位反射和学习和专业发展。

大师的学生。丰富学生的知识,技能和经验是令人难以置信的资源,具有挑 战性的你考虑不同的方式不同的人学习,帮助你成长为 个未来的适应性 和创造性的老师。
在整个课程中您将探索在临床理论和实践教育的进步,你会你所学到的应 用到以工作实践为基础的项目。你将会增加你的知识和技能,拓宽你的视 角。还将开发新的见解和激发你去带来变革,促进临床卓越教育。
除了英国和欧盟学生,我们的计划被设计来满足的需要,国际学生希望在 个全职研究临床教育能力。

  • Enhancing teaching learning & assessment in clinical education (20 credits)
  • Leading teaching learning & assessment in clinical education (40 credits)
  • Leading contemporary clinical education (20 credits)
  • Introduction to research methods (20 credits)
  • And one further research module (20 credits), which you
    will select from the following options:
  • Further quantitative research methods
  • Further qualitative research methods
  • Systematic reviews and research synthesis
    五、 考文垂大学
    Advancing Physiotherapy Practice MSc 高级物理疗法(专业比较好) coventry.ac.uk/course-s physiotherapy-practice-msc/?visitor=international
    学费:£14000=12.2 万元全部,申请费,生活费 9 万 1 年<br> 学位:科学硕士<br>
    学制:1 年<br>
    开学时间:9 月份开学<br> 申请时间:越早越好,没有固定的截止日期,招满就截止 <br> 语言要求:雅思 6.5(小分不低于 5.5),雅思 6(学校提供 conditional offer ,可 以在学校读语言)<br>
    申请材料: 简历。动机信,毕业证和学位证,个人陈述,英语成绩,护照复印 件 ,推荐信 <br>

本科相关专业背景,均分 75-80 分就能申请
六、邓迪大学 英国 27 位 QS 世界排名 272
MSc Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Technology
dundee.ac.uk/study/pg/o fees-and-funding
This course aims to provide you with an understanding of the principles involved in the development and the use of orthopaedic and rehabilitation technology. Technology has always been central to the treatment of patients in orthopaedics and rehabilitation, and the use of technology has never been greater than it is at present. Today you can choose from a large and ever increasing variety of devices. This programme has been designed and written by experts from centres in Dundee and includes up-to-date material reflecting current knowledge and understanding. The MSc course comprises the same four module groups and a project. The academic department is closely linked with the Orthopaedic Directorate of the NHS Tayside, which provides orthopaedic, wheelchair and seating, orthotic and prosthetic specialist services to the City of Dundee and its surrounding areas. The majority of our students are already in full-time employment in a related professional healthcare position. Studying this course by distance learning allows them to gain recognised professional qualifications without having to take a career break. 本课程旨在为您提供 个理解的原则参与开发和骨科及康复技术的使用。技术 直是中央在骨科病人的治疗和康复,和技术的使用目前从来没有超过它。今天 你可以选择从 个庞大且不断增加的各种设备。这个项目已经被来自中心的专 家设计和编写邓迪,包括最新的材料反映了当前的知识和理解。硕士课程由相同 的四个模块组和 个项目。学术部门密切相关骨科理事会 NHS 泰赛德区,它提 供了骨科,轮椅座位,矫正的邓迪和假肢专家服务的城市及其周边地区。我们大 部分的学生已经在全职工作在 个相关的专业医疗保健的位置。
学费:£11000=9.7 万元全部,申请费,生活费 9 万 1 年<br> 学位:医学院硕士<br>
学制:1 年<br>
开学时间:9 月份开学<br> 申请时间:越早越好,没有固定的截止日期,招满就截止 <br> 语言要求:雅思 6.5(小分听力和阅读不低于 5.5,其他的 2 项 6.0 以上),雅 思 6(学校提供 conditional offer ,可以在学校读语言)<br>
申请材料: 简历。动机信,毕业证和学位证,个人陈述,英语成绩,护照复印 件 ,推荐信 <br>

录取标准: 学生通常需要获得科学,工程或医学相关专业资格的学位,例如理疗, 职 业治疗,矫形器,假肢,护理或药物,75 分就行
七、Essex 埃塞克斯大学(QS 排名 370 名) MSc Physiotherapy 物理疗法硕士 2 年

1. 普利茅斯大学 (英国 TIMES 大学排名 72)
位于英国西南最大城市的普利茅斯大学可让国际学生尽享英伦生活的所 有精髓。大学校区建在这座生气勃勃海岸城市的中心,距当地海滩和达特穆尔 国家公园仅有小段车程。普利茅斯大学进行的研究的三分之二被卓越研究框架 评为世界领先或具有国际卓越性
普利茅斯大学提供的最佳接触时间名列英伦所有大学第四,也就是说平 均课程 34%的时间用于讲座或研讨会。每年有 4,500 多名学生在实习和以工作 基础的学习及研究式教学中受益匪浅。大学也在大 年级提供“普利茅斯加”模 式,这让学生可跨学科学习、扩大基础技能、与其他学科的学生合作。
该学院下设三所院系。健康专业、护理和助产及心理学专业综合了世界领先的 研究和跨大量科学和实践学科的实用专业知识。毕业生分布在各大专业领域, 且普利茅斯大学是为英国健康与社会关怀行业贡献最多毕业生的大学之 ,提 供了 350 多个不同的就业路径。
专业 :MSc Advanced Professional Practice in Neurological Rehabilitation 神经康复-高级实践硕士 网址:plymouth.ac.uk/courses/ professional-practice-in-neurological-rehabilitation

  • Progress your health professions career and become a leader in this specialist area with a programme formed on evidence-based clinical practice, incorporating practical skill development*.
  • Increase your skills in reflection, analysis and critical debate, as well as developing your knowledge base of this cutting-edge subject. The assignments for all modules are designed to help you link theory to practice.
  • Learn from research active teaching staff, with national and international reputations in this specialist area. You’ll be encouraged to join the
    faculty’s Rehabilitation research group, nested under the Institute of Health and Community, and will work with our experienced staff on your own research project.
  • Further your research skills through use of the University’s highly advanced equipment at the Human Movement and Function Laboratory.
  • Take the opportunity to choose specialist skills modules such as Injection Therapy for your continuing professional development (CPD).
  • Make the most of our blended learning approach, which combines short study blocks and distance learning technologies with face-to-face teaching, enhancing the learning process by allowing time for reflection.
  • Take advantage of flexible study – you can complete the programme over one year full time or two to five years part time. Your study will comprise of a mixture of lectures, practicals, seminars and tutorials. The full-time route is suitable for international students, who will be supported to choose optional modules with non- clinical assignments.
  • Choose from three award pathways with full and part-time options: Postgraduate Certificate (PgCert), 60 credits; Postgraduate Diploma (PgDip), 120 credits; and Masters (MSc), 180 credits.
  • This programme is accredited by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.
    学费: £14,000 雅思:6.5 单项不低于 5.5 均分 75
    专业二:MSc Advanced Professional Practice (Health and Social Care Professions) 健康和社会保健-高级实践硕士 网址:plymouth.ac.uk/courses/ professional-practice-health-and-social-care-professions
  • Train to become an evidence-based practitioner, equipped to manage and lead in busy and constantly changing settings. Take the opportunity to study in a setting with exciting core and optional modules.*
  • Study alongside an interprofessional range of health and social care professionals from a variety of backgrounds, for example allied health professionals, nursing, medical and social care.
  • Choose from optional modules in a range of specialist areas such as management of long-term conditions (service delivery), practice education and evaluating outcomes.

Specialist modules such as injection therapy can be taken as individual CPD options.
Further options are also available from our named pathways.

  • Complete the programme in a year, with a one year full-time study option.
    Alternatively, balance work and caring commitments by studying part time over two years and up to a maximum of five years. The full-time route is suitable for international students, who will be supported to choose optional modules with non- clinical assignments.
  • Make the most of our approach to blended learning, which combines short study blocks and distance learning technologies with face-to-face teaching, enhancing the learning process by allowing time for reflection. Study comprises a mixture of lectures, practicals, seminars and tutorials.
  • A range of assessments are used across our modules, designed to link your knowledge and skills to your area of practice. This will also enable you to develop advanced practitioner skills, including evidence-based case studies, portfolios and service delivery proposals as well as written and oral work.
  • Learn from research active teaching staff, with national and international reputations in their specialist area. You’ll be encouraged to join the faculty’s research groups, nested under the Institute of Health and Community, and will work with our experienced staff on your own research project.
  • Choose from three award pathways with full and part-time options: postgraduate certificate (PgCert), 60 credits; postgraduate diploma (PgDip), 120 credits; and masters (MSc), 180 credits.
  • 学费: £14,000
  • 雅思:6.5 单项不低于 5.5
  • 均分75
    专业三:MSc Advanced Professional Practice in Physiotherapy 理疗-高级实践硕士 网址:plymouth.ac.uk/courses/ professional-practice-in-physiotherapy
  • Become an evidence-based practitioner equipped to manage and lead in dynamic settings.
  • Feel encouraged and supported by experienced and enthusiastic staff, who are recognised for their national and international research reputations.
  • Make use of blended learning techniques, combining short study blocks and distance learning technologies.
  • Explore a large range of continuing professional development (CPD) modules aligned to a number of specialities including neurology, musculoskeletal and respiratory.
  • Tailor your learning to your interests or workplace through module assignments and
    our physiotherapy focused supported independent study module.
  • Complete the programme in one year with the full-time study option or balance
    work and caring commitments by studying part time over a maximum of five years. The full-time route is suitable for international students, who will be supported to choose optional modules with non-clinical assignments.
  • 学费: £14,000
  • 雅思:6.5 单项不低于 5.5 • 均分75
    2、班戈大学 专业一:Exercise Rehabilitation MSc 运动康复学硕士
    The course programme will suit graduates in Sport Sciences or Physical Therapy who are interested in exercise rehabilitation in particular. It has been designed to be flexible and relevant to the student’s individual needs and interests, with a strong emphasis on the application of theory to professional practice. 课程项目将适合毕业生体育科学或物理治疗感兴趣运动康复。它被设计是灵活 和相关学生的个人需求和兴趣,重点强调理论专业实践的应用。
    75-80 分
    雅思 6.0 单项 5.5 学费:£15,500
  • 3、赫尔大学 专业一:Cancer Rehabilitation MSc 癌症康复治疗
    这个项目提供了当前研究生培训和教育医疗保健专业人士和那些有抱负的工作 在不断发展。在船体学习本课程,您将享受许多社区和健康紧密联系雇主。这些 提供优秀的工作实习的机会运用你的技能在实际设置。大学与城市医疗合作伙 伴关系,负责康复项目在船体和东骑。你将有机会参加 个重大的研究调查,发 表在同行评议的杂志,为学科发展方向有所帮助的癌症康复在英国。两人在英国 会罹患癌症在他们的生活。随着癌症治疗继续改善,更多的病人生存和承办康复 疗法
    75 分
    £16,600.00 (¥ 145,844) /年 雅思 6.5,单项 6.0
    专业二:Cardiovascular Rehabilitation MSc 网址:hull.ac.uk/study/pgt/ca
    心血管康复学 本课程结合了英国心血管预防和康复医疗协会的专业人士和有抱负的人工作在 不断发展的心血管康复。你支持的教学员工活跃在研究我们对心血管健康的理

解的关键。该计划是专为人们已经在地里干活,以及没有专业背景的学生。获得 的理论和实践基础心血管康复和这些知识应用于现实生活中的设置。我们有很 强的联系与英国国民健康保险制度和医疗合作。心脏病人来到大学每周两次,参 与我们的研究,目前包括研究高强度训练对心脏健康的好处。我们现招聘认证允 许学生注册 BACPR 运动教练培训资格,这将允许他们工作直接与心脏病人进行结 构化的运动在英国培训项目。该项目可在研究生证书,研究生文凭和硕士水平。 它被设计为允许灵活的研究,使专业人员能够继续工作。
£16,600.00 (¥ 145,844) /年 雅思 6.5,单项 6.0
75 分