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List of Animal Similes

Read on to discover 53 animal similes!

Read on to discover 53 animal similes!

What Is a Simile?

Although many of us learn about similes way back in grade school, most of us forget their definitions along with a huge swath of other information we picked up during early education. So, let's refresh our memories before we dive into our big list of animal similies.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines "simile" as "a figure of speech comparing two unlike things that is often introduced by like or as." It is important to draw attention to the idea that similes compare unlike things, which makes them different from simple, everyday comparisons such as "he looks like you" or "you look nice." For example, you could use the following simile to describe a man with a large beer belly: "his stomach looks like a 100-pound ostrich egg."

The simile is one part of figurative language and is thus often employed in literary writing. For instance, William Shakespeare used a seemingly endless list of similes in his plays and poems. Here are a few of them:

  • "Behold mine arm / Is like a blasted sapling, withered up." – Richard III
  • "Bewitching like the wanton mermaid’s song." – Sonnet 119
  • "Bitter to me as death." – Cymbeline
  • "Be thou as chaste as ice, as pure as snow, thou shalt not escape calumny." – Hamlet
  • "Look like th' innocent flower, / But be the serpent under ’t." – Macbeth

Now that we have a better general idea of what a simile is, let's take a dive into our animal similes!

Animal Similies

Using animal similes can add great color to the English language. Speakers and writers use them to highlight details or feature an idea; it is a brilliant way to add character to any description you might be trying to vivify.

When using animal similes, remember that some animal similes can come off as an insult, while some have an uplifting character. It is a very powerful descriptive tool that writers, poets, orators, and even you can use in your writing.

In the following list, we will explore 53 animal similies that are sure to get your creative juices flowing!

As busy as a bee

As busy as a bee

As free as a bird

As free as a bird

Animal Similes #1–15

  • As angry as a hornet
  • As bald as a coot
  • As blind as a bat
  • As brave as a lion
  • As busy as a bee
  • As crazy as a loon
  • As dead as the dodo
  • As drunk as a skunk
  • As eager as a beaver
  • As free as a bird
  • As fierce as a tiger
  • As graceful as a gazelle
  • As gentle as a lamb
  • As happy as a lark
  • As hairy as a gorilla
As brave as a lion

As brave as a lion

As proud as a peacock

As proud as a peacock

Animal Similes #16–30

  • As gentle as a lamb
  • As lame as a duck
  • As meek as a lamb
  • As meek as a dove
  • As naked as a jaybird
  • As mischievous as a monkey
  • As playful as a kitten
  • As poor as a church mouse
  • As proud as a peacock
  • As sly as a fox
  • As strong as a bull
  • As tall as a giraffe
  • As timid as a rabbit
  • As weak as a kitten
  • As wise as an owl
As tall as a giraffe

As tall as a giraffe

As quiet as a mouse

As quiet as a mouse

Animal Similes #31–38

  • As hungry as a horse
  • As quiet as a mouse
  • As sick as a dog
  • As slippery as an eel
  • As slow as a snail
  • As strong as an ox
  • As stubborn as a mule
  • As sleepy as a koala
As sleepy as a koala

As sleepy as a koala

Animal Similes #39–53

  • As tenacious as a bulldog
  • As wet as a dog's nose
  • As tender as a chicken
  • As cute as a kitten
  • As tiny as an ant
  • As snug as a bug in a rug
  • As loose as a goose
  • As mad as a March hare
  • As naked as a Jay bird
  • As slow as a tortoise
  • As noisy as crickets
  • As sweaty as a pig
  • As big as a whale
  • As happy as a clam
  • As clumsy as a bear

Animal Similes FAQ

Here are some of the most commonly sought animal similes and some variations that can fit each.

As angry as which animal?

"As angry as a hornet" is one of the most common similes that fits this mold, though other options might include "as angry as a wasp" and as angry as a bull."

As meek as which animal?

"As meek as a lamb" and "as meek as a dove" are some of the most common similes pertaining to meekness, though another option that works is "as meek as a manatee."

As kind as which animal?

"As kind as a horse" is somewhat common simile, though another, much more unique (and less utilized) is "as kind as a capybara."

As mean as which animal?

"As mean as a snake" is probably the most widely used animal simile pertaining to meanness, though "as mean as a black mamba" and "as mean as a wild boar" would both get your point across as well.

As silly as which animal?

Though "as silly as a goose" is a very common animal simile, you could alternatively use "as silly as a monkey" and "as a silly as a sheep" to great effect.

As mean as a black mamba

As mean as a black mamba

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2009 MM Del Rosario

Please feel free to add more animal similes on the comment box. Thanks....

Pony on March 05, 2020:

The animals were cute

Olamide sooraafgem on February 26, 2020:

As foolish as a calf