Pacific Ocean

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Pacific Ocean

The largest of the world's oceans, divided into the North Pacific Ocean and the South Pacific Ocean. It extends from the western Americas to eastern Asia and Australia.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Pacific Ocean

(Placename) the world's largest and deepest ocean, lying between Asia and Australia and North and South America: almost landlocked in the north, linked with the Arctic Ocean only by the Bering Strait, and extending to Antarctica in the south; has exceptionally deep trenches, and a large number of volcanic and coral islands. Area: about 165 760 000 sq km (64 000 000 sq miles). Average depth: 4215 m (14 050 ft). Greatest depth: Challenger Deep (in the Marianas Trench), 11 033 m (37 073 ft). Greatest width: (between Panama and Mindanao, Philippines) 17 066 km (10 600 miles)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

Pacif′ic O′cean

an ocean bordered by the American continents, Asia, and Australia: largest ocean in the world; divided by the equator into the North Pacific and the South Pacific. 70,000,000 sq. mi. (181,300,000 sq. km); greatest known depth, 35,433 ft. (10,800 m).
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Pacific Ocean - the largest ocean in the worldPacific Ocean - the largest ocean in the world  
invasion of Iwo, Iwo, Iwo Jima - a bloody and prolonged operation on the island of Iwo Jima in which American marines landed and defeated Japanese defenders (February and March 1945)
battle of the Philippine Sea, Philippine Sea - a naval battle in World War II (1944); a decisive naval victory for the United States fleet over the Japanese who were trying to block supplies from reaching American troops on Leyte
Guadalupe Island - a Mexican island in the Pacific to the west of Baja California
Aleutian Islands, Aleutians - an archipelago in the North Pacific extending southwest from Alaska
Oceania, Oceanica - a large group of islands in the south Pacific including Melanesia and Micronesia and Polynesia (and sometimes Australasia and the Malay Archipelago)
Australasia - Australia, New Zealand, and neighboring islands in the South Pacific
Austronesia - islands of central and South Pacific (Indonesia and Melanesia and Micronesia and Polynesia)
Wake Island, Wake - an island in the western Pacific between Guam and Hawaii
East India, East Indies, Malay Archipelago - a group of islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans between Asia and Australia
New Guinea - a Pacific island to the north of Australia; the 2nd largest island in the world; the western part is governed by Indonesia and the eastern part is Papua New Guinea
Japan, Japanese Archipelago, Japanese Islands - a string of more than 3,000 islands to the east of Asia extending 1,300 miles between the Sea of Japan and the western Pacific Ocean
Volcano Islands - a group of Japanese Islands in the northwestern Pacific Ocean to the north of the Marianas
New Zealand Islands, New Zealand - North Island and South Island and adjacent small islands in the South Pacific
Belau, Palau Islands, Pelew, Palau - a chain of more than 200 islands about 400 miles long in the western central Pacific Ocean
Philippine Islands, Philippines - an archipelago in the southwestern Pacific including some 7000 islands
Catalina Island, Santa Catalina - an island resort in the Pacific off the southwestern coast of California
Antarctic Ocean - the southern waters surrounding Antarctica
Arafura Sea - a part of the western Pacific Ocean to the north of Australia and to the south of New Guinea and the eastern islands of Indonesia
Bering Sea - part of the North Pacific between Alaska and Siberia; connected to the Arctic Ocean by the Bering Strait
Coral Sea - an arm of the South Pacific to the northeast of Australia
East China Sea - part of the Pacific Ocean near eastern Asia
Gulf of Alaska - a gulf of the Pacific Ocean between the Alaska Peninsula and the Alexander Archipelago
Gulf of Tehuantepec - an arm of the Pacific in southern Mexico
Inland Sea - an arm of the Pacific Ocean in southern Japan; surrounded by the islands of Honshu and Shikoku and Kyushu and linked to the Sea of Japan by a narrow channel; the chief port is Hiroshima
North Pacific - that part of the Pacific Ocean to the north of the equator
Osaka Bay - a bay of the western Pacific in southern Honshu
Pacific Coast - a coast of the Pacific Ocean
Puget Sound - an inlet of the North Pacific in northwestern Washington State
San Diego Bay - a bay of the Pacific in southern California
San Francisco Bay - a bay of the Pacific in western California
East Sea, Sea of Japan - an arm of the Pacific between China and Japan
Sea of Okhotsk - an arm of the Pacific to the east of Asia
South China Sea - a tropical arm of the Pacific Ocean near southeastern Asia subject to frequent typhoons
South Pacific - that part of the Pacific Ocean to the south of the equator
Tasman Sea - an arm of the southern Pacific Ocean between southeastern Australia and New Zealand
Huang Hai, Yellow Sea - part of the Pacific off the east coast of Asia
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
Stille Oseaan
Тихи океан
Oceà Pacífic
Tichý oceán
Pacifika Oceano
Vaikne ookean
اقیانوس آرام
TyynimeriTyyni valtameri
האוקיינוס השקט
प्रशान्त महासागर
PacifikTihi ocean
Oceano Pacific
Oceanus Pacificus
Ramusis vandenynas
Klusais okeāns
Oceanul Pacific
Tichý oceán
Tihi ocean
Stilla havet
Büyük OkyanusPasifik
Тихий океан
بحر الکاہل
Thái Bình Dương

Pacific Ocean

الْـمُحِيطُ الْهَادِئُ Tichý oceán Stillehavet Pazifik Ειρηνικός océano Pacífico, Pacífico Tyynimeri Pacifique Pacifik Pacifico 太平洋 태평양 Stille Oceaan Stillehavet Pacyfik Oceano Pacífico Тихий океан Stilla havet มหาสมุทรแปซิฟิก Pasifik Thái Bình Dương 太平洋
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in periodicals archive ?
market to manufactured exports from East Asia has been one of the most important factors in the speed of East Asia's economic growth and has contributed greatly to the development of an economically meaningful Pacific basin. While East Asia has become more self-reliant and regionally integrated, it remains even more heavily dependent on North American markets.
Those who read Yankees in Paradise: The Pacific Basin Frontier, Arrell Gibson's posthumous volume completed by John S.
If Hawaiians are not alone in the Pacific Basin, our struggle for self-determination is certainly unknown across most of the North American continent, particularly to the hordes of tourists who inundate our beautiful but fragile islands.
When a group of CEO's joined President Bush's tour of the Pacific Basin earlier this year, no one anticipated the brouhaha that would result about CEO salaries and the stock options they receive.
"We are nearer the Pacific Basin, we like the environment, and the California economy has been more vibrant than the nation's over the years.
Cultural brokerage, intercultural sensitivity programs, and programs like the Pacific Basin Rehabilitation Technician program are introduced as examples of strategies for dealing with multicultural situations.
The Pacific Basin Developing Countries, written by Marcus Noland, currently a professor at the University of Southern California and a Research Associated of the Institute for International Economics.
The meeting was organized and sponsored by the Pacific Basin Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (PBRRTC) with the assistance of the State of Hawaii, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and the Molokai Vocational Rehabilitation Field Office.
* Berkeley Planning Associates, Oakland, CA (AZ, CA, HI, NV, Pacific Basin); Erica Jones, (415) 465-7884
Bertil Edlund of Sweden, president of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), has a ready answer when asked why American CPAs should attend the World Congress of Accountants to be held in Washington, D.C., on October 14-18, 1992: "Because it's being held at the right time and in the right place and it has the right program." In a recent Journal interview, Edlund said, "Since the 1987 World Congress in Tokyo, the Berlin Wall has fallen, Eastern Europe and Russia itself are moving toward market economies, the European Community has become a reality and Pacific Basin countries have enjoyed unprecedented growth.
For many years, immigrants from around the Pacific Basin have enriched and vitalized our lives.
For the first time in history, the focal point and economic center of the world telecommunications industry is shifting pfrom the Atlantic Basin to the countries that rim the Pacific Basin.

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