Song Finder (By Lyrics) - Quick, Easy, Fun

Song Finder (By Lyrics) – Quick, Easy, Fun

Know a few lyrics but don’t know or can’t remember the song? Then this song finder tool will help you out.

Simply add any words you know in the search bar below, and hit “search”. When you see a likely candidate, click on the result and the lyrics for that song will load.

Search results will show up here.

Remember, if you can’t identify the song, try a few variations of the words and keep searching (it’s free!).

How Does Our Song Identifier Work?

Well, this song search app is hooked up to a huge music database and matches your words to what’s in there at lightning speed. Pretty neat, eh!

By the way, this song identifier gizmo only works for lyrics at the moment (not audio).

Hope you find what you were looking for 🙂

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About Ged Richardson

Ged Richardson is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of He has been featured in Entrepreneur, PremierGuitar, Hallmark, Wanderlust, CreativeLive, and other major publications. As an avid music fan, he spends his time researching and writing about new and old music, as well as testing and reviewing music-related products. He's played guitar in various bands, from rock to gypsy jazz. Be sure to check out his YouTube channel, where he geeks out about his favorite bands.

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22 thoughts on “Song Finder (By Lyrics) – Quick, Easy, Fun”

  1. i’ve been trying to find this one song FOR SO LONG! i’ve tried apple music and spotify and shazam, none of them found it. came across this website on google, BOOM, found it right away. THANK YOU!

  2. Found a niche song from a phrase that was bringing up results from much bigger songs on other sites, thanks!

  3. Heard a song by a female singer while watching tv show Wildfire. Season 2, episode 9 , at minute marker 41.11. This melody is in my head but cannot find name or singer. I have all the lyrics, just nobody’s identifying this song.

  4. OMG, I love this app. You did on the first try what Google couldnt even do…you found the song!!! A million thank you’s. I’m going to recommend this app to everybody..
    “Loving On Higher Ground”
    Future Soul

  5. Does anyone know the hip hop song from 90210 back in the 90’s. Some of the lyrics are, “I’ve been waiting so long for the good life… am I dreaming… there’s a time, there’s a place, there’s a reason” they play it in several episodes but Shazam can’t find it

  6. Thank you sooo much! I’ve had this song I can’t find and it’s been driving me crazy! This website is awesome đź‘Ś

  7. Still, nope, can’t find a song. Watch the 2011 Women’s World Cup trophy presentation, what is the song playing over the stadium loudspeakers as the 2011 Japan’s women’s team hoists the trophy and celebrates their world cup victory? Shazam fails, people were asking in comments on YouTube clips, but nobody seems to have the answer. And no, it’s not that year’s FIFA anthem, or a song for the men’s team, or song from Jekyll & Hyde that happens to include the lyrics “This is the moment,” etc.

  8. I’ve been trying to remember the name of my favourite song since I was a kid for over 4 years, I tried countless websites and nothing worked, until I tried this one, bursted into tears I was that happy, thank you so much!

  9. I am very impressed and pleased with your search site. Had this song running through my head but didn’t know the title and as it turned out, didn’t have the lyrics right.
    Your search engine came up with my song and the correct lyrics where 6 or more other sites failed. You are doing a great service for everyone and most likely contributing to many people’s mental health and World Peace for all!
    Thank you!

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