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1    to visit (a person or place) in the form of a ghost  
2    tr   to intrude upon or recur to (the memory, thoughts, etc.)  
he was haunted by the fear of insanity     
3    to visit (a place) frequently  
4    to associate with (someone) frequently  
5    often pl   a place visited frequently  
an old haunt of hers     
6    a place to which animals habitually resort for food, drink, shelter, etc.  
     (C13: from Old French hanter, of Germanic origin; compare Old Norse heimta to bring home, Old English hamettan to give a home to; see home)  
  haunter      n  
English Collins Dictionary - English Definition & Thesaurus  
See also:

haunted, haunter, Hunt, haunting

Collaborative Dictionary     English Definition
expression to qualify two or more people who are very close, get along well and share secrets to each other; combined with the fact that, in the old days, 'thick' used to also mean 'close together', who else better understands a thief but another thief, right?
Those two boys are thick as thieves. They’ve been close since they were babies!
an old implement that was used for washing clothes
a baby that is less than 2 weeks old
from Old French seurté "a promise, pledge, guarantee; assurance, confidence" (12c., Modern French sûreté)," from securus (see secure (adj.)).
care provided for old or sick people or children in a residential facility ("home")
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