HAUNT Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com


[ hawnt, hahnt; for 10 also hant ]
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verb (used with object)
  1. to visit habitually or appear to frequently as a spirit or ghost: to haunt a house; to haunt a person.

  2. to recur persistently to the consciousness of; remain with: Memories of love haunted him.

  1. to visit frequently; go to often: He haunted the galleries and bars that the artists went to.

  2. to frequent the company of; be often with: He haunted famous men, hoping to gain celebrity for himself.

  3. to disturb or distress; cause to have anxiety; trouble; worry: His youthful escapades came back to haunt him.

verb (used without object)
  1. to reappear continually as a spirit or ghost.

  2. to visit habitually or regularly.

  1. to remain persistently; loiter; stay; linger.

  1. Often haunts. a place frequently visited: to return to one's old haunts.

  2. Chiefly Midland and Southern U.S. and North England. a ghost.

Origin of haunt

1200–50; Middle English haunten<Old French hanter to frequent, probably <Old Norse heimta to lead home, derivative of heim homewards; see home

Other words for haunt

Other words from haunt

  • haunter, noun

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use haunt in a sentence

  • That girl—that girl with her pale face and her pale hair, and eyes the grey of a storm cloud before it breaks, she haunts him!

    Uncanny Tales | Various
  • I wont shed blood; its always found out, and haunts a man besides.

  • Porter had escaped, and was soon back in his old haunts, gathering together as many of his followers as possible.

  • Soon the winter will come, with all the boys back from their country haunts, and Céleste and Mimi from Ostende.

    The Real Latin Quarter | F. Berkeley Smith
  • The place to which Edwards and Livingstone had gone was a large native town near to the haunts of lions.

    Robert Moffat | David J. Deane

British Dictionary definitions for haunt


/ (hɔːnt) /

  1. to visit (a person or place) in the form of a ghost

  2. (tr) to intrude upon or recur to (the memory, thoughts, etc): he was haunted by the fear of insanity

  1. to visit (a place) frequently

  2. to associate with (someone) frequently

  1. (often plural) a place visited frequently: an old haunt of hers

  2. a place to which animals habitually resort for food, drink, shelter, etc

Origin of haunt

C13: from Old French hanter, of Germanic origin; compare Old Norse heimta to bring home, Old English hāmettan to give a home to; see home

Derived forms of haunt

  • haunter, noun

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