October 22 Zodiac - Full Horoscope Personality

October 22 Zodiac is Libra - Full Horoscope Personality

October 22, Libra

Being a Libra born on October 22nd, you have a warm demeanour and enjoy having everything around you organized. You take your sweet time to help others but will also reserve some for yourself.

There will be moments in life when you will be branded as selfish but also applauded for setting your priorities straight. Prepare to read a special personality report below.

The zodiac sign for October 22 is Libra.

Astrological symbol: Scales. The sign of the Scales influences people born between September 23 and October 22, when in tropical astrology the Sun is considered to be in Libra. It refers to balance, knowledge but also permanent duality.

The Libra Constellation is one of the twelve constellations of the zodiac, with no first magnitude stars. It is quite small covering an area of only 538 square degrees. It lies between Virgo to the West and Scorpio to the East, covering visible latitudes between +65° and -90°.

The Latin name for the Scales, the October 22 zodiac sign is Libra. The Spanish name it Libra while the Greeks call it Zichos.

Opposite sign: Aries. This is the sign directly across the zodiac circle from the Libra zodiac sign. It suggests sincerity and temper and these two are considered to make great partnerships.

Modality: Cardinal. This means how much enthusiasm and creativity exists in the lives of those born on October 22 and how hard working they are in general.

Ruling house: The seventh house. This house rules over partnerships, independent of nature. This explains the importance that each Libra takes in being in the company of only people whom can offer enough support for their true accomplishment.

Ruling body: Venus. This celestial planet symbolizes understanding and effectiveness. Venus is considered the yin side while Mars is the yang side. Venus is also suggestive for the ambition component of these personalities.

Element: Air. This element suggests the reality of what is around the individual born under the October 22 zodiac sign and influences him or her to be more aware and involved. Mixed with the element earth, air seems to suffocate or incorporate in it.

Lucky day: Wednesday. As many consider Wednesdays as the most beneficial day of the week, it identifies with the sincere nature of Libra and the fact this day is ruled by Mercury only strengthens this connection.

Lucky numbers: 6, 8, 11, 14, 20.

Motto: "I balance!"

More info on October 22 Zodiac below ▼
October 22 zodiac, Libra

People born on October 22 loved to be cared for and they reciprocate all the affection they get. They are selfless and balanced, often perceived as graceful and outspoken although at times they are also quite detached and isolated, preferring peaceful places. They have a attentive and tranquil nature and they try to avoid any kind of distraction in their lives as much as they avoid having to deal with commonness and lack of seriousness.

Positive traits: These natives are charming and seem to be optimistic all the time. This is because they know when to work hard and when to relax. Libra people are usually pleasant and innovative. Not only they find the right solution in no time, but it is also the solution that takes in consideration everyone involved. Those born under this sign also have a domestic and incredibly modest nature.

Negative traits: Learning to chill and stop over thinking is one thing Libra needs to do. The have to understand that worrying only makes things worse and a sober mind is sure to get the right explanations. Those born on this day are born nit-pickers and this can destroy their self esteem, unless they fall on the other side and become boastful and sarcastic. They are sometimes superficial and egotistic despite their fame of being the most helpful and accepting people. They also have their moments of being fastidious and supervising.

Love and Compatibility for October 22 Zodiac

Lovers born on October 22 are romantic and loyal. They are attracted to enthusiastic and imaginative people that are as reliable as they are. You can conquer the heart of Libra if you are as trustworthy and affectionate as they are. This single native is completely focusing energy on their personal development and is in no way in a hurry to enter a relationship if they don't feel it's the right thing to do.

Elegant and sincere lovers, they are very attractive to the opposite sex. Naturally charming, they are used to intensely live every aspect of their life and their relationships are no exception. They are a person of extremes in love and sometimes this attitude will have they prone to disappointment. They are likely to fall in love at a young age and have many interactions with different kinds of people. Once they settle for their loved one, they are patient and dependable and seek for peace and fulfillment. They are most compatible with those born on 1st, 8th, 10th, 17th, 19th, 26th and 28th.

October 22 Zodiac people seem to be most attracted to the other air signs: Gemini and Aquarius as they tend to share the same vision of life. In love, Libra is in a permanent search for someone who can understand their adventurous and visionary nature and the most suitable to offer them this is the native born under Aquarius. The lover in Libra is said to be least compatible with Aries. As for the rest of partnerships between the other star signs and Libra, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose.

Lucky color

The color considered to be representative for Libra natives with October 22 is blue.

Blue as a hue, is the symbol of balance, peacefulness and soothing. This zodiac color should be used for objects that are sitting in places where these natives spend most of their time.

People who have blue as sign color are creative, trustworthy, reliable and tend to live a harmonious and balanced life. This hue, whether it is in a pale or a dark shade suggests and sooths the harmonious and attentive nature of the native in Libra.

Other colors representative for Libra are pink and green.

Representative birthstone

The versatile Opal is the birthstone that is considered lucky for those Libras with October 22.

This is a precious stone that symbolizes clarity and honesty. The zodiac birthstone could be used in accessories and jewelry items.

This gemstone is said to relax and induce physical visions. It is thought to unleash the creative genius and might help Libra express their emotions and ideas in a clearer and convincing way. Its name derives from the Greek "opallos" that translates into "to change color".

Another gemstone considered influential for Libra natives is Jade. It suggests practical intelligence.

Characteristic flower

The lucky flower for those born under the October 22 is Rose.

Rose is a plant that symbolizes loyalty and trust. This zodiac flower could be used in gifts and accessories.

This generic symbol of love can embrace different meanings with different colors. This flower can be found during midspring to fall.

Other plants indicated for Libra are the flowers of all fruit trees.

Symbolic metal

Bronze is the metal that is considered lucky for those Libra natives with October 22.

Bronze is known to represent wisdom and never ending power. This zodiac metal could be used in accessories and decorative objects.

Bronze is not only related to monetary wealth but also to arts and warfare. It is thought to influence knowledge and advancement of a whole generation. It is said to influence progress and human civilization.

Another metal considered lucky for Libra natives is Copper.

October 22 Zodiac Poll

In regard to the personality of those born on October 22 are observant, pacifistic and extremely reasonable but they can also turn their back on you if you don't respect them. Regarding their love and family life, they find love to be the ultimate expression so they leave the real feelings aside for when the right person comes. They also make excellent diplomats and negotiators. Their health is generally good but since Libra is said to rule the kidneys and adrenal glands, they are inclined to suffer from ailments concerning these regions.

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What’s the luckiest feature of the October 22 Zodiac Sign?

Characteristics of October 22.

October 22 Zodiac belongs to the third decan of LIBRA (October 14-October 22). This decan is influenced by the planet Mercury. Those born under this influence combine the sympathetic and dependable nature of Libra with the humorous and communicative nature of Mercury. This period tempers the positive and negative characteristics of the Libra zodiac sign with a great accent on the negative ones.

Being born on the 22nd day of the month shows efficiency, confidence, logic and stubbornness. The numerology for October 22 is 4. This number reveals creation combined with logic and a bit of stubbornness. Those Libra associated with number four are surely imaginative but also hard working and critical.

October is the tenth month of the year, bringing radiant activity and provision like activities. Those born in October are attentive and decisive. October 22 Zodiac people are introspective daydreamers. October symbols that resonate with these people are the Aquamarine and Opal as gemstones and the Calendula as plant. The name of this month comes from the Latin “octo”.

What statistics say about October 22 Zodiac?

In the Gregorian Calendar, October 22 appears as the 295th day of the year or the 296th day in case of leap years and there are 70 days left until the end of the year. The fifty second day of autumn, this is also the International Stuttering Awareness Day.

Libra is the fifth most popular zodiac sign on the list of most common to least common astrology signs. It is of masculine symbolism, considered of odd number and with a positive meaning. This characterizes extrovert natives who are jovial and quite imprecise. The archetype used to characterize this sign is the Flirt. In Libra there are born the most high achievers in school.

Famous people born on October 22 under the Libra zodiac sign: Franz Liszt, Catherine Deneuve, Joan Fontaine, Deepak Chopra and Christopher Lloyd.

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Author: Denise