Time to brush up on your disaster/survival skills | Page 2 | Shooters' Forum
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Time to brush up on your disaster/survival skills

I live in a subdivision on the edge of a big city, largely inhabited by urbanites who don't know about the food squirrels and how to process water from the small lake. That plus beans and rice! Can't rely on the freezer even with the local nuclear plant. Gear galore after many years collecting stuff.

Are there any medics among us?

Good first aid kit content ideas would be great.
Perhaps be able to treat minor gunshots on down? I know there's really no such thing as a minor gun shot, but patch someone up until they can get real medical attention if necessary.

Maybe even treatment supplies in case the power grid does go down with very little medical supplies available EXCEPT what we have in our kits.

My personal kit/training has been modified after much discussion with my Doctor friend and an EMT trainer. Along with some true EMT emergency training for gunshots on down.

Basic suture skills and/or super glue techniques for wound closer.
" In case of civil unrest " I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE ! THERE IS A SCORE TO SETTLE !!
And your contingency plan if everything is on fire ?? Of all the scenarios.
fire is the worst. And if caused by a nuclear event, Everyone needs to
rethink plan A, B, and C.....So the question really is....What level of survival
to focus on ?? A rock throwing mayhem, or the apocalypse ??
fantasy is fun but not realistic.
ah Y2k is such a recent memory.

Though, to be fair, Y2K was an imagined event that essentially didn't translate into violence.

Whereas what many people are seeing, today, is actual violence. Rioting that burns down good portions of urban districts. Home invasions and carjackings.

All it'll take, with the wild animals (violent criminal types like this) in many places, is for the power to go out and for things like water+food to be affected. They don't give a damn now, behaving as they do. They'll go complete sideways, if pushed just a bit.
And your contingency plan if everything is on fire ?? Of all the scenarios.
fire is the worst. And if caused by a nuclear event, Everyone needs to
rethink plan A, B, and C.....So the question really is....What level of survival
to focus on ?? A rock throwing mayhem, or the apocalypse ??
I’d like a set up akin to Rambo’s yard in the movie “Last Blood”. Bunkers are kinda cool, if they’re big enough. A friend bought an older house with a bunker in the back yard, but it’s kinda small. 10-15 years ago, I was hot on the idea of buying a decommissioned missile silo but couldn’t get the wife onboard.
Saw a TV show about “End of Days” houses and bunkers. A bunch of Companies are making a mint off of people’s fear. Some underground condos were over $2 million!
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I’d like a set up akin to Rambo’s yard in the movie “Last Blood”. Bunkers are kinda cool,
Although for theater, that 12 gage load of magnesium chips lit that
azzhole up real good !!....LOL

In all reality, If something does go down, you'll probably be somewhere
not even close to where you need to be. In that case, Just make sure you
have your everyday carry on your person. All the preps in the world are
useless if your blind sided elsewhere.

fantasy is fun but not realistic.
ah Y2k is such a recent memory.

A financial melt down occured during the end of Bush2 presidency, and for reasons I don't remember trucks were not running and grocery stores in several large cities had only a couple of days of food remaining before finally getting resupplied. Many urbanites shop often, no space to store food. Otherwise in a matter of days, what would have happened in Harlem, Watts, south Chicago, and other high crime regions? I never thought about the short term capacity of grocery stores until this happened, but I haven't forgotten it. Hungry people can rapidly become violent, and today it will only need a spark to create a forest fire.
If the electrical grid goes down for any length of time, you had better grab hold of your britches cause most of society will just implode and die because they no longer have their cell phone and the other part of society will turn to violence and try to take everything they want. It will be ugly and if you are squeamish about pulling the trigger to defend what is yours, you will just be another victim.
Seven decades on this rock, I've been through at least a half dozen "the world's gonna end" scenarios. Nuclear war, race riots, race war, vietnam war protests, savings and loan collapse, oil shock/gas lines, 12% mortgages,
1987 Wall Street crash, Aztec calendar predictions, Year 2000 computer meltdown (I was in the air, in my airplane, talking to Philly approach and watching the fireworks at midnight 12/31/99), World Trade towers/9-11, real estate/bond market collapse, border chaos, ad nauseum, ad infinitum. The only good thing about all the insanity is it provides jobs. YMMV.

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