Night by Elie Wiesel Questions Flashcards | Quizlet

Night by Elie Wiesel Questions

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What was the name of Elie's hometown?
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Terms in this set (47)
What was the name of Elie's hometown?
Why did the Jews of Sighet underestimate the approaching danger?
They were in denial.
Who was considered "insane" on the cattle car, and yelled that she saw a fire?
Mrs. Schacter.
Why was Elie separated from his mom and sister?
They had arrived in Auschwitz. Women and children were sent to the gas chambers while men were sent to the work camp.
What was tattooed on Elie's arm?
A prisoner serial number. A-7713
Who were Elie and his father separated from when they arrived at the camp?
They were separated from his mother and sister.
Why did Elie have to go to the dentist?
To get the gold cap on his tooth out.
What would have happened if Elie and his father had stayed at the hospital?
They would have been liberated by the Russians.
What happened to Elie's foot, and what surgical procedure was performed on it?
He had a cyst on his foot and it was drained.
Who was Idek?
The kapo who pulled Elie's golden capped tooth out.
Who was almost mistaken for dead and thrown from the train?
Elie's father.
Why did the men clean the block before the liberating army arrived?
They were covering up their mess so it looked like the living conditions were good.
When the prisoners were liberated, what was their first act as freed men?
They went to get food.
At the end of the novel, what did Elie see when he looked in the mirror?
A corpse (Represented that he was spiritually dead).
Why was Elie punished by Idek?
Elie saw Idek and a Polish girl having relations.