Night by Elie Wiesel - Book Test Study Guide Flashcards | Quizlet

Night by Elie Wiesel - Book Test Study Guide

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A young Jewish boy from Sighet, Transylvania.
The protagonist and narrator of the book.
3rd oldest and only son of the 4 Wiesel children
Image: Eliezer
Schlomo (Eliezer's father)
Elie's companion throughout the camps.

Dies of dysentery at Buchenwald.
Moishe the Beadle
A childhood friend of Elie's who loses his faith after seeing Germans exterminate a truckload of Jewish people.

Ignored by the townspeople of Sighet, who think he is insane.
Image: Moishe the Beadle
Eliezer's oldest sister.

The oldest of the 4 Wiesel children.
Eliezer's older sister.

The second oldest of the 4 Wiesel children.
Eliezer's youngest sister.

Separated from Eliezer with their mother at Birkenau.

The youngest of the 4 Wiesel children.
Eliezer's mother
Separated from Eliezer with his sister Tzipora at Birkenau.
Madame Schacter
A woman on the cattle car who was beaten for continually screaming "Fire!"
Dr. Josef Mengele
An infamous Nazi officer who oversaw the selections at the camp.
Image: Dr. Josef Mengele
Akiba Drumer
A Jewish prisoner at the camps who gradually loses his faith in God.

Elie and his fellow prisoners forget to recite Kaddish for him.
A Polish musician that Elie meets at Buna who plays the violin.
Elie's Kapo (a prisoner assigned to police other prisoners) at the electrical warehouse in Buna.

He beats Elie several times when he gets angry.
Elie's foreman in Buna. Pleasant until he demands Elie's gold filling in his tooth.
Rabbi Eliahu
A prisoner whose son abandons him on the death march because he was lagging behind.
Image: Rabbi Eliahu
A fellow prisoner who gets sick on the death march. He gets trampled to death.

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