Seberg documentary invited to film festival | News, Sports, Jobs - Times Republican

Seberg documentary invited to film festival

“Jean Seberg: Actress Activist Icon” is an Official Selection by Invitation at the 2023 Cedar River Film Festival in Cedar Falls. The Emmy winning documentary was co-produced by filmmakers Tammy Rundle and husband Kelly Rundle of Fourth Wall Films, and Garry McGee of McMarr, LTD. The 86-minute feature-length documentary will screen at 1:30 p.m. on Aug. 27 at the Oster Regent Theatre, 103 Main Street, Cedar Falls. The filmmakers will introduce the film.

Marshalltown’s Jean Seberg made her acting debut at age 18 in Otto Preminger’s 1957 “Saint Joan” and starred in Hollywood films “Lilith”, “Paint Your Wagon” and the blockbuster “Airport,” among others. She is best known for her performance with co-star Jean-Paul Belmondo in director Jean-Luc Godard’s groundbreaking French New Wave film “Breathless.”

Seberg’s offscreen civil rights activism and her financial support for the Black Panther Party made her a target of the F.B.I.’s COINTELPRO and their plan to “neutralize” her initiated a downward spiral leading to her mysterious and untimely death in Paris.

“The documentary strips away the Hollywood gossip, the national media hype and the F.B.I. propaganda to find a young woman of conscience embroiled in the important issues of her day, while also carving out a unique and important international film career,” said producer/director Kelly Rundle.

“We are honored to have our documentary on Jean Seberg invited to screen in my hometown at the Cedar River Film Festival,” said producer Tammy Rundle. “Audiences will see that though she was an international movie star, Jean was a person, like all of us, who made good choices and bad choices.”

“There were things that happened to her that she didn’t deserve,” said producer/director Garry McGee. “Jean was just trying to do what was right. You see a consistent thread throughout her life of reaching out to people who had fewer opportunities than she had.”

“Jean Seberg: Actress Activist Icon” is the first documentary film to focus on the private side of the international movie star, combining exclusive interviews with Jean’s family, including her sister Mary Ann Seberg and former husband François Moreuil; co-star Mylène Demongeot, director Nicolas Gessner and former Black Panther Party leader and Jean’s friend Elaine Brown. The film features never-before-seen private photographs, home movie footage and original music by Mark and Amy Adams-Westin of Amy & Adams.

“Jean Seberg” premiered in a London Cinema as an Official Selection of the prestigious Raindance Film Festival. The documentary was awarded a regional Emmy in the Historical Documentary category last fall.

The Cedar River Film Festival runs Aug. 25-27 screening 27 films created by Iowa filmmakers. There is no entry fee for the public, but a suggested donation of $5 per film. Visit for more information.

For more information about “Jean Seberg: Actress Activist Icon” visit


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