Nickelodeon Universe® at Mall of America :: Nick Experiences
Nickelodeon Universe® at Mall of America

Nickelodeon Universe® at Mall of America

Nickelodeon Universe® is the largest indoor theme park in the United States. Located inside the Mall of America® in Minnesota, it features seven acres of fun and dining for guests of all ages. Meet your favorite Nickelodeon characters, enjoy themed Nick rides, and play for an hour or stay all day. Options available for sensory-sensitive guests.

Full Day Experience
Preschool, Kids, Tweens, Teens, Adults, Infant

MORE ABOUT Nickelodeon Universe® at Mall of America®

If SpongeBob SquarePants, Bubble Guppies, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Blue’s Clues and other Nickelodeon programs are at the center of your toddler or teen’s universe, make a date with Nickelodeon Universe®.

a year-round nickelodeon theme park

Nickelodeon Universe is a destination in itself, featuring 26 rides and attractions, as well as Nickelodeon-themed shopping. Preschoolers can enjoy Blue’s Skidoo and other easygoing rides, while teens can brave the world’s largest indoor zip line. There’s also high-speed fun on Avatar Airbender and the Fairly Odd Coaster. Groups like schools and summer camps are welcome as are birthday parties.

Nickelodeon Universe features cool seasonal events as well as Halloween-themed rides, character Meet & Greets and happenings at Nickelodeon Boo-niverse.

meet the characters

Have the camera handy for entertainment offerings like light shows and scheduled live appearances by Nickelodeon characters including SpongeBob SquarePants, Chase from the PAW PatrolDora the Explorer and more. Then take home rare character toys, keepsakes and other cool finds from the Nickelodeon Shop, offering the country's largest selection of Nickelodeon merchandise.

a sensory-friendly experience

Nickelodeon Universe is a Certified Autism Center, and team members receive training in multiple related areas.

Visit Nickelodeon Universe to start planning now.

map of Nickelodeon Universe® at Mall of America
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