neurolinguistic programming

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Neurolinguistic Programming



Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is aimed at enhancing the healing process by changing the conscious and subconscious beliefs of patients about themselves, their illnesses, and the world. These limiting beliefs are "reprogrammed" using a variety of techniques drawn from other disciplines including hypnotherapy and psychotherapy.


Neurolinguistic programming has been used to change the limiting beliefs of patients about their prospects of recovery from a wide variety of medical conditions including Parkinson's disease, AIDS, migraines, arthritis, and cancer. Practitioners claim to be able to cure most phobias in less than one hour, and to help in making lifestyle changes regarding exercise, diet, smoking, etc. NLP has also been used to treat allergies. In other fields, claimed benefits include improved relationships, communication, motivation, and business performance.



NLP was originally developed during the early 1970s by linguistics professor John Grinder and psychology and mathematics student Richard Bandler, both of the University of California at Santa Cruz.
Studying the well-known psychotherapist Virginia Satir, the hypnotherapist Milton Erickson, the anthropologist Gregory Bateson, and others whom they considered "charismatic superstars" in their fields, Grinder and Bandler identified psychological, linguistic and behavioral characteristics that they said contributed to the greatness of these individuals. On the other hand, they found that persons experiencing emotional difficulties could be similarly identified by posture, breathing pattern, choice of words, voice tone, eye movements, body language, and other characteristics.
Grinder and Bandler then focused on using these indicators to analyze and alter patterns of thought and behavior. After publishing their findings in two books in 1975, Grinder and Bandler parted company with themselves, with a number of other collaborators, and with the University of California, continuing their work on NLP outside the formal world of academia. As a result, NLP split into a number of competing schools.
Popularized by television "infomercial" personality Anthony Robbins and others, NLP was quickly adopted in management and self-improvement circles. During the 1990s, there was growing interest in NLP's healing potential.
In a health-care context, practitioners of neurolinguistic programming first seek to identify the negative attitudes and beliefs with which a client has been "programmed" since birth. This is accomplished by asking questions and observing physical responses such as changes in skin color, muscle tension, etc. Then, a wide variety of techniques is employed to "reprogram" limiting beliefs. For example, clients with chronic illness such as AIDS or cancer might be asked to displace the despair and loss of identity caused by the disease by visualizing themselves in vigorous health. Treatment by NLP practitioners is often of shorter duration than that of other alternative practitioners, but NLP self-help seminars and courses can be quite expensive.
For those who wish to try self-treatment with NLP, a wide variety of books, audio tapes, and videos are available.


NLP is particularly popular in the self-improvement and career-development fields, and some trainers and practitioners have little experience in its use for healing. Practitioners should be specifically asked about this.
Because NLP is intended to enhance the healing process, it should not be used independently of other healing methods. In all cases of serious illness, a physician should be consulted.

Side effects

NLP is believed to be generally free of harmful side effects.

Research and general acceptance

Although some physicians and mental health practitioners employ principles of neurolinguistic programming, the field is generally considered outside of mainstream medical practice and academic thinking.



Association for NLP. PO Box 78, Stourbridge, UK DY8 2YP.
International NLP Trainers Association, Ltd. Coombe House, Mill Road, Fareham, Hampshire, UK PO16 0TN. (044) 01489 571171.
Society of Neuro-Lingustic Programming. PO Box 424, Hopatcong, NJ 07843. (201) 770-3600.
Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

neurolinguistic programming

a branch of cognitive-behavioral psychology employing specific techniques, which use language to access the unconscious to change a patient's internal states or external behaviors.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

neurolinguistic programming

Alternative psychology
A behaviour modification technique developed in 1975 by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, which is based on a reciprocal relationship said to exist between a person’s behaviour and the external manifestations of his or her personality, including vocal tone, posture, eye movements and physiology.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.

neu·ro·lin·guis·tic pro·gram·ming

(nūr'ō-ling-gwis'tik prō'gram-ing)
A branch of cognitive-behavioral psychology employing specific techniques, which use language to access the unconscious to change a client's internal states or external behaviors.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
The founders of NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP), Richard Bandler and John Grinder, argued in a series of books beginning with The Structure of Magic 1 and 2 that people display preferences for certain ranges of metaphor in their everyday speech, some opting for the visual ("I see", "from my perspective"), some for the auditory ("that rings a bell", "that comes over loud and clear") and some for the kinesthetic ("I feel", "my gut feeling is").
She used her spare time to train as a Myers Briggs practitioner, attended master classes in coaching and she became an NLP (neurolinguistic programming) practitioner while also retaining links with business networks.
Reframing: Neurolinguistic programming and the transformation of meaning, Moab, UT: Real People Press.
They explain the "cognitive interview" memory-facilitation technique, neurolinguistic programming, kinesic mirroring, language matching, and paralanguage matching.
Bruckner examines this via neurolinguistic programming interventions.
Bonvillain, MSW, LCSW, BCSAC founder of Identity, offers training in the use of clinical hypnotherapy and neurolinguistic programming (NLP) in the treatment of chemical dependency and related disorders (depression, PTSD, panic/anxiety, OCD, DID.) In addition to more traditional therapeutic approaches, identification of (and rapid desensitization to) traumatic-event memories is essential for the successful treatment of dual diagnosis populations.
This anxiety reduction could be accomplished through a number of cognitive and behavioral techniques, such as mental and emotive imagery, relaxation therapy, systematic desensitization, thought stopping, cognitive and covert modeling, cognitive restructuring, biofeedback, meditation, and neurolinguistic programming (Gilliland & James, 1983).
Then he began expanding a sports psychology philosophy known as NLP - neurolinguistic programming - that first came to light in the 70s and is based on utilising examples of excellence to gain success.
But Stephanie explains this was more than just motherly encouragement,Mary was in fact following the principles of neurolinguistic programming (NLP).
Prompts were based on neurolinguistic programming principles of representational systems (Bandler & Grinder, 1985).