Household accounts - Household net worth - OECD Data

Household net worth

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Household total net worth represents the total value of assets (financial as well as non-financial) minus the total value of outstanding liabilities of households (including non-profit institutions serving households). Please note that this indicator only takes into account the value of dwellings, and not other types of non-financial assets. The following financial assets and liabilities are included: currency and deposits; debt securities; loans; equity and investment fund shares/units; insurance, pensions and standardised guarantee schemes; financial derivatives and employee stock options; and other accounts receivable/payable. The indicator is measured as a percentage of household net disposable income.

Household net worth




Definition of
Household net worth

Household total net worth represents the total value of assets (financial as well as non-financial) minus the total value of outstanding liabilities of households (including non-profit institutions serving households). Please note that this indicator only takes into account the value of dwellings, and not other types of non-financial assets. The following financial assets and liabilities are included: currency and deposits; debt securities; loans; equity and investment fund shares/units; insurance, pensions and standardised guarantee schemes; financial derivatives and employee stock options; and other accounts receivable/payable. The indicator is measured as a percentage of household net disposable income.


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