
(redirected from neonatal septicemia)
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Related to neonatal septicemia: neonatal sepsis


of or relating to newborn children, esp in the first week of life and up to four weeks old
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Pertaining to a newborn infant.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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48 out of 85 admitted neonates with clinical suspicion of early onset sepsis were low birth weight i-e < 2.5 kg accounting for 56.4% cases Out of 48 LBW neonates, 30 (62.5%) were preterm (26000/cumm as compared to 50% of cases with negative diagnosis that have WBC count 0.2 is highly sensitive marker of neonatal septicemia.22 In the present study I/T ratio of >0.2 showed specificity of 83.8%, sensitivity of 76.5%, PPV of 54.6% and NPV of 93.44%.
Neonatal Septicemia: Bacterial isolates and their antibiotics Susceptibility patterns.
The male preponderance in neonatal septicemia may be linked to the X-linked immunoregulatory gene factor contributing to the host's susceptibility to infections in male subjects.
Evaluation of sepsis screen for diagnosis of neonatal septicemia. Indian J Pediatr 1993;60:559-63.
Neonatal septicemia is the most important cause of morbidity and mortality among neonates worldwide.
(29) No relationship between primary immunization and neonatal septicemia was found though primary immunization definitely reduced the incidence of neonatal septicemia.
Neonatal sepsis, also called "sepsis neonatorum" or "neonatal septicemia", is a blood infection that occurs on infants younger than 90 days.
Prevalence & antimicrobial resistance pattern of extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing Klebsiella spp isolated from cases of neonatal septicemia. Indian J Med Res 2007; 125 : 89-94.

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