negotiable certificate of deposit

(redirected from Negotiable CDs)

Negotiable Certificate of Deposit

A certificate of deposit of large value that can be bought and sold but not redeemed before maturity. See also: Jumbo CD, Callable CD.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved

negotiable certificate of deposit

A large denomination ($100,000 and larger) certificate of deposit that is issued in bearer form and that can be traded in the secondary market. Negotiable CDs appeal mainly to companies and institutional investors interested in low-risk investments with a high degree of liquidity. See also money market.
Wall Street Words: An A to Z Guide to Investment Terms for Today's Investor by David L. Scott. Copyright © 2003 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Average brokered deposits and negotiable CDs decreased $0.9 billion, or 21%.
However, the yields from nonnegotiable CDs can be higher than negotiable CDs if locked in at a higher interest rate.
Key liquidity ratios also improved, benefiting from the Bank's expanded holdings of negotiable CDs issued by the CBC.
Eurodollars and Negotiable CDs constitute short-term borrowing by banks to acquire funds for general use.
Hence, the default risk would vary little between instruments, and any relative change in spreads among negotiable CDs, EDs, financial CP, and BAs would be a function of a change in the liquidity premium, ceteris paribus.
We also obtain daily money-market rates for three-month negotiable CDs, three-month ED deposits, and three-month financial CP from the Fed's Board of Governors.
The data for outstanding negotiable CDs are not available, so we use large time deposits as our proxy for the size of the CD market.
The consequent funding pressure on the Japanese banks caused by disintermediation led to the introduction of negotiable CDs offered by commercial banks at liberalized interest rates.