Urban Dictionary: Name
1. A word used to refer to a specific person, creature or sometimes an object. Referring to someone/thing with a name often implies having some sort of personal connection to said person/thing, though this is not always the case.

2. A god-awful trend on UrbanDictionary where a person takes their own name, or the name of a friend or significant other, and submit a definition of said name having a large amount of positive attributes associated with it. This is done to imply that anyone with that particular name has said positive attributes (such as being athletic, charismatic, etc.), and is usually done for the purposes of ego-stroking.
1. "My name is Alex."

"Do you like my new dog? His name's Rover."

2. Tim - "I'm gonna post my name on UrbanDictionary and say that I'm intelligent, athletic and get hella bitches."

Joe - "Dude, you live in a fucking basement and play anime games all day. Stop stroking your own ego and go do something with your life."
by Head Cultist October 27, 2019
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A thing people use

Mainly to hype themself up by making a new definition of thier name and usually saying "basically god"
*Looks up any name on this site*

*insert name here*
by Xx_M3M3_P0L1C3_xX October 6, 2017
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(name) is the (positive adjective in superlative) person you'll ever meet.
By the way, this definition mocks almost every name definition
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Basically your name is pretty much a label people use to define you. Also, if you have a generic name such as Bob, Joe, Fred, etc., you are pretty much the perfect guy. Seriously, look up an overused name right now.
Tim looked up his name on urbandictionary and found out his name meant that he was a smart, athletic, and an all around perfect individual. Ironically, Tim has never had a girlfriend in his life and he is currently dropping out of school because of his obsession of World of Warcraft.
by igotnothin July 31, 2011
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That which you should not define on this site.
Stop defining your name on Urban Dictionary, dammit. The editors already have enough work to do.
by Intelligence001 January 6, 2017
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What seems to be very common on this site. People will put things such as, "Jake: a cute, funny guy who gets all the girls..." and other stuff, despite this being a site to learn about slang.
Why are there so many names on this site?
by NetherBolt2020 March 27, 2017
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A section of Urban Dictionary. Only exists because people tend to look up their own name on here, so they can see the compliments people give it and feel instant validation. One of the most overused parts of this site, only thing more overused is talking about sex and drugs
These “name” posts are really annoying, please make them less
by nlolhere June 21, 2020
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