Name Synonyms: 208 Synonyms and Antonyms for Name |

Name Synonyms and Antonyms

A title
  1. appellation
  2. cognomen
  3. designation
  4. denomination
  5. title
  6. appellative
  7. agnomen
  8. compellation
  9. style
  10. eponym
  11. epithet
  12. patronymic
  13. nickname
  14. handle
  15. surname
  16. moniker
  17. proper-name
  18. christian name
  19. given-name
  20. first-name
  21. family-name
  22. prenomen
  23. agname
  24. alias
  25. allonym
  26. sign
  27. anonym
  28. matronymic
  29. autonym
  30. byname
  31. caconym
  32. swear at
  33. cognomination
  34. castigate
  35. gens
  36. compellative
  37. slander
  38. cryptonym
  39. defame
  40. attack
  41. by authority of
  42. diminutive
  43. dionym
  44. in reference to
  45. as representative of
  46. be acquainted with
  47. tag
  48. euphemism
  49. not know personally
  50. fame
  51. metronymic
  52. have heard of
  53. misnomer
  54. belonging to one
  55. in one's possession
  56. nom-de-plume
  57. possessed by
  58. nomenclature
  59. nomination
  60. patronym
  61. penname
  62. polyonym
  63. prænomen
  64. pseudonym
  65. renown
  66. reputation
  67. repute
  68. rubric
  69. sobriquet
  70. system
  71. trionym
  72. nom-de-guerre
An epithet
A famous person
  1. celebrity
  2. hero
  3. lion
  4. personage
  5. star
  6. person of renown
  7. luminary
  8. celeb
  9. figure
  10. notable
  11. headline attraction
  12. blue-booker
  13. personality
  14. headliner
  15. big name
  16. public figure
  1. unknown
To describe with a word or term
Determine or distinguish the nature of a problem or an illness through a diagnostic analysis
  1. diagnose
To nominate for or appoint to a duty, office, or honor.
  1. appoint
An illustrious or outstanding person:
  1. celebrity
  1. suggestive

Words Related to Name

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.