What Does My Name Mean? The Meaning Of Names
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What can you learn about your name?

Celebrity Influence

Do you think it's a coincidence that the name Mila 62k gained huge bumps in popularity in 1998 and 2010 when actress Mila Kunis had her major career accomplishments? Us either. See lists of names made popular by celebrities.

Meaning & Origin

Did you know that Matthew 1.6m means Gift of God? Find out if your name means beauty, hope, power, bravery, or something different. Learn the origin of your name: English, Hebrew, Spanish, German, or another origin.

Peak Popularity

Were your parents ahead of the curve when picking their baby's name? You can be. See if your favorite baby name is trending or declining. For instance, Megan 440k was most popular in 1990.

Geo Popularity

Looking for a name that is distinctly southern? Try William 4.2m. See what part of the US your name is most popular. Also see what part of the world your name is most popular.

Gender Preference

Think Charlie 207k is a pretty masculine baby name? Traditionally, it has been. However, in recent years, there are almost as many baby girls named Charlie as baby boys!

Popular Spellings

Have you ever wondered about the spellings of names like Sean, Shawn, and Shaun? Pick the most common name for less misspellings or show their individuality with a less common spelling.

Name Lists

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Full Name Search

We suggest starting with your full birth name as recorded on your birth certificate to learn the most about what your name says about you.

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Baby Name Generator

Find the perfect baby name. Get a list of names tailored to your preferences to find your favorite. Find based on similar names, meanings, popularity, and more.

Choosing a Name for Your Baby

Learn about the importance of a name, get inspiration, and learn what parents wish they knew before naming their child.

Naming Trends

Learn about the trends in how Americans choose names for their children.

Birthday Calculator

What does my birthday say about me? What day of the week was I born? What important events happened on my birthday? Know all the facts about your birthday!

The Meaning Behind Names

Learn about the history of why names have meaning and the sources of those meanings.

The Name Game

Play a simple game with your friends names. Fun for all ages, and you can share your results to let others know they are important to you!