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Undertale AU Wiki

Welcome to the Undertale AU Wiki, the main place for documenting Undertale's AUs. If you wish to contribute, just know that it is REQUIRED for you to read the Rules and Guidelines and the Policy of the Wiki BEFORE doing so.

As this is an AU Wiki, this wiki is NOT meant for characters. The Undertale OC Wiki exists for those. This Wiki is also not meant for AUs that do not have presence anywhere else, and those should be put on the Undertale AU Ideas Wiki.


Undertale AU Wiki
* But nobody came.

* This article contains information that is from a cancelled AU, an AU that has been put on an "Indefinite Hiatus", or an AU that has not had a story update in a year. As such, some information here may not be found in any established story, and could be considered non-canon.

Time of Last Story Update: May 5, 2017

Time of Cancellation: Absentia

Demi is the fallen human in the story of Mothertale. Her daughter, Espy, has mysteriously vanished and she believes she has fallen down Mount Ebott. Humans and surface monsters are banned from going near the mountain since it was sealed long ago. With six children and now her own daughter missing as well, she sneaks up the mountain and climbs down, only to end up falling down herself.


Undertale Characters[]

Flowey - The first monster Demi meets in the underground. Kills her and when she restarts, he tries to kill her a second time. Flowey is launched away when Toriel appears and uses fire magic against him.

Toriel - The caretaker of the Ruins.

Napstablook: Befriended Demi when she played him a tune on her guitar. Looks good in a tophat.

Sans: Is contemplating genocide to stop the human. Meets Demi and decides to hold out one more time since he's never dealt with a 'fallen woman'. Suspicious of Demi as she can use magic. His eyes aren't as bright as they usually appear due to becoming jaded after so many resets. Still a pun master.

Papyrus: Noticed his brother's mood is worse than usual and tries (with the human's help) to make things better. Befriends the human and is excited to learn how to drive when he reaches the surface.

Added Characters[]

Demi - The main character of this AU. A half breed with lightning magic, other skills are not known at this time.

Espy - Is Demi's daughter who is unable to talk, but makes use of sign language.

