Sample Database: Movies (ERD and SQL) - Database Star

Sample Database: Movies (ERD and SQL)

When you’re learning SQL or database design, it’s helpful to use other databases as a reference.

Many articles online refer to Oracle’s HR database, or SQL Server’s AdventureWorks database. These can be helpful, but often you’re looking for answers that these databases don’t help with.

Which is where this post comes in.

This post describes a sample database containing data about movies. It includes:

  • An ERD (entity relationship diagram) for the sample movie database
  • An explanation of the tables and columns
  • A download of sample data to create and populate this database
  • An example query on the database

Why is this helpful? Firstly, you can understand more about how a movie database might work.

Also, you can practice SQL against realistic data and write your own queries, both simple (how many movies has Tom Cruise been in?) and complex (which movies have Tom Cruise and Matt Damon both been in?).

So, let’s take a look at the database.


Sample Movie Database: ERD

The ERD or database design of the sample movie database is here (open in new tab, or save, to see a larger version):

This database stores information about movies, the cast and crew involved, where the movie was produced and by which company, and other information about movies such as the languages, genres, and keywords.

The sample data was obtained from a free online data source. It contains about 4,800 movies, 104,000 cast and crew, and thousands of metadata records such as languages and keywords.

What do all of these tables and columns mean?

While you’re here, if you want an easy-to-use list of the main features in SQL for different vendors, get my SQL Cheat Sheets here:


Table Explanations

The movie table contains information about each movie. There are text descriptions such as title and overview. Some fields are more obvious than others: revenue (the amount of money the movie made), budget (the amount spent on creating the movie). Other fields are calculated based on data used to create the data source: popularity, votes_avg, and votes_count. The status indicates if the movie is Released, Rumoured, or in Post-Production.

The country list contains a list of different countries, and the movie_country table contains a record of which countries a movie was filmed in (because some movies are filmed in multiple countries). This is a standard many-to-many table, and you’ll find these in a lot of databases.

The same concept applies to the production_company table. There is a list of production companies and a many-to-many relationship with movies which is captured in the movie_company table.

The languages table has a list of languages, and the movie_languages captures a list of languages in a movie. The difference with this structure is the addition of a language_role table. This language_role table contains two records: Original and Spoken. A movie can have an original language (e.g. English), but many Spoken languages. This is captured in the movie_languages table along with a role.

Genres define which category a movie fits into, such as Comedy or Horror. A movie can have multiple genres, which is why the movie_genres table exists.

The same concept applies to keywords, but there are a lot more keywords than genres. I’m not sure what qualifies as a keyword, but you can explore the data and take a look. Some examples as “paris”, “gunslinger”, or “saving the world”.

The cast and crew section of the database is a little more complicated. Actors, actresses, and crew members are all people, playing different roles in a movie. Rather than have separate lists of names for crew and cast, this database contains a table called person, which has each person’s name.

The movie_cast table contains records of each person in a movie as a cast member. It has their character name, along with the cast_order, which I believe indicates that lower numbers appear higher on the cast list.

The movie_cast table also links to the gender table, to indicate the gender of each character. The gender is linked to the movie_cast table rather than the person table to cater for characters which may be a different gender than the person, or characters of unknown gender. This means that there is no gender table linked to the person table, but that’s because of the sample data.

The movie_crew table follows a similar concept and stores all crew members for all movies. Each crew member has a job, which is part of a department (e.g. Camera).


Sample Data

I’ve prepared some sample data for this database. You can use this to create this database on your own computer, explore the tables, and write SQL on it.

The sample data is available for Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, and Postgres, and is stored on my GitHub repository. Find out how to access it and load the data here: Sample Data for SQL Databases


Sample Query

With the sample data in the database, let’s take a look at some of the data in the movie table. This query shows the movie title, budget, and other attributes of the movie, sorted by the movies with the highest revenue.

FROM movie
ORDER BY revenue DESC;


Results (top 20 rows only):

title budget release_date revenue runtime vote_average
Avatar 237000000 2009-12-10 2787965087 162 7.2
Titanic 200000000 1997-11-18 1845034188 194 7.5
The Avengers 220000000 2012-04-25 1519557910 143 7.4
Jurassic World 150000000 2015-06-09 1513528810 124 6.5
Furious 7 190000000 2015-04-01 1506249360 137 7.3
Avengers: Age of Ultron 280000000 2015-04-22 1405403694 141 7.3
Frozen 150000000 2013-11-27 1274219009 102 7.3
Iron Man 3 200000000 2013-04-18 1215439994 130 6.8
Minions 74000000 2015-06-17 1156730962 91 6.4
Captain America: Civil War 250000000 2016-04-27 1153304495 147 7.1
Transformers: Dark of the Moon 195000000 2011-06-28 1123746996 154 6.1
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 94000000 2003-12-01 1118888979 201 8.1
Skyfall 200000000 2012-10-25 1108561013 143 6.9
Transformers: Age of Extinction 210000000 2014-06-25 1091405097 165 5.8
The Dark Knight Rises 250000000 2012-07-16 1084939099 165 7.6
Toy Story 3 200000000 2010-06-16 1066969703 103 7.6
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest 200000000 2006-06-20 1065659812 151 7
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 380000000 2011-05-14 1045713802 136 6.4
Alice in Wonderland 200000000 2010-03-03 1025491110 108 6.4
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 250000000 2012-11-26 1021103568 169 7



So that’s the sample database for movie information. There’s an ERD you can use to help you understand it or to design your own. You can also download the sample database tables and data to run your own queries on it.

While you’re here, if you want an easy-to-use list of the main features in SQL for different vendors, get my SQL Cheat Sheets here:

13 thoughts on “Sample Database: Movies (ERD and SQL)”

  1. Hello Ben,
    Thanks for the DB. I used it in my PostgresSQL DB class last year. In case it interests you, the last column of the table “language” has a very strange charset (as far as I am concerned it was perfect, since I always like when students experience an unexpected challenge). Thanks again.

  2. Your oracle .sql scripts are not working because you’re escaping apostrophes with \’ .
    This is the proper way to escape them:

    This python script would do the trick:

    import os
    directory = ‘test’

    def function(f):
    with open(f, ‘r’) as file:
    data =

    data = data.replace(“\\'”,””” )
    data = data.replace(“\\\””, “\”\””)

    with open(f, ‘w’) as file:


    for filename in os.listdir(directory):
    f = os.path.join(directory, filename)
    if os.path.isfile(f):

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