75+ Mother's Day Gifts From Kids: Super Easy DIY Ideas! - Holidappy Skip to main content

75+ Mother's Day Gifts From Kids: Super Easy DIY Ideas!

To celebrate Mother's Day this year, have your kids craft a special gift! Here are 75+ ideas to get you started!

To celebrate Mother's Day this year, have your kids craft a special gift! Here are 75+ ideas to get you started!

Help Children Make a Gift for Their Mom on Mother's Day!

Showing Mom lots of love and appreciation on Mother's Day is easy with a little imagination and some craft supplies. By being creative, we can make original and personalized gifts that will show her how special she is to us. Turn handprints into butterflies on plant pots and watering cans, or make a special card decorated with spare buttons. The possibilities are endless! Check out these and other Mother's Day gift ideas that are easy for little hands to make!

Berry Special

Berry Special

Berry Special

Make a "berry" special present for Mom with this adorable idea.


  • Red and green craft paper
  • Black paint
  • Glue stick
  • Marker (optional)


  1. Cut out a strawberry shape from the red paper.
  2. Have the kids dip their fingers in the black paint and press them onto the strawberry shape to create the "seeds."
  3. Cut out the shape of a stem and leaves from the green paper. After the paint dries, glue the stem and leaves to the strawberry.
  4. Optionally, write a cute message on the stem, like "Mom, you are BERRY special!" (If you have a printer, you could also print this message on green paper before you cut it up.)
  5. Have the kids sign the strawberry (or sign it for them).
"Mother" Celebration Frame

"Mother" Celebration Frame

"Mother" Celebration Frame

For a great Mother's Day gift, make this adorable frame inspired by acrostic poetry.


  • Colorful scrapbook paper
  • Plain paper
  • Sharpie (black, gold, silver, or any color of your choice)
  • Frame
  • Little flowers or other decorations (optional)


  1. Cut out the word Mother from scrapbook paper and glue it vertically onto the plain sheet of paper.
  2. Use a Sharpie to add words like amazing, loving, strong, happy, selfless, and graceful around the letters in Mother.
  3. Add decorations around the words, if you like.
  4. Put the finished piece in the frame.
Mother’s Day Card With Buttons

Mother’s Day Card With Buttons

Mother’s Day Card With Buttons

This Mother's Day card is perfect for a kid to make and give. It's also a fantastic way to use up all those spare buttons lying around the house! You can draw a heart on a piece of cardstock and then have the kids glue a variety of colorful buttons onto it. Write a lovely message (or have an older child write it), and make sure the kids sign the card.

Footprint Butterfly Pot

Footprint Butterfly Pot

Footprint Butterfly Pot

Decorate a colorful plant pot with your baby's footprints in the shape of a butterfly. This gift is both sentimental and useful, especially if Mom loves houseplants.


  • Plain plant pot
  • Paint (white and whatever colors you want to make the butterfly; the photo shows purple and green)
  • Sharpie


  1. Paint your pot white and let it dry.
  2. Paint the underside of your baby's feet purple and green (or whatever colors you choose).
  3. Print each foot onto the pot to make the butterfly wings.
  4. Use a Sharpie to make the butterfly's body. If you have a steady hand, you could try painting it instead.


Note: While the pot should be fine for indoor use, you'll need to put some kind of sealer over the paint if you want to use it outdoors.

Footprint Butterfly Watering Can

Footprint Butterfly Watering Can

Footprint Butterfly Watering Can

Here's another footprint butterfly idea for a mom who loves gardening! Instead of a plant pot, though, this craft uses a watering can as the base. Follow the same instructions listed above for the plant pot. You can also place a potted plant or some pretty faux flowers inside the watering can to turn it into a quirky planter!

Helping Hands

Helping Hands

Helping Hands

Purchase pot holders or oven mitts from the dollar store. Next, use paint to print your children's handprints onto them. Add their names and the date with a Sharpie or paint. These "helping hands" are super cute!