Where is Moregloed suburb of Pretoria City of Tshwane, Gauteng South Africa

Where is Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT)

The locality Moregloed suburb of Pretoria is located in the district of City of Tshwane in the province of Gauteng (GT), South Africa. The satellite coordinates of Moregloed suburb of Pretoria are: latitude 25°43'30"S and longitude 28°11'4"E
There are 2415 places (city, towns, hamlets …) within a radius of 100 kilometers / 62 miles from the center of Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT), the nearest place in the area is Medunsa suburb of Pretoria, Gauteng. Below is the table with the 51 places near Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT). In the table are indicated: name of the place, admin, distance[1] in kilometers, distance[1] in miles and the link to the travel sheet with road route.

Position of Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) on the map

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51 places in the vicinity of Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT)
Medunsa suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Medunsa suburb of Pretoria
EquestriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Equestria
Fouriesrus suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Fouriesrus suburb of Pretoria
E-Freedom Save suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - E-Freedom Save suburb of Pretoria
Lindo ParkGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Lindo Park
Knoppieslaagte suburb of DerdeparkGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Knoppieslaagte suburb of Derdepark
Moreleta Village suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Moreleta Village suburb of Pretoria
Innovation Hub suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Innovation Hub suburb of Pretoria
Boordfontein East suburb of BoordfonteinGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Boordfontein East suburb of Boordfontein
City Council suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - City Council suburb of Pretoria
Die Tremloods suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Die Tremloods suburb of Pretoria
Glenstantia suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Glenstantia suburb of Pretoria
OlievenhoutboschGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Olievenhoutbosch
Boordfontein West suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Boordfontein West suburb of Pretoria
Moot suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Moot suburb of Pretoria
Equestria Estate suburb of EquestriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Equestria Estate suburb of Equestria
Boordfontein suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Boordfontein suburb of Pretoria
Montana suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Montana suburb of Pretoria
KelebogileGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Kelebogile
Mooikloof suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Mooikloof suburb of Pretoria
Lindo Park East suburb of Lindo ParkGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Lindo Park East suburb of Lindo Park
Moreleta Plaza suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Moreleta Plaza suburb of Pretoria
Cipro suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Cipro suburb of Pretoria
Eastwood suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Eastwood suburb of Pretoria
Berea Park suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Berea Park suburb of Pretoria
Generaal Kemp Heuwel suburb of Thaba TshwaneGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Generaal Kemp Heuwel suburb of Thaba Tshwane
Lynn East suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Lynn East suburb of Pretoria
Klipgat suburb of MedunsaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Klipgat suburb of Medunsa
Gevangenisterrein suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Gevangenisterrein suburb of Pretoria
Equestria suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Equestria suburb of Pretoria
Ekklesia suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Ekklesia suburb of Pretoria
Laezonia suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Laezonia suburb of Pretoria
Marabastad suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Marabastad suburb of Pretoria
MorulaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Morula
Goedehoop suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Goedehoop suburb of Pretoria
Corporate Post Office suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Corporate Post Office suburb of Pretoria
BoordfonteinGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Boordfontein
Equestria Estates suburb of EquestriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Equestria Estates suburb of Equestria
Alkantrant suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Alkantrant suburb of Pretoria
Clydesdale suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Clydesdale suburb of Pretoria
Leewfontein suburb of Lindo ParkGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Leewfontein suburb of Lindo Park
PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Pretoria
Brooklyn Square suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Brooklyn Square suburb of Pretoria
Moregloed suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Moregloed suburb of Pretoria
Flexi Freedom Silver suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Flexi Freedom Silver suburb of Pretoria
Central suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Central suburb of Pretoria
Kameeldrif East suburb of DerdeparkGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Kameeldrif East suburb of Derdepark
Derdepark suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Derdepark suburb of Pretoria
Defence Force Area suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Defence Force Area suburb of Pretoria
Field Post Office 3 suburb of PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) - Field Post Office 3 suburb of Pretoria

Below is shown the table of main cities with the corresponding distances[1] of the main cities from Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) measured both in kilometers and in miles.

distances[1] from Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) of the main cities
PretoriaGauteng0,00 Km0,00 MiRoute and road distance Gauteng - Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT)
JohannesburgGauteng55,07 Km34,22 MiRoute and road distance Gauteng - Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT)
PolokwaneLimpopo240,00 Km149,13 MiRoute and road distance Limpopo - Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT)
NelspruitMpumalanga282,13 Km175,30 MiRoute and road distance Mpumalanga - Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT)
BloemfonteinFree State427,26 Km265,49 MiRoute and road distance Free State - Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT)
KimberleyNorthern Cape475,63 Km295,54 MiRoute and road distance Northern Cape - Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT)
PietermaritzburgKwaZulu-Natal482,10 Km299,56 MiRoute and road distance KwaZulu-Natal - Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT)
DurbanKwaZulu-Natal538,81 Km334,80 MiRoute and road distance KwaZulu-Natal - Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT)
Port ElizabethEastern Cape951,14 Km591,01 MiRoute and road distance Eastern Cape - Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT)
Cape TownWestern Cape1.310,39 Km814,24 MiRoute and road distance Western Cape - Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT)

[1]The distances indicated are measured in a straight line, the road distances can be appreciably different. To obtain road distance you can select route planner Road itinerary

To know where is Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) is definitely useful the service by RoadOnMap with:
  • Always up-to-date information on Moregloed suburb of Pretoria City of Tshwane, Gauteng South Africa
  • Exact position of Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT) on the map
  • Geographic coordinates of Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT)
  • Calculation of the route to how to get to Moregloed suburb of Pretoria (GT)

By Google Maps

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