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Related to morbilliform: scarlatiniform, exanthematous


resembling measles.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


Resembling measles (1).
[see morbilli]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


Resembling measles (1).
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
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Recovering from desquamation is "sort of like recovering from a sun burn, and it's not particularly dangerous." Management of morbilliform drug eruptions is largely symptomatic.
Drug eruptions constituted the third most common diagnostic category, with morbilliform drug eruptions being the most frequent.
But this is against a study by Punit Kumar Singh [6] et al (2015) who observed that morbilliform rash to be the most common pattern.
The most common cutaneous findings at the presentation in this study were morbilliform rash, defined as maculopapular rash or exanthematous rash, but excluding atypical targetoid macules or purpuric macules.
The initial erythema of the face is the result of capillary dilatation and occurs immediately before or during the first two days of febrile state and morbilliform exanthema occurs in-between 3-7 days of febrility.
Morbilliform and maculopapular eruptions are the most common reactions from this category.
A relative of dengue, the chikungunya virus can present in the form of a morbilliform rash, nasal hyperpigmentation, purpuric macules, and erythema, the latter of which can sometimes be accompanied by ulcers.
The skin eruption of AHS is nonspecific and can range from a morbilliform eruption to toxic epidermal necrolysis (1).
Skin lesions like maculopapular, morbilliform, urticarial rashes, or a disseminated erythema have been reported.
These adverse events included cardiac arrest, ribavirin-associated morbilliform drug eruption, and peritonitis secondary to perforated diverticulum, of which the two former events were felt to be related to study treatment.