Keeping Your Dog Safe with Moose Antlers: A Guide for Pet Owners - Pet Spruce Skip to Content

Keeping Your Dog Safe with Moose Antlers: A Guide for Pet Owners

Many pet owners are curious about whether it’s safe to give their dogs moose antlers. After all, there is so much information out there and conflicting opinions that can be hard to decipher. Is it really safe for your pup? Well, here at PetSpruce we have done the research and compiled our findings on the topic of moose antlers for dogs safety – from how to choose the right size and type of antler for your pooch, introducing them safely, caring for them correctly as well as alternatives if you’re still not sure! So let us help take away some of that confusion surrounding moose antlers – keep reading to find out more!

What Are Moose Antlers?

Moose antlers are the large, branching horns that grow on the heads of male moose. They’re made up of a bony core covered in a velvet-like skin and then hardened keratin. The antlers can reach lengths of up to five feet and weigh more than 40 pounds!

Types of Moose Antlers

There are two main types of moose antler – shed or velvet. Shed antlers have been naturally dropped by the animal, while velvet is still attached to the skull but has dried out over time. Both types are used for various purposes including pet chews, decorations, and even as weapons in some cultures.

Benefits of Moose Antlers for Dogs

Many pet owners choose to give their dogs moose antler chews because they’re durable and long lasting compared to other chew toys. They also provide natural minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc which can help support healthy teeth and bones in your pup. Additionally, chewing on an antler can help reduce stress levels in anxious pups since it gives them something else to focus on besides their worries!

Risks of Moose Antlers for Dogs

While there are many benefits associated with giving your dog a moose antler chew toy, there are also potential risks involved. It is important to make sure you purchase one from a reputable source so you know it hasn’t been treated with any chemicals or preservatives that could be harmful if ingested by your pup. Additionally, splinters may occur if your dog chews too hard or aggressively which could cause irritation or infection if not monitored closely enough – always supervise when giving them this type of treat.

How to Choose the Right Size and Type of Moose Antler for Your Dog

When it comes to choosing the right size and type of moose antler for your dog, there are a few factors you should consider. The first is the size of your dog. Moose antlers come in different sizes, so make sure you choose one that’s appropriate for your pup’s breed and weight. If it’s too big or small, they won’t be able to chew on it comfortably or safely.

The second factor to consider is the type of moose antler available. There are two main types: split and whole. Split antlers have been cut down the middle so that each side can be chewed separately while whole antlers remain intact until they are chewed down by your pup over time. Both types offer their own benefits but ultimately which one you choose will depend on what works best for both you and your pet’s needs.

Finally, when selecting a moose antler for your pup, make sure it has no sharp edges or points that could potentially harm them as they chew on it. Also check if there are any visible signs of damage such as cracks or chips in the surface before purchasing an antler – these can be dangerous if ingested by dogs! Additionally, look out for any foreign objects like rocks embedded in the material as this could also pose a risk to their health if swallowed accidentally during playtime with their new toy!

Overall, when selecting a moose antler for your pooch always keep safety top-of-mind and opt for ones made from natural materials free from chemicals and other additives that may cause harm over time due to prolonged exposure through chewing habits. With these tips in mind, you should now have all the information needed to pick out just the right size and type of moose antler suited perfectly for Fido.

How to Introduce Your Dog to a Moose Antler Safely

Preparing Your Dog Before Introducing a Moose Antler

It is important to make sure your dog is ready for the introduction of a moose antler. Make sure they are comfortable with being handled and have basic obedience training before introducing them to the antler. If you are unsure, it’s best to consult with an experienced trainer or behaviorist first.

Supervising Your Dog While They Chew on a Moose Antler

When introducing your dog to a moose antler, always supervise them while they chew on it. This will help ensure that they don’t swallow any pieces of the antler or choke on any splinters that may come off during chewing. Additionally, this will give you an opportunity to observe their chewing habits and intervene if necessary in order to teach appropriate behaviors when using the antlers as toys.

Teaching your dog appropriate chewing habits can be done by providing positive reinforcement when they use the moose antlers appropriately (i.e., gently gnawing instead of biting down hard). You can also provide distractions such as treats or other toys when they start exhibiting inappropriate behaviors (such as excessive barking) so that you can redirect their attention away from the moose antlers and onto something more suitable for playtime activities

Introducing your dog to a moose antler safely is important for their health and safety. With the right preparation, supervision, and training, you can ensure that your pup has a safe and enjoyable experience with this unique chew toy. Now let’s look at how to care for and store it properly.

How to Care For and Store a Moose Antler Safely

Cleaning and Sanitizing a Used or New Moose Antler

It is important to clean and sanitize any used or new moose antlers before giving them to your pet. This will help reduce the risk of infection from bacteria, parasites, or other contaminants that may be present on the antler. Start by using a soft cloth dampened with warm water and mild soap to wipe down the surface of the antler. Be sure to rinse off all soap residue afterwards. If you are cleaning a used antler, it’s also important to use an enzymatic cleaner specifically designed for pet products in order to remove any organic matter that may still be present on the surface of the antler. Once you have finished cleaning and rinsing off any soapy residue, you can then sanitize your moose antlers with either rubbing alcohol or white vinegar diluted in water (1 part vinegar/alcohol mixed with 4 parts water). Allow your moose antlers time to air dry completely before giving them back to your pet.

Storing a Used or New Moose Antler Properly

Once cleaned and dried properly, it is important to store your moose antlers correctly in order to prevent contamination from dust, dirt, saliva, etc., as well as prolong their life span. The best way to store them is in an airtight container such as Tupperware-style containers with lids that seal tightly shut when not being used by your pet; this will keep out moisture which can cause mold growth over time if left unchecked. Additionally, make sure they are stored away from direct sunlight which can fade their color over time; dark cupboards work great for this purpose. Finally, if possible try storing multiple types of chews separately so they don’t get confused – labeling each container accordingly helps too.

FAQs in Relation to Moose Antlers for Dogs Safe

Do vets recommend antlers for dogs?

No, vets do not generally recommend antlers for dogs. Antlers can be a choking hazard and may splinter when chewed, causing potential harm to your pet. Additionally, they are not an appropriate source of nutrition for dogs and could cause gastrointestinal upset if ingested in large quantities. It is best to provide safe chew toys that are designed specifically for canine use instead of antlers.

Do moose antlers splinter?

No, moose antlers do not splinter. Moose antlers are made of a type of bone that is similar to human bones but with a different composition and structure. The outer layer of the antler is called “velvet” which is composed of living tissue that contains blood vessels and nerves. This velvet helps keep the antler from becoming brittle or breaking off easily, so it does not splinter like other types of bone can.

Can dogs get sick from antlers?

Yes, dogs can get sick from antlers. Antlers are often treated with chemicals to preserve them and these chemicals can be toxic if ingested by a dog. Additionally, antlers may contain bacteria or parasites that could cause illness in your pet. If you choose to give your dog an antler as a chew toy, make sure it is untreated and free of any visible dirt or debris before giving it to them. Monitor your pet while they chew on the antler and discard it if any pieces break off or become small enough for your dog to swallow.

Are elk or moose antlers better for dogs?

Elk and moose antlers are both popular chew toys for dogs, but elk antlers tend to be the better choice. Elk antlers are denser than moose antlers, which makes them more durable and longer lasting. They also contain higher levels of calcium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese and other minerals that can help support a dog’s health. Additionally, elk antlers don’t splinter as easily as moose antlers do when chewed on by a dog. All in all, elk antlers provide a safer chewing experience for your pup while still providing plenty of entertainment value.


In conclusion, moose antlers can be a great way to provide your dog with a safe and natural chew toy. However, it is important to ensure that you are selecting the right size and type of antler for your pup, introducing them safely, caring for it properly and storing it securely. If you’re not sure about giving your dog a moose antler or if you want something else as an alternative, there are plenty of other options available such as rawhide chews or rubber toys. Ultimately, when done correctly and safely, moose antlers for dogs can be a fun addition to any pet’s life!