The Meaning Behind The Song: Miracles by Jefferson Starship - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Miracles by Jefferson Starship

The Miracle of Music: The Meaning Behind the Song “Miracles” by Jefferson Starship

When you think of music that captures the spirit of the 1970s and 1980s, one band that immediately comes to mind is Jefferson Starship. Known for their unique blend of rock and pop, they had an impressive string of hits during their peak years. But one song, in particular, stands out as a testament to the power of music: “Miracles.” In this article, we’ll explore the meaning behind the lyrics of this iconic track, and how it has cemented its place in the hearts of music lovers around the world.

The Origins of “Miracles”

“Miracles” was written by lead singer Marty Balin, who had been with the band since its inception as Jefferson Airplane. According to Balin, the song was inspired by a dream he had about his then-girlfriend, whom he envisioned as an angel who could perform miracles. The idea resonated with him so much that he turned it into a full-fledged song.

The track was released on Jefferson Starship’s 1975 album “Red Octopus,” and quickly became one of their most popular songs. It reached number three on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, and won critical acclaim for its powerful lyrics and Balin’s soulful vocals.

The Lyrics of “Miracles”

At its core, “Miracles” is a love song, but it’s not your typical ballad. The lyrics are filled with images and metaphors that speak to the transcendental power of love and music. Here’s a closer look at some of the key lines:

“You don’t know what she means to me, she’s a heart that beats close to me”: This line speaks to the intense emotional connection between two people who are deeply in love. Balin’s use of the word “heart” is no accident – it’s a symbol of the life force that binds us all together.

“Miracles, all we need is miracles, all we need is love”: These lines serve as the chorus of the song, and they encapsulate its overall message – that love is the key to unlocking the miraculous potential within all of us.

“I knew that when I met her, I wouldn’t let her go”: This lyric speaks to the idea that true love is a rare and precious thing that should be cherished and protected at all costs.

Even though the lyrics of “Miracles” are somewhat abstract and metaphorical, they have resonated with audiences around the world for decades. The song’s message of love and hope is universal, and speaks to the human experience in a way that few other songs can.

The Legacy of “Miracles”

Over the years, “Miracles” has become more than just a song – it’s a cultural touchstone that has influenced countless artists and musicians. In fact, “Weird Al” Yankovic famously parodied the song in his 1984 hit “Eat It,” demonstrating just how pervasive its influence has been.

But beyond its impact on pop culture, “Miracles” has had a profound effect on individual listeners. Many fans have written to Balin over the years to tell him how much the song means to them, and how it has helped them through difficult times in their lives. For example, one fan wrote:

“I was in college in the early 80s when I heard ‘Miracles’ for the first time, and it changed everything for me. I was going through a tough time with my family, and the song gave me hope that things would get better. I still listen to it whenever I need a boost.”

This kind of response speaks to the transformative power of music, and the role that it can play in our lives. Whether we’re experiencing joy, pain, or anything in between, there’s a song out there that can help us make sense of it all.


“Miracles” may have been written over 40 years ago, but its message is just as relevant today as it was then. In a world where we’re often bombarded with negative news and divisive rhetoric, it’s easy to feel hopeless and lost. But songs like “Miracles” remind us that there’s still beauty and love in the world, and that we all have the power to create miracles if we just believe.

So the next time you hear “Miracles” playing on the radio, take a moment to really listen to the words. Let the music wash over you and remind you that anything is possible. After all, as Balin himself once said, “Music is the miracle that we all share.”

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