Michael Jordan (NBA 球員) - 英文名人名言佳句 每日一句

Michael Jordan (NBA 球員)

"If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it."

— Michael Jordan, NBA player

「如果你試圖達成某事,那將有路障。我有遇過它;每個人都有遇過它。可是障礙並不一定要阻止你。如果你碰到一面牆,不要轉身放棄。想出怎麼爬過它,穿過它,或另想法子。」– 麥可‧喬丹  (NBA 球員)

  • achieve (v.) 是「達到,達成」,如:What do you want to achieve by the end of this year? (你今年年底前想達成什麼?)。run into 是「遇到,碰到」,如:She ran into an old friend this morning. (她今天早上碰到一位老朋友。)  figure out 是「想出」,如:I can't figure out how to solve this problem. (我想不出怎麼解決這個問題。)  work around 是「另想辦法 / 對策克服」,如:Bill will not be here on the 20th, so we'll have to work around that. (比爾 20 號不會在這裡,所以我們得另想法子。)
  • 麥可‧喬丹  (1963- ) 據 NBA 官網指出為籃球史上最傑出的球員,因優異的跳躍力而被取名 "Air Jordan",他曾率領芝加哥公牛隊在 1991、1992、1993 年,及1996、1997、1998 年,兩度連 3 年贏得 NBA 總冠軍。他目前仍保持 NBA 球員職業生涯每場平均得分最高紀錄 (30.12 分) 和季後賽每場平均得分最高紀錄 (33.45 分)。


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