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The Death Mage Wiki

(Written by Luciliano):

A "Ghoul Amazoness Queen is a queen who commands a female-only pack of Ghoul Amazonesses, [according to legend]. Of course, there are no records of actual sightings in human society. Even in the Ghoul Nation in the Boundary Mountain Range, there have apparently been several Ghoul Amazonesses, but no queen has ever been confirmed to exist."[1]

In terms of appearance, they may appear to be not much different from Ghoul Amazonesses, Ghoul Amazoness Geronimos or Ghoul Amazoness Chiefs, but… It is possible that Basdia, the only Ghoul Amazoness Queen currently in existence, simply has not changed because of her large body that was originally 190cm tall, to begin with.[1]

Speaking of Basdia’s individual strength, she has not awakened any superior Skills, but her abilities are in the realm of A-class adventurers. With equipment made from the Demon King’s fragments, she would be unlikely to lose to an ordinary A-class adventurer.[1]

Though it is limited in range as it only affects Ghoul women, she has acquired the Strengthen Followers Skill, and she hopes to become a commander in the future.[1]

Incidentally, the Job named Demon Axe Blade that she has acquired is one that has not been discovered in human society, but it is already known to the Kijin Nation. It is apparently a Job that can be acquired by a woman with a high-Level Axe Technique Skill and the divine protection of Garess, the god of battle flags who is the guardian deity of the Kijin nation.[1]

The “ladies” of Vida's races may be high-class, but it seems that being such a lady has nothing to do with being graceful.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Chapter 179: A mother-daughter conversation and a strange reunion (Web Novel)