Early Statehood and The Mexican-American War Flashcards | Quizlet

Early Statehood and The Mexican-American War

James K. Polk
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Nueces RiverClaimed by Mexico to be the border between Texas and Mexico; 100 miles north of the Rio Grande.Sam HoustonLed Texan force in the Battle of San Jacinto that won Texas independence; First president of the Republic of TexasComprimise of 1850designed to cool heated north-south tensions. calif. was admitted as a free state, texas got cash, but lost land, due to pop. sovereignty, new mexico and utah were open to slavery, and a fugitive slave law was strengthened. clearly, senate favored northAbolitionistA person who wanted to end slaveryTreaty of Guadalupe HidalgoTreaty that ended the Mexican War, granting the U.S. control of Texas, New Mexico, and California in exchange for $15 millionResults of the Mexican-American WarUS wins. Manifest destiny is achieved by USPopular SovereigntyA belief that ultimate power resides in the people. States would vote on being a slave or non-slave state.How Texas Benefited from the Compromise of 1850Paid off their debt, build new roads, rail roads, and set aside funding for public schools.What happened in 1845Annexation of TexasReasons for Texas AnnexationTexas needed out of Debt Texas needed protection from Mexico and Natives. Many Texans were from the United States.James Pinckney HendersonFirst Governor of TexasExecutive BranchEnforces lawsLegislative BranchMakes lawsJudicial BranchInterprets the lawsdisputed territoryArea the United States and Mexico both claimed between the Rio Grande and Nueces RiverWhat attracted people from other states to TexasAbundance of free and cheap landCotton in TexasCaused enslaved African American population to rise, and fueled the growth of Texas towns.The United States ConstitutionInfluenced the Texas State constitution of 1845

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