Ethnocentrism vs. Cultural Relativism | Difference & Relationship - Lesson |
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Ethnocentrism vs. Cultural Relativism | Difference & Relationship

Zainab Saleh, Duane Cloud, Lesley Chapel
  • Author
    Zainab Saleh

    Zainab has taught writing and rhetoric at the collegiate level for two and a half years. She has a Bachelor's degree in English with minors in Psychology and Women's and Gender studies as well as a Master's in English literature.

  • Instructor
    Duane Cloud

    Duane has taught teacher education courses and has a Doctorate in curriculum and instruction. His doctoral dissertation is on ''The Wizard of Oz''.

  • Expert Contributor
    Lesley Chapel

    Lesley has taught American and World History at the university level for the past seven years. She has a Master's degree in History.

Understand the difference between ethnocentrism and cultural relativism. Learn to define ethnocentrism and cultural relativism and examine how they are related. Updated: 11/21/2023
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Ethnocentrism vs. Cultural Relativism - Writing Prompts

Poster Prompt 1:

Create a poster or some other type of graphic organizer that defines culture and then describes ethnocentrism and cultural relativism. Tip: It can be helpful to have the definition of culture at the top, and then have two sections dividing ethnocentrism and cultural relativism.

List Prompt 1:

Make a list of as many questions that you can come up with that a cultural relativist might ask when studying a society's culture. You can think of a specific culture or you can provide more general questions that get to the heart of cultural relativism.

Example: How does the performance of x ritual serve this society?

Essay Prompt 1:

Write an essay that describes some of the impacts of ethnocentrism on historical cultures.

Example: You could explain how missionaries spread Christianity to native cultures, and how this has caused certain cultural rituals to disappear.

Essay Prompt 2:

Write an essay that explains some of the potential negative impacts of utilizing cultural relativism when analyzing a certain culture. Be sure to utilize the concept of moral relativism in your essay.

Example: Since the implication of moral relativism is that there is no right or wrong, a cultural relativist might fail to see certain human or animal rights violations within a culture. For instance, a cultural relativist may not perceive animal sacrifice as animal cruelty, or may be unable to understand the detrimental effects of a culture denying girls the rights to higher education might be.

What is an example of ethnocentrism and cultural relativism?

An example of ethnocentrism is if someone believes another culture to be "savage" because they eat specific animal parts or animals that one may not eat in their own culture. An example of cultural relativism is if someone appreciates that the other culture eats specific animal parts or animals because it is something that is normal in that culture and best understood by the people who are a part of it. They do not judge this culture for what they eat but rather understand that there are differences in what they eat and appreciate those differences.

What is the difference between ethnocentrism and cultural relativism?

Ethnocentrism revolves around the idea that one's culture is superior to others with regard to behavior, attitudes, or cultural practices that are deemed "normal" in comparison to other cultures. Cultural relativism revolves around the idea that another culture is best understood by the people who are a part of that culture, as cultural relativists will understand the fundamental differences in culture.

Ethnocentrism and cultural relativism are both terms that center around culture, which is defined as the beliefs, attitudes, social forms, and characteristics of a social group that people share over place and time. Ethnocentrism compares other cultures by using a group's specific culture as the basis of that comparison, believing theirs to be superior and the standard to be used in comparison to other cultures. Cultural relativism, on the other hand, believes that culture is understood best through its own people. This lesson will discuss the differences between ethnocentrism and cultural relativism and how these worldviews are discussed and looked upon.

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  • 0:02 Culture
  • 0:49 Ethnocentrism &…
  • 2:37 Attitudes About the World
  • 6:12 Lesson Summary

Ethnocentrism is defined as the attitudes of a culture that believes they are superior to others based on a specific culture's race, ethnicity, or nationality. One who is ethnocentric will believe that their culture holds the standards upon which other cultures should be measured, whether that be specific practices, beliefs, or attitudes about particular subject matters. Every individual tends to be a little ethnocentric, based upon the fact that, besides the culture that one has grown up in and is knowledgable about, many do not have a frame of reference when encountering other cultures. One may have an unintentional reaction to another person's cultural practices and beliefs based on the lack of exposure to other cultures.

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Cultural relativism is defined as a person looking at a culture's beliefs, values, and practices from the perspective of the culture they are analyzing. It will look at the context of each culture and understand that each culture is different and best understood by the people who are a part of that culture. Cultural relativists will often appreciate cultural differences, opposing ethnocentrism in the understanding and education of different cultural practices and beliefs.

Despite this understanding and the appreciatory behavior of different cultures, cultural relativism can be problematic as someone who is a cultural relativist may not know how to determine a cultural practice or belief to be morally or socially right or wrong. It is a weakness of cultural relativism, as one may want to appreciate the differences in culture but not understand that sometimes, a specific practice or belief can be harmful or damaging to many. They may believe a cultural practice, for example, to be an injustice but are unsure of how to morally respond without judging the culture based on these practices or behaviors.

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Ethnocentrism and cultural relativism showcase the many different ways one may look at other cultures. While differing in world views, they are each an approach that is used to evaluate a culture. Ethnocentrists will evaluate a culture by using theirs as the basis of that comparison, while cultural relativists will evaluate different cultures with an understanding that there are differences between their own culture and another person's culture, and what may be a tradition in one, is not in another. It centers culture in the exploration and close examination of other cultures, which makes these two worldviews similar in a minimal way.

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Ethnocentrism is when one believes their culture to be superior to other cultures, using their culture as the standard to which other cultures should be compared with regard to beliefs, attitudes, and practices. Ethnocentrists will believe their culture to hold "normal" standards when it comes to what they believe, what they practice, and the attitudes they hold about specific subject matters. Ethnocentrism, however, can be problematic as it may lead to the dehumanization of other cultures by believing them to be morally corrupt, flawed, or savage. Ethnocentrists often think of other cultures as inferior, which can be very damaging to the cultural differences that make our world diverse. Every person is most likely ethnocentric, given the fact that aside from the culture one embodies, there is a lack of a frame of reference when it comes to being exposed to other cultures. That leads to using one's own culture as the standard and the other cultures should look upon it as the norm regarding behavior, attitudes, and cultural practices.

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Culture is a force in the world that shapes human behavior as surely as biology and family. We may define culture as beliefs, values and attitudes of a social group that are passed along from one generation of people to the next. Culture can also refer to an actual society with particular practices, such as American or African culture.

Is there such a thing as a best culture? The answer to that questions depends on what perspective you want to adopt: ethnocentrism or cultural relativism. Since both ethnocentrism and cultural relativism can be a bit ponderous to explain, we're going to personify them with two siblings: ethnocentrist Ethan and cultural relativist Casey.

Ethnocentrism & Cultural Relativism

The two ideas we're going to discuss are ethnocentrism and cultural relativism. During the early days of contact between different cultures, ethnocentrism was the norm. Ethnocentrism is the idea that one's own culture is the main standard by which other cultures may be measured. An ethnocentric is concerned with how similar others' cultural practices, symbols, and beliefs are to their own.

For instance, Ethan is an ethnocentrist; he considers others' beliefs and practices to be savage or corrupt, or he is often confused by other people's cultures. Very often, people that are ethnocentric don't know they are using their culture to judge another's. The culture of an ethnocentric person is considered the 'normal' way that things are done, just as Ethan believes.

A competing idea, cultural relativism is the belief that the culture of people serves particular needs and must be looked at in terms of the world the people inhabit. This is often the perspective of social scientists who work with people and is the result of the work of anthropologist Franz Boas.

For instance, Casey is a cultural relativist; she prefers to look at other cultures in terms of what their practices bring to them. She believes that if a tribe paints their faces for religious ceremonies, there must be a good reason why they do that. Is there a practical reason for it, or is it symbolic? If symbolic, where do the symbols come from?

These questions allow a closer examination of the practices of others than ethnocentrism. This doesn't imply that a relativist, like Casey, doesn't have strong beliefs of her own. Rather, other cultures are simply not judged with reference to one's own culture. Again, this often has to be trained into people.

Attitudes About the World

The difference between the two concepts of ethnocentrism and cultural relativism are the difference between night and day; they are simply different attitudes about the world. Ethnocentric Ethan postulates the observer's own culture as a standard of measurement, while cultural relativist Casey has no standard and views each culture as special, according to its own merits.

Now, there's nothing wrong with Ethan's view. Indeed, most people are considered a little ethnocentric. Unless someone is an anthropologist or other social scientist, it may be difficult for someone to appreciate anyone's behavior without referencing his or her own culture. However, there are problematic actions and attitudes that may be fostered by an ethnocentric attitude, like Ethan's.

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