Last Name Meaning and Family History with Family Coat of Arms
Coat of Arms Wood Plaque Engraved on Marble Background
Coat of Arms Wood Plaque Engraved on Silver Background
Coat of Arms Wood Plaque Engraved on Black Background
Coat of Arms Wood Plaque Engraved on Gold Background
Customized Family Tree Chart with Last Name Meaning & Coat of Arms.
Double Family Coat of Arms Wedding Display.
Sample of Family Tree Charts and Genealogy Chart Forms.

We here at The Tree Maker facility create genealogy products that are the best of the best. Informative information on the last name meaning of a surname and beautiful artwork on the family coat of arms of your history is found in many of the items that we offer our customers. We offer the last name meaning and history on your family

Place Your Order By Calling 615-696-0202

Due to Covid-19 our hours of availability and order processing have been shortened to Mondays and Fridays only as we are a small family business. If you have any questions please email us at for the fastest response possible. If you have concerns about processing times you may email those concerns prior to placing your order. We are working as fervently as possible on existing orders and appreciate your patience during this time. Thank you for your business. From our family to you and yours stay safe and blessings to you all.

Last Name Meaning and Family History with Family Coat of Arms

What is the last name meaning and family coat of arms of my family history is a common question. Our attractive print shows a combination of what your family coat of arms and last name meaning may look like. We have the last name meaning and family surname history for most names.

This Surname History and Family Shield Combination has the last name meaning of the surname along with the origin of the name. This document will normally break down the surname as to how it was formed and what last name classification it has. The family shield shows the coat of arms and crest along with the beautiful artwork.

If you need a Short Last Name Origin & Large Coat of Arms then you may like this product. The artwork on this chart is larger and much easier to see. The design of each coat of arms is the most accurate that we can offer. The last name origin is short, but to the point. It describes the origin of the surname, the makeup of the name, how it came to be, and normally there are listed some references to this surname in records of the past.

The family crest and coat of arms will list the origin of the name along with each symbol on the shield which is in the description of your blazon of arms within our records.

A unique gift for parents, a couple or a gift for him. The coat of arms and surname history for two people will be shown on this beautiful, but simple display. The last name and its meaning will be discussed along with the origin and classification of the surname, along with the full names of the couple and wedding date. What better way to say "I Love You!!"

The Family Name Plaque with Coat of Arms is created from Solid Walnut with a Solid Brass Plate. This long version gives the meaning of your last name, origin of your surname, and also covers some of the important events that are going on, in and around the country. The family name plaque also pictures the coat of arms and crest, which stands out, on a beautiful marble like background with 5 different colors.

This Engraved Name Plate with Coat of Arms and History on your last name is made from Solid Walnut Wood with a solid Solid Brass Plate. The family plaque describes the last name meaning of your surname, what classification Heraldry list your surname as and the coat of arms. This one is shown in flat black, but we do offer it in 5 different colors. This is a type of family tree plaque to add to your Christmas List.

Here we have our Family History Long Version and Coat of Arms Display, which is offered in a wood frame. The family coat of arms will show the country of origin and crest {if it has one} of your family genealogy. The beautiful colored print of your family coat of arms will enhance any room of the house. Stunning colors and artwork set these displays apart from other products on the market that shows your last name meaning.

Do we have your last name meaning and family coat of arms on record? Let's find out. Search our records to see if your last name is in our database. If your family surname does not appear, and we don't have it in one of our off-line databases or many family history books then we offer a "Surname Origin Research".

This genealogy print is showing the Last Name Meaning of Both Surnames of your family history. It is another great gift idea for couples. The family history is important to many people, and a display of the last name meaning of each surname is an excellent way to show their family heritage. Each name origin is decorated in beautiful colors and gives details about the surnames from what last name classification it has to the brake down of the name itself. Some references are mentioned as well as other important bits of history on the last name.

If we don't have your last name meaning or coat of arms than you can have us research the last name. Just go to the Surname Origin Research� page to read about our services.

The Last Name Meaning of Your Surname and its origin are important and this genealogy product does both. This information normally shows what type of surname that your last name is classified as. For example if it is an occupational name like "Smith" or a name that is a description of the person like the surname "Red". It also brakes down the surname itself and tells you why it was put together the way it was. This can tell you a lot about your last name and the family history behind the surname.

Add Your Last Name Meaning & Family History to a Genealogy Chart

Keep in mind that we can add your last name meaning and family history to anyone of our family tree charts below. Free pedigree chart if needed. These genealogy charts can display the family history of your direct lines, the family coat of arms and crest, as well as the surname origin of your last name. The meaning and brake down of the surname is still done as in the other products listed above.

Customized Charts With Names

9-Generation Fan Chart Plain

9-Generation Fan Chart with 2 Surname History

9-Generation Fan Chart with Coat of Arms and Surname History

9-Generation Fan Chart with 2 Coats of Arms

7-Generation Bow-Tie Chart

6-Generation Chart {1}

6-Generation Chart {2}

5-Generation Chart

5-Generation Couples Chart

4-Generation Couples Chart

Cousin's Chart
Blank Charts With No Names

9-Generation Fan Chart Plain

9-Generation Fan Chart with 2 Surname History

9-Generation Fan Chart with Coat of Arms and Surname History

9-Generation Fan Chart with 2 Coats of Arms

7-Generation Bow-Tie Chart

6-Generation Chart {1}

6-Generation Chart {2}

5-Generation Chart

5-Generation Couples Chart

4-Generation Couples Chart

The above list of genealogy charts can be created with your surnames last name meaning and can also be customized in other ways. Feel free to take a look at the Customizing Your Chart webpage to learn more about what we can design for your family and the history behind it.

Surname Meaning and Last Name Origin of Other Countries

The surname meaning and last name origin of other countries can be found on some other products listed below. These of course focus on a few countries. Do we have your last name meaning and family coat of arms on record? The best way to see if we have your last name in our database is to do a quick search.

Scottish Surname Meaning and Scottish Last Name Origin Italian Surname Meaning and Italian Last Name Origin
English Surname Meaning and English Last Name Origin Spanish Surname Meaning and Spanish Last Name Origin
German Surname Meaning and German Last Name Origin Irish Surname Meaning and Irish Last Name Origin
French Surname Meaning and French Last Name Origin

If your family surname does not appear, and we don't have it in one of our off-line databases or many family history books then we can research the origin of your family surname. Just go to the

The Written History and Heritage of a Few Countries

The following is some written history and heritage of a few countries that may be of interest to some of our visitors. In the research of the last names and their meaning it is always interesting how each country has its unique history that developed in a way that leads up to present day. We hope you enjoy some of these writings. Remember that genealogy is about history and following family lines. Some of these writings talk about certain surnames that really impacted the history of every last name out there, in one way or another. Enjoy!!

History of Ireland and its Irish Heritage
History of Scotland and its Scottish Heritage
History of Germany and its German Heritage
History of France and its French Heritage
History of England and its English Heritage
History of Italy and its Italian Heritage
History of Spain and its Spanish Heritage
History of Canada and its Canadian Heritage
The Renaissance Period or Renaissance Era
King Charlemagne and the History of the Charlemagne Empire
History of the Crusades, From the First Crusade to the last Crusade
The Middle Ages

Although we here at The Tree Maker have design many types of genealogy products, it has been a great joy of ours to read each surname history that is ordered. It is amazing to us that Heraldry has come so far in blazon of arms and the research into the last name meaning of surnames. The brake down of the surname and find out how each last name was formed. We hope that our products bring you as much happiness that it is intended to.

Remember these products make great birthday gifts, Christmas presents, or Wedding and Anniversary gifts.

Family Crest - Alphabetic Surname Listings
A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z
Coat of Arms - Alphabetic Surname Listings
A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z

The Tree Maker ask that you please read the "Frequently Asked Questions" section before ordering. It covers a number of subjects in detail. Most of the questions are in regards to customization to family tree charts, family coat of arms, family crest symbol, Design Your Own Coat of Arms Symbol, surname history, family rings, and last name meaning, but the first few apply to everyone. This will help avoid any problems that could arise about your order. Free pedigree chart if needed. These family tree products make great birthday gifts, Christmas presents, or a Wedding and Anniversary gift.