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Villains Wiki

Hrruagh! (Come get some!)
~ Firebrand

Firebrand is a red arremer that made his first appearance in Gargoyle's Quest. While at worst the Firebrand from Gargoyle's Quest could be considered an Anti-Hero, Firebrand in the Marvel vs. Capcom universe is a different story. He made his fighting game debut in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, representing the Ghosts 'n Goblins franchise alongside Arthur.


Firebrand is manevolent and cunning, only fueled by patriotism to his own realm and it's people. He loves stopping would-be heroes like Arthur, however he also enjoys stopping tyrants from taking over the realms.


Long ago, a mutant gargoyle with red scales went on a quest to defeat Breager so that he didn't take over the Makai. He collected artifacts to make him stronger and stronger, until he was able to take down the king of destruction. That was Firebrand's ancestor, when Breager returned to take over the demon realm again, Firebrand rose up to defend his home land and destroy Breager. Firebrand would then find element themed crests to later take down Phalanx in some kind of revenge fueled quest. Then he threw the crests away out of pride of his own strength. Eventually he would join Jedah alongside Dormammu in the Dark Kingdom.


Current Allies[]

Jedah Dohma


Doctor Strange
Morrigan Aensland
Ghost Rider



  • Despite never appearing in Ghosts 'n Goblins the first game usually listed as his first is Ghosts 'n Goblins instead of Gargoyle's Quest.
    • This could be because the Marvel vs. Capcom version of Firebrand is more based on the Red Arremer enemy from Ghosts 'n Goblins instead of the actual Firebrand.
  • His Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 theme is remix of the opening theme in Gargoyle's Quest.


           Capcom logo Vs. Villains

Capcom Universe
Abyss | Akuma | Albert Wesker | Anakaris | Astaroth | Baby Bonnie Hood | Balrog | Black Hayato | Demitri Maximoff | Devilotte | Dr. Wily | Druk, Shtrom and Shtrom Jr. | Evil Ryu | Firebrand | Grandmaster Meio (Original) | Hugo | Huitzil | Jedah Dohma | Juri Han | Lord Raptor | M. Bison | Megaman Juno | Nebiroth | Nemesis | Pyron | Red Arremers | Rolento | Sagat | Seth | Shadow | Shadow Lady | Sigma | Solo | Strider Hien | Trish | Tong Pooh | Urien | Vector | Vega | Vergil | Vile | Yami | Zangief

Marvel Universe
Apocalypse | Blackheart | Black Widow | Dark Phoenix | Deadpool | Doctor Doom | Dormammu | Galactus |

Juggernaut | Lady Death | Magneto | Marrow | Mephisto | M.O.D.O.K. | Omega Red | Onslaught | Sabretooth | Sentinels | Shuma-Gorath | Silver Samurai | Spiral | Taskmaster | Thanos | Ultron | Winter Soldier

Sega Universe
Aya-Me | Break | Ciseaux | Coco ★ Tapioca | Dokurobo | Dural | Goro Majima | Kurohagane | Ranmaru Mori | Reala | Riemsianne La Vaes | Selvaria Bles | Shadow | Wizeman

SNK Universe
Chang Koehan | Choi Bounge | Earthquake | Geese Howard | Genjuro Kibagami | Goenitz | Iori Yagami | Mars People | Raiden | Rugal Bernstein | Ryuji Yamazaki | Vice

Namco Universe
Amazona | Ancient Ogre | Azure Flame Kite | Black Bravo | Black Valkyrie | Charade | Dokugozu | Dokumezu | Drei Belanos | Druaga | Due Flabellum | Eins Belanos | Heihachi Mishima | Janga | Jin Kazama | Joker | Kamuz | Kazuya Mishima | Kiso Yoshinaka | Marduk | Meden Traore | Minamoto no Yoritomo | Minamoto no Yoshitsune | Musashibō Benkei | Omicon and Necron | Phantom | Saya | Sheath | Skeith | Stehoney | T-elos | Unknown | Vajra | Waya Hime | Zagi | Zouna

Tatsunoko Universe
Berg Katse | Boyacky | Doronjo | Tonzura | Sosai X

Nintendo Universe
Metal Face

Sony/PlayStation Universe
Cole MacGrath

Original Generation
Ultron Sigma

          Ghosts-n-Goblins-Logo Villains

Ghosts 'n Goblins
Emperors of Makai
Astaroth | Lucifer | Sardius | Nebiroth | Hades

Red Arremers

Gargoyle's Quest
Firebrand | Breager | Arma | Phalanx | Somulo

Achille | Demon Queen | Lord Bane
