Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 ROM & ISO - PS3 Game

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

Console PS3
Publisher Capcom
Genre Fighting
Region EU , JP
Views 15,152
Downloads 11,734
Released November 15, 2011
File size 2.88 G
3.9/5 (8 votes)
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Take a wild ride into the universe of comic book clashes and console combat in the game that merges two stellar franchises into one explosive extravaganza: “Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3” (UMvC3) for PlayStation 3 (PS3). This upgraded iteration of its predecessor, Marvel vs. Capcom 3, pulls out all the stops, leaving players in a jaw-dropping freefall of frenetic battles and formidable alliances.


Ladies and Gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts. In “Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3,” the plot unfolds like an epic superhero movie, catapulting you into an immersive universe where Marvel and Capcom worlds are on a collision course—the narrative centers around a criminal, colossal threat that prompts an unprecedented alliance between the two realities.

Doomsday scenarios take center stage as Marvel’s iconic Doctor Doom teams up with the malevolent Albert Wesker from Capcom’s “Resident Evil.” Their wicked scheme to merge the two universes is suddenly thrown off-course by an even more destructive force, Galactus. The Devourer of Worlds aims to consume both realities, leaving our heroes and villains to band together desperately for survival.


Does your idea of a good time involve controlling Wolverine as he leaps over a Hadouken from Street Fighter’s Ryu? If so, then “Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3” is about to be your digital dream come true. With a roster boasting 50 characters – 36 characters from the original game and 14 new faces, this game offers a buffet of brawlers.

You’ve got everyone from Marvel’s Spider-Man, Iron Man, Hulk to Capcom’s Dante from Devil May Cry, Mega Man X, and the formidable Akuma from Street Fighter. Each character brings their unique abilities and combos to the fight, providing a wide range of battle styles for players to master. As if that isn’t enough, you can form teams of three characters to tag in and out mid-battle, resulting in dynamic, strategy-laden match-ups.


The developers of UMvC3 weren’t content with letting players duke it out with beloved characters; they threw in a handful of additional features as if they were throwing confetti at a New Year’s party. The visual presentation is awe-inspiring, with a comic book art style brought to life in high-definition 3D.

The “Galactic Conquest” mode has you conquering various galaxies, whereas the “Heroes and Heralds” mode lets you collect and useability cards to customize your team. With online multiplayer, the battlefield extends globally, where you can challenge players worldwide. UMvC3 offers a revised matchmaking system to ensure fairness and balanced competition, allowing players of similar skill levels to fight each other.


In the pantheon of crossover fighting games, “Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3” for PS3 stands tall, with its sprawling character roster, exciting plot, and a buffet of features that keep players coming back for more. Whether you’re a comic book fan, a console combat enthusiast, or someone who gets a kick out of epic mashups, this game will likely have you hooked faster than you can say, “Shoryuken!”

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