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Hero Overview

~ Marty's catchphrase.
When a zebra is in the zone, leave him alone.
~ Marty to Alex after he interrupted his daydream.

Martin, or more commonly known as Marty, is the deuteragonist of the Madagascar franchise. He is a zebra who lived at the Central Park Zoo, and Alex's best friend.

He is voiced by Chris Rock, who also voices the other zebras in Madagascar 2: Escape to Africa and Madly Madagascar. Rock also voices Osmosis Jones in the Warner Bros. Pictures 2001 live-action/animated hybrid film of the same name, and Mooseblood in Bee Movie.


At one point in the first movie, Alex says he's black with white stripes, which is true for all zebras, as he has 30 black, and only 29 white, but this was partly due to the fact that Alex had to give an explanation as to why he was licking Marty, as he thought he was the steak in his dream.

Also often Marty mentions that he is black with white stripes, although, in the herd of zebras, very few zebras have their exact stripes pattern. In reality, no zebras share the same exact pattern of stripes. He also has a teeth-marked scar on his rear when Alex bit him.



The movie opens on Marty’s 10th birthday (middle-aged for a zebra). His friends try to give him a great birthday, but somehow, Marty wants more. He escapes the Central Park Zoo, in which he lives, and makes a dash for the wild. His friends, Alex the Lion, Melman the Giraffe and Gloria the Hippopotamus flag him down, but as they're about to take him back to the zoo, police officers appear in all directions, tranquilize the animals, and send them on a ship to Kenya. However, the penguins take over the ship and the four friends are washed up on the shores of Madagascar.

Once on the island, the animals begin to panic except for Marty, who has had his dream fulfilled. Marty sets up a "bar" on the island, known as Casa del Wild (in English Home of the Wild). Alex is mad at Marty for getting them shipped to the wild, but he later apologizes to Marty and actually begins to enjoy himself on the island. Unfortunately, his enjoyment brings on his killer instincts, causing him to attack the resident lemurs and his friends, including Marty. Alex runs to the far side of the island with the fossa feeling very gulity for attacking his friends. Marty begins to regret seeing what Alex has turned into and wishing that he had never felt the zoo.

The penguins, having been to Antarctica and finding it not to their liking, land the boat on Madagascar. Seeing this as a chance to return Alex to New York, Marty, with Gloria and Melman, goes to find Alex. Marty finds a very despondent Alex telling him the news, but Alex refuses to leave and harm his friends and sulks in the cave. Marty tells Alex that he won't leave without him, but Alex continues to mope. Marty decides to sing the song that Alex used on him earlier to cheer him up. But just then, the fossa, who had been attacking the lemurs and killing them for prey, climb from the walls and surround Marty who runs for his life, screaming "HELP!!!"

But The fossa corner him and are about to pounce, but Melman and Gloria save him and they and the Penguins try to fight the Fossa off but are outnumbered. Suddenly a roaring echo and Alex shows up advancing on him Marty closes his eyes ready for death...when Alex's showtime!" The Fossas are defeated by Alex, Marty, Gloria, Melman, and the penguins and driven into their territory, never to bother the lemurs again.

Marty, along with his friends has only a few small cameos in "The Madagascar Penguins in A Christmas Caper". He, Alex, and Gloria are seen at the beginning of decorating Melman's neck with Christmas lights. In the end, he, his friends, and almost all the other zoo animals are seen singing their own version of "Jingle Bells".

Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa[]

Marty (along with the other animals) finds himself stranded in Africa. There, he joins a herd of zebra that all look and sound exactly like him. While he enjoys this new lifestyle at first, he quickly becomes depressed when it becomes evident that he has no individuality in a herd. Marty also becomes sad when Alex is unable to tell him apart from the other zebras. Ultimately, Alex is able to make amends by picking Marty out of the herd (later revealed to be due to the bite mark left on his backside from the previous film) and Marty accompanies his friend to unblock a dam set by stranded New Yorkers in the jungle (which causes the watering hole to dry up). When Alex is caught, Marty gets the other animals to help rescue him.

Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted[]

When the Zoosters decide that the penguins have taken long enough to return back to pick them up, Marty and his friends go to Monte Carlo in order to try and find them. Unfortunately, they find themselves spotted by the humans in the casino as well as finding the penguins. As a result, Marty and pals find themselves being chased after by animal control. In order to hide, Marty, Melman, Gloria, and Alex decide to hide with Circus Zaragoza in order to stay away from the animal control. While hiding they find that this particular circus could earn a contract for an American tour with a stop in New York City, when the group finds that this circus is not going to earn that contract without a serious makeover, Marty and pals take it upon themselves to refresh the circus with some new acts. Marty ends up finding his calling in doing a routine with Stefano in which they are shot out of cannons. When the group ends up getting the contract and reaching New York City, Marty apologizes to his friends for leaving the zoo in the first place as he feels like it was all his fault to begin with, but then Alex tells him that leaving the zoo was the best thing that has ever happen to them. Then Marty and his friends end up realizing that the zoo is not all it is cracked up to be and decide to instead run off with the circus and continue performing in their acts until Dubois ambushes them. The circus animals come to the rescue where Vitaly frees Marty from his cage by jumping through the keyhole. After telling their new friends they've changed their minds, Marty, Melman, and Gloria were happy seeing Alex and Gia together as a couple. Marty sees that he and his friends are finally where they belong, which is truly crack-a-lacking.

Madagascar: A Little Wild[]

Marty appears as a protagonist in this online prequel series, which takes place many years before the events of the films and depicts Marty's childhood adventures in Central Park Zoo.


External Links[]


           Madagascar logo Heroes

Main Characters
Alex | Marty | Melman | Gloria

Skipper | Kowalski | Rico | Private

King Julien XIII | Maurice | Mort

Madagascar: Mason and Phil | Lemurs
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa: Zuba | Florrie
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted: Vitaly | Gia | Stefano | Sonya | Esmeralda, Esperanza and Ernestina | Frankie, Freddie, Jonesy and Shakey | Manu and Maya
Penguins of Madagascar: Classified | Eva | Short Fuse | Corporal

The Penguins of Madagascar: Marlene | Burt Elephant | Lemmy (LEM-R) | Doris
All Hail King Julien: Clover | Masikura | Xixi
