Curriculum for Advent - Santa Clara University
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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics


The season of Advent is considered the beginning of the liturgical year and often begins in late November or early December, on the fourth Sunday before Christmas (December 25th).  The word advent means coming, and the season is a preparation for the coming of the Jesus.  The first two Sundays of Advent have as their focal point the Second Coming of Jesus at the end of the world, whereas the third and fourth Sundays of Advent focus on the actual historical event of the Incarnation, that is the birth of Jesus into human existence as both God and man. The primary color of the Advent season is a bluish purple for the first, second and fourth Sundays of Advent, with rose or pink being the color of the Third Sunday of Advent.  Each of the Sundays of Advent has, as its purpose, the preparation for the great feast of Christmas, that is the birth of Jesus into time and in human form.


Advent Wreath


Build. Plant. Grow. provides catechetical instruction for children based on the Sunday readings of the Christian Church during the period beginning with Advent up to and including the closure of the liturgical year with the Feast of Christ the King. These readings from the Lectionary are divided into three-year cycles.

Lesson plans include a short exegesis of the readings, application to a children's book, and the virtue that is common to the Bible readings and the children's book, activities to extend the understanding of the virtue, practical advice for incorporating the virtue in an age-appropriate manner. Examples of the children's books include such favorites as The Steadfast Tin Soldier and The Very Hungry Caterpillar.