Leadership - Mark Twain Elementary School

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Angie Teas

Angie Teas has served the Tulsa Public School district for over 28 years the. She has worked as a teacher, counselor, assistant principal, and principal. 

She is a 1986 graduate of Bishop Kelly High School. She received her bachelor's degree in Elementary Ed/ Early Childhood from Northeastern State University in 1990. She then received her Master's degree in School Counseling in 1995 from Northeastern State University. 

Principal Teas is committed to growing students and servicing Tulsans. 

Photo of Principal Angie Teas with mascot


Stephaine Fox
Assistant Principal

Photo of Assistant Principal Stephanie Fox

I am a Tulsa native with two daughters of whom I am very proud. Both graduated from Edison Preparatory High School. My daughters went on to attend college one and one has graduated from Oklahoma State University. The other is currently a Junior at the University of Oklahoma. 

I joined Tulsa Public Schools in the Spring of 1992 after earning my Bachelor of Science in Education from Northeastern State University. My journey began teaching half days between Patrick Henry Elementary School and Edison Middle Preparatory School. 

In the fall of 1992, I began a full-time teaching position at Edison Middle School. I taught language arts, math and reading full-time to our exceptional needs students. After fourteen years, I made a change to teach middle school Science and Religion at a private school. My heart and our students brought me back to Tulsa Public Schools and I obtained my elementary certification. 

I was very lucky to then teach at Hawthorne Elementary for ten years. I was a 5th-grade general education teacher, special education teacher, team leader, and teacher in charge. Being Teacher-in-Charge for 5 years motivated my return to school to get my masters in educational leadership. I graduated from Arkansas State University with a Masters of Science in Educational Leadership in December of 2017. Which allowed me to stay at the building level and have a greater impact on our students and school. My first year out of the classroom in 26 years was last year at William Penn Elementary as the on-site Behavior Interventionist and Instructional Coach. 

I am so excited to be the Assistant Principal at Mark Twain Elementary and being a Tiger!! I can't wait to continue ROARING with our students and staff of our core values of Character, Equity, Excellence, Joy, and Team!