Frases de Marcel Marceau (18 citas) | Frases de famosos

Frases de Marcel Marceau

Marcel Marceau , de nacimiento Marcel Mangel y también conocido por el nombre de su personaje, Bip, fue un mimo y actor francés.

Comenzó su carrera como mimo en Alemania, actuando para las tropas francesas de ocupación, después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Tras esa incursión en el arte dramático decidió estudiar esta disciplina en el teatro Sarah Bernhardt de París.

Fue condecorado oficial de la Legión de honor francesa.

✵ 22. marzo 1923 – 22. septiembre 2007
Marcel Marceau Foto
Marcel Marceau: 18 frases14 Me gusta

Frases célebres de Marcel Marceau

“Los actores, igual que los periodistas, somos los historiadores del ahora”

—  Marcel Marceau

Cita tomada de una entrevista a Marcel Marceau.- Inés Matute en Luke 2003.

Marcel Marceau: Frases en inglés

“In silence and movement you can show the reflection of people.”

—  Marcel Marceau

US News & World Report (23 February 1987)

“I have tried to shed some gleams of light on the shadow of man startled by his anguish.”

—  Marcel Marceau

As quoted in Wall Street Journal (19 November 1965)
Contexto: I have designed my style pantomimes as white ink drawings on black backgrounds, so that man’s destiny appears as a thread lost in an endless labyrinth... I have tried to shed some gleams of light on the shadow of man startled by his anguish.

“Chaplin made me laugh and cry without saying a word. I had an instinct. I was touched by the soul of Chaplin — Mime is not an imitator but a creator.”

—  Marcel Marceau

Interview, The Lantern (5 April 2001)

“Mime makes the invisible, visible and the visible, invisible.”

—  Marcel Marceau

As quoted in Core Media Collection for Elementary Schools (1978) by Lucy Gregor Brown; unsourced variant or misquotation: "A magician makes the visible invisible. A mime makes the invisible visible."

“Silence is like a flame, you see?”

—  Marcel Marceau

Interview Charlie Rose (27 September 2000)

“Fathers, I do not practice. I’m not religious in life, but when I perform "The Creation of the World" and when my soul is touched by the confrontation of "Good and Evil", then God enters in me.”

—  Marcel Marceau

Interview The Lantern (5 April 2001) Replying to two priests who, after a performance of his routines of "The Creation of The World" and "The Hands of Good and Evil", asked if he was religious.

“To communicate through silence is a link between the thoughts of man.”

—  Marcel Marceau

US News & World Report (23 February 1987)

“Do not the most moving moments of our lives find us all without words?”

—  Marcel Marceau

As quoted in The Reader’s Digest (June 1958)

“Never get a mime talking. He won’t stop.”

—  Marcel Marceau

US News & World Report (23 February 1987)

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