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Route Planner

If you find yourself getting lost in a new destination or spending hours planning for the perfect route, then, this Route Planner can help you find the quickest and shortest routes for multiple stops of your journey. Whether you're driving, cycling, or walking, this tool can help you find the shortest route based on live traffic updates and road conditions.

How to use Route Planner For Multiple Stops

1. Enter your starting point.

You can type your current location or any location you want.

2. Enter your destination.

3. Select your mode of transportation.

Depending on your vehicle, the tool will plan out the most appropriate and shortest route to your place.

4. Customize your route.

You can customize your route in different ways. You can add multiple stops along the way and select the fastest route.

5. Follow the driving directions.


A route planner is a great tool to help you plan your trip to multiple destinations at a time. It can help you save time and reduce stress while traveling. It can calculate your route to any destination in the world regardless of your vehicle. Moreover, you can customize the route based on your preferences to save time as well as gas money.
There is no need to worry about traffic jams because it also provides live traffic conditions.

Key features include:

  • Route optimization to save time and fuel cost
  • Real-time traffic updates and navigation
  • The ability to add multiple stops
  • Street view
  • Turn-by-turn directions