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Guide and Walkthrough (PS2) by RaccoonCityPD

Version: FINAL 100% | Updated: 04/20/2004



Manhunt Walkthrough by RaccoonCityPD (c).
Another 100% Complete Guide by RaccoonCityPD - only on
All text copyright Jason Beks, 24 March 2004 (c).
Email questions to: (ensure Manhunt is in the subject line).



1. Copyright
2. Controls
3. Objective
4. Health
5. Ratings
6. Performing Executions
7. Hints & Tips
8. Walkthrough 100% Complete - Fetish Mode
9. Walkthrough 100% Complete - Hardcore Mode
10. Bonus Features
11. Secrets
12. Credits


1. C O P Y R I G H T

Ok - for starters, don't knick my work and write it off as your own yada yada
yada. If this walkthrough appears anywhere other than you'll
know it's been plagurised, modified or stolen. Please feel free to email any
questions. Now let's go choke someone with their own genitals...


2. C O N T R O L S

x - light attack, fire weapon, throw lure, execute, tap, kick open doors
square - strong attack, reload weapon, execute
triangle - action button
circle - switch weapon, exchange weapon
left analog stick - move
right analog stick - free look, L/R switch targets while holding down L1 button
L1 button - target, toggle strafing
L2 button - strafe left
R1 button - sprint
R2 button - strafe right
R3 button - look behind, free look while targeting
L2 + R2 buttons - quick 180 degree turn
left directional button - peek left
right directional button - peek right
start button - pause/menu


3. O B J E C T I V E

Your main objective as James Earl Cash is quite simply to remain alive. Saved
from execution by merciless snuff film director Lionel Starkweather, you are
released into a deserted landscape that is populated by various gangs who must
hunt you to the death - in the name of entertainment.


4. H E A L T H

Your health and stamina meters are located in the bottom right corner of the
screen. Health may be replenished by running over bottles of pain killers. One
bottle of pain killers recovers 50% of health. Stamina is automatically
replenished if Cash is given an opportunity to rest after sprinting. If the
stamina meter is depleted, Cash is reduced to walking pace until the meter
automatically refills.


5. R A T I N G S

The game has 2 difficulty settings - Fetish (normal) and Hardcore (hard).
Each 'scene' or level in the game receives a rating of 1-5 stars, depending on
how entertaining Starkweather regards your performance. The more violent and
speedy the missions, the more stars you are awarded.
Stars unlock various bonus features such as cheat codes, concept art and
mini-games (see 'Bonus Features' section ).

Fetish mode has a maximum 4 star rating and is recommended for beginners.
Fetish mode allows players to use the radar to detect enemy locations.
You will receive 1 star for completing each mission within the time limit.
You will receive 3 stars for execution style - the more gruesome attacks, the
more stars you will be awarded.

Hardcore mode has a maximum 5 star rating and is recommended for experienced
Hardcore mode does not allow players to use the radar so enemy locations will
be unknown.
You will receive 1 star simply for completing each level in Hardcore mode.
You will receive 1 star for completing each mission within the time limit.
You will receive 3 stars for execution style - the more gruesome attacks, the
more stars you will be awarded.


6. P E R F O R M I N G   E X E C U T I O N S

Cash must eliminate the gang members individually by performing a variety of
executions, depending on what weapons are available at his disposal.
Some weapons (like the plastic bag) may only be used once, while other weapons
(like the bat) may be used repeatedly.
If no weapon is available Cash can also fight with his fists, but this
technique should only be used in an emergency as most hunters are armed.
If time is no issue, dispose of bodies by concealing them in shadowy or remote
areas. Gang members become more aggravated at the sight of an fallen comrade.

Stealth executions are recommended to defeat most hunters.
To perform a stealth execution on an unsuspecting hunter:
1) Hold L1 and walk slowly up behind an unsuspecting hunter.
2) A white targeting cursor will appear around the hunter's head when you are
within striking distance.
3) With L1 still depressed, press and hold the square button for 1 second and
release it.
3) An automatically triggered cut-scene will portray the execution.

If you desire a more gruesome execution, hold down the square button for a
longer period after the targeting cursor has turned white.
If held for a few seconds the targeting cursor turns yellow and a 'violent'
execution is performed. If held for more than a few seconds, the targeting
cursor turns red and a 'gruesome' execution is performed. 'Gruesome' executions
increase your ratings.


Lures are used to attract the attention of hunters. Lure objects (yellow items)
include bricks, bottles, cans and yes, decapitated heads. Press x to throw an
object in the direction of a hunter. The longer the x button is depressed, the
further the lure will be thrown.


Cash may use a variety of weapons, but many are hidden and need to be found
before he can execute hunters. Executed hunters will leave behind their own
weapons if they were armed. Green weapons may only be used the once. Blue and
red weapons may be used repeatedly. Red weapons inflict more damage.

plastic bag - used once only
glass shard - used once only. Can be procured by smashing window panes.
blackjack - used repeatedly
baseball bat - used repeatedly
crowbar - used repeatedly
wire - used once only
knife - used repeatedly
machete - used repeatedly
sickle - used repeatedly
axe - used repeatedly
meat cleaver - used repeatedly
hammer - used repeatedly
night stick - used repeatedly
chainsaw - used repeatedly


Firearms may be used repeatedly if there is a sufficient supply of ammo.
Executed hunters may leave behind their own firearms and ammo. Firearms are
noisier and attract attention. Firearms inlude:

nail gun - 3 head shots to kill
sawn off shotgun - one head shot to kill
tranquiliser gun - temporarily drops enemies - aim for head shots
revolver six shooter - one head shot to kill
light handgun - one head shot to kill
shotgun - one head shot to kill
sniper rifle - one head shot to kill
heavy handgun - one head shot to kill
sub-machine gun - one head shot to kill
assault rifle - one head shot to kill


7. H I N T S   &   T I P S

The key to this game is PATIENCE - bide you time and wait for the right moment
to strike. Hastiness will result in repeated failed attempts that will cost you
time anyway, so slow down the pace and wait for opportunities to present

Hunters on upper or lower levels will appear as small triangles on the radar.
Idle enemies on the same level as Cash will appear as arrows, indicating the
direction they are facing. Idle hunters on the same level as Cash will appear
as yellow arrows. Suspicious hunters on the same level as Cash will appear as
orange arrows. Aware hunters on the same level as Cash will appear as red

Pain killers are limited and replenish only 50% of health - use them sparingly
and only when your health meter is below 50%. It may be tempting to completely
top up your health when it is at 90%, but unforseen dangers lie around the
every corner - plan ahead and anticipate injury.

Strafing (moving sideways using the L2 and R2 buttons) allows Cash to survey an
environment before entering it. Always strafe around the perimeter of an area
until you are familiar with the location of enemies.

It is somewhat difficult to write an accurate walkthrough for a game where many
variables and random events determine the location of freely roaming enemies.
Use your best judgement and exercise caution at all times. This walkthrough is
designed to lead players through entire chapters, not simply from save point to
save point - you are at a greater advantage playing entire chapters, as many
enemies prematurely breach the save point and may be executed ahead of schedule.


8. W A L K T H R O U G H  -  1 0 0 %  C O M P L E T E  -  F E T I S H

This walkthrough is for Fetish mode only, so take your time unless you are
attempting to unlock the bonus features.

--- BORN AGAIN - LEVEL 1 ----

The first level is mainly tutorial, so pay attention to the onscreen prompts
and become familiar with the button configuration.
Run (R1) ahead through the deserted street and take the plastic bag from
between the upturned vehicles.
Hold L1 and cautiously approach the hunter from behind. The targeting cursor
will turn white when you are within striking range. With L1 depressed, press
and hold the square button for 1 second to perform an execution. When you
release the square button the execution is performed - and recorded.
The longer you depress the square button, the more gruesome the execution. A
white targeting cursor announces a normal execution, a yellow targeting cursor
announces a violent execution and a red targeting cursor announces a gruesome
Strategy tip: if you bugger up an execution, run as far away as possible and
hide in the shadows until the hunters return to idle mode.
Once the hunter is executed, descend the stairs and take the plastic bag.
Follow the path around the basketball court to trigger the cutscene.

Hide in the shadowy alcove. You will notice that when you stand in the shadows
the character icon in the bottom right of the screen will become darker,
indicating that you are hidden and invisible to hunters. The character icon
will flash red if you have been spotted entering the shadows.
Hold L1 and wait for the hunter to walk past you, from right to left. Sneak up
behind him and wait for the targeting cursor to turn white, indicating that you
are within striking range. With L1 depressed, press and hold the square button
for 1 second (or longer), then release it to perform an execution.

Run to the right and retrieve the pain killers near the dumpster.
Jump down onto the basketball court to trigger the cutscene.
Lock-on to the hunter using L1. Give him a barrage of quick punches (x), then
pull back down on the left analog stick to block/avoid his blows. Use this
tactic when hand-to-hand combat is the only option. The targeting cursor will
indicate the state of a hunter's health - yellow is healthy, orange is injured,
red is mortally wounded.
Take the pain killers from below the basketball ring and exit the court. SAVE
YOUR GAME at the save point.

--- BORN AGAIN - LEVEL 2 ----

Take the glass shard and watch the hunter's movements on the radar.
Strategy tip: stand near a wall and press triangle to hug the wall. The left
analog stick will allow you to move and peek around corners.
Once he is facing away and has ascended the stairs, creep into the alcove at
the bottom of the stairs.
When he stands at the bottom of the stairs and turns to walk back away from
you, hold L1 and sneak up behind him. When the targeting cursor turns white,
press, hold and release square to execute him.
Ascend the stairs and search behind the dumpster for pain killers.

After the cutscene, step through the gate and take the glass shard. Hide in the
shadows behind the ambulance and try to locate the 2 hunters on the radar.
Use the cover of the shadows to sneak up behind the nearest hunter and execute
him, ensuring that the second hunter doesn't notice you.
Strategy tip: press x when facing a wall to bang on the wall, attracting a
hunter's attention.
You must find the plastic bag beside the black van in order to kill the second
Strategy tip: you cannot kill a hunter from behind with your bare hands.
There are pain killers located at either end of the street should you become
Once both hunters are dead, you may leave the area via the save point. SAVE

--- BORN AGAIN - LEVEL 3 ----

Turn right at the T-intersection for pain killers.
Ascend the stairs and take the glass shard.
There are 2 hunters to execute in this area, and your destination is the Rear
Mall Disposal Chute, located between the 2 flaming barrels.
At the top of the stairs, run right until you are concealed in a dark alley.
Attract the attention of a hunter by banging on the wall and execute him.
You now need to procure another weapon.
There are 3 buildings in this area. The closest building contains a plastic
bag, the middle building contains pain killers and the furthest building
contains a glass shard. Another plastic bag is located near the exit.
Attract the attention of the second hunter by hiding in the alcove that lies on
the far side of the enclosure, directly opposite the exit. Kill him to access
the exit. SAVE YOUR GAME.



Walk forward and take the plastic bag if you are unarmed.
As you walk between the dumpsters, a hunter will step through the doorway up
ahead and take a piss near the wire fence. Execute him and take his blackjack.
Enter the building and take the glass shard. You can now alternate weapons by
pressing circle.
Hide in the shadows opposite the staircase and attract the attention of the
hunter upstairs - kill him.
Ascend the stairs and quietly step through the irregular hole in the wall. Wait
in the shadows and lure the next hunter to his death. Be careful not to tread
on the gravel.
Follow the route through the rooms and jump from the hole in the upper storey
wall to the gravel mound in the alleyway.
Enter the next building and follow the left hand wall for pain killers.
Walk up the wooden ramp and smash the window to retrieve a glass shard. SAVE
YOUR GAME at the save point.


As you proceed forward you will notice a padlocked gate. You must locate the
crowbar in this area to before you can break this lock.
Follow the lefthand wall until you emerge on an open street, where a hunter
waits on the opposite side of the street. There are 3 hunters you must execute
in this area. Try to obtain the baseball bat (red) from one of them.
There is a plastic bag hidden behind a dumpster near the vertical cement slab.
You will find pain killers in the building near the padlocked gate, in the
building located at the end of the main street, and the building in the middle
of the main street that contains the suspended bodies.
Explore the alleyways until you locate a doorway that sits in a corner with a
garbage can. Enter this doorway and head upstairs to the save point. SAVE YOUR


As you step around the corner a hunter will suddenly spring out and attack you.
This guy is nigh impossible to attack from behind, so engage him in a
face-to-face fight with the bat. Watch your health and retreat to safety when
you need to heal. Pain killers lie in the room up ahead, or you may backtrack
to previous pain killer locations.
Retrieve the crowbar and carefully make your way back to the exit gate,
indicated by a blue dot on your radar. 2 more hunters now patrol the streets
and await execution.
Exit via the padlocked gate. SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.


Equip the baseball bat and proceed forward into the alleyway for pain killers.
Return to the gate and enter the building on your right, via the wooden ramp.
Continue forward to trigger the cutscene.
In this battle you can learn to use the grapple technique, but it really isn't
as effective as other execution and fighting techniques, so I'd just clobber
the bastard's face in with the bat and move on. However, in anticipation of the
ceaseless tide of complaint emails from the more anal-retentive players:
To grapple your opponent, press x and square simultaneously.
If the hunter grapples you, quickly press x to release yourself from his grasp.
Happy? Groovy. SAVE YOUR GAME.


--- ROAD TO RUIN - LEVEL 1 ----

Take the plastic bag if you lack a green (use once only) weapon and hide in the
shadows near the 2 dumpsters. Lure the nearest hunter toward you by banging the
Just for shits and giggles, use the crowbar to perform the next execution - ah,
the dulcet sound of a grown man's clavicle (that's collarbone for the
uneducated) being wrenched from his shoulder in a torrent of crimson and ivory
- *sniff*.

Strafe through the deserted rooms until you arrive at a sunken toilet block.
Enter the toilet block and hide in the darkened toilet cubicles on your left.
Attract the attention of the nearest hunter and kill him.
Pain killers are concealed behind a wooden panel opposite the stairs.
Ascend the stairs and become familiar with the location of the tree/pain
killers in the corner of the yard.
As you approach the doorway in the alley a hunter will ambush you. Quickly
press both L2 & R2 simultaneously to perform a 180 degree turn and hide in the
shadows under the tree.
Kill the hunter as he passes by.
Proceed through the alley and use the crowbar to enter the gate.

Strafe through the empty rooms until you arrive at a short flight of steps
leading downward. Another ambush awaits when you venture into the next passage.
Again, use L2 & R2 to quickly about-face and return to the safety of the
Lure the hunter to his death and proceed up the passage to the save point. SAVE

--- ROAD TO RUIN - LEVEL 2 ----

Take the brick and exmaine the wall on your left. Quietly step into the doorway
and wait in the shadows by the slatted windows.
3 hunters roam the streets outside. Lure the hunters one at a time into the
room and execute them. This mission will test your patience, as the hunters
often group together in numbers for safety. Watch the radar to see in which
direction the hunters are facing - you may feel brazen enough to kill a hunter
while his partner is just footsteps away.
Once all 3 are pushing up daisies, step into the street and explore the area.
Pain killers are located at the end of the street (opposite the room you
occupied with the slatted windows), behind the locked gate in the basement
(near the truck) and in the building opposite the truck.
Leave the area via the underground gate in the middle of the street. SAVE YOUR
GAME at the save point.

--- ROAD TO RUIN - LEVEL 3 ----

The cellar ahead is guarded by 1 hunter. 3 hunters patrol the alleyway on the
far side of the cellar.
Dart from shadow to shadow and lure the first hunter to his doom.
Locate the pain killers behind the pillar in the room with the suspended
bodies. Hide in the corner near the pain killers and lure the remaining 3
hunters down into the cellar. Finish them off one by one.
Leave the cellar and ascend the stairs to the padlocked gate at the end of the
alleyway. SAVE YOUR GAME.


--- WHITE TRASH - LEVEL 1 ----

The cement yard beyond the alley is a circuit, a loop. A lone hunter patrols
the cement yard, walking around the circuit.
You must locate the wire inside the building on the right side of the yard and
use it to kill the hunter. Remain inside the building and lure him toward you,
using the bottle to attract his attention.
Take his bat and proceed through the double gates that are flanked by the
flaming barrels.

Hide beside the tyre stack that sits just inside the gate on the left.
From this location you should be able to take out the 2 hunters.
Pain killers are located behind 2 tyre stacks in the far corner of the yard.
Sneak into the building and kill the fat hunter from behind.
Search the building for the doorway that leads to the save point and SAVE YOUR

--- WHITE TRASH - LEVEL 2 ----

Another hunter patrols the scrap yard near the crane. Kill him and explore the
area OUTSIDE of the hanger. Pain killers are located behind the large fuel
tanks. A ladder near the door leads to the top of the scrap pile, but serves no
real purpose.
The last hunter in the scrap yard guards the hanger. This guy won't leave his
post unless he has the right incentive, so run through the hanger to get his
attention and hide. Send him to heaven, return to the hanger and retrieve the
wire and knife.
Now you can leave the area by using the knife to open the gate that is flanked
by the flaming barrels. SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.

--- WHITE TRASH - LEVEL 3 ----

Climb the gravel mound to reach the next scrap yard.
To retrieve the nail gun you must knock on the window and attract the attention
of the defecating hunter. Source a good hiding place beforehand. Once he gives
chase, quickly hide and lure him to his death.
Enter the trailer and take the nailgun.
Strategy tip: use L1 to target enemies with firearms. Press x to fire and
square to reload. The targeting cursor will zero in on an enemy's head if they
are close enough - head shots are fatal, depending on the calibre of the
The second you take the nailgun, 2 hunters appear outside the trailer. Remain
inside the trailer and step up onto the bench near the pain killers.
Attract their attention by banging on the wall and shoot them in the face as
they enter - 3 heads shots each should suffice.
Leave the trailer and follow the path under the 2 suspended bodies to the gate
flanked by flaming barrels. Collect the box of nails.

Cautiously navigate your way through the scrap yard to the low lying brick
building on the far side of the compound. 3 hunters patrol the pathways between
the car wrecks and a lone hunter guards the entrance to the building.
Try to conserve ammo and take out the first 3 hunters with the bat.
Pain killers are located near a chainlink fence.
Equip the nailgun and approach the final hunter from the left, hugging the wall
and remaining just out of his field of vision. Pop him when the targeting
cursor zeros in on his head.
Take his nailgun, enter the building and throw the gate switch.

The scrap yard is now overrun with 3 more hunters. Try to conserve ammo and use
the bat. Consult your radar and make your way toward the blue dot representing
the exit gate. SAVE YOUR GAME.



3 hunters patrol the 3 large open-ended freight containers in the middle of the
fenced yard.
If you strafe along the fencline behind the stack of crates you can see through
the freight containers and locate the hunters. All 3 must be dealt with before
Starkweather will allow you to continue through the exit gate.
Pain killers are located in the alley to the side of the fenced area.

Run through the gate and locate the wooden board with the red arrow painted on
it. Follow the arrow.
Smash the fuse box with the flashing light just inside the gate and quickly
hide. Kill the hunter while he tries to repair the fuse box.
Follow the cement walkway to the crane and SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.


You must refuel the crane before it is operational. The fuel can is located in
the hanger beyond the scrap yard. 3 hunters patrol the scrap yard.
Pain killers are located in the large cement pipe, behind some crates near the
plane shell, in an alley behind the hanger and inside the hanger itself.
SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point in the hanger entrance.


Pick up the fuel can, leave the hanger and walk around to the left. Store the
fuel can in a safe area (it will appear as a green dot on your radar) and hunt
down the 4 hunters who have entered the scrap yard.
Once all 4 hunters are dead, return back for the fuel can and place the fuel in
the crane's gas tank.

The second you operate the crane 2 hunters will ambush you. Your priority is to
use the crane's magnet to remove the refrigerator that blocks your exit route
through the wall. After removing the refrigerator, you can use the crane to
slide the regrigerator into the hunters. However, as your health is diminishing
with each shot fired, it is safer to leave the crane and lure the hunters back
into the scarp yard.
Once it is safe, proceed through the gap in the wall.

You have a choice of 2 paths. The path on the left leads to a deadend
containing pain killers. The path on the right leads to pain killers, a box of
nails and an ambush by 2 hunters.
Lure the hunters out into the open and quickly hide. Take them out one at a
time with the nail gun.
Proceed down the stairs to the save point and SAVE YOUR GAME.


This next level is particularly difficult.
Take the box of nails from behind the crates on your right and the pain killers
from behind the truck.
Slowly climb the long stairway to the control booth.
Equip the nailgun and kill the hunter that patrols this area.
Survey the area at the bottom of the coal chute. When the coast is clear,
sprint down the slope and hide underneath the coal chute in the shadows.
There are pain killers under the coal chute.
Equip your bat and carefully pick off the 4 hunters.
Once the hunters are dead, retrieve the pain killers from the ramp directly
under the control booth tower and along the fenceline.
Exit via the gate.

Climb into crane and remove the refrigerator from the gap in the fence.
Once this is done, quickly hide under the stairway and use the nailgun to fend
off the 5 hunters that flood the area (alternately, you can remain in the crane
and swing the refrigerator at the enemies, but you are a pot shot sitting in
the one spot).
Use the pain killers by the crane if you are shot, or retreat to the pain
killer locations in the previous area.

Climb the stairs and step through the control booth.
Use your radar to locate the exit (blue dot) and cautiously move toward it.
Shoot the final hunter that guards the exit and leave the area. SAVE YOUR GAME.



You will be dumped unarmed outside a derelict zoo. Pain killers are behind you.
Hide in the shadows by the doorway under the entrance porch.
Bang on the chainlink fence and locate the 2 hunters.
Lure 1 hunter outside and sneak past him - enter the doorway at the end of the
hall on the left.
Retrieve the wire from the deserted gift shop and hide in the shadows.
Kill the first hunter, take his machete, then kill his partner (you will hear
the voices of other hunters outside the complex, but there are only 2 in the
Search the rest of the building for wire and pain killers.
Exit the building via the opening near the vending machine.

Use the machete to slice through the rope on the metal door and enter the
toilet block.
Kill the hunter in the outer hall and take note of the padlocked door set
halfway along the hallway - we will return here later.
Proceed through the toilet block to the exit.
Hide in the shadowy corner to the left of the bottom of the steps and kill the
2 hunters.
Follow the low left wall to locate pain killers near a pile of crates.
Follow the winding path up the slope to the save point and SAVE YOUR GAME.


Your mission is to retrieve the crowbar so you may escape from this area.
There are 6 hunters planted throughout this labyrithine section of the
abandoned zoo.
Strategy tip: identify hiding locations before entering into unknown territory,
and sneak from shadow to shadow until you are sure the coast is clear. Always
create a disturbance to locate the nearest hunters.
Painkillers are located behind some bushes in a fenced area near the perimeter
wall, on the upper path near the elephant statue and in the bear enclosure.
The sixth hunter hides in the bear enclosure guarding the crowbar - look for
the grizzly bear picture on the fence.
Lure him out and hide. Once he is dead, retrieve the crowbar and return to the
toilet block in the previous level. Locate the padlocked door and retrieve the
sawn off shotgun. Return to the save point at the end of Level 2 and SAVE YOUR


There are painkillers located behind the building near the entrance, in the
arched tunnel near the perimeter wall, under the stone staircase and under a
branch on the upper level.
Ignore the sniper that stands atop the arched bridge - he rarely leaves his
There are 3 roaming hunters in this area. Don't waste valuable shotgun ammo on
them - stealth kills only.
Immediately enter the building on your left and kill the resident hunter.
Sneak into the arched tunnel below the sniper, lure the next 2 hunters into it
and kill them.

Locate the wooden ramp that cuts through the structure behind the sniper and
shoot him in the head from behind with the shotgun.
Take his tranquiliser rifle, jump off the edge and open the padlocked
restaurant door with the crowbar.
Strategy tip: the tranquiliser rifle will only drop enemies temporarily. When
they are unconscious, move in quickly and finish them off with a weapon. Aim
for head shots - body shots will only aggravate enemies.
There are painkillers located behind the restaurant and inside the restaurant
using the back door entrance.
Proceed through the restaurant until you come upon a red painted arrow
indicating the way out. The path to your left leads to the restaurant toilet
block - become familiar with the hiding locations in this area and return to
the painted arrow.
As you follow the arrow you will be ambushed by 2 hunters. Run back to the
shadows near the toilet block and kill them.
Follow the arrow to the exit and SAVE YOUR GAME.



This level is particularly curly. Starkweather has handed your family over to
the Wardogs who plan to execute 1 family member for every time they spot you.
So lie low, be discrete and for fuck'sake keep quiet - unless you weren't all
that attached to Betty-May, Wilbur, lil' Jill and the irrepressible Slappy-Joe.
To complete the level, you must save at least 1 family member.

Save your tranquilsier darts until you are instructed to use them.
Step into the building and lure the nearest hunter inside - fix him good.
Take the wire and exit via the double-doors in the locker room.
Follow the left wall past the columns and hide in the shadows.
Bang on the wall until you draw out the second hunter - if this guy sees you,
he'll pop your brother.
Kill the hunter and rescue your brother, who is imprisoned in the room up ahead
on the left. Take the shard of glass and use it to cut him free. Take the pain

Return outside and study the area directly ahead. On your right is an enclosed
area containing 4 hunters.
Follow the high wall on your left and hide in the shadows near the dumpster at
the far end.
Bang on the chainlink fence to draw out as many of the hunters as is safely
possible and kill them one by one.
Once their numbers are reduced, enter the enclosure and kill the remaining
hunters using the tranquiliser rifle.
There are pain killers on the far side of the enclosure near the tyre swing.

Cross the enclosure and step onto the cement path.
Pain killers are located at the end of the left path above the tunnel, but it
is not safe to retrieve them now.
Quietly creep around to the right, hugging the left wall until you are safely
hidden in a dark corner.
From this location, lure the 2 hunters to their deaths using the tranquiliser
rifle. It is essential that these guys don't spot you or your dishy sister will
be executed.
Take the revolver from the hunter's corpse, rescue your sister and follow her
through the tunnel to the save point in the doorway. SAVE YOUR GAME.


Before entering the building, explore the area outside to locate the
tranquiliser gun.
Enter the building and peek through the boards at your captive father.
Equip the revolver and kill the hunter with a headshot when he is in range,
passing by the window.
Rescue your father and take the hunter's gun.
Walk up the wooden ramp, smash the window and step outside.

This area of the zoo is populated by 3 hunters, who must be destroyed before
you can enter the giant domed cage where your sister is held hostage. Gunshots
draw attention, so only fire if the hunters are spread out.
Strategy tip: identify hiding locations before entering into unknown territory,
and sneak from shadow to shadow until you are sure the coast is clear. Always
create a disturbance to locate the nearest hunters.
Pain killers are located near the caged fort structure and beside the giraffe

Once the area is free of hunters, locate the 2 doors set into the right side of
the aquarium, to the right of the giant domed cage.
Stand in the shadows near the left door and bang on the wall, luring the hunter
outside. Kill him and enter the building to rescue your sister.

Now that all the hostages are rescued, you are free to enter the shark's mouth
on the opposite side of the park.
2 hunters guard the route back to the aquarium.
SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point inside the aquarium.


2 hunters patrol the aquarium at opposite ends of the room.
Before walking over the ramp (and effectively trapping yourself in the
aquarium), use the tranquiliser rifle to target the hunter on the left first,
then sneak in and kill him.
Hide behind the counter near the dead hunter and kill his partner in the same
The narrow room near the second corpse contains pain killers.

The switch that opens the exit door is located behind the counter in the kiosk.
Once you throw the switch, hide in the shadows just inside the door, as 2 more
hunters will appear in the room outside.
Kill them, escape through the exit and SAVE YOUR GAME.



Your mission is to locate the video tape and camera Starkweather has hidden in
the mall.
Use the brick to smash the glass door on your right and retrieve the gun.
Remember pain killers are inside this laundromat.
Equip the gun and run to the 2 low planter benches that are end-to-end. Crouch
(triangle) behind them to avoid the gunfire.
Strategy tip: study the animation of shooting hunters. Only return fire when
they are reloading, idle or immediately after they have fired. Close range head
shots are fatal. Ammo is limited, so make every bullet count.
Tap L1 to quickly lean over the top of the planter and fire (x).
Once the 2 hunters are dead, run to the next planter and crouch. Kill the
hunter who appears from the double-doors.
Retrieve the guns from the corpses and crouch behind the planter/seat bench
that sits left of the dry fountain. Kill the 2 hunters that appear and take the
pain killers from behind the emergency exit doors.

Run and crouch behind the planter/seat bench at the bottom of the escalator.
Kill the hunter that appears. Take his gun and search the scaffolding site
nearby for pain killers.
The second you step onto the escalator you will be ambushed by 2 hunters.
Retreat and hide in the scaffolding site area - hug the wall and fire from
around the corner as they descend the staircase.
Take their guns and run up the escalator to the save point. SAVE YOUR GAME.


Run and crouch behind the nearest upturned vending machine and shoot the 3
Take their guns and locate the health in the corner nearby.
Run and crouch behind the planter that sits outside Pirso's bar.
Kill the hunter and take his gun.
Run forward and crouch behind the balcony at the bottom of the staircase.
Kill the hunter and take his gun.
Run and crouch behind the black dumpster.
Kill the 2 hunters outside Rollio Records and take their guns.
Enter the record store and take the pain killers and video tape. SAVE YOUR GAME
at the save point.


Run to your left and hug the wall beside the doorway leading into Jacob
Benson's Family Chemist. Kill the hunter, take his gun and enter the chemist's.
Take the pain killers and shoot the lock off the metal door - retrieve the
Return to the mall and use the balcony to shield yourself from the hunter on
this level. Crouch behind the black dumpster again and shoot him when he is
within range. Take his gun.
Hide behind the upright vending machine at the top of the stairs and creep
downstairs when the coast is clear. Use the balcony to conceal yourself and
kill the hunter that patrols this level.

Run and hide behind the planter outside of Pirso's bar. A hunter is poised
inside the bar, so run past at will and sprint to the upturned vending machines
near the escalators. Kill the hunter who patrols this area and take his gun.
The video camera is located in the Toy Corner store, further to your right.
Approach with caution as a hunters waits behind the counter. Target him from
the windows, not the doorway.
Take his gun, the video camera and the pain killers. SAVE YOUR GAME at the save


You will be ambushed by 2 hunters who shoot through the windows. Take cover and
down both of them with single head shots.
Return to the mall and crouch behind the balcony. A lone hunter fires from the
scaffolding - kill him.
The final 2 hunters are inside Pirso's bar. Run and crouch behind the planter
outside the bar and shoot them.
Take their guns and enter the bar. The power is off so you must locate the fuse
box in the basement and restore power before you can watch the mysterious video
Take the pain killers in the basement and slowly make your way back to the bar,
with your trigger finger at the ready for a last minute ambush.
Brace yourself and turn on the television... SAVE YOUR GAME.



One might reasonably assume from the level title that an alcohol-addled Cash
will be granted the opportunity to tear around town bustin' ass in a frenzied
bloodthirsty drive-by speedin-...
Oh how wrong you are.
Walk straight ahead toward the pain killers and hide in the shadows.
Attract the attention of the lone hunter and kill him. Take his sickle.
Explore the alleyways that lie ahead and kill the remaining hunter.
Return to the building and escort your new pal, Mr Stinky, to the exit gate
located opposite the wall-mounted surveillance camera. Press triangle to make
the drunk follow you or to order him to stay. Don't run too far ahead or His
Booziness will lose your trail. If the tramp dies, you die. Hide him well at
all times and don't leave him alone long periods of time - he gets the wanders
after a while. SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.


Hide the drunk in the shadows just inside the gate and survey the street ahead.
3 hunters are huddled in a group by the fire on your right, so head left and
hide in the long stretch of shadows at the end of the street.
Attract the hunter's attention and pick them off one by one. It is easier to
separate them by luring them into confined or narrow spaces.
There are 3 pain killers scattered throughout the street.
Once the hunters are dead, retrieve the drunk and exit via the surveillance
gate. SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.


Hide the drunk in the shadows just inside the gate and survey the street beyond
the alleyway. 3 hunters roam the street - divide and conquer wins the day.
Enter the subway near the nose of the school bus, but prepare to retreat - a
hunter will surprise you and give chase.
Once all the hunters are dead, collect the drunk and locate the exit gate in
the subway tunnels.
There are pain killers on the church steps, in the building to the right of the
school bus and in the subway tunnel. SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.


Hide the drunk in the dark corner directly opposite you, just behind the police
Sprint up the street and hide behind the other police van. 3 hunters guard the
construction site behind the chainlink fence. You must lure them out one at a
time and kill them. Rattle the fence to gain their attention and return to the
safety of the police van.
Once all 3 are dead, lead the drunk through the construction site to the
surveillance gate.
There are pain killers by the police van and near the surveillance gate.
Run through the churchyard gate to the save point and SAVE YOUR GAME.


Hide the drunk in the narrow patch of shadow provided by the cathedral wall.
Creep slowly between the buildings and prepare to retreat - ambush ahead.
Kill the hunter and proceed forward, following the path around the perimeter of
the cathedral.
Ignore the hunter that is beyond the short flight of steps and make your way to
the opposite side of the cathedral, where a hunter lurks near a row of tall
trees. Kill him and take his shotgun.
Pain killers are located behind the tombstone near the tall trees and in the
open graveyard.
Retrieve the drunk and conceal him in the patch of shadow by the cathedral wall
near the flight of steps.
Equip the shotgun and hug the wall at the top of the steps, so you can lean
around and shoot the hunter.
Take the shotgun, use the drunk to open the gate and return him to his previous
position by the cathedral wall.

Now this bit is fucking hard.
In the graveyard beyond the gate are 4 hunters, all carrying firearms. Try to
kill as many of them as possible using the sickle or axe - gunfire only draws
attention. Be patient and ensure they are alone before attacking them. If the
pack spot you you're swiss cheese. If you are spotted, sprint back through the
gate to the shadows by the cathedral walls and bide your time.
There are pain killers located behind 2 of the tombstones near the central
crypt, where the exit gate is located.
Once the graveyard is cleared of enemies, lead the drunk to the exit gate
inside the central crypt. SAVE YOUR GAME.



This level is a real fuckstickle, so follow the instructions carefully.
Creep up the stairs and shoot the hunter in the head from behind. Take his gun.
Sprint behind the stack of 3 crates right of the street lamp.
Lure the 2 enemies toward you and shoot them, again saving ammo by aiming for
head shots. Take their guns and explore the street behind you for pain killers
(located behind a dumpster).
Return to the 3 crates near the basement stairs and survey the street ahead.
Run and hide in the alcove set in the left wall near the pain killers.

Trigger the cutscene by sprinting past the forklift to the line of 5 boxes that
have 2 boxes piled on either end. 4 hunters will pour into the street - take
out the first one by crouching behind the middle section of the row of boxes
and leaning over to target his head as he passes behind the boxes.
You have limited ammo and the shotgun is crap at long range damage - you must
get as close to each target as possible before firing.
Crouch to the right end of the row of boxes to shoot the second hunter in the
guard house.
Once he is dead, crouch all the way to the left end of the row of boxes and
sprint behind the wooden crate containing the gas cylinders - believe it or
not, this see-through obstacle provides adequate cover.
Shoot the remaining 2 hunters from this location.
Once they are all dead, enter the guard house and flip the switch to open the
Run through the gate and SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.


Do not go up the stairs. Hug the wall behind the stairs near the pain killers
and lure the first 3 hunters to their doom - one head shot each as they appear
around the side of the stairs.
Slowly enter the warehouse - 2 hunters are plotting on the other side of the
Sprint to the opposite far wall in the warehouse and conceal yourself behind
the crates. Lean out from behind the crates and take them down.
Enter the door by the 'CAUTION' sign.

Locate the pain killers in the cargo lift bay, but save them if possible.
Your mission is to restore power to the cargo lift.
The basement level below is plagued with 5 hunters (although 6 appear on the
radar - 1 is located on an upper storey).
The best approach is to creep down the stairs, kill one hunter (discretely if
possible) and retreat back up to the ground floor level before you are
The basement hunters rarely follow you back up to the ground floor level, so
simply hide behind a pillar in the cargo lift bay until they return to idle
Once all 5 hunters are dead, locate the pain killers and power switch in the
basement and return to the cargo lift on the ground floor.
Hit the switch by the cargo lift and step onto the lift platform.
Target the hunter as the lift passes the first floor. SAVE YOUR GAME at the
save point.


Bang on the wall inside the elevator and lure the first hunter towards you -
kill him as he advances on the elevator.
A second hunter may also appear on the level below you - if so, shoot him as
Once the coast is clear, walk slowly to the pain killers on the opposite side
of the walkway.
Carefully proceed along the walkway and sneak up behind the 2 hunters who are
conversing on the lower walkway - finish them off with head shots.
If the second hunter did not appear on the lower level when you first stepped
out of the elevator, return to the elevator and kill him now.

Follow the walkway around until you are reach a square hole in the floor.
Drop through the hole and hug the wall inside the doorway - kill the 2 hunters
in the transparent tunnel.
The doorway behind you contains pain killers.
Proceed through the transparent tunnel, activate the lift controls and step
onto the lift platform. Kill the hunter on the upper floor as the lift rises.
SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.


Proceed through the ducting vent and take note of the 2 exit points.
Remain in the ducting vent and take the pain killers.
Punch through both vent covers and drop to the floor in the room that is less
furnished (not the room with the tiled floor).
The door below the vent is locked so approach the opposite door - save the pain
2 hunters guard the cafeteria. Kick the door open and strafe past the opening,
targeting the hunters when they appear idle on the radar. You can take 50%
damage if you saved the pain killers in this hallway.

Enter the cafeteria and take the guns from the corpses.
Slowly open the door near the counter and peek around to the left. You will
notice a low wooden bannister encases the stairway.
Sprint and crouch behind the section of the bannister on your left.
Make a sound and lure the hunters out into the open (1 will remain hidden in
the control room).
Kill the closest hunter, using the bannister for cover.
The second hunter concealed behind the upturned vending machine is too far away
to target accurately, so sprint into the passage on his right and hide by the
water cooler. Kill him by leaning around the corner. The doorway on your right
contains pain killers.

Peek through the control room door window and sneak up on the hunter when his
back is turned.
Activate the control panel to unlock the exit door at the bottom of the
Lure the 2 hunters into the control room and target their heads the second they
The exit door lies at the bottom of the staircase. Your best chance is simply
to sprint straight down the staircase and through the doors, avoiding the enemy
gunfire. SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.



Retrieve the wire located behind you.
Activate the switch on the wall that operates the electric chair and run to the
dark corner just left of the doorway.
When the hunter passes by, sneak up behind him and kill him. Take his machete.
Pain killers are located in the hospital room.
Step through the double-doors and carefully creep into the yard.
3 hunters patrol the grounds. Pick them off one by one, retreating back into
the hospital ward if necessary.
Pain killers are located behind one of the columns in the yard.
Once all 3 hunters are dead, survey the yard and locate the hunter that watches
from the balcony.
Sprint under the metal stairs that lead up to the balcony and get his
attention. He won't notice you hiding under the stairs if you are in the
When he walks back to his post, follow him from behind and kill him. Leave his
gun - you need the machete for the next level.
Enter the metal gate below the flashing red light. SAVE YOUR GAME at the save


Follow the left wall and use the dark alcoves for cover.
Sneak under the trees and take the wire. Wire is also located in the furthest
greenhouse and in the grass between both greenhouses.
There are 5 roaming hunters to be executed in this area. Remember that gunfire
will attract attention, so rely on the cleaver or the wire.
Pain killers are located in the furthest greenhouse and near the exit gate.

A sixth hunter won't leave his post by the exit gate, so follow the left wall
past the row of trees and approach him with the column shielding you from view.
Kill him and retrieve the fuel can from the nearest greenhouse.
Enter the exit gate and leave the fuel can in the corridor.
Step into the next yard and follow the wall to the right. Hide behind the
crates and kill the hunter.

Retrieve the fuel can and place it at the base of the brick tower, where the
doorway has been bricked over.
Hide behind the crates next to the chainlink fence and shoot the can. Kill the
hunter that emerges from the tower.
Sprint up the spiral staircase and take the pain killers from the observation
room at the top.
Activate the door release switch and return to the save point at the bottom of
the stairs. SAVE YOUR GAME.


You must infiltrate the deserted penitentiary and make your way to the guard
tower at the very top of the building. There are 12 hunters waiting on the
other side of the double-doors. Good luck.
Begin by shooting as many of them as you can by peering in through the
double-doors when the hunters are idle.
Collect the light handguns and shotguns from the corpses.
2 pain killers are located on the ground floor, 1 pain killer is located in the
first floor infirmary and 1 pain killer is located on the rooftop.
Switch to the shotgun before accessing the rooftop and use it on the 2 hunters
that patrol the roof.
You need to sneak up behind the last hunter in the guard tower, kill him and
then carry Her Majesty through the double-doors labelled 'GUARD HOUSE'.
Well bloody done. SAVE YOUR GAME and go treat yourself a whiskey.

Strategy tip from At the end of Mouth Of Madness, kill
the dressed hunter in a way that lets you take his head, ie gruesome wire. 
Take his head to the control room and the Director will tell you he'll leave a
present in the next location. In Doing Time, after the fun with the hammer and
bat, get the gun and head upstairs. A cell behind and to the left hides a
shotgun and when you pick it up, Starkweather congratulates you on your
head-collecting tendencies.


--- DOING TIME - LEVEL 1 ----

This section of the penitentiary consists of an L-shaped prison block.
G block and H block form 1 leg and J block and K block form the other.
There are 2 pain killers in H block, 1 pain killer in J block and 1 pain killer
in K block.
There is a dark spacious room in the corner of the L-shaped corridor, near the
hammer. This location is your salvation as it is an ideal spot to perform most
of your gruesome executions.

The key to this level is patience - wait for the hunters to disperse, then
seize your moment.
Take the hammer located at the far end of H block.
Your first task is to perform a violent execution (yellow cursor) and a
gruesome execution (red cursor) with the hammer - only then will you be allowed
to advance through the level. 3 hunters will appear in G block, so hide in the
corner of the L-shaped passage and perform the required executions. Be wary, as
a new hunter spawns every time you destroy one - there will always be 3 hunters
in the prison at any one time.

Once you have performed both violent and gruesome executions, your second task
is to locate and kill the hunter with the bat. You must then perform both
violent and gruesome executions with his bat. Once this is achieved, you may
run through the exit gate at the end of K block and SAVE YOUR GAME at the save

--- DOING TIME - LEVEL 2 ----

Hide in the shadows next to the stairs and kill the hunter that carries the
gun. Retrieve the gun and bang on the wall - kill the hunters that come to
investigate. Conserve ammo and use the bat.
Pain killers are located in the caged room opposite the stairs.
When you have exhausted the local supply of hunters, leave the shadows, run up
the stairs and hide behind the mattress.
You must make your way forward, using the upturned beds to shield yourself as
you fire upon the remaining hunters. Take their guns as you proceed forward.
Pain killers are located in the 4th cell on the right and in the cell on the
Once the area is clear, descend the stairs and enter the shower block. SAVE



Run after the rabbit and retrieve/equip the shotgun and shotgun shells from the
exercise yard.
A hunter will release the electronic locks on the cell doors.
Sprint back to the doorway and stand to the left of the door in the corner of
the exercise yard. Shoot the 4 hunters that spill from the cells.
Run back into the tiled room and stand in the corner under the surveillance
Make a noise and kill the 3 hunters that come to investigate.
Take the shotgun shells from the shower block.
Throw the door release switch in the tiled room.
Return to the exercise yard and take the pain killers from the cells.
Proceed through the exit gate and trigger the cutscene.

Hide behind the upturned mattress and kill the 4 hunters who guard the hallway.
Take their guns.
The door to the right of the mattress leads to a makeshift morge. Proceed
through the morgue and kill the hunter that stalks the outer hallway. Take the
pain killers that are located in the corridor behind the morgue.
Continue forward until you trigger the cutscene with the hunter in the dress.
Sneak along the right wall toward the hunter, using the columns to shield
yourself from his view. When you are reach the second last pillar, hug the wall
and BLAM!
Ascend the stairs and SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.


12 hunters will be released from the cells in the room below. Stand next to the
radiator and shoot each hunter as he appears around the corner.
Take their guns. Take the shotgun shells and pain killers from the jail cell.
Pain killers are also located in the cells below.
Return downstairs to the save point and SAVE YOUR GAME.


Hug the wall on the left side of the barred door near the pain killers and
shoot the 2 hunters through the bars.
Ascend the stairs and wait in the shadows to kill the 2 hunters who patrol the
first floor.
Follow the right wall and enter the doorway that leads to the electrocution
chamber viewing theatre.
Take the pain killers from the electrocution chamber and storeroom.
Return to the outer hall and creep forwards slowly until your radar reveals a
hunter running towards you. Step back in to the darkness and shoot him.
Enter the double-barred doors and take the pain killers from the morgue (did
you have kittens when you passed by the body bag? Man, I did).

Return to the outer hall and follow the path to the left.
Take the shotgun shells near the peniteniary armoury and enter the workshop.
The front of the room is on your left, the rear of the room on your right.
Hide behind the pillar at the rear of the room. Sprint along the back wall to
the next pillar.
Sprint toward the front of the room to trigger the cutscene, then hide behind
the nearest pillar.
Using the pillars and benches for cover, kill the 4 hunters who guard the exit.
Take their weapons and approach the front of the room.
Locate the security zone platform and place a corpse on it - the weight of the
body will release the exit lock on your right.
Leave the workshop via the security zone exit and SAVE YOUR GAME at the save


Follow the rabbit to the outer courtyard. Sprint down the stairs and crouch
behind the nearest row of boxes.
Lure the 3 guards toward you and kill them.
Take their weapons and locate the 2 pain killers near the watchtower.
Enter the watchtower and quietly make your way to the look-out deck. Before
completely emerging from the staircase, aim upward and target the Rabbit's
head. Kill the rabbit and his escort.
Pain killers are loacted on the outer balcony.

8 guards will flood the courtyard and systematically breach the watchtower.
Step out onto the balcony and run to the opposite side of the tower. Position
yourself so that you are looking through the window into the look-out deck,
directly opposite the doorway.
Blast the guards as they appear in the window. Don't worry about the
fancy-schmancy sniper rifles - just blast 'em with the shotty.
Once you got 8 mothers kissing the floor of the look-out deck, sprint
downstairs and exit the courtyard via the gate beyond the trucks. SAVE YOUR



Ok - patience. Patience, patience, patience. This area is long and narrow, so
it is quite difficult to separate the hunters. Don't be rash, bide your time
and wait for the safest moment to strike - or you'll be repeating this level
over, and over, and over... trust me - I spent 2 birthdays in this fucking yard.
Creep to your right and retrieve the wire.
Return to the dark corner behind you and attract the attention of a hunter -
kill him and take his machete.
Stay in the corner and kill the remaining 2 hunters to trigger the cutscene.

3 more hunters will appear, only these guys are seriously packing heat - and
with a $10,000 bounty on your whang, you better keep your legs crossed and your
mouth shut (this cutscene is fortunately random).
Before the hunters emerge from the building, jump off the upper path and sprint
leftwards into the undercover passage that contains the pain killers near the
Hide in the corner, lure the 3 of them to their deaths and take their guns.
You may execute the third hunter with the shotgun - using it prior to the third
kill will only attract unwanted attention, and this level is seriously short of
hidey holes.
Once the area is clear, search the cafeteria for a plastic bag and pain killers.

Equip the shotgun and approach the car shell - several more hunters will spawn
behind the door. Wait until they become idle and enter the door.
Hug the right wall and shoot around the corner at the 2 hunters on the ground
Take their guns and ascend the staircase. SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.


Ok - in my opinion (and I'm Sagittarian so I'm always frickin' right) this is
the hardest level in the entire game. I've spent hours stuck in this
godforsaken building - it really is unnecessarily difficult and seriously
detracts from the enjoyment and pace of the game. I know, I know, go have a
saucer of milk... but imagine the most annoying thing in the world, fuse it
with Rosie O'Donnell and the entire Saved By The Bell cast, add a sprinkling of
the Olsen twins and multiply it by 1,000,000 - and you still haven't created
anything anywhere near as annoying as this level. You have been duly warned...

You mission is to make your way to the top of the hunter-infested apartment
block, chase Ramirez all the way back down again and kill the son-of-a-bitch
before the ridiculously short time limit expires. Sounds like a piece of piss,
right? Anyway, your bullet-riddled graves await...

Ascend to the first floor level and hug the left wall. Aim around the corner at
the 2 hunters who occupy this storey and collect their weapons.
Hide behind the corner at the bottom of the staircase that leads to the second
floor. Sneak up behind the hunter to the top of the stairs and drop him. Ascend
the stairs, take his gun and hug the left wall.

The hunter on the second floor will not appear unless you draw him out by
creeping forward along the passage. The second you spot him, retreat and hide
behind the corner. 2 more hunters occupy this floor - pop them in the head as
they appear.
The room in the middle of the second floor contains a whole heap o' fucked up
bodies and pain killers - leave them for your descent. The um... pain killers
that is.

Ascend the staircase to the third floor and follow the left wall. Hug the wall
near the corner and kill the 3 hunters who charge down the passage.

Proceed through the passage and take note of the pain killers in the room at
the bottom of the staircase near the blue door.
Climb the stairs to the fourth floor to trigger Ramirez's escape and start the
timer. Now the least they could have done was given us a save point here, but
oh no...

The descent is quite complicated and you won't have time to think (well, you'll
have 2:30 to think), so I've divided each floor/storey into paragraphs so you
can pause your game and complete the remainder of the level in stages. Some
hunters are unpredictable and may not appear in said locations. Some enemies
may even leave pain killers when shot, so keep your eyes open:

Fourth floor - wait at the top of the stairs behind the wall for the first 2
hunters to appear (don't hug the wall) and shoot them in the face as they
emerge from the staircase. You may need to step backwards to lure them forwards
(take the pain killers from the apartment if necessary). Reload and run

Third floor - sprint through the passage (take the pain killers from the
apartment if necessary) and shoot the hunter who waits at the top of the next
staircase. Reload and run downstairs.

Second floor - shoot the hunter at the bottom of the staircase. Sprint around
to the top of the next staircase (take the pain killers from the apartment if
necessary). Allow the 2 machete-wielding hunters to advance on you and shoot
them. Reload and run downstairs.

First floor - Wait near the bottom of the stairs for a machete-wielding hunter
to attack - kill him and sprint to the staircase. Shoot the armed hunter at the
top of the staircase. Reload and run downstairs.

Ground floor - Exit the building and sprint to the left of the car shell.
Hug the short section of wall to the right of the steps - Ramirez is situated
on the upper pathway above you.
Shoot the hunter that comes down the steps on your left and then stand on the
steps, hugging the wall nearest Ramirez. Gun him down by returning fire
immediately after he shoots or while he reloads.

When Ramirez is dead and you are instructed to make your way to the gate, the
timer has ended and you can cool your heels for a while. If the timer reaches
zero however, Ramirez will call for back-up and deadlier sniper hunters will
appear in the yard, making your escape even more unlikely.
The exit point will appear as a blue dot on your radar. Shoot anything that
gets in your way and race for the exit. SAVE YOUR GAME.

Strategy tip from I know it's pretty hard to kill
Ramirez in Divided they Fall, but there's a way to make it easy. Forget about
the 2.30 minutes you have to kill him as the reinforcement are easily dealt
with. Chase him down and when you reach the courtyard, run back to the top
level of the building and go in the room where Ramirez was hiding. Take the
sniper rifle, look for the hidden Ramirez in the courtyard and blow his head
off. On shot will do. And reinforcement being only two gruntsw armed with guns,
take them out should they come. Hope this works as good for you as it did for
me. Dominique.



Take the crowbar that lies up ahead and hide the journalist in a shadowy recess
near the giant cement pipes. If you leave her alone for too long, she gets ansy
and leaves the safety of the shadows.
2 policemen guard the road ahead, so hide in the shadows and attract their
Once the 2 cops are dead, collect the journalist and stand by the barricade
near the police car.
When the street ahead is clear, follow the left wall and hide in the alleyway.
Leave the journalist in the alleyway and sneak up behind the truck.
Wait in the shadows and kill the cop who walks in between the truck and the
Lure his buddy over and do him as well, remembering to take his gun.
Return for the journalist and conceal her beside the truck.

Run to the corner on the opposite side of the street and hide in the darkness
behind the square column. Lure 3 cops over, shoot them in the head and take
their guns. They usually respond to the sound of gunfire.
Return to the truck and advance up the street toward the remaining cop, using
the police cars for cover.
Once all the cops are dead, grab the journalist and take the pain killers
located near the police van.
Swap the gun for the crowbar and break into the rear of the police van for pain
killers and the heavy handgun.
Enter the journalist's apartment and SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.


Conceal the journalist in the shadows at the bottom of the staircase and lure 2
cops downstairs. Take their weapons and ascend the staircase.
The 5 remaining cops hide in the rooms leading off the landing. Equip the
shotgun and hug the left side of the doorway, shooting into the hall.
Once they are all dead, collect the journalist and take the pain killers inside
her apartment.
Enter the journalist's kitchen to trigger the cutscene.
Climb down the ladder and sprint toward the save point. SAVE YOUR GAME and
continue running into the shadows near the dumpster.


Hug the wall behind the dumpster and kill the 2 cops who patrol the alley using
the light handgun or the revolver six shooter (conserve shotgun ammo).
Take their weapons and return to the door near the save point - take the pain
killers from the empty room.
Return to the alley and walk ahead until you emerge on an open street.
Follow the wall on your right and sneak into the casino.
Leave the pain killers in the foyer.
Walk quietly past the reception booth and hug the wall on the left of the
triple C neon sign, so you can peer around the corner into the room with the
slot machines. Lure the 3 cops downstairs and kill them.
Take their guns and run upstairs to the roulette table.

Creep through the narrow dark hallway and sneak up behind the sniper on the
balcony. Leave the rifle.
Sprint back into the room with the roulette table and crouch behind the first
table on the left - shoot anything that climbs the stairs.
Once every cop is dead, return to the balcony for the sniper rifle and leave
the casino (remember the pain killers in the foyer and near the previous save

Walk up the street and stand between the 2 police vans. Pain killers are
located on the premises to your left.
Continue moving forward until you arrive at a dumpster near a pedestrian
crossing. Hide behind the dumpster and target the heads of the 3 policemen who
guard the subway.
A sniper scans the street from the rooftop of the garage with the giant tyre.
Approach him carefully and take him out.
Collect the shotguns from the dead cops and enter the subway. SAVE YOUR GAME.



Sprint down the stairs and run straight ahead - shoot the cop who stands beside
the train, then chase after his colleague who dashes for the storeroom.
A third cop is posted outside the storeroom - sneak up behind him, pop him in
the dial and take his sub-machine gun.
Leave the pain killers in the storeroom and shoot the lock off the door that
leads to the tunnels.
Enter the tunnels, but retreat back into the darkness near the train when you
trigger the cutscene.

Wait until the activity dies down in the tunnels, then creep back into the
corridor and stake out the storeroom.
Look through the window in the door onto the platform and locate the SWAT
soldier on the platform. When he is idle, creep onto the platform and hide
behind a column.
When he close, shoot his head off and stand to the right of the doorway near
the bottom of stairs - shoot the 2 SWAT soldiers that appear.
Enter the doorway and hug the wall near the corner - lean around the corner and
kill the 3 man SWAT team that advances from the tunnels.
Collect all the weapons and return to the tunnels.

Walk down the middle tunnel (pain killers are located in the locker room at the
end of the middle tunnel).
Cautiously enter the first door set into the wall.
Step into the corridor and hug the wall near the corner. Shoot the advancing
SWAT team from around the corner.
The door on your left opens onto pain killers and a save point - SAVE YOUR GAME.


Return through the previous door and follow the corridor past the lockers and
upturned vending machine. Pain killers are located behind the vending machine.
Take the corridor past the 2 dumpsters and quietly enter the control room -
sneak up on the remaining guard and take the pain killers.
Restore power to the tracks by activating the flashing red switch and return to
the tunnels.
A 3 man SWAT team will appear at the neck of the tunnels - avoid them and make
your way back to the train that waits on the platform.
Board the train and ride it to the next station.
Locate the save point in the corridor and SAVE YOUR GAME.


Leave the pain killers in the corner.
Lure the 3 cops to their deaths by banging on the wall in the room beside the
train - shoot them through the doorway.
Step through the doorway onto the platform and note the pain killers located
near the upturned vending machine.
Hug the wall near the bottom of the stairs and bang the wall - shoot the 3 cops
who descend the stairs.
A cop with a shotgun is hidden behind the counter at the top of the stairs -
you must charge him and shoot him in the face.
Take his shotgun and lure 2 more cops through the entrance gates right of the
counter - crouch behind the vending machine and kill them.
Step through the exit gates left of the counter and hide behind the pillar -
take out the cop who guards the exit tunnel.
Sprint through the tunnel and up the stairs, surprising the cop at the top of
the stairs with a shotgun blast to the face. SAVE YOUR GAME.



Strategy tip: try to complete this chapter in its' entirety - the sub-machine
gun will not be available at the beginning of level 2 if you turn off your game.
Take the wire and ascend the stairs.
Shoot the cop at the top of the stairs, shoot the cop on your right and crouch
behind the nose of the van that is opposite the station entrance.
Lean out and shoot the third cop as he steps forward.
Collect the six shooters from the corpses and hug the wall on the left side of
the entrance. Kill the cop behind the seat.
Enter the station and walk halfway down the stairs - hug the wall and shoot the
cop on the basement level 1.
Take his gun and descend the staircase set into the left wall.
Follow the path along basement level 2 to the right and hide in the dark alcove
- lure the cop to his death. Descend the stairs and note the sub-machine gun
ammo on basement level 3.
Return to basement level 1 and step out onto the platform when the SWAT guard
is at the other end of the platform. Shoot him and locate the crowbar opposite
the gate (pain killers are located back at the beginning of the level inside
the police van - use the crowbar to access).
Use the crowbar to open the gate and SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.


Step back through the gate and swap the crowbar for the sub-machine gun.
Stand on the platform and hug the train car near the gate - shoot around the
corner to lure the cops through the gate. As the cops enter the gate and walk
alongside the end of the train car, pop them in the head. To gain their
attention, step into the train yard a short distance and fire, quickly
retreating back through the gate to the platform.

Once you got yourself a stack of 6 dead cops at the end of the platform,
venture forth into the trainyard. The trainyard comprises 4 sets of parallel
trains tracks. For the sake of this guide, the track nearest the gate will be
known as track 1, the track furthest the gate will be known as track 4 and the
middle tracks will be known as tracks 2 and 3 respectively.

Pain killers are located in a freight container on track 4.
Follow the path between track 4 and the fenceline to the front of the
trainyard. 2 cops hide behind a stack of crates and guard the exit point. Hide
behind the crates and pop one in the head, then flee back to the open freight
container situated on track 4.
When the commotion has died down, return to finish off the second cop.
Pain killers are located in the freight container on track 2, near the exit

There are 7 more cops in the adjoining trainyard - try to lure them into the
first trainyard as you are more familiar with the layout of this area. Always
strip the corpses of their weapons.
Once the second trainyard is free of cops, locate the freight container on
track 2 that has a ladder fixed to the side. SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point
on the roof of the container.


Run along the rooftops of the carriages and take the pain killers.
Drop through the hole in the roof and take the sniper rifle.
Climb back onto the roof of the carriages and proceed to the front of the
train, so that you are able to see over the fence into the third trainyard.
Use the sniper rifle to take out 6 SWAT soldiers - that's 1 bullet for every
skull - don't miss. Use the revolver to draw them toward the fenceline.

Once you've shot 6 SWAT soldiers dead, drop through the hole in the roof to
retrieve your shotgun and climb back onto the roof again.
Run to the front of the train and jump the fence into the third trainyard.
Take the sub-machine guns from the corpses and proceed to the far end of the
train yard.
Take the crowbar from track 1 and use it on the gate located at the end of
track 3. SAVE YOUR GAME.



Take the wire from the corner, throw the switch by the door and hide in the
shadows alongside the van.
Lure one of Starkweather's Cerberus guards into the garage and snuff him from
Take his gun and sneak into the yard when the coast is clear. There are patches
of shadow around the tree trunks and behind the garage.
Kill the 3 guards that patrol the yard and take the path between the 2 coach

Follow the right wall and sneak up behind the guard that is posted at the exit
gate on top of the hill.
Use your handgun to shoot the padlock, then sprint through the watch hut to the
shadows in the corner - 2 guards will appear on the other side of the gate.
When the guards retreat, move back toward the gate and hug the corner beside
the gate. Shoot the guards as they enter the yard.
Take their shotguns and proceed through the gate.

Run to the skeletal monument on the hill and survey the path ahead, just to the
left of the marble temple. Run toward the save point to trigger the cutscene.
SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.


Follow the right wall and hide in the alcove behind the second bird bath.
Lure a guard over and kill him from behind without alerting his partner - take
his gun. Return to the skeletal monument.
Hug the hedge wall just left of the marble temple so that you can lean around
the corner and aim into the estate grounds.
Shoot a handgun bullet and quickly switch to the shotgun - 4 guards will come
to investigate the noise. Systematically pop the guards in the head as they
funnel through the path and take their guns.

Follow the left wall into the estate grounds and pass under the hedge arch that
leads to the yard with the giant hedge crucifixes.
Move toward the lattice archway in the corner of the yard, beyond the geometric
sculpture. Carefully aim through the lattice at the guard's head and shoot him.
Wait for his mates to leave the scene, then move under the lattice archway and
leftwards, following the curved path into the centre of the hedge maze.
Try to walk quitely on the gravel path as 2 guards patrol the maze - only kill
them if they get in your way. At the first sound of gunfire, sprint toward the
centre of the maze before it is flooded with armed guards.
SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point in the centre of the hedge maze.


Follow the gravel path out of the maze and hide behind the hedge corner at the
bottom of the stairs. Shoot the guards as they descend the stairs and take
their weapons at the first opportunity.
Once the coast is clear climb the stairs and sprint toward the mansion wall.
Ignore the grand entranceway and run along the exterior wall until you arrive
at the stairs leading to the basement - ignore the guards in pursuit. SAVE YOUR



Descend the stairs and wait in the dark arched alcove nearest the staircase.
Lure the guards into the basement and kill them - shoot once with the handgun
to attract their attention, then switch back to the assault rifle.
Leave the pain killers in the basement and ascend the stairs to the ground
floor once all the guards are dead.
Several guards are posted in the hall beyond the doorway - lure them into the
basement or sneak up behind them and shoot them.
The minute you step through the doorway, shoot the surveillance camera on your
right. If you are spotted by a camera, guards will be sent to your location.
Walk to the left and enter the double-doors that lead to the library. Ascend
the stairs to the balcony and kill the guard posted above the round marble
Return to the basement doorway and walk past the camera.

Step into the centre of the round marble chamber and shoot the surveillance
camera in the hallway.
Enter the dining room where the pain killers are located.
Enter the adjoining dining hall and take the pain killers from below the large
painting of Starkweather.
Return to the round marble chamber and walk underneath the dead camera.
Follow the hallway to the bar and note the pain killers near the juke box.
Shoot the surveillance camera in the next hallway and hug the right wall near
the corner.
Shoot once with the handgun, then switch to the assault rifle - lure as many
guards as possible to their deaths.
Cautiously step into the grand ballroom and sprint to the save point in the
middle of the room. SAVE YOUR GAME.


Face the staircase and sprint through the doorway on your left.
Cross the hallway and sprint down the staircase to the basement - hide under
the stairs in the shadows.
Take the wire from the floor and lure a guard toward you - use the wire to
execute him, as gunfire will attract too much attention.
Sneak through the metal doorway and hug the first corner. Wait for the guard to
walk away from you, then sneak to the next corner.
When the guard returns along the tunnel, shoot him in the face and enter the
first doorway set into the left wall. Sprint into the dark corner behind the
gas cylinders and hide.
When the commotion has died down, hide in the corner to the left of the doorway
and lure the remaining guards to their deaths - there are pain killers on your
right, and an ample supply still remains in previous level.

Leave the room when it is safe and follow the left wall to the next door -
watch your radar to see which direction the guard is facing, then slowly ambush
him from behind. SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.


Restore power to the elevator by activating the switch.
Leave the save point room, shoot the guard posted outside the door and return
to the tunnel.
Hug the corner before the metal door and lure the guards into the basement.
Shoot them at close range, take their weapons and ascend to the ground floor.
Once you are on the ground floor, hide in the corner at the top of the stairs
and fire once to lure the guards down the stairs.
Ambush them and take their weapons.
Ascend the stairs to the first floor and kill the surveillance camera in the
Move rightwards along the hallway and step into the carpeted passage, where a
door is labelled 'SURVEILLANCE'.
Shoot the 2 surveillance cameras on the back wall and approach the doorway that
conceals the remaining Cerberus guards.
Wait until the guards become idle, then kick the door open and fire into the
room at the nearest guard. Just focus on killing 1 guard at a time. Return to
previous rooms in levels 1 & 2 for pain killers.
Once the guards are dead, retrieve the elevator key and ammo from the shelves.
The elevator is located beyond the 2 wall-mounted surveillance cameras. SAVE



Piggsy's private floor is basically a square hallway that forms a circuit
around a large central room, with several smaller rooms branching off the
square hallway.
It is essential that you become familiar with the few patches of shadow on this
floor, as the chainsaw-wielding Piggsy will not appear on your radar and is
programmed to jump you from random locations - yes, it's shit-scarey stuff all
Begin by running in either direction around the square circuit hallway, luring
Piggsy out from his hiding spot.

Once you have his position staked, concentrate on locating 1 of the 3 weapons
that are hidden throughout this floor.
1. glass shard - under the window near the attic stairs
2. glass shard - in the bedroom with the 4-poster bed
3. wooden spike - in the dark hole in the wall
4. pain killers - in the bathroom

                   |                              |
                   |  1                           |
                   |     ____________________     |_______
                   |     |                  |     |       |
                   |     |                  |         3   |
                   |     |                  |     |_______|
                   |     |                  |     |       |
                   |     |                  |     |   4   |
                   |     |__________________|     |_____  |
                   |                                      |
                   |                              |       |
              _____|      __________________      |       |
                  6      |                  |     |       |
     elevator            |                  |  5  |   2   |
              ___________|                  |_____|_______|

You must sneak up behind Piggsy and stab him with each weapon before he will
retire to his attic lair.

Once Piggsy has fled the scene, climb the stairs to Piggsy's lair and take the
brick from the floor.
On the far side of the attic, stairs lead upward to Starkweather's private
chamber. Outside Starkweather's chamber a metal grate covers a hole in the
You must gain Piggsy's attention by either throwing the brick at him, or by
running toward him. You must then lure Piggsy up the stairs toward
Starkweather's chamber and have him follow you over the metal grate.
Piggsy must stand on the grate twice before he... well, you'll see.
Pain killers are located outside Starkweather's chamber and in Piggsy's attic
lair. SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.


Use the chainsaw to hack into Starkweather's chamber.
After the cutscene, sprint back to the circuit hallway and hide in location 5.
Be sure to turn the chainsaw off (square) or you'll be detected.
Wait until a lone guard passes by, then sneak up behind him and slash him up.
Quickly take his gun and hide again.
The best spot to shoot the remaining guards is at location 6 - hug the wall and
aim around the corner.

Once all the guards are dead, proceed back up the staircase to Starkweather's
chamber - climb the staircase quietly and take out the remaining guard posted
by the door by shooting through the bannister.
Return to the square circuit hallway for the chainsaw, then use it to tear
through Starkweather's chamber door.

After the cutscene, sprint after Starkweather and target him with L1 whilst
holding the x button.



9. W A L K T H R O U G H  -  1 0 0 %  C O M P L E T E  -  H A R D C O R E

This walkthrough is for Hardcore mode only and is recommended for experienced
players who are familiar with all levels, enemies and key locations. The radar
is not available in Hardcore mode.

While playing the game through again in its' entirety, only save your game at
each save point if you're 100% sure you've satisfied the time limit and
execution criteria to achieve 5 stars. Use a different save file for each save
If you fail to achieve the 5 star ranking, you can retry Hardcore mode attempts
using the 'SELECT SCENE' option from the main menu, allowing you to fine tune
your gameplay without having to complete the entire adventure. This method of
achieving the 5 star rating will allow you to unlock all the bonus features,
despite the fact that you are only playing isolated chapters of the game. You
can only replay levels that you have previously completed.

You must reload each game from the last save point after an unsuccessful
attempt or the game timer will include your failed attempts. Pausing the game
also pauses the in-game timer, so you can consult this walkthrough at regular
intervals to anticipate future events. You are advised to reload your game
after each save point to reset the enemy and item locations.

Even though the following walkthrough identifies the safest locations to
attempt gruesome executions, try to perform them at every available opportunity
- once you have the required body count out of the way, you can sprint through
the rest of the level and ignore the remaining enemies.

--- BORN AGAIN ---
    TIME LIMIT: 10 mins

Run ahead through the deserted street and take the plastic bag from between the
upturned vehicles.
Cautiously approach the hunter from behind and perform a gruesome exection.
Once the hunter is executed, descend the stairs and take the plastic bag.
Follow the path around the basketball court to trigger the cutscene.

Hide in the shadowy alcove and wait for the hunter to walk past you, from right
to left. Sneak up behind him and perform a gruesome execution.
Run to the right and retrieve the pain killers near the dumpster.
Jump down onto the basketball court to trigger the cutscene.
Lock-on to the hunter and give him a barrage of quick punches (x), then pull
back down on the left analog stick to block/avoid his blows.
Once he is dead, take the pain killers from below the basketball ring and exit
the court. SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.

Take the glass shard and hug the wall near the corner - wait for the hunter to
Once he ascends the stairs, sneak up behind him and perform a gruesome
Ascend the stairs and search behind the dumpster for pain killers.
Strategy tip: There are 4 hunters remaining in the entire level - at least 2 of
them MUST be killed with gruesome executions to meet the 5 star criteria.
After the cutscene, step through the gate and take the glass shard.
Hide in the shadows behind the ambulance and execute the nearest hunter. A
plastic bag is located beside the black van - use it on the second hunter.
There are pain killers located at either end of the street should you become
Once both hunters are dead, leave the area via the save point. SAVE YOUR GAME.

Turn right at the T-intersection for pain killers.
Ascend the stairs and take the glass shard.
There are 2 hunters to execute in this area, and your destination is the Rear
Mall Disposal Chute, located between the 2 flaming barrels.
At the top of the stairs, run right until you are concealed in a dark alley.
Attract the attention of a hunter by banging on the wall and execute him.
You now need to procure another weapon.
There are 3 buildings in this area. The closest building contains a plastic
bag, the middle building contains pain killers and the furthest building
contains a glass shard. Another plastic bag is located near the exit.
Attract the attention of the second hunter by hiding in the alcove that lies on
the far side of the enclosure, directly opposite the exit. Kill him to access
the exit and SAVE YOUR GAME.


    TIME LIMIT: 10 mins

Walk forward and take the plastic bag if you are unarmed.
As you walk between the dumpsters, a hunter will step through the doorway up
ahead and take a piss near the wire fence. Kill him with a gruesome execution
and take his blackjack.
Enter the building and take the glass shard.
Hide in the shadows opposite the staircase and attract the attention of the
hunter upstairs - kill him with a gruesome execution.
Ascend the stairs and quietly step through the irregular hole in the wall. Wait
in the shadows and lure the next hunter to his death - gruesome execution. Be
careful not to tread on the gravel.
Follow the route through the rooms and jump from the hole in the upper storey
wall to the gravel mound in the alleyway.
Enter the next building and follow the left hand wall for pain killers.
Walk up the wooden ramp and smash the window to retrieve a glass shard. SAVE
YOUR GAME at the save point.

Run past the padlocked gate and the vertical slab of cement.
Hide in the back alleys and perform a gruesome execution on the nearest hunter.
Pain killers are located in the building near the padlocked gate, in the
building located at the end of the main street, and the building in the middle
of the main street that contains the suspended bodies.
Explore the alleyways until you locate a doorway that sits in a corner with a
garbage can. Enter this doorway and head upstairs to the save point. SAVE YOUR

As you step around the corner a hunter will suddenly spring out and attack you.
This guy is nigh impossible to attack from behind, so engage him in a
face-to-face fight with the bat near the pain killers.
Retrieve the crowbar and carefully make your way back to the exit gate - you
must now perform 3 gruesome executions before leaving the area through the
padlocked gate. SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.

Equip the crowbar and proceed forward into the alleyway for pain killers.
Return to the gate and enter the building on your right, via the wooden ramp.
Continue forward to trigger the cutscene.
Clobber the bastard's face in with the bat and SAVE YOUR GAME.


--- ROAD TO RUIN ----
    TIME LIMIT: 10 mins

Hide in the shadows near the 2 dumpsters and lure the nearest hunter toward you
by banging the wall. Perform a gruesome execution on him when he returns to his
post inside the building.
Run through the deserted rooms until you arrive at a sunken toilet block. Enter
the toilet block and hide in the darkened toilet cubicles on your left.
Attract the attention of the nearest hunter and perform a gruesome execution.
Pain killers are concealed behind a wooden panel opposite the stairs.
Ascend the stairs and become familiar with the location of the tree/pain
killers in the corner of the yard.
As you approach the doorway in the alley a hunter will ambush you. Quickly
press both L2 & R2 simultaneously to perform a 180 degree turn and hide in the
shadows under the tree.
Kill the hunter as he passes by with a gruesome execution.
Proceed through the alley and use the crowbar to enter the gate.

Strafe through the empty rooms until you arrive at a short flight of steps
leading downward. Another ambush awaits when you venture into the next passage.
Again, use L2 & R2 to quickly about-face and return to the safety of the
Lure the hunter to a gruesome execution and proceed up the passage to the save

Strategy tip: There are 7 hunters remaining in the entire level - at least 4 of
them MUST be killed with gruesome executions to meet the 5 star criteria.
Quietly step into the doorway on your left and wait in the shadows by the
slatted windows.
3 hunters roam the streets outside. Lure them into the room and perform
gruesome executions on all 3 of them.
Pain killers are located at the end of the street (opposite the room you
occupied with the slatted windows), behind the locked gate in the basement
(near the truck) and in the building opposite the truck.
Leave the area via the underground gate in the middle of the street. SAVE YOUR
GAME at the save point.

The cellar ahead is guarded by 1 hunter. 3 hunters patrol the alleyway on the
far side of the cellar.
Dart from shadow to shadow and lure the first hunter to his doom, performing a
gruesome execution.
Locate the pain killers behind the pillar in the room with the suspended bodies.
Sprint through the cellar and hide in the dark corner in the alleyway at the
top of the stairs. When the pair of hunters venture down to the cellar to
investigate, sprint to the exit gate and fight the remaining hunter
When he hits the ground, quickly open the padlocked gate and SAVE YOUR GAME.


--- WHITE TRASH ----
    TIME LIMIT: 15 mins

The cement yard beyond the alley is a circuit, a loop. A lone hunter patrols
the cement yard, walking around the circuit.
You must locate the wire inside the building on the right side of the yard and
perform a gruesome execution on the hunter. Remain inside the building and lure
the hunter toward you using the bottle or by banging on the wall.
Take his bat and proceed through the double gates that are flanked by the
flaming barrels.

Hide beside the tyre stack that sits just inside the gate on the left.
Lure the nearest hunter towards you and perform a gruesome execution, then
venture into the yard and give his friend the same treatment.
Pain killers are located behind 2 tyre stacks in the far corner of the yard.
Sneak into the building and perform a gruesome execution on the fat hunter.
Search the building for the doorway that leads to the save point and SAVE YOUR

A hunter patrols the scrap yard near the crane - perform a gruesome execution
on him.
Sprint through the hanger and lure a second hunter outside - perform another
gruesome execution and take his knife.
Pain killers are located behind the large fuel tanks.
Leave the area by using the knife to open the gate that is flanked by the
flaming barrels. SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.

Climb the gravel mound to reach the next scrap yard.
To retrieve the nail gun you must knock on the window and attract the attention
of the defecating hunter. Source a good hiding place beforehand. Once he gives
chase, quickly hide and perform a gruesome execution on him.
Enter the trailer and take the nailgun and pain killers.
The second you take the nailgun, 2 hunters appear outside the trailer. Run
outside and use the lock-on buttton (L1) to target their pretty faces.
Follow the path under the 2 suspended bodies to the gate flanked by flaming
barrels. Collect the box of nails.

Cautiously navigate your way through the scrap yard to the low lying brick
building on the far side of the compound. 3 hunters patrol the pathways between
the car wrecks and a lone hunter guards the entrance to the building.
Perform gruesome executions on the first 3 hunters using the bat.
Pain killers are located near a chainlink fence.
Equip the nailgun and approach the final hunter from the left, hugging the wall
and remaining just out of his field of vision. Pop him when the targeting
cursor zeros in on his head.
Take his nailgun, enter the building and throw the gate switch.

The scrap yard is now overrun with 3 more hunters. Try to avoid detection and
race toward the exit gate. SAVE YOUR GAME.


    TIME LIMIT: 20 mins

3 hunters patrol the 3 large open-ended freight containers in the middle of the
fenced yard.
If you strafe along the fencline behind the stack of crates you can see through
the freight containers and locate the hunters. All 3 must be killed with
gruesome executions before Starkweather will allow you to continue through the
exit gate.
Pain killers are located in the alley to the side of the fenced area.

Run through the gate and locate the wooden board with the red arrow painted on
it. Follow the arrow.
Smash the fuse box with the flashing light just inside the gate and quickly
hide. Perform a gruesome execution on the hunter while he tries to repair the
fuse box.
Follow the cement walkway to the crane and SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.

You must refuel the crane before it is operational. The fuel can is located in
the hanger beyond the scrap yard. 3 hunters patrol the scrap yard, and each
must be killed by gruesome execution.
Pain killers are located in the large cement pipe, behind some crates near the
plane shell, in an alley behind the hanger and inside the hanger itself. SAVE
YOUR GAME at the save point in the hanger entrance.

Pick up the fuel can, leave the hanger and walk straight ahead through the
gate. Equip the nailgun and hunt down the 4 hunters who have entered the scrap
yard. Once all 4 hunters are dead, return back for the fuel can and place the
fuel in the crane's gas tank.

The second you operate the crane 2 hunters will ambush you. Your priority is to
use the crane's magnet to remove the refrigerator that blocks your exit route
through the wall.
After removing the refrigerator, leave the crane and sprint through the gap in
the wall, following the left path that leads to the dumpster at the deadend.
Hide in the shadows and perform a gruesome execution on 1 hunter as he walks
away from you. Take his nail gun and shoot his partner.

Follow the left wall around the corners and collect the pain killers. A box of
nails is in the yard with the flaming barrel.
When you proceed down the middle section of the path toward the underground
stairwell you will be ambushed by 2 hunters. Quickly hide and perform a
gruesome execution on 1 of them. Remember to collect his nail gun.
Proceed down the stairs to the save point and SAVE YOUR GAME.

Strategy tip: all the remaining hunters in this level may be shot with the nail
gun, executed by other means or avoided altogether - they do not require
killing with gruesome execution as the body count has already been met.
Take the box of nails from behind the crates on your right and the pain killers
from behind the truck.
Sprint up the long stairway to the control booth, shoot the hunter and take his
nail gun. Remember the pain killers in the control booth if you become injured.
Sprint down the coal chute and hide underneath it in the shadows. There are
pain killers under the coal chute.
Ambush the 4 hunters with the nail gun at close range, but be especially wary
of the 2 that are also armed with nail guns.
Once the hunters are dead, take their guns and heal. Exit via the gate.

Climb into crane and remove the refrigerator from the gap in the fence.
Leave the crane and hide under the stairway, using the nailgun to fend off the
5 hunters that flood the area. Use the pain killers by the crane if you are
shot, or retreat to the pain killer locations in the previous area.
Run up the stairs and step through the control booth.
Take the left path and charge through the exit gate whilst firing straight
ahead at the remaining hunter. SAVE YOUR GAME.


    TIME LIMIT: 20 mins

Pain killers are located behind you and inside the building should you become
Run into the bushes on the right and sneak into the shadows under the entrance
Bang on the chainlink fence and lure 1 hunter outside. Sneak past him and enter
the first doorway on the right.
Retrieve the wire from the corridor, hide in the doorway and lure a hunter into
the corridor. Perform a gruesome execution on him.
Take the machete and return outside to perform a gruesome execution on the
second hunter (you will hear the voices of other hunters outside the complex,
but there are only 2 in the building).
Exit the building via the opening near the vending machine.

Use the machete to slice through the rope on the metal door and enter the
toilet block.
Hide in the first toilet cubicle on the left and lure the third hunter into the
toilet block - perform a gruesome execution on him.
Proceed through the toilet block to the exit.
Hide in the shadowy alcove on the upper path and perform gruesome executions on
the 2 hunters in the area.
Follow the left wall to locate pain killers near a pile of crates.
Sprint up the winding path to the save point and SAVE YOUR GAME.

You need to locate the crowbar before you can unlock the exit gate.
There are six hunters in this section of the zoo, and 1 must be killed with a
gruesome execution.
Follow the right wall and hide behind the wooden door that rests on its' side.
Lure the closest hunter over and perform a gruesome execution on him.
Creep around the left side of the zoo until you reach the grizzly bear
enclosure. Lure the hunter who guards the crowbar out of the cave, then run
past him and retrieve the crowbar.
Sprint back past the last save point to the upper path outside the toilet
block. Hide in the shadowy recess and kill any hunters in pursuit.
Enter the toilet block and use the crowbar to open the door that conceals the

Take the shotgun and sprint back through the zoo to the padlocked exit gate,
located on the right of the grizzly bear enclosure. Use the shotgun to blast
any hunters that get in your way.
Painkillers are located behind some bushes in a fenced area near the perimeter
wall, on the upper path near the elephant statue and in the bear enclosure.
SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.

Ignore the sniper that stands atop the arched bridge - he rarely leaves his
There are 3 roaming hunters in this area.
Immediately sprint toward the arched recess in the wall on your right and
perform a gruesome execution on the nearest hunter.
Sneak into the large arched tunnel below the sniper, lure the next 2 hunters
into it and kill them.
There are painkillers located behind the building near the entrance, in the
arched tunnel near the perimeter wall, under the stone staircase and under a
branch on the upper level.

Locate the wooden ramp that cuts through the structure behind the sniper and
perform a gruesome execution on him.
Take his tranquiliser rifle, jump off the edge and open the padlocked
restaurant door with the crowbar.
There are painkillers located behind the restaurant and inside the restaurant
using the back door entrance.
Proceed through the restaurant until you come upon a red painted arrow
indicating the way out. The path to your left leads to the restaurant toilet
As you follow the arrow you will be ambushed by 2 hunters. Lead the hunters
around the toilet block and sprint back past the arrow to the exit gate. SAVE


    TIME LIMIT: 20 mins

Starkweather has handed Cash's family over to the Wardogs, who plan to execute
1 family member for every time they spot Cash - bitches. Make sure that you
save at least 1 member of Cash's family, or you'll have to repeat the level.

Run into the building and lure the nearest hunter into the locker room. Perform
a gruesome execution on his ass.
Exit via the double-doors in the locker room.
Follow the left wall past the columns and hide in the shadows.
Bang on the wall until you draw out the second hunter. Follow him back to the
room where your brother is imprisoned and perform a gruesome execution.
Take the shard of glass and use it to cut your brother free, if he is still
alive. Note the pain killers in this location.

Return outside and study the area directly ahead. On your right is an enclosed
area containing 4 hunters.
Follow the high wall on your left and hide in the shadows near the dumpster at
the far end.
Bang on the chainlink fence to draw out 1 hunter - perform a gruesome execution.
Return to the shadows by the room where your brother was imprisoned and swap
the crowbar for the six shooter.
Lure the 3 remaining hunters out of the enclosure and shoot them in the head at
close range.
Take the tranquiliser gun and the swap the six shooter for the crowbar.
Sprint through the enclosure, noting the pain killers near the tyre swing.

Step onto the cement path and cautiously move around to the right, hugging the
left wall until you are safely hidden in a dark corner.
From this location, lure the 2 hunters to their deaths using the tranquiliser
rifle - remember to bludgeon the unconscious hunters.
Take the revolver from the hunter's corpse, rescue your sister (if possible)
and enter the tunnel that leads to the save point in the doorway. SAVE YOUR

Enter the building and stand in the shadowy corner on your right. Lure the
hunter into the hallway and perform a gruesome execution on him.
Rescue your father (if possible), smash the window and step outside.
This area of the zoo is populated by 3 hunters, each of whom must die by
gruesome execution.
Pain killers are located near the caged fort structure and beside the giraffe

Once the area is free of hunters, locate the 2 doors set into the right side of
the aquarium, to the right of the giant domed cage.
Stand in the shadows near the left door and bang on the wall, luring the hunter
outside. Kill him and enter the building to rescue your sister (if possible).

You are now free to enter the shark's mouth on the opposite side of the park.
2 hunters guard the route back to the aquarium - kill 1 of them with a gruesome
execution, and snipe the other from the tunnel opposite the shark's mouth. SAVE
YOUR GAME at the save point inside the aquarium.

2 hunters patrol the aquarium at opposite ends of the room.
Sprint over the ramp and hide in the shadows behind the counter on the left
side of the aquarium. When the hunter walks toward the back wall, follow him
and perform a gruesome execution.
Follow the second hunter as he walks towards the kiosk and kill him with a
gruesome execution as well.
The narrow room near the second hunter contains pain killers.

The switch that opens the exit door is located behind the counter in the kiosk.
Once you throw the switch, sprint back into the aquarium and hide in the narrow
room behind the right wall.
2 more hunters will appear - lure them into the room and perform gruesome
executions on them both.
Once they are dead, sprint to the exit door and SAVE YOUR GAME.


    TIME LIMIT: 10 mins

Your mission is to locate the video tape and camera Starkweather has hidden in
the mall. This is by far the easiest level in Hardcore mode.
Use the brick to smash the glass door on your right and retrieve the gun.
Remember pain killers are inside this laundromat.
Equip the gun and run to the 2 low planter benches that are end-to-end. Crouch
(triangle) behind them to avoid the gunfire.
Lean over the top of the planter and fire (x).
Once the 2 hunters are dead, run to the next planter and crouch. Kill the
hunter who appears from the double-doors.
Retrieve the guns from the corpses and crouch behind the planter/seat bench
that sits left of the dry fountain. Kill the 2 hunters that appear and take the
pain killers from behind the emergency exit doors.

Run and crouch behind the planter/seat bench at the bottom of the escalator.
Kill the hunter that appears. Take his gun and search the scaffolding site
nearby for pain killers.
The second you step onto the escalator you will be ambushed by 2 hunters.
Retreat and hide in the scaffolding site area - hug the wall and fire from
around the corner as they descend the staircase.
Take their guns and run up the escalator to the save point. SAVE YOUR GAME.

Run and crouch behind the nearest upturned vending machine and shoot the 3
Take their guns and locate the health in the corner nearby.
Run and crouch behind the planter that sits outside Pirso's bar.
Kill the hunter and take his gun.
Run forward and crouch behind the balcony at the bottom of the staircase.
Kill the hunter and take his gun.
Run and crouch behind the black dumpster.
Kill the 2 hunters outside Rollio Records and take their guns.
Enter the record store and take the pain killers and video tape. SAVE YOUR GAME
at the save point.

Run to your left and hug the wall beside the doorway leading into Jacob
Benson's Family Chemist. Kill the hunter, take his gun and enter the chemist's.
Take the pain killers and shoot the lock off the metal door - retrieve the
Return to the mall and use the balcony to shield yourself from the hunter on
this level. Crouch behind the black dumpster again and shoot him when he is
within range. Take his gun.
Hide behind the upright vending machine at the top of the stairs and creep
downstairs when the coast is clear. Use the balcony to conceal yourself and
kill the hunter that patrols this level.

Run and hide behind the planter outside of Pirso's bar. A hunter is poised
inside the bar, so run past at will and sprint to the upturned vending machines
near the escalators. Kill the hunter who patrols this area and take his gun.
The video camera is located in the Toy Corner store, further to your right.
Approach with caution as a hunters waits behind the counter. Target him from
the windows, not the doorway.
Take his gun, the video camera and the pain killers. SAVE YOUR GAME at the save

You will be ambushed by 2 hunters who shoot through the windows. Take cover and
down both of them with single head shots.
Return to the mall and crouch behind the balcony. A lone hunter fires from the
scaffolding - kill him.
The final 2 hunters are inside Pirso's bar. Run and crouch behind the planter
outside the bar and shoot them.
Take their guns and enter the bar. The power is off so you must locate the fuse
box in the basement and restore power before you can watch the mysterious video
Take the pain killers in the basement and sprint back to the bar, with your
trigger finger at the ready for a last minute ambush.
Brace yourself and turn on the television... SAVE YOUR GAME.


    TIME LIMIT: 20 mins

Run straight ahead toward the pain killers and hide in the shadows.
Attract the attention of the lone hunter and perform a gruesome execution on
him. Take his sickle.
Explore the alleyways that lie ahead and kill the second hunter with a gruesome
Return to the building and escort the drunk to the exit gate located opposite
the wall-mounted surveillance camera. Don't run too far ahead or His Booziness
will lose your trail. If the tramp dies, you die. Hide him well at all times
and don't leave him alone long periods of time - he gets the wanders after a
while. SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.

Hide the drunk in the shadows just inside the gate and survey the street ahead.
3 hunters are huddled in a group by the fire on your right, so head left and
follow the wall until you are hidden in a dark building that is concealed by a
wall. It is easier to separate the hunters by luring them into confined or
narrow spaces such as this one.
Attract the hunter's attention and pick them off one by one with gruesome
There are 3 pain killers scattered throughout the street.
Once the hunters are dead, retrieve the drunk and exit via the surveillance
gate, located through the doorway at the far end of the street. SAVE YOUR GAME
at the save point.

Hide the drunk in the shadows just inside the gate and survey the street beyond
the alleyway. 3 hunters roam the street, and all 3 must be killed by gruesome
execution. Divide and conquer wins the day.
Enter the subway near the nose of the school bus, but prepare to retreat - a
hunter will surprise you and give chase. Kill the bastard asap.
Once all the hunters are dead, collect the drunk and locate the exit gate in
the subway tunnels.
There are pain killers on the church steps, in the building to the right of the
school bus and in the subway tunnel. SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.

Hide the drunk in the dark corner directly opposite you, just behind the police
Sprint up the street and hide in the dark recess just inside the construction
site. 3 hunters patrol the construction site - kill them all.
When it is safe, retrieve the drunk and lead him through the construction site
to the surveillance gate.
There are pain killers by the police van and near the surveillance gate.
Run through the churchyard gate to the save point and SAVE YOUR GAME.

Hide the drunk in the narrow patch of shadow provided by the cathedral wall.
Sprint around the corner but prepare to retreat back into the shadows with the
drunk - ambush ahead.
Kill the hunter and proceed forward, following the path around the perimeter of
the cathedral.
Ignore the hunter that is beyond the short flight of steps and make your way to
the opposite side of the cathedral, where a hunter lurks near a row of tall
trees. Hide under the trees and kill him when he is walking away from you. Take
his shotgun.
Pain killers are located behind the tombstone near the tall trees and in the
open graveyard.
Retrieve the drunk and conceal him in the patch of shadow by the cathedral wall
near the flight of steps.
Equip the shotgun and hug the wall at the top of the steps, so you can lean
around and shoot the hunter.
Take the shotgun, use the drunk to open the gate and return him to his previous
position by the cathedral wall.

In the graveyard beyond the gate are 4 hunters, all carrying firearms.
Sprint into the graveyard and shoot 1 hunter in the head. Lure his mates back
through the surveillance gate and hug the wall at the top of the steps, where
you can lean around the corner and shoot them in the head.
There are pain killers located behind 2 of the tombstones near the central
crypt, where the exit gate is located.
Once the graveyard is cleared of enemies, lead the drunk to the exit gate
inside the central crypt. SAVE YOUR GAME.


    TIME LIMIT: 15 mins

This level can easily be completed in under 10 minutes if you sprint, kill,
pause and consult the walkthrough.
Creep up the stairs and shoot the hunter in the head from behind. Take his gun.
Sprint behind the stack of 3 crates right of the street lamp.
Lure the 2 enemies toward you and shoot them, again saving ammo by aiming for
head shots. Take their guns.
Pain killers are located around the other side of the building, past the main
Sprint toward the end of the street and note the location of the pain killers.

Trigger the cutscene by sprinting past the forklift to the line of 5 boxes that
have 2 boxes piled on either end. 4 hunters will pour into the street - take
out the first one by crouching behind the middle section of the row of boxes
and leaning over to target his head as he passes behind the boxes.
You have limited ammo and the shotgun is crap at long range damage - you must
get as close to each target as possible before firing.
Crouch to the right end of the row of boxes to shoot the second hunter in the
guard house.
Once he is dead, crouch all the way to the left end of the row of boxes and
sprint behind the wooden crate containing the gas cylinders - believe it or
not, this see-through obstacle provides adequate cover.
Shoot the remaining 2 hunters from this location.
Once they are all dead, enter the guard house and flip the switch to open the
Run through the gate and SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.

Do not go up the stairs. Hug the wall behind the stairs near the pain killers
and lure the first 3 hunters to their doom - one head shot each as they appear
around the side of the stairs.
Charge into the warehouse - 2 hunters are plotting on the other side of the
Sprint to the opposite far wall in the warehouse and conceal yourself behind
the crates. Lean out from behind the crates and take them down.
Enter the door by the 'CAUTION' sign.

Locate the pain killers in the cargo lift bay, but save them if possible.
Your mission is to restore power to the cargo lift.
The basement level below is plagued with 5 hunters (although 6 appear on the
radar - 1 is located on an upper storey).
The best approach is to sprint to the switch at the back right corner of the
basement level and shoot anything that gets in your way. There are pain killers
near the switch.
Return to the cargo lift on the ground floor.
Hit the switch by the cargo lift and step onto the lift platform.
Target the hunter as the lift passes the first floor. SAVE YOUR GAME at the
save point.

Sprint along the walkway past the pain killers and follow the right rail down
the stairs. Ambush the 2 hunters on the lower walkway, then sprint back to the
upper walkway and kill the hunter near the square hole in the floor.
A fourth hunter will appear on the level below you, back toward the elevator -
shoot him as well.
Follow the walkway around until you are reach the square hole in the floor.
Drop through the hole and hug the wall inside the doorway - kill the 2 hunters
in the transparent tunnel.
The doorway behind you contains pain killers.
Proceed through the transparent tunnel, activate the lift controls and step
onto the lift platform. Kill the hunter on the upper floor as the lift rises.
SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.

Proceed through the ducting vent and jump into the room that lies directly
Save the pain killers and charge into the cafeteria. Shoot the 2 hunters at
close range and take thier guns. Return for the pain killers if you become

Slowly open the door near the counter and peek around to the left. You will
notice a low wooden bannister encases the stairway.
Sprint and crouch behind the section of the bannister on your left.
Make a sound and lure the hunters out into the open (1 will remain hidden in
the control room).
Kill the closest hunter, using the bannister for cover.
The second hunter concealed behind the upturned vending machine is too far away
to target accurately, so sprint into the passage on his right and hide by the
water cooler. Kill him by leaning around the corner. The doorway on your right
contains pain killers.

Charge into the control room, shoot the hunter and activate the control panel
to unlock the exit door at the bottom of the staircase.
Lure the 2 hunters into the control room and target their heads the second they
The exit door lies at the bottom of the staircase. Sprint down the staircase
and through the doors, avoiding the enemy gunfire. SAVE YOUR GAME.


    TIME LIMIT: 20 mins

Retrieve the wire located behind you.
Activate the switch on the wall that operates the electric chair and run to the
dark corner just left of the doorway.
When the hunter passes by, sneak up behind him and perform a gruesome
execution. Take his machete.
Pain killers are located in the hospital room.
Hide in the dark room left of the hospital room and lure a hunter into the ward
- perform a gruesome execution on him.

Step through the double-doors and carefully creep into the yard.
2 hunters patrol the grounds. Perform gruesome executions on both of them.
Pain killers are located behind one of the columns in the yard.
Survey the yard and locate the hunter that watches from the balcony.
Sprint under the metal stairs that lead up to the balcony and get his
attention. He won't notice you hiding under the stairs if you are in the
When he walks back to his post, follow him from behind and kill him. Take his
gun and enter the metal gate below the flashing red light. SAVE YOUR GAME at
the save point.

There are 6 hunters in the greenhouse yard.
Follow the left wall and hide under the trees near the wire. Lure a hunter
toward you and perform a gruesome execution.
Kill the remaining hunters, ensuring that you perform 2 more gruesome
executions. Wire is located in the furthest greenhouse and in the grass between
both greenhouses.
Pain killers are located in the furthest greenhouse and near the exit gate.

The sixth hunter won't leave his post by the exit gate, so follow the left wall
past the row of trees and approach him with the column shielding you from view.
Kill him and retrieve the fuel can from the nearest greenhouse.
Enter the exit gate and leave the fuel can in the corridor.
Sprint into the next yard and follow the wall to the right. Ambush the hunter
behind the crates.

Retrieve the fuel can and place it at the base of the brick tower, where the
doorway has been bricked over.
Hide behind the crates next to the chainlink fence and shoot the can. Kill the
hunter that emerges from the tower.
Sprint up the spiral staircase and take the pain killers from the observation
room at the top.
Activate the door release switch and return to the save point at the bottom of
the stairs. SAVE YOUR GAME.

There are 12 hunters waiting on the other side of the double-doors.
Sneak through the doors and shoot the hunter at close range. Take his shotgun
and hide in the shadows behind the partition. Shoot the 4 hunters that close in
on either side.
Collect the light handguns and shotguns from the corpses.
2 pain killers are located on the ground floor, 1 pain killer is located in the
first floor infirmary and 1 pain killer is located on the rooftop.

7 hunters remain in the asylum - 4 in the infirmary and 3 on the rooftop.
You must retrieve the wire from the first floor in the room with the bunk bed
and perform a gruesome execution on 1 more hunter.
Once you have accessed the rooftop, sneak up behind the lone hunter in the
guard tower, kill him and then carry his body through the double-doors labelled

Suggestion: At the end of Mouth Of Madness, kill the dressed hunter in a way
that lets you take his head, ie gruesome wire.  Take his head to the control
room and the Director will tell you he'll leave a present in the next location.
In Doing Time, after the fun with the hammer and bat, get the gun and head
upstairs. A cell behind and to the left hides a shotgun and when you pick it
up, Starkweather congratulates you on your head-collecting tendencies. Thanks
to for this clever tip.


--- DOING TIME ----
    TIME LIMIT: 15 mins

This section of the penitentiary consists of an L-shaped prison block.
G block and H block form 1 leg and J block and K block form the other.
There are 2 painkillers in H block, 1 pain killer in J block and 1 pain killer
in K block.
There is a dark spacious room in the corner of the L-shaped corridor, near the
hammer. This location is your salvation as it is an ideal spot to perform most
of your gruesome executions. Remember that you are required to perform a total
of 4 gruesome executions before reaching the save point.

Take the hammer located at the far end of H block.
Your first task is to perform a violent execution (yellow cursor) and a
gruesome execution (red cursor) with the hammer - only then will you be allowed
to advance through the level. 3 hunters will appear in G block, so hide in the
corner of the L-shaped passage and perform the required executions. Be wary, as
a new hunter spawns every time you destroy one - there will always be 3 hunters
in the prison at any one time.

Once you have performed both violent and gruesome executions, your second task
is to locate and kill the hunter with the bat. You must then perform both
violent and gruesome executions with his bat. Once you have performed 4
gruesome executions in total, run through the exit gate at the end of K block
and SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.

Hide in the shadows next to the stairs and kill the hunter that carries the gun.
Retrieve the gun, bang on the wall and shoot the hunters that respond to the
sound - head shots will conserve ammo.
Pain killers are located in the caged room opposite the stairs.
When all is quiet again, leave the shadows, run up the stairs and hide behind
the mattress.
You must make your way forward, using the upturned beds to shield yourself as
you fire upon the remaining hunters. Take their guns as you proceed forward.
Pain killers are located in the 4th cell on the right and in the cell on the
Once the area is clear, descend the stairs and enter the shower block. SAVE


    TIME LIMIT: 20 mins

This level can easily be completed in under 15 minutes if you sprint, kill,
pause and consult the walkthrough.
Run after the rabbit and retrieve/equip the shotgun and shotgun shells from the
exercise yard.
A hunter will release the electronic locks on the cell doors.
Sprint back to the doorway and stand to the left of the door in the corner of
the exercise yard. Shoot the 4 hunters that spill from the cells.
Run back into the tiled room and stand in the corner under the surveillance
Make a noise and kill the 3 hunters that come to investigate.
Take the shotgun shells from the shower block.
Throw the door release switch in the tiled room.
Return to the exercise yard and take the pain killers from the cells.
Proceed through the exit gate and trigger the cutscene.

Hide behind the upturned mattress and kill the 4 hunters who guard the hallway.
Take their guns.
The door to the right of the mattress leads to a makeshift morge. Proceed
through the morgue and kill the hunter that stalks the outer hallway. Take the
pain killers that are located in the corridor behind the morgue.
Continue forward until you trigger the cutscene with the hunter in the dress.
Sneak along the right wall toward the hunter, using the columns to shield
yourself from his view. When you are reach the second last pillar, hug the wall
and BLAM!
Ascend the stairs and SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.

12 hunters will be released from the cells in the room below. Stand next to the
radiator and shoot each hunter as he appears around the corner.
Take their guns. Take the shotgun shells and pain killers from the jail cell.
Pain killers are also located in the cells below.
Return downstairs to the save point and SAVE YOUR GAME.

Run past the pain killers that are beside the barred door.
Hug the wall on the left side of the second barred door and shoot the 2 hunters
through the bars.
Ascend the stairs and sprint through the corridor, killing the 3 hunters who
patrol the first floor.
Pain killers are located in the rooms branching off the main corridor - the
electrocution chamber, storeroom and morgue.

Return to the outer hall and follow the path to the left.
Take the shotgun shells near the peniteniary armoury and enter the workshop.
The front of the room is on your left, the rear of the room on your right.
Hide behind the pillar at the rear of the room. Sprint along the back wall to
the next pillar.
Sprint toward the front of the room to trigger the cutscene, then hide behind
the nearest pillar.
Using the pillars and benches for cover, kill the 4 hunters who guard the exit.
Take their weapons and approach the front of the room.
Locate the security zone platform and place a corpse on it - the weight of the
body will release the exit lock on your right.
Leave the workshop via the security zone exit and SAVE YOUR GAME at the save

Follow the rabbit to the outer courtyard. Sprint down the stairs and crouch
behind the nearest row of boxes.
Lure the 3 guards toward you and kill them.
Take their weapons and locate the 2 pain killers near the watchtower.
Enter the watchtower and sprint up the stairs to the look-out deck. Before
completely emerging from the staircase, aim upward and target the Rabbit's
head. Kill the rabbit and his escort.
Pain killers are loacted on the outer balcony.

8 guards will flood the courtyard and systematically breach the watchtower.
Step out onto the balcony and run to the opposite side of the tower. Position
yourself so that you are looking through the window into the look-out deck,
directly opposite the doorway.
Blast the guards as they appear in the window. Don't worry about the
fancy-schmancy sniper rifles - just blast 'em with the shotty.
Once you got 8 mothers kissing the floor of the look-out deck, sprint
downstairs and exit the courtyard via the gate beyond the trucks.


    TIME LIMIT: 25 mins

Creep to your right and retrieve the wire.
Return to the dark corner behind you and attract the attention of a hunter -
perform a gruesome execution and take his machete.
Move quietly from shadow to shadow and perform gruesome executions on the
remaining 2 hunters to trigger the cutscene.

Before the hunters emerge from the building, jump off the upper path and sprint
leftwards into the undercover passage that contains the pain killers near the
Hide in the corner, lure the 3 of them to their deaths and take their guns.
You may execute the third hunter with the shotgun - using it prior to the third
kill will only attract unwanted attention, and this level is seriously short of
hidey holes.
Once the area is clear, search the cafeteria for a plastic bag and pain killers.

Equip the shotgun and approach the car shell - several more hunters will spawn
behind the door. Wait until they become idle and enter the door.
Hug the right wall and shoot around the corner at the 2 hunters on the ground
Take their guns and ascend the staircase. SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.

You mission is to make your way to the top of the hunter-infested apartment
block, chase Ramirez all the way back down again and kill the son-of-a-bitch
before the ridiculously short time limit expires.

Ascend to the first floor level and hug the left wall. Aim around the corner at
the 2 hunters who occupy this storey and collect their weapons.
Hide behind the corner at the bottom of the staircase that leads to the second
floor. Sneak up behind the hunter to the top of the stairs and drop him. Ascend
the stairs, take his gun and hug the left wall.

The hunter on the second floor will not appear unless you draw him out by
creeping forward along the passage. The second you spot him, retreat and hide
behind the corner. 2 more hunters occupy this floor - pop them in the head as
they appear.
The room in the middle of the second floor contains a whole heap o' fucked up
bodies and pain killers - leave them for your descent.

Ascend the staircase to the third floor and follow the left wall. Hug the wall
near the corner and kill the 3 hunters who charge down the passage.

Proceed through the passage and take note of the pain killers in the room at
the bottom of the staircase near the blue door.
Climb the stairs to the fourth floor to trigger Ramirez's escape and start the

The descent is quite complicated and you won't have time to think (well, you'll
have 2:30 to think), so I've divided each floor/storey into paragraphs so you
can pause your game and complete the remainder of the level in stages. Some
hunters are unpredictable and may not appear in said locations. Some enemies
may even leave pain killers when shot, so keep your eyes open:

Fourth floor - wait at the top of the stairs behind the wall for the first 2
hunters to appear (don't hug the wall) and shoot them in the face as they
emerge from the staircase. You may need to step backwards to lure them forwards
(take the pain killers from the apartment if necessary). Reload and run

Third floor - sprint through the passage (take the pain killers from the
apartment if necessary) and shoot the hunter who waits at the top of the next
staircase. Reload and run downstairs.

Second floor - shoot the hunter at the bottom of the staircase. Sprint around
to the top of the next staircase (take the pain killers from the apartment if
necessary). Allow the 2 machete-wielding hunters to advance on you and shoot
them. Reload and run downstairs.

First floor - Wait near the bottom of the stairs for a machete-wielding hunter
to attack - kill him and sprint to the staircase. Shoot the armed hunter at the
top of the staircase. Reload and run downstairs.

Ground floor - Exit the building and sprint to the left of the car shell.
Hug the short section of wall to the right of the steps - Ramirez is situated
on the upper pathway above you.
Shoot the hunter that comes down the steps on your left and then stand on the
steps, hugging the wall nearest Ramirez. Gun him down by returning fire
immediately after he shoots or while he reloads.

When Ramirez is dead and you are instructed to make your way to the gate, the
timer has ended. If the timer reaches zero however, Ramirez will call for
back-up and deadlier sniper hunters will appear in the yard, making your escape
even more unlikely. The exit gate is in the undercover passage at the far end
of the yard. Shoot anything that gets in your way and race for the exit. SAVE


    TIME LIMIT: 25 mins

This level can easily be completed in under 20 minutes if you sprint, kill,
pause and consult the walkthrough.
Take the crowbar that lies up ahead and hide the journalist in a shadowy recess
near the giant cement pipes. If you leave her alone for too long, she gets ansy
and leaves the safety of the shadows.
2 policemen guard the road ahead. Lure 1 of them toward you and perform a
gruesome execution.
The 2nd cop usually remains at his post, facing the street ahead - perform a
gruesome execution on him as well.
Once the 2 cops are dead, collect the journalist and stand by the barricade
near the police car.
When the street ahead is clear, follow the left wall and hide in the alleyway.
Leave the journalist in the alleyway and sneak up behind the truck.
Wait in the shadows and lure a cop toward the truck - perform a gruesome
execution on him, then lure his buddy over and perform a gruesome execution oh
him as well.
Take the gun and conceal the journalist beside the truck.

Run to the corner on the opposite side of the street and hide in the darkness
behind the square column. Lure 4 cops over, shoot them in the head and take
their guns. They usually respond to the sound of gunfire.
Once all the cops are dead, retrieve the journalist and crowbar and break into
the rear of the police van for pain killers (leave the heavy hand gun).
Pain killers are also located near the police van.
Swap the crowbar for the six shooter, enter the journalist's apartment and SAVE
YOUR GAME at the save point.

Conceal the journalist in the shadows at the bottom of the staircase and lure 2
cops downstairs. Take their weapons and ascend the staircase.
The 5 remaining cops hide in the rooms leading off the landing. Equip the
shotgun and hug the left side of the doorway, shooting into the hall.
Once they are all dead, collect the journalist and take the pain killers inside
her apartment.
Enter the journalist's kitchen to trigger the cutscene.
Climb down the ladder and sprint toward the save point. SAVE YOUR GAME and
continue running into the shadows near the dumpster.

Hug the wall behind the dumpster and kill the 2 cops who patrol the alley
(conserve shotgun ammo).
Take their weapons and return to the door near the save point - take the pain
killers from the empty room.
Return to the alley and sprint ahead until you emerge on an open street.
Follow the wall on your right and sneak into the casino.
Leave the pain killers in the foyer.
Walk quietly past the reception booth and hug the wall on the left of the
triple C neon sign, so you can peer around the corner into the room with the
slot machines. Lure the 3 cops downstairs and kill them.
Take their guns and run upstairs to the roulette table.

Creep through the narrow dark hallway and sneak up behind the sniper on the
balcony. Leave the rifle.
Sprint back into the room with the roulette table and crouch behind the first
table on the left - shoot anything that climbs the stairs.
Once every cop is dead, return to the balcony for the sniper rifle and leave
the casino (remember the pain killers in the foyer and near the previous save

Sprint up the street and stand between the 2 police vans. Pain killers are
located on the premises to your left.
Continue moving forward until you arrive at a dumpster near a pedestrian
crossing. Hide behind the dumpster and target the heads of the 3 policemen who
guard the subway.
A sniper scans the street from the rooftop of the garage with the giant tyre.
Approach him carefully and take him out.
Collect the shotguns from the dead cops and enter the subway. SAVE YOUR GAME.


    TIME LIMIT: 8 mins (I shit you not)

This level can be completed in 6 minutes if you sprint, kill, pause and consult
the walkthrough. Proactive wins the day.
Sprint down the stairs and run straight ahead - shoot the cop who stands beside
the train, then chase after his colleague who dashes for the storeroom.
A third cop is posted outside the storeroom - sneak up behind him, pop him in
the dial and take his sub-machine gun.
Leave the pain killers in the storeroom and shoot the lock off the door that
leads to the tunnels.
Enter the tunnels and sprint down the right tunnel to trigger the cutscene.

A 3 man SWAT team will advance from the tunnels. Sprint into the dark alcove
set into the left wall of the right tunnel and lure them to their deaths.
Pain killers are located in the locker room at the end of the middle tunnel.
Once the SWAT team is dead, collect their guns and sprint around to the save
point at the end of the left tunnel. SAVE YOUR GAME.

Turn and face the door that is near the pain killers. Sprint through the door
and move rightwards towards the exit door. You will emerge in the middle tunnel.
Sprint along the left wall and enter the first door you come upon.
Hug the wall near the corner and use the sub-machine gun to shoot the hunters
that spill down the corridor.
Once they are dead, retrieve the pain killers and take the right corridor to
the control room.
Charge into the control room and take the pain killers.
Restore power to the tracks by activating the flashing red switch and return to
the tunnels.
Make your way back to the train that waits on the platform, avoiding the
enemies in the tunnels as much as possible.
Board the train and ride it to the next station.
Locate the save point in the corridor and SAVE YOUR GAME.

Leave the pain killers in the corner.
Run through the door and immediately crouch behind the upturned vending machine
on your right - shoot the 3 cops by leaning over the top. Leave the pain
killers if possible.
Sprint up the stairs and shoot the cop hidden behind the counter - take his gun.
Sprint around to the back of the bannister that frames the stairs and crouch,
shooting the cops that charge through the entrance gates.
Run through the exit gates left of the counter and ambush the cop guarding the
exit tunnel.
Sprint through the tunnel and shoot the 2 cops that advance at point blank
Run up the stairs, surprising the cop at the top of the stairs with a shotgun
blast to the face. SAVE YOUR GAME.


    TIME LIMIT: 20 mins

Take the wire and ascend the stairs.
Shoot the cop at the top of the stairs in the head, shoot the cop on your right
and crouch behind the nose of the van that is opposite the station entrance.
Lean out and shoot the third cop as he steps forward.
Collect the six shooters from the corpses and hug the wall on the left side of
the entrance. Kill the cop behind the seat.
Enter the station and sprint down the stairs - shoot the cop on the basement
level 1 in the face.
Descend the staircase set into the left wall.
Follow the path along basement level 2 to the right and hide in the dark
alcove. Perform a gruesome execution on the nearest cop.
Run to the left fork in basement level 2 and retrieve the baseball bat.
Return to basement level 1 and survey the platform. Perform a gruesome
execution on the SWAT guard with the bat.
Return to the platform on basement level 1 and locate the crowbar opposite the
Use the crowbar to open the gate and SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.

Bang on the nearest train car and sprint back through the gate onto the
platform. Enter the station and hide in the shadowy doorway near the top of the
2 stairwells that lead down to basement level 2.
Lure 3 cops to this area and perform gruesome executions on each of them using
the bat. Fire a gun near the gates to attract another cop. You will hear the
gate open and close every time a cop passes through them. Nearly every cop that
investigates this area will descend the stairs to basement level 2 - a perfect
opportunity to trail them and perform a gruesome execution. Hide the bodies in
the shadowy corner near your hiding spot at the top of the 2 sets of stairs.

Once you have killed 3 cops by gruesome execution, venture forth into the
trainyard. The trainyard comprises 4 sets of parallel trains tracks. For the
sake of this guide, the track nearest the gate will be known as track 1, the
track furthest the gate will be known as track 4 and the middle tracks will be
known as tracks 2 and 3 respectively.
Pain killers are located in a freight container on track 4 and in the freight
container on track 2, near the exit point.

3 cops still patrol the trainyard.
Stand on the platform and hug the train car near the gate - shoot around the
corner to lure the cops through the gate. As the cops enter the gate and walk
alongside the end of the train car, pop them in the head. To gain their
attention, step into the train yard a short distance and fire, quickly
retreating back through the gate to the platform.

Enter the trainyard and follow the path between track 4 and the fenceline to
the front of the trainyard. 2 cops hide behind a stack of crates and guard the
exit point. Hide behind the crates and pop both of them in the head, then flee
back to your hiding spot in the train station.

7 more cops guard the second trainyard, beyond the gate near the crates.
Remain in the first trainyard and stand to the right of the gate. Shoot the
cops as they pour through the opening and strip the corpses of their weapons.
Once the second trainyard is free of cops, locate the freight container on
track 2 that has a ladder fixed to the side.
SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point on the roof of the container.

Run along the rooftops of the carriages and note the pain killers.
Proceed to the front of the train, so that you are able to see over the fence
into the third train yard. Shoot the soldier on your right, then jump from the
rooftop over the fence into the third trainyard.
Strategy tip: if time allows, shoot the remaining SWAT soldiers from the roof
of the train with the shotgun, or use the sniper rifle hidden inside the train.
Take the sub-machine gun(s) and sprint along the right side of the fenceline.
Take the crowbar from track 1 and use it to open the gate located at the end of
track 3. SAVE YOUR GAME.


    TIME LIMIT: 20 mins

Take the wire from the corner, throw the switch by the door, quickly about-face
and hide in the shadows opposite the switch. When it is safe, move into the
shadows beside the van.
Lure 1 of Starkweather's Cerberus guards into the garage and perform a gruesome
execution on him.
Take his gun and lure the 3 remaining guards into the garage. Hide in the
shadows by the van and shoot them in the face as they appear around the front
of the van.
Retrieve the crowbar from behind the garage and take the path between the 2
coach lamps.

Follow the right wall and sneak up behind the guard that is posted at the exit
gate on top of the hill. Perform a gruesome execution on him.
Use the crowbar to open the gate and lure a second hunter into the yard -
perform a gruesome execution on him. Hide behind the tree near the watch hut
and always remain on the opposite side of the trunk to avoid detection.
Lure a third guard through the gate and perform a gruesome execution on him as
well. Take the shotguns and return back to the area behind the garage to
retrieve the handgun.
Return to the gate by the watch hut and run forward to the skeletal monument on
the hill. Take the glass shard and run toward the save point to trigger the
cutscene. SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.

Follow the right wall and hide in the alcove behind the second bird bath.
Lure a guard over and perform a gruesome execution on him without alerting his
partner - take his gun. Return to the skeletal monument.
If a glass shard still remains by the skeletal monument, seize it. If not,
return to the watch hut and retrieve the glass shard that is inside.
Return to the skeletal monument.
Hug the hedge wall just left of the marble temple so that you can lean around
the corner and aim into the estate grounds.
Shoot a handgun bullet and quickly switch to the shotgun - 4 guards will come
to investigate the noise. Systematically pop the guards in the head as they
funnel through the path and take their guns.

Follow the left wall into the estate grounds and pass under the hedge arch that
leads to the yard with the giant hedge crucifixes.
Move toward the lattice archway in the corner of the yard, beyond the geometric
sculpture. Carefully aim through the lattice at the guard's head and shoot him.
Wait for his mates to leave the scene, then move under the lattice archway and
leftwards, following the curved path into the centre of the hedge maze.
Try to walk quitely on the gravel path as 2 guards patrol the maze - only kill
them if they get in your way. At the first sound of gunfire, sprint toward the
centre of the maze before it is flooded with armed guards.
SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point in the centre of the hedge maze.

Follow the gravel path out of the maze and ascend the stairs. Hide in the
shadows provided by the hedge on your right.
Shoot the guard that lurks nearby, take his gun and hug the corner of the hedge
- shoot the 4 guards that pour from courtyard.
When the coast is clear, sprint into the main entrance and ascend the stairs to
the balcony.
Perform a gruesome execution on the first sniper using the glass shard.
Shoot the second sniper, then hide in the dark alcove near the top of the
stairs and shoot the 4 guards that rush up the stairwell.
Return to the ground floor and sprint along the exterior wall of the mansion
until you arrive at the stairs leading to the basement. SAVE YOUR GAME.


    TIME LIMIT: 20 mins

Descend the stairs, take the scythe and wait in the dark arched alcove nearest
the staircase.
Lure the guards into the basement by shooting into the air.
After the guards have investigated the basement, perform gruesome executions on
them as they walk back up the stairs - sprint back into the arched alcove if
you are detected. You must perform 4 gruesome executions.
Swap the scythe for the handgun.
Stand at the top of the stairs and shoot the guards that enter the door with
the sub-machine gun - remember the 2 pain killers in the basement.
Once things have quietened down, step out into the corridor

The minute you step through the doorway, shoot the surveillance camera on your
right. If you are spotted by a camera, guards will be sent to your location.
Walk past the camera and step into the centre of the round marble chamber -
shoot the surveillance camera in the hallway and shoot any guards that get in
your way.
Enter the dining room where the pain killers are located.
Enter the adjoining dining hall and take the pain killers from below the large
painting of Starkweather.
Return to the round marble chamber and walk underneath the dead camera.
Follow the hallway to the bar and note the pain killers near the juke box.
Shoot the surveillance camera in the next hallway and hug the right wall near
the corner.
Shoot once with the handgun, then switch to the assault rifle - lure as many
guards as possible to their deaths.
Cautiously step into the grand ballroom and sprint to the save point in the
middle of the room. SAVE YOUR GAME.

Face the staircase and sprint through the doorway on your left.
Cross the hallway and sprint down the staircase to the basement - hide under
the stairs in the shadows.
Take the wire from the floor and lure a guard toward you - perform a gruesome
execution on him.
Sneak through the metal doorway and hug the first corner. Wait for the guard to
walk away from you, then sneak to the next corner.
When the guard returns along the tunnel, shoot him in the face and enter the
first doorway set into the left wall. Sprint into the dark corner behind the
gas cylinders and hide.
When the commotion has died down, hide in the corner to the left of the doorway
and lure the remaining guards to their deaths - there are pain killers on your
right, and an ample supply still remains in previous level.
Leave the room when it is safe and follow the left wall to the next door -
charge through the door and shoot the guard. SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.

Restore power to the elevator by activating the switch.
Leave the save point room, shoot the guard posted outside the door and return
to the tunnel.
Hug the corner before the metal door and lure the guards into the basement.
Shoot them at close range, take their weapons and ascend to the ground floor.
Once you are on the ground floor, hide in the corner at the top of the stairs
and fire once to lure the guards down the stairs.
Ambush them and take their weapons.
Ascend the stairs to the first floor and kill the surveillance camera in the
Move rightwards along the hallway and step into the carpeted passage, where a
door is labelled 'SURVEILLANCE'.
Shoot the 2 surveillance cameras on the back wall and approach the doorway that
conceals the remaining Cerberus guards.
Wait until the guards become idle, then kick the door open and fire into the
room at the nearest guard. Just focus on killing 1 guard at a time. Return to
previous rooms in the mansion for pain killers.
Once the guards are dead, retrieve the elevator key and ammo from the shelves.
The elevator is located beyond the 2 wall-mounted surveillance cameras. SAVE


    TIME LIMIT: 15 mins

Piggsy's private floor is basically a square hallway that forms a circuit
around a large central room, with several smaller rooms branching off the
square hallway.
It is essential that you become familiar with the few patches of shadow on this
floor, as the chainsaw-wielding Piggsy will not appear on your radar and is
programmed to jump you from random locations - yes, it's shit-scarey stuff all
Begin by running in either direction around the square circuit hallway, luring
Piggsy out from his hiding spot.

Once you have his position staked, concentrate on locating 1 of the 3 weapons
that are hidden throughout this floor.
1. glass shard - under the window near the attic stairs
2. glass shard - in the bedroom with the 4-poster bed
3. wooden spike - in the dark hole in the wall
4. pain killers - in the bathroom

                   |                              |
                   |  1                           |
                   |     ____________________     |_______
                   |     |                  |     |       |
                   |     |                  |         3   |
                   |     |                  |     |_______|
                   |     |                  |     |       |
                   |     |                  |     |   4   |
                   |     |__________________|     |_____  |
                   |                                      |
                   |                              |       |
              _____|      __________________      |       |
                         |                  |     |       |
     elevator            |                  |     |   2   |
              ___________|                  |_____|_______|

You must sneak up behind Piggsy and stab him with each weapon before he will
retire to his attic lair.

Once Piggsy has fled the scene, climb the stairs to Piggsy's lair and take the
brick from the floor.
On the far side of the attic, stairs lead upward to Starkweather's private
chamber. Outside Starkweather's chamber a metal grate covers a hole in the
You must gain Piggsy's attention by either throwing the brick at him, or by
running toward him. You must then lure Piggsy up the stairs toward
Starkweather's chamber and have him follow you over the metal grate.
Piggsy must stand on the grate twice before he... well, you'll see.
Pain killers are located outside Starkweather's chamber and in Piggsy's attic
lair. SAVE YOUR GAME at the save point.

Use the chainsaw to hack into Starkweather's chamber.
After the cutscene, sprint back down the stairs, run up the ramp into Piggsy's
attic and down the next ramp - hide in the alcove immediately on your left at
the bottom of the ramp - do not enter the door. Be sure to turn the chainsaw
off (square).
Lure 2 of the Cerberus guards to gruesome executions and simply kill the third
with a normal execution.

Once the 3 guards are dead, proceed back up the staircase to Starkweather's
chamber - climb the staircase quietly and perform gruesome executions on the 2
remaining guards. Believe it or not, the second guard will not detect your
Use the chainsaw to tear through Starkweather's chamber door.

After the cutscene, sprint after Starkweather and target him with L1 whilst
holding the x button.



10. B O N U S   F E A T U R E S

Bonus features are available if the criteria for 3 star (Fetish) and 5 star
(Hardcore) ratings have been met.
Concept art is unlocked by achieving 3 star ratings in Fetish & Hardcore modes.
Cheat codes are unlocked by achieving 5 star ratings in Hardcore mode.
Mini-games are unlocked by completing five 5 Star levels in succession.

Cheat codes can only be activated if they have been unlocked, and can only be
used in the 'SELECT SCENE' levels, NOT in new or saved games. The cheat name
will appear at the bottom of the menu screen if entered correctly.
Save points do not appear while cheat codes are activated - however, you can
play through a level using cheat codes and deactivate them just before
completing the level, thus making the save point reappear. Tricksy.

  3 STARS: The Clowns concept art
  5 STARS: R2, R2, L1, R2 - 1st half of Runner code
  Code description: Cash has unlimited stamina

  3 STARS: Clown Variants concept art
  5 STARS: <, >, <, > - 2nd half of Runner code
  Code description: Cash has unlimited stamina

  3 STARS: Scarecrow concept art
  5 STARS: R1, L1, R2, L1 - 1st half of Silence code
  Code description: enemies can't hear Cash

  3 STARS: Scarecrow - Halloween Variant concept art
  5 STARS: >, <, <, < - 2nd half of Silence code
  Code description: enemies can't hear Cash

  3 STARS: The Lost concept art
  5 STARS: R2, >, O, R2 - 1st half of Regenerate code
  Code description: Cash's health replenishes automatically

  3 STARS: Bin Bag concept art
  5 STARS: - L2, down, O, < - 2nd half of Regenerate code
  Code description: Cash's health replenishes automatically

  3 STARS: The Jury concept art
  5 STARS: - R1, R1, triangle, O - 1st half of Helium Hunters code
  Code description: hunters talk in high-pitched voices

  3 STARS: Camheds concept art
  5 STARS: - square, L2, L1, down - 2nd half of Helium Hunters code
  Code description: hunters talk in high-pitched voices

  3 STARS: Wardogs concept art
  5 STARS: - R1, R2, L1, L2 - 1st half of Fully Equipped code
  Code description: Cash begins level with firearms, ammo and red and blue     

  3 STARS: Wardogs Zoo Sniper concept art
  5 STARS: - down, up, <, up - 2nd half of Fully Equipped code
  Code description: Cash begins level with firearms, ammo and red and blue     

  3 STARS: Tramp concept art
  5 STARS: - L1, triangle, triangle, triangle - 1st half of Super Punch code
  Code description: Cash can kill enemies with 1 punch

  3 STARS: Early Innocent Hoodie Designs concept art
  5 STARS: - O, O, O, R1 - 2nd half of Super Punch code
  Code description: Cash can kill enemies with 1 punch

  3 STARS: Smileys concept art
  5 STARS: - <, R1, R1, triangle - 1st half of Rabbit Skin code
  Code description: Cash wears rabbit suit

  3 STARS: Cerberus Variant Design concept art
  5 STARS: - R1, R1, square, L1 - 2nd half of Rabbit Skin code
  Code description: Cash wears rabbit suit

  3 STARS: Level concept art
  5 STARS: - square, square, R2, down - 1st half of Monkey Skin code
  Code description: Cash wears monkey suit

  3 STARS: Piggsy concept art
  5 STARS: - triangle, square, O, down - 2nd half of Monkey Skin code
  Code description: Cash wears monkey suit

  3 STARS: Piggsy & Cash Toy Mock-Ups concept art
  5 STARS: - square, square, square, down - 1st half of Invisibilty code
  Code description: enemies can hear Cash but cannot see him

  3 STARS: Starkweather concept art
  5 STARS: - square, down, O, up - 2nd half of Invisibilty code
  Code description: enemies can hear Cash but cannot see him

  3 STARS: Head Shots concept art
  5 STARS: - up, down, <, < - 1st half of Piggsy Skin code
  Code description: Cash wears Piggsy's suit

  3 STARS: Head Shots 2 concept art
  5 STARS: - R1, R2, L1, L1 - 2nd half of Piggsy Skin code
  Code description: Cash wears Piggsy's suit

  Once you have beaten the game on either mode, watch the credits and wait for 
  the menu screen to appear. Hold L1, L2, R1 & R2 simultaneously and you will  
  hear multi-layered sound effects and a voice whispering incoherent words. If 
  this voice is recorded and played backwards, the god mode cheat is revealed:
  "...down, down, O, up, square, triangle, square, R2, up, up, L1, triangle..."
  The god mode cheat makes Cash invulnerable.


Mini-games are unlocked by completing five 5 Star levels in succession - that
is, if you complete levels 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-20 you will unlock 4 mini-games
that will appear in the 'SELECT SCENE' option in the main menu.

   Kill as many hunters as you can for a top score.

   You must survive for as long as you can against 3 gangs. The gangs will     
   fight each other as well as you.

   The banana shortage has given the zoo monkeys an appetite for death. Start  
   feeding them lead to stop being on the menu and get out of the zoo alive.

   Kill all the hoods before the 10 minute time limit runs out.


11. S E C R E T S

The PS2 headset can be used to relay Starkweather's instructions through the
earpiece to the player, just like Cash.

Invulnerability (see 'God Mode' cheat).


12. C R E D I T S

Thanks to Rockstar North for daring to release this original and highly
provocative title into a marketplace glutted with generic heroes, hackneyed
storylines and lame PG violence. Never before has a video game offered such an
engaging and psychologically disturbing experience, that not only provides
gamers with a safe arena in which to explore their more violent tendencies, but
also contributes unparalleled data to the ongoing debate about violence as
Prior to playing this title I would have regarded myself as a horror junkie
highly desensitised to staged violence. However, Manhunt's depictions of
ultra-violence are so graphic, visceral and disturbing, that I actually found
myself recoiling in disgust at some of the latter scenes - high praise indeed
from someone who watches 'Evil Dead' whilst ironing. Rockstar can be relied
upon to deliver, entertain and always challenge. 9/10 (unfortunately too
difficult for most gamers).

Thanks again to 'adarkervision' for his ongoing correspondence and friendship.

And finally, thanks again to my dog, without whose company I would be
completely and utterly miserable - may Anubis and any other dog-headed deities
shower you with eternal blessings and schnacky tweats.

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All text copyright Jason Beks, 24 March 2004 (c).
Email questions to: (ensure Manhunt is in the subject line).

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