Manhunt 2 Version Differences | Wikihunt | Fandom

This article is for the differences between the PS2 beta, PSP, PS2, Wii, and PC versions of Manhunt 2. Although there isn't much difference between the PSP and PS2 versions of the game, there are many differences between them and the other versions of the game.

General Differences[]

  • The PS2 version of the game is the only one that supports a headset.
  • The Wii controller has a speaker on it which is used to play some audio through.
  • The PS2 version has chromatic aberration in menus.
  • On the PS2 version, the pause menu has a red Project logo in the background.
  • The music score in the PC and Wii versions is noticeably easier to hear than in the PSP, PS2, and beta versions.
  • There is some hunter dialogue in the Wii and PC versions of the game that does not appear in the other versions.
  • The font in the PC and Wii versions of is larger and different than in other versions.
  • The Wii and PC feature motion controlled actions, such as performing and carrying out an execution. On the PC, you can also turn off interactive executions in the options menu, so the game can be played without motion gestures.
  • There is no quick turn feature in the Wii and PC versions of the game.
  • The sequence of regulating your breathing when a hunter is investigating your shadow is different in some versions. In the PS2 beta, retail PS2, and PSP versions, the player must press a button combination until the hunter leaves; in the Wii version the player must keep the Wii remote/ nunchuck still and in the PC version, a circle with a dot in the middle appears on screen and players must use the mouse to keep the dot in the circle (which begin to get smaller and move around) until the circle turns green and the hunter gives up.
  • There is a bonus tutorial in the Wii and PC that lets players become used to the controls.
  • The PC version has improved visuals than the other versions, The Wii version also is visually superior to the PS2, and PSP, although it is not as improved as on the PC.
  • The game seems to perform better on the PC and Wii than on the other versions.
  • In the PC version, blood decals don't appear on Danny/Leo when performing an execution with interactive executions off.
  • In the PC and Wii versions, all hunters have facial animations, but on the beta, PS2, and PSP, many hunters don't have facial animations.
  • All versions of the game have hunters getting bloodied and bruised during Executions and Melee Combat/Gun fights however the effect is much more detailed on the PC and Wii.
    • Unlike hunters, however, Danny/Leo cannot get bloodied during Executions or Combat on the PSP/PS2.
  • In the PS2 beta and PC versions, the executions are uncut and uncensored, with only a faint red filter that shows during an execution (although the PC version allows players to take this off on their desktop at the start menu by putting it in "Stereoscopic mode" which removes the red filter completeley and also increases the visual quality). In the Wii, PSP, and PS2, the game was toned down for an M rating on consoles. However, the filter itself is different in the Wii than on the PSP/PS2. On the PlayStation versions, the screen goes red, silver and green during an execution to obscure it. On the Wii, the contrast levels are raised highly and the screen starts shaking, to give it a very red and black look.
  • The quick weapon select menu is different on the Wii then on the PS2 beta/PSP/PS2. On the Wii, the lines on the menu are not as neatly drawn as in the other versions. On the PC, there is no quick weapon select menu at all, as players need only to scroll up or down to switch weapons.
  • The PC version features a score rating system at the end of each level that grades players on their performance, just like in the first Manhunt game. This also means that in the PC version, you will have to unlock the hidden episode Release Therapy by getting a score of at least 3 out of 5 points on all other levels, while in the PS2, PSP and the Wii versions there is no such requirement since the scoring system was removed on these platforms due to censorship and the level will be unlocked anyways after you complete the game.
  • In the beta version, when hiding Danny/Leo would go transparent. In the retail PS2 and PSP versions, they go greyish-silver when hiding, giving them a cel-shaded look. In the PC and Wii, they simply go darker, just like James Cash in the first Manhunt game.
  • Civilians are featured much more often in the PC and PS2 beta versions than in the other versions.
  • The PC, PSP, PS2, and PS2 beta versions feature an exclusive brown outfit for Leo that he wears in the flashback levels. This outfit doesn't appear in the Wii version even though the model is available inside the Wii version's files.
  • The PS2 and PSP versions have a black outline around the subtitles.
  • Leo's dialogue directing Danny is different between versions. His dialogue is censored to not sound as aggressive in Wii, PS2 and PSP. He says things like "They're inhuman, slaves to the Project", after a kill.
  • The PSP and PS2 versions allow Danny/Leo the ability to throw a heavy melee attack. The PC version only has the light melee attack.
  • On PS2/PSP/Wii, the level loading pictures are displayed on a television to the right of the level select menu. On the PC version, the pictures are incorrectly placed to the left, if the menu is hovering the execution tutorial "level", the picture will glitch and show up a tiled white squares.
  • In the PC version, the brain bits from head explosions disappear when touching the ground.
  • The Wii version's pre-rendered cutscenes has different lighting and more shadows than the PC and PlayStation versions.
  • Danny is more bloodier in the pre-rendered cutscenes of the Wii version, while in other versions, there is no blood on him at all.


  • The Razor and Whisky Bottle can only be found in the Wii and PC versions of the game. The Mace can be found only in the Wii version.
  • The icon for the Razor is different in the Wii and PC versions.
  • The Flashlight is a PSP, PS2, and beta exclusive weapon.
  • The Katana is a PC, PSP, PS2, and beta exclusive weapon.
  • The Glass Bottle is only in the PS2, PSP, and beta versions. This is because it is replaced by the Whisky Bottle on the Wii and PC, which is a green class weapon rather than a yellow class, and can be used to execute people.
  • The weapon placement in many levels is different between platforms. This is most common in the PC and Wii. For instance, in the PC version, on the episode Ritual Cleansing, there is a hacksaw, which is the only version of the game where this weapon appears other than in Origins.
  • The Wii and PC versions feature only 2 gun execution styles, one for blue class firearms and one for red class firearms. The motion gestures for the execution are also the same, one for blue class guns and another for red class guns. On the other versions, there are different gun execution styles for almost every gun.
  • There are some execution animation differences, for example the level 3 Circular Saw execution on the PlayStation versions falls under the level 2 execution on the PC and Wii, and Vice Versa. There are also some animations used in some versions that are not used in others, such as the level 3 gruesome Stun Prod execution, in the PlayStation versions, Danny/Leo kick the body down after electrocuting the hunter and killing him, on the Wii and PC the body falls down by itself. There are also some melee combat animations that only appear on the Wii and PC, this is probably because the Wii used motion controlled gestures during combat and needed more animations, and since the PC is a port from the Wii and also used motion controlled gestures (although it doesn't use them during combat), they were brought along as well.
  • The PS2 beta and PC versions features more violent executions, such as more decaps and head explosions, because the consoles needed to be toned down for an M rating, and the uncensored PS2 beta version was going to be rated AO and PC is officially rated AO. The Pliers executions on the PS2 beta and PC are also more gruesome than on the other versions, for instance on these versions the level 2 violent execution involves pulling out the hunters eyes. On the other versions the pliers execution are the same as the flashlight.
  • The execution animations on the PC and Wii versions seem to play out quicker than on the PlayStation versions, for instance in the hasty Axe execution in the PS2 beta, retail PS2, and PSP versions has Danny lifting the Axe above his head and slicing off the hunters head, the execution takes about 3 seconds, on the Wii and PC versions the execution features Danny lunging forward with the Axe and quickly decapitating the hunter, the execution takes about 1.5 seconds.
  • The execution camera angles are different on the PlayStation versions to the Wii/PC, usually on the Wii and PC versions the camera view is much closer to the execution, for instance in the Oil Drum execution on the PlayStation versions the camera angle is put to a diagonal overhead shot, on the PC and Wii version the camera angle is put right in front of the execution, allowing it to be seen better.


  • In the PS2 beta, Wii, and PC versions, you can find a civilian Dixmor Inmate in one of the cells towards the end of the level. This character is absent in the PS2 and PSP.
  • The Dixmor Inmate that runs past you and bounces off the wall at the end of the corridor is different between versions. In all other versions, it's a Legion member. In the Wii version, the inmate is wearing a straightjacket.
  • The Pliers are present in the Wii version.
  • The Sledgehammer is present on the PC and Wii versions, while the weapon is replaced to a Nightstick in other versions.
  • The Axe and Plastic Bag are present in the beta.
  • In the PSP/PS2/Wii versions, when facing off the Legion member, instead of "You don't have a choice!" Leo says, "Defend yourself!"


  • The intro cutscene is altered between versions. The cutscene in the PC, PS2 and PSP versions ends earlier than in the Wii version. In the Wii version, the cutscenes ends longer as Danny and Leo crouches through the hole on the fence. This was left out possibly because the Wii version uses an earlier build as a base.
  • Leo's dialogue introducing the Watchdogs is partly censored in the retail PS2, PSP and Wii versions. He says "We have to earn our freedom. We're gonna fight back." As opposed to "Do? We're gonna do what they trained us to do. We're gonna kill em'." in the PS2 beta and PC versions.
  • There is a Manhole cover environmental execution in the Wii and PS2 beta.
  • In the PC and PS2 beta versions, Danny doesn't throw up after killing the first Watchdog.
  • The payphone right before the fence crawl space has no dial tone sound on PC and Wii.

Sexual Deviants[]

  • The intro cutscene in the PS2 beta and Wii show both Danny and Leo jumping over the wall. On the PS2, PSP, and PC, the cutscene shows only Danny jumping over the wall.
  • In the PS2 beta, there were placement errors on the dentist chair execution. While fixing these, Rockstar took out the part of the execution where Danny sticks a hand drill in the hunters face and swivels it around from the PS2 and PSP versions. However Rockstar simply fixed the errors of the execution and left this part in the PC and Wii.
  • There are several Pervs gang member variants that don't appear in the PlayStation versions, but do appear on the Wii and PC. These include torturers wearing animal masks, as well as Pervs/Watchdogs hybrids and hunters who appear to be Project Scientists as well as Pervs.
  • In the PC and PS2 beta, in the dungeon in the middle room with the meat hook, you can kill the man on the electric chair by electrocuting him. You can't harm the victim on the other versions.
  • In the PS2, PSP and Wii versions, Leo's dialogue is partly censored in the cutscene introducing the Pervs. He says "The Pervs run this club. They're pure sleaze. Guys come in expecting a blowjob, they go out Project zombies. They know we escaped. Anybody in there would rip your head off in a heartbeat." In the PC version, he says "The Pervs run this club. They're pure sleaze. Guys come in expecting a blowjob, they go out Project zombies. They'd rip your head off in a heartbeat."

Red Light[]

  • In the PC and PS2 beta, the cutscene showing the Red Kings killing the maintenance man is uncensored to show them ripping his nose off with the Pliers. Furthermore, the PC, PS2 beta, PSP, and PS2 versions have facial deformation on the character model afterwards (he has no nose). On the Wii, there is no facial deformation, although the cutscene plays out the same.
  • The Red Kings looked different in the PS2 beta. They wore camo clothing, similar to the Wardogs from the first game. In the final version, they wear mainly red clothing, hence the name Red Kings.
  • There is a different Red Kings head model which only appears in the Wii version, even though the model is available in the PC version.
  • In the PC and PS2 beta versions, you can see bums walking around and standing near the barrel with fire in this episode.

Best Friends[]

  • When Leo jumps, he lands on his feet in the PlayStation versions; On the Wii and PC he falls to the ground, just like James Cash in Manhunt.

Safe House[]

  • On the PS2 version, during the intro cutscene, when Danny picks up the picture, there is an error where the picture floats right above his hand. This has been corrected in the PC, Wii and PSP.
    • Also, in the PC, Wii and PSP versions when he picks it up, he says "Wait, what's this? Judy… Michael said they messed with my head."
    • Furthermore, in the PC version, when Danny asks Leo "You killed Michael?" Leo says "That fucker double crossed us. C'mon we gotta get out of here." As opposed to "He set us up and sold us out. It was survival, pure and simple. Let's get out of here." in the retail PS2, PSP and Wii versions. As for the PS2 Beta, both Danny and Leo are silent, although they're talking through subtitles. Danny's subtitles say "You killed Michael?" and Leo's subtitles respond "He set us up. It was him or us. C'mon Danny, we gotta move.".
  • The Heavy Handgun replaces the Revolver in the PS2 beta version, but Danny still throws a Revolver in the end cutscene.
  • In the PS2 beta, the subtitles show Leo supposed to be saying "Good work, killer" after Danny throws the Revolver.
  • In the PS2 and PSP versions, Danny takes the clothes out from under the bed along with the picture of Judy. The clothes are missing in every other version.

Bees' Honey Pot[]

  • In the PlayStation versions, the intro cutscene has a strong yellow and white hue, with the contrast levels ramped up, on the PC and Wii it is identical to the in-game coloring.
  • The Watchdogs appear much earlier in the level in the Wii version.
  • The level and brothel were just called "The Honey Pot" in the PS2 beta version.
  • In the PS2 beta, PS2 and PSP versions, the receptionist adds that Danny is wearing overalls and glasses. In the Wii and PC versions, he just says glasses.
  • On PS2 version, the music is different from every other version, sounding more similar to the one used in Release Therapy episode.


  • When the intro cutscene starts, in the PSP, PS2, and PS2 beta, the flashes are yellow, whereas on the other versions, they are red.
  • On the Wii version, at the start of the level, Leo says: "They wanted a perfect assassin? Well they got one, right between the eyes".
  • Members of the Project Militia are placed differently between the platforms.

Most Wanted[]

  • The Bloodhounds in this episode have more dialogue, and speak more frequently on the Wii and PC than on the other platforms.
  • A civilian comes out of the house after the sewer on PC and PS2 beta. The voice acting for the man and child are different between PS2 beta and PC. Leo says "Show no mercy, Danny. This whole town is a Project dormitory". After, the child says "There's a man with blood on him!". On PS2/PSP/Wii, Leo says "We're in deep shit now! This whole town is a Project dormitory" right before the Bloodhounds jump over the wall.

Ritual Cleansing[]

  • In the PC version, there is a Hacksaw and Pliers in this episode.
  • Also in the PC and PS2 beta versions, after killing the first rent-a-cop, Leo says "Guess you earned your paycheck today, fats." and in the retail PS2 version as well as the PSP and Wii versions, he says "How many zombies are the Project gonna throw at us?".
  • Furthermore, in the PC and PS2 beta versions, after burning the last file, he says "Our history is officially erased. Now we can be whoever we want. There's just one more person to take care of. After that - freedom.". In the retail PS2, PSP and Wii versions, after burning the last file, he says "Our history is officially erased. Now we can be whoever we want. There's just one more thing to take care of. After that - freedom." replacing the word "person" with "thing".


  • In the PS2 beta and Wii versions, the person Danny chokes from behind the lab door is an Asylum Orderly, wearing the blue uniform. In the final version, the person is changed to a member of the Watchdogs. This was likely done to show that the lab was well guarded and also to demonstrate Danny's skills as it would be harder to get the jump on a Watchdog than an Asylum Orderly.
  • The Watchdog is also present at the beginning of the level on PS2 and PSP versions.
  • In the cutscene nearing the end of the level, when Danny in being mind controlled, the Wii version is a lot lower quality. the end of it where it shows Leo, the cutscene on the Wii version glows orange before showing Leo's picture, on the pc and PlayStation versions, it glows orange after the picture of Leo appears.

Broadcast Interrupted[]

  • In the PS2 beta, PC, PS2, and PSP, there is a Katana in this level; the Katana is not featured in the Wii version at all.
  • There's a Sniper Rifle in the Wii version.
  • Danny takes off his glasses before rubbing his eyes in the PS2 beta intro cutscene.
  • In the PS2 leak and Wii, the Project weather board has an image of a weatherman, which is a pedestrian from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
  • On PS2 and PSP, Danny and Leo have more dialogue, such as talking about the Project shooting coded messages straight into their agents heads and when picking up the Assault Rifle, Leo asks if Danny can handle it.
  • On PS2, PSP and Wii, Leo's dialogue when Danny asks about the massacre is different. He says "Hunters happened, they came in to clean up the Projects' mess". On the PS2 leak and PC, Leo says "Who cares? They were all working for the Project".
  • The cutscene that appears when interacting with the TV, will play a trailer for a series named Five Past High Noon. On the Wii version, the cutscene is very different compared to other versions and is very low resolution.

Altered State[]

  • Danny is covered in blood in the intro and outro cutscenes in the Wii version.

Domestic Disturbance[]

  • Several Cops and Civilians are carrying Flashlights in this episode in the PlayStation versions; the Flashlight is not present at all in the PC and Wii versions. However, the Flashlight can be found in the PC version game files and modding is needed in order to make it appear in-game.
  • At the end of the level, when Danny finds his wife, the blood is textured differently on the Wii, than the PC and PlayStation versions.
  • On the PC and PlayStation versions, when Danny turns the TV on, it is static. On the Wii version, it plays the Five Past High Noon music.
  • At the end of the level, when Pickman orders the orderlies to get Danny out of the house, and torch it, the camera zooms into Danny's eyes, and he screams, with the scene cutting to black. on the Wii version, it just shows Pickman walking out, before ending.

Personality Clash[]

  • In the PlayStation versions, when Danny finds his wife, the blood puddle develops on top of her back; On the Wii and PC the blood is underneath her stomach.
  • On the PC, PS2 and PSP versions, the cutscene towards the end where Danny recites his name has the camera facing him, but his lips don't move when he speaks. On the Wii version, the cutscene is reframed to obscure the fact that his lips aren't moving. Blood also doesn't appear when Danny hits Leo with the Shovel on the PC and Wii versions, but does appear on the PS2 and PSP versions.

Release Therapy[]

  • In the PS2 beta, when Leo fights Danny, Danny has a Heavy Handgun, in the final version, he has a Sub-Machine Gun.
  • During the pre-rendered ending cutscene, in the PS2 beta, Danny is wearing pajamas and Leo's reflection in the mirror is wearing his default green Dixmor outfit. On the Wii version, both Danny and Leo are wearing the default green Dixmor outfit. On the PC, PSP, and PS2, they are both wearing a unique white Dixmor outfit, however which has a yellow Project logo on it.
  • In the PS2 and PSP, a part from the Danny's flashback cutscene used in Origins plays during the end credits. On the Wii version, the theme from Five Past High Noon plays instead. In the PS2 beta, there are no end credits, likely because they haven't been implemented yet.